assert error in symfony/translations when dumping translations - symfony

I have recently updated my project from symfony 6.1 to symfony 6.2 and I'm experiencing issue while dumping translations
commend that I use:
bin/console translation:extract pl --force --format=yaml
results in:
exception trace points to
I've already updated all packages, especially symfont/translation to version 6.2.*
For now, only downgrading symfony back to 6.1 solves this for me.

This issue has been fixed in symfony 6.2.2. You can update your project and try again.
It has been resolved in my projects.
composer update "symfony/*"


how to fix Botman error with conversation?

BotMan Version: 2.6
PHP Version: 8.1
Symfony Version : 5.4
Cache Driver: Symfony Cache
i'm using botman for telegram bot. everything is ok with botman just the conversation is not working
The question is asked, but when I answer, I see such an error.
An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Warning: is_file(): Unable to find the wrapper "closure" - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP?").
Can someone help?
Tried to install php 8.2. Similarly
$adapter = new FilesystemAdapter();
$botman = BotManFactory::create($this->config, new SymfonyCache($adapter));

Cannot install symfony with option --webapp

I try to install symfony v5.
Following the documentation, ( i have the error "Incorrect usage: flag provided but not defined: --webapp".
Same error with symfony cli and composer.
How can i resolve this problem ? No help in the documentation... Each new version of symfony becomes more complicated. :-(
Thank you for your help.
Here's my configuration:
php: v7.3
symfony (CLI): v4.24.1
composer: v1.10.15
Maybe try to upgrade Your symfony version. For my symfony version (5.3.13) it works correctly

symfony 4.4 + sonata deprecations like sonata.deprecated_text.twig.extension | sonata.twig.deprecated_template_extension

I've installed sonata + symfony 4.4 on new clean empty project.
Did everything according to
and executed the recipes , composer adviced me to apply.
But on pristine setup I'm having a few deprecations like:
User Deprecated: The "sonata.twig.deprecated_template_extension"
service is deprecated since sonata-project/twig-extensions 1.4.
User Deprecated: The "sonata.deprecated_text.twig.extension" service
is deprecated since sonata-project/admin-bundle 3.70. You should stop
using it, as it will be removed in 4.0.
The child node "legacy_twig_text_extension" at path
"sonata_admin.options" is deprecated since sonata-project/admin-bundle
3.70 and will be removed in 4.0.
Is it ok? I don't have any legacy I've just set up compeltely new project?
Can I somehow avoid these deprecations or is it just an expected behavior and I have to get used to it?

Cannot run the test example of sfPhpExcel

I have installed sfPhpExcelPlugin successfully and now I am trying to run an example as per the direction of symfony plugin's website.
I am getting this error, do you guys know how to solve it?
C:\wamp\www\orangehrm-3.01\symfony>php symfony plugins/sfPhpExcelPlugin/examples_1_2/01simple.php
Task "plugins/sfPhpExcelPlugin/examples_1_2/01simple.php" is not defined.
By using php symfony command you are trying to run Symfony task. Your example of sfPhpExcelPlugin is not a Symfony task. Try:
php plugins/sfPhpExcelPlugin/examples_1_2/01simple.php
And to see list of all available Symfony task type:
php symfony

Symfony2 Admin Generator error

I'm getting the following error while try to setup admin from console
php app/console admin:setup
symfony call to undefined method nodeBuilder::append();
#user654127 you must know which version you work with,for symfony 2.0 you use 2.0 branch and for symfony 2.1 you use the master branch,
