Is there a way to cast a networkx (network csv) Graph to Graphson format for tinkerpop (gremlin)? - gremlin

Is there a way to cast a networkx Graph to Graphson format for tinkerpop (gremlin)?
As shown below:


Any method to transform 'DGL.heterograph' to 'torch_geometric' graph?

I'm using dgl library since it was easy to understand..
But I need several modules in torch_geometric, but they don't support dgl graph.
Is there any way to change dgl graph to torch_geometric graph?
My datasets are built in dgl graph, and I'm gonna change them into torch_geometric graph when I load the dataset.
With a homogenous networkx graph as intermediate step, you could use the following methods:
dgl.to_homogenous to create a homogenous dgl graph instance
dgl.to_networkx to export the homogenous graph to a networkx graph
torch_geometric.utils.from_networkx to read the homogenous networkx graph into pytorch geometric to transform the homogenous graph into a heterogenous graph
As far as I saw neither of the packages has separate reader/writer for the heterogenous graphs. Hence, these extra steps are needed. Another alternative is the manual export of the tensor and the direct creation of the heterogenous pytorch geometric graph.

Can we export and import Janus graph using the same vertex ID?

I am trying to export and import a graph using Gryo Reader/Writer. I am using the below commands on gremlin console.
Old Schema :
final Graph graph = TinkerFactory.createModern();"tinkerpop-modern.kryo");
New Schema :
final Graph newGraph =;"tinkerpop-modern.kryo");
I am able to import the same count of data in a new schema but the only problem I am facing is the vertex Ids of the new imported data are changing every time and not the same as the exported graph data.
In my case, I have a dev graph with many vertices that I'd like to export to some other graph and use the same ID as in the previous graph so it is sort of like "static" ID
Is there a way I can import the same graph data with the same vertex ids ?
Please advise.

r data table in igraph edge attribute

I'm working with igraph r package and I define edge attributes that are r data.tables.
When I create the graph, it's correct, I can visualize attributes that contain a data table.
edge_attr(myGraph, "trigramInfo", index = 13270)
wordId1 occTrigram
22059 1
But When I write the graph in graphml format (write_graph instruction), all edges attributes associated with data tables are not in the grapml file (xml text).
Is this a bug or do I have to choose another format to save data tables attributes?

Is there some way to load dense graph format (g6) from Nauty GENG into GraphViz?

I've generated a graph with Nauty geng, now I need to use Graphviz.
How can I go from G6 to DOT?
PS: I'm very newbie with this.
Brendan has a showg utility which translates them into easier to read formats.

large graph data visualization with JDBC/ODBC

I have looked at Gephi and tried to play around with it, however it only supports MySQL, SQLServer, and postgreSQL. My database connectivity is JDBC/ODBC. What other graph visualization software would be able to connect to such database?
Graphviz is magnificent, it can handle enormously big data sets and draw graphs. But this is a standalone tool that draws graphs based on its own DSL, e.g.:
digraph G {
So you would have to produce such a file first and then feed GraphViz with it.
