Alire mandates use of GitHub account? - ada

I went to try out the Alire package manager for Ada the other night, and found this in the documentation:
Issue alr init --bin myproj (you can use --lib for a library project)
The first time you run this command, alr will ask a couple of questions to automatically fill-in information about the crate:
GitHub login: is used to identify the maintainer of the crate when contributed to the community index.
Full name: Name of the author of the crate
Email address: Point of contact to author of the crate
All the questions are optional for now, you can just press enter to use the default values.
This "All the questions are optional for now" is somewhat concerning in that it implies they will be mandatory in the future.
This seems like a very strange design choice. I do not have or want a GitHub account, and while I understand that Alire needs to pull from GitHub to retrieve crates I would think that an account should not be required to clone public repositories. I do not want to become overly reliant in the Alire ecosystem if I will effectively become locked out of it in future.
I have not found any discussion or timeline around when Alire will start requiring a GitHub account - is this truly the case, and if so when will it become mandatory?

These instructions appear among the First steps in Creating a new crate, likely required to initialize the corresponding local git repository, as shown here. Particular values would seem relevant only when Publishing your projects in Alire and establishing Crate ownership. I would infer that now in this context means while getting started. In any case, you can examine and change these settings as shown here. Going forward, additional restrictions on using a work would violate the project's existing license terms.†
†Disclaimer: Neither affiliated with nor a current user of the Alire project.

It is not at all required to have a GitHub account to use Alire.
On the other hand, a GitHub account is required to publish a crate in the community index. That's because the current procedure requires one to open a pull request on the alire-index repository. And this is why Alire is asking you to provide a GitHub login.
But as you saw in the documentation this is optional.
"for now" doesn't imply that it will be mandatory in the future for sure. I think the intent was to express that it might be a possibility.


Azure Devops publishing to own feed suddenly results in 403 forbidden

I have been using Azure DevOps for a project for quite some time, but suddenly publishing to my own organisation/collection feed results in a 403.
I created a feed and I can select it on the nuget push build step, but it does not work. I created a new feed to publish the NuGet packages to and this works perfectly again. It seems to me like a token expired, but I never created one or used it to authenticate. I also do not want to change my NuGet feed to the new one, as I want to use older packages as well.
This is the buildpipeline:
And this is the stack trace:
Active code page: 65001 SYSTEMVSSCONNECTION exists true
[warning]Could not create provenance session: {"statusCode":500,"result":{"$id":"1","innerException":null,"message":"User
'a831bb9f-aef5-4b63-91cd-4027b16710cf' lacks permission to complete
this action. You need to have
Saving NuGet.config to a temporary config file. Saving NuGet.config to
a temporary config file. [command]"C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe"
nuget push d:\a\1\a\Microwave. --source
--api-key VSTS error: Unable to load the service index for source
error: Response status code does not indicate success: 403
(Forbidden - User 'a831bb9f-aef5-4b63-91cd-4027b16710cf' lacks
permission to complete this action. You need to have 'ReadPackages'.
(DevOps Activity ID: 2D81C262-96A3-457B-B792-0B73514AAB5E)).
[error]Error: The process 'C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe' failed with exit code 1
[error]Packages failed to publish
[section]Finishing: dotnet push to own feed
Is there an option I am overlooking where I have to authenticate myself somehow? It is just so weird.
"message":"User 'a831bb9f-aef5-4b63-91cd-4027b16710cf' lacks
permission to complete this action. You need to have 'ReadPackages'.
According to this error message, the error you received caused by the user(a831bb9f-aef5-4b63-91cd-4027b16710cf) does not have the access permission to your feed.
And also, as I checked from backend, a831bb9f-aef5-4b63-91cd-4027b16710cf is the VSID of your Build Service account. So, please try with adding this user(Micxxxave Build Service (sixxxxss87)) into your target feed, and assign this user the role of Contributor or higher permissions on the feed.
In addition, here has the doc you can refer:
There is a new UI in the Feed Permissions:
To further expand on Merlin's solution & related links (specifically this one about scope), if your solution has only ONE project within it, Azure Pipelines seems to automatically restrict the scope of the job agent to the agent itself. As a result, it has no visibility of any services outside of it, including your own private NuGet repos held in Pipelines.
Solutions with multiple projects automatically have their scope unlocked, giving build agents visibility of your private NuGet feeds held in Pipelines.
I've found the easiest way to remove the scope restrictions on single project builds is to:
In the pipelines project, click the "Settings" cog at the bottom left of the screen.
Go to Pipelines > Settings
Uncheck "Limit job authorization scope to current project"
Hey presto, your 403 error during your builds involving private NuGet feeds should now disappear!
I want to add a bit more information just in case somebody ends up having the same kind of problem. All information shared by the other users is correct, there is one more caveat to keep into consideration.
The policies settings are superseded by the organization settings. If you find yourself unable to modify the settings or they are grayed out click on "Azure DevOps" logo at the left top of the screen.
Click on Organization Settings at the bottom left.
Go to Pipeline --> Settings and verify the current configuration.
When I created my organization it was limiting the scope at the organization level. It took me a while to realize it was superseding the project.
Still wondering where that "Limit job authorization scope to current project" setting is, took me a while to find it, its in the project settings, below screenshot should help
It may not be immediately obvious or intuitive, but this error will also occur when the project your pipeline is running under is public, but the feed it is accessing is not. That might be the case, for instance, when accessing an organization-level feed.
In that scenario, there are three possible resolutions:
Make the feed public, in which case authentication isn't required; or
Make the project private, thus forcing the service to authenticate; or
Include the Allow project-scoped builds under your feed permissions.
The instructions for the last option are included in #Merlin Liang - MSFT's excellent answer, but the other options might be preferable depending on your requirements.
At minimum, this hopefully provides additional insight into the types of circumstances that can lead to this error.
Another thing to check, if using a yaml file for the Pipelines, is if the feed name is correct.
I know this might seem like a moot point, but I spent a long time debugging the ..lacks permission to complete this action. You need to have 'AddPackage'. error only to find I had referenced the wrong feed in my azure-pipelines.yaml file.
If you don't want to/cannot change Project-level settings like here
You can set this per feed by clicking 'Allow Project-scoped builds' (for me greyed out as it's already enabled).
That's different from the accepted answer, as you don't have to explicitly add the user and set the permissions.
Adding these two permissions solved my issue.
Project Collection Build Service (PROJECT_NAME)
[PROJECT_NAME]\Project Collection Build Service Accounts
If I clone an existing pipeline that works and modify it for a new project the build works fine.
But if I try to create a new pipeline I get the 403 forbidden error.
This may not be a solution but I have tried everything else suggest here and elsewhere but I still cannot get it to work.
Cloning worked for me.

R: RStudio: How to check out an existing branch, modify it and commit back to GitHub (Windows machine)

I have followed every advice on and on the subsection and I am still getting error.
The steps I need/did (different from what Hadley's page dictates).
grab URL of GitHub repo (e.g, )
create versioned project in RStudio with this URL
set up my global user names for git
select a dev branch here (for example devXYZ)
At this point I got "detached at origin/devXYZ) message.
Per instructions in Hadley book - I tried to do fix this using this command
git push --set-upstream origin devXYZ
but it fails. The error is: origin does not appear to be a git repository or src refspec devXYZ does not match any
I tried fixing it with doing this command (may be wrong)
git remote add origin
I am using windows, latest R, latest RStudio, latest git from
EDIT: I also tried making a new branch using the recommended mechanism but it also fails. The goal is to get instructions where there is not git init and the whole process starts with an URL and new project in RStudio.
The desired future steps to work would be 5. modify and commit into the devXYZ branch.
If you are newbie to git - simply don't try to do the git part in R at all.
Instead, use GitHub Desktop or SourceTree.
Point that tool to the desired repo, switch to desired branch
Start RStudio and do any development
Close RStudio and use that external tool to perform any git steps.
integrated RStudio git implementation works great.
I think I might know what the problem is. You're trying to push directly to the main repo. I'm guessing you're not one of the main contributors for that repo so it won't allow you to create a branch there directly. I'm guessing in that book he's probably using his own repository as an example rather than using an existing one
The reason you're getting that error is because that branch doesn't exist on the remote repo so it can't get the reference to it which is inferred from this src refspec devXYZ does not match any
The preferred workflow is to work on a fork of the main repo (basically its your own personal copy of the main repo that is stored on the server). Even if you end up as a contributor at some point I think this is a good workflow to follow
Here's a good explanation on how use the fork workflow. There's other information on stackoverflow as well
Once you've made updates you'd create what's called a pull request to the original repo (commonly referred to as upstream). This basically is a request to merge your changes from the fork into the main repo. This allows the repo owner to review the changes and decide whether to accept them or make changes
Since you're just going over a tutorial I'd say use your fork as the origin wherever its used in the book for now

Seeing what tickets were closed between two builds

How can I find out which tickets were closed between one build and the previous stable build? I'm trying to design a new build process, so I'm not set on particular tools yet. Which ones would let me see this sort of info in a dashboard, if any? Should I try to do this from a bug tracker, or from a build pipeline such as Jenkins or Bamboo, or somewhere else?
A possible set-up is to:
include the bug-tracker issue ID in your commit messages in your SCM ("[MYPROJECT-12923] add this new option in that nice feature")
launch your build with Jenkins that retrieves the source code from your SCM. Jenkins will show you a "Recent Changes" label linking to a page where you will find the commits that took place between last build and the current one. The commit messages will include the list of issues ID included in the build.
Note: that maybe does not answer your question perfectly because those commits could be intermediate one. Depends also on how granular are the commits.
In our DEV team, all the commits have the JIRA number in them (This is enforced by a plugin called TicketIt in Stash . There are various other plugins available for different repositories) . When we run a build , all commits that are part of the build are aggregrated by teamcity and displayed on a tab called issues . This solution that I am proposing works in teamcity and bamboo . I am sure thee would be some plugin with Jenkins for the same.
A hackier way would be to get the start time of the last build (x) and the current build(y) and get all JIRA tickets that were closed during this time via JIRA API. This might not be a foolproof method if your JIRA's are not always closed before a build

How to upgrade (merge) web.config with web deploy (msdeploy)?

I'm trying to set up a deployment chain for some of our ASP.NET applications. The tool of choice is Web Deploy (msdeploy) - for now. Unfortunately I'm stuck on a problem.
A high level overview of the chain is thus:
Web developer creates the code and checks it in SVN;
Buildserver sees the update and builds the msdeploy .zip package of the website;
The .zip package is automatically put inside our installer and sent to various clients;
The clients run the installer on their webserver(-s);
The installer uses msdeploy internally to deploy the .zip package and create a new website or upgrade an existing one.
Msdeploy makes it easy to deploy a new instance, but I'm stumped about how to perform an "upgrade" install. The main problem is the web.config file. Each client will most certainly have made some customizations there to suit their specific environment. The installer itself offers to set some more critical parameters at the first-time installation (achieved by msdeploy's parameter mechanism), but they can do others by hand.
On the other hand, we developers also occasionally make changes to web.config, adding some new settings or removing obsolete ones. So I can't just tell msdeploy to ignore the file entirely. I need some kind of advanced XML modification mechanism. It could be a script that the developers maintain, but then it needs to be run ONLY at upgrades, not new installs.
I've no idea how to accomplish this.
Besides that, sometimes there's also some completely weird upgrade logic. For example, the application comes with our company logo, but some clients have replaced that .png file to show their own logo. Recently we needed to update the logo - but only for clients that hadn't replaced it with their own.
Similarly, there might be some cache folders that might need to be cleaned at SOME upgrades but not at others. Or folders with user content that may not be touched (but come with default content at the initial installation). Etc.
How do you normally achieve this dual behavior for msdeploy packages? Do I really need to create 2 distinct packages for every application?
Suggestion from personal experience:
Isolate customisations
Your customers should have the ability to customise their set up and the best way is to provide them with something like an override file. That way you install the new package and follow by superimposing your customer's customisations on top of your standard setup. If its a brand new install then there will be nothing to superimpose.
> top-level --
> standard files |
images | This will never be touched or changed by customer
settings.txt |
> customer files --
images | Customer hacks this to their heart's content
settings.txt_override |
Yes, this does mean that some kind of merging process needs to happen and there needs to be some script that does that but this approach has several advantages.
For settings that suddenly become redundant just issue a warning to that effect
If a customer has their own logo provide the ability to specify this in the override file
The message is clear to customers. Stay off standard files.
If customers request more customisable settings then write the default if it does not exist into the override file during upgrades.
Vilx, in answer to your question, the logic for knowing whether it is an upgrade or not must be contained in the script itself.
To run an upgrade script before installation
msdeploy -verb:sync -source:contentPath="C:\Test1" -dest:contentPath="C:\Test2" -preSync:runcommand="c:\UpgradeScript.bat"
Or to run an upgrade script after installation
msdeploy -verb:sync -source:contentPath="C:\Test1" -dest:contentPath="C:\Test2" -postSync:runcommand="c:\UpgradeScript.bat"
More info here
As to how you know its an upgrade your script could check for a text file called "version.txt" and if it exists the upgrade bat script will run. Version to be contained within the text file. Bit basic but it should work.
This also has the added advantage of giving you the ability of more elegantly merging customer's custom settings between versions as you know which properties could be overriden for that particular version.
There are some general suggestions (not specific to msdeploy), but I hope that helps:
I think you'll need to provide several installers anyway: for the initial setup and for each version-to-version upgrade.
I would suggest to let your clients to merge the config files themselves. You could just provide them either detailed desciption of waht was added/changed/removed, and/or include the utility that simplifies the merge. Maybe this and this links will give you some pointers.
as for merging the replaced logos, other client's customization, I think the best approach would be to support branding your application. I mean - move all branding details to the place where your new/upgrade installers won't touch that.
as for the rest of the adjustments made by your clients, they do that on their own risk, so the only help you could provide them is to include the detailed list of changes (maybe even the list of changed files since the previous version) and the How-To article about merging the sources with tools like Araxis Merge or similar
Or.. you could create a utility and include it to the installer, which will try to do all the tricky merging stuff on client's machine. I would not recommend this way as it requires a lot of efforts/resources to maintain.
One more thing: you could focus on backup-ing the previous client copy before upgrade. So even client will have troubles with upgrading - that will be always possible to roll back. The only thing here for you is to provide a good feedback channel which your clients can use to shoot their troubles. This feedback will allow you to figure out what the troubles your clients have and how to make their upgrade process more comfortable.
I would build on what the above have said, but I would do it with transformations, and strict documentation about who configures what. The way you have it now relies on customer intervention against a config that is mission critical to the app deploy process.
Create three config file areas. One for development, one for the "production generic" build, and one that is an empty template for the customer to edit.
The development instance should be self explanatory. This is the transform that takes the production generic template and creates a web config for your development server. (it sounds like you are shooting for a CI type process here)
The "production generic" transform should set the app up for a hypothetically perfect instance of the app. This is what the install would look like if the architect had his way.
The customer transform is used by the customers to set up the web config as required to meet their own needs. Write some documentation and see what happens. Edit the docs as you help customers through the process.
It that what you were looking for? Thoughts?

git build number c#

I'm trying to embed git describe-generated version info into AssemblyInfo.cs plus some label within ASP.NET website.
I already tried using git-vs-versionino but this assumes Git executable on PATH. However default install of msysgit on Windows does not set this up; it uses git bash. This caused problems.
Now I am looking for a way to utilize libgit2sharp library (for zero external dependencies) to use as build number generator. However this library has no describe command...
git-describe is a UI feature that nobody has implemented in the library or bindings yet (or at least nobody's contributed it), but you can do it yourself fairly easily.
You get a list of the tags and what commits they point to, do a walk down the commits and count how many steps it took to get to a commit that you have in the list you built. This already gives you the information you need. If the steps were zero, then your description would be the tag name only; otherwise you append the number of steps and the current commit's id to it.
There's a work in progress libgit2 pull request that proposes an implementation of git-describe functionalities.
See #1066 for more information.
It's not finished yet. Make sure to subscribe to it in order to be notified of its future progress.
Once it's done, it should be quite easy to bind it and make it available through LibGit2Sharp.
