Artifactory OSS 7.46.11 version not getting installed in Windows 10 laptop - artifactory

I am not able to install JFrog Artifactory OSS version 7.46.11 in my Windows 10 laptop.
I am trying to setup Devops CI/CD pipeline using Jenkins in my laptop for my hands on Devops skills. I tried to setup Artifactory OSS 7.46.11 version in my laptop. However, I am not able to install the software. Even I tried to install as a service but in vain. I have enabled the ports as well. I tried setting up the JVM parameters as mentioned in the JFrog documentation.
Can someone help me in this.

Are you facing the issue while installing Artifactory itself or installation is successful but unable to start it?
you can try the below things.
Navigate to %JFROG_HOME/artifactory/app/bin directory and you will find a file
Open Power shell and try to run the artifactory.bat file.
This give you better idea on what is happening.
Navigate to %JFROG_HOME/artifactory/var/log folder where the complete logs will be printed. Try to focus on the below log files.
This should reveal some useful information. If you could find anything, share the Error snippet from artifactory-service.log


HTTPBeat installation on windows 8.1 issue

I'm trying to pump a spring-boot app metrics to elasticsearch using Httpbeat ,I'm following this ,I'm struggling to install httpbeat into my windows machine I installed Go ,but I'm stuck at the glide installation, is there any alternative that I can use rather than HTTPbeat ,And if you know a clear method rather than the official documentation please help me, I have a demo the next Monday and I'm fully stuck
Try docker install for httpbeat. Go to for more info. Use the docker image evanhoucke/httpbeat.

Qt 5.6.0 Online installer not working

Just did a fresh install of windows 10 and I'm attempting to install QT 5.6.0 I'm currently unable to log into the online install I get the following
Error Error downloading - server replied: REQUEST_TIMEOUT
I'm also unable to log into the main site, the sign in page is not responding, is any one currently experiencing this?
The Site is down. I have tested it also with:
I think you should wait until tomorrow.

Can't start Cordova debugging to iOS simulator

I've followed the instructions at the link below to "Build and simulate a Cordova iOS app in the cloud".
After completing the instructions I'm able to build and get the iOS simulator working, however, I'm unable to attach a debugger.
The message displayed in remotebuild is:
GET /cordova/build/5655/debug 500 10.865 ms - 28
In Visual Studio I see the following in the Debug window:
Starting launch process C:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs\node.exe "(redacted)\node_modules\vs-tac\emulator.js" --platform ios --action launch --path "(redacted)\buildInfo.json" --serverUrl https://(redacted):3000/cordova --certificateName (redacted) --language en-US --loglevel info --cliVersion 5.4.1 --npmInstallDir "(redacted)" --deployTarget "iPhone 5"
Timed out connecting debugger to remote Apache Cordova app. See Output window for JavaScript console output.
------ Cordova tools 5.4.1 already installed.
Requesting emulate on iOS Simulator for buildNumber 5655 on server https://(redacted):3000/cordova...
Emulated - Successfully sent to ios Simulator
------ Cordova tools 5.4.1 already installed.
Requesting debug on remote iOS device for buildNumber 5655 on server https://(redacted):3000/cordova...
Failed to Debug iOS remote for build (redacted)\buildInfo.json to https://(redacted):3000/cordova :
iPhone 5
My local development machine is using Visual Studio 2015 and Cordova 5.4.1. I have Node v0.12.2 installed locally and v0.12.9 installed on the MacInCloud. Following the instructions in the link above, I am NOT an admin on the Mac machine.
I've also already tried the instructions suggested in this SO answer: Visual Studio Debugger failing to connect to remote Apache Cordova app in iOS simulator
All the suggestions and the links provided by others were helpful but ultimately my assessment of the problem was not being admin/root on the Mac. The Visual Studio Cordova docs linked in my original question would suggest that you can do all that you need on a Mac without having admin/root access but in my experience that is just not the case.
To the credit of the MacInCloud group, they were very helpful in making changes that I requested to permissions and for reinstalling packages such as brew, ios-webkit-debug-proxy, remotebuild, etc... but after a while that back-and-forth kind of approach to fixing the issue proved painful. When I switched from a Managed MacInCloud server to a Dedicated one, everything worked almost immediately.
Looking back I think the initial execution of remotebuild, which executes brew -- without being admin on the box -- caused the whole process to go south. I was warned when I ran remotebuild for the first time that it would install some brew components that might need root access. That should have been a warning sign to me that not being admin on the box was going to be an issue...
Even though I was able to get a Dedicated MacInCloud server working, the lesson I learned about having control over the Mac prompted me to just buy a Mac Mini. That was a little more difficult to setup because I was now doing everything myself, but ultimately I think it will pay off in the end.
For anyone else struggling with similar issues here is a brain dump of some things I learned along the way:
You don't necessarily need to get Visual Studio talking to the Mac to debug Cordova applications. You can use Safari Web Inspector from the Mac. Even though I finally got VS working, I actually prefer this because it is more like Chrome's debugger which I prefer to Visual Studio's.
The ios-webkit-debug-proxy NPM package mentioned in other comments and links is basically a proxy which Visual Studio uses to debug the simulator in exactly the same way Safari does as mentioned above. For this proxy to work you must also be allowed to connect to the Mac over ports 9221-9322. Prior to learning that I thought I only needed port 3000 open for the remotebuild proxy...
The package necessary for launching the iOS simulator from remotebuild is ios-sim and it will occasionally timeout when launching the simulator and cause the debugger not to attach. This is a known limitation. and (see comments).
If you should feel the need to install/uninstall brew it is very easy to do. Just run the install script and if already installed it will give you instructions on how to uninstall. and To uninstall or reinstall a NPM package is equally easy and Google is your friend.
Read and re-read both of these links for setting up a Mac: and Getting the RemoteBuild.config right is crucial for getting secure connections to work -- especially if you want to access your Mac Mini at home from across the internet.
If you are remoting to a Mac I highly recommend iRAPP or some other VNC alternative. My experience has been that VNC is painfully slow and having a bad connection when you're troubleshooting issues just leads to more aggravation.
As mentioned above, the MacInCloud guys were great when I asked for support, but if you do need root access for more than six months the cost of a Mac Mini is less than a Dedicated server plan.
Since it is the call to /cordova/[...]/debug that is failing it looks like you might not have ios_webkit_debug_proxy installed. You could try making sure that homebrew is installed (from and running brew install ios-webkit-debug-proxy. Afterwards you should be able to run ios_webkit_debug_proxy without an error.
If that runs successfully then you should be able to quit out of ios_webkit_debug_proxy and debugging should work via remotebuild.

Setting up wordpress on Ubuntu 12.04

I have dual-booted my Win7 laptop with Ubuntu 12.04, and I'm trying to install Wordpress. I have installed Apache2, Mysql-Server, and Wordpress and I keep getting asked for ftp credentials when I try and install plugins/themes. I know how to install the themes etc. manually by downloading and unzipping into the correct folders, but this isn't a permanent solution.
I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling everything but I keep getting faced with tutorials on setting up virtual hosts and I'm not sure if I need to have one?
Can anyone point me to an easy to follow (for beginners) tutorial from scratch? Or tell me if I'm missing something?
My Wordpress site needs to be moved from local machine to a server when it's finished (I don't know the server yet so I can't just start using it) so I need it to be as easy to use as possible.
Yes, there are available tutorials for that.
Step 1-
Installing the server-
Installing the server
Initial Setup (Optional)
Step 2-
Installing Wordpress-

Msi installer stopped working

I previously installed a website on the server by running an msi package and everything worked fine. Now, when I try to run the same msi file (to Repair/Uninstall), I get a message:
When I click Cancel, I get the following message:
Anybody has an idea what happened and how it can be fixed?
I would recommend that you run the MSI with logging enabled. This can be done by using the /l*v C:\mylog.txt switch or by modifying the registry. The log will provide you with more precise information as to what is going wrong during the msi process.
The articles below describe how to enable logging and the logging process in more detail
Once you have the log you can use a set of MSI tools like the Orca installer database editor tool on the Windows SDK to correct any issues.
This is the link for Windows 7 SDK which contains the msi tools.
Sorry for answering my own question, but I found the problem and I want to share the solution:
After I installed the old version on the server, I changed the name of the msi file. Consequently, I could not run the old version to repair/update. I could not even install a newer version over the old version, as the installer needed the old msi to uninstall the old version.
When I changed back the filename of the old version, it allowed me to install the new version.
CONCLUSION: Don't change the name of the msi file after installation.
