Xamarin Forms: How to show an audio player on all pages of the app? - xamarin.forms

I have a page for playing songs in my project. When I go back to the previous page after playing a song (without pausing it), it will continue to play in the background, and users can pause it at any time from the notification bar. I am using Plugin.MediaManager (Version: 1.1.1) for the integration of songs.
Current song screens on my App
But we have a new suggestion, like playing the songs in the app itself on top or bottom on all the other pages (like WhatsApp). Our application has more than 100 pages, so adding the audio player on all these pages is a tedious task. So any other tricky way to implement it on all the pages by reusing it or any other better solution for this feature?
The expected feature is like the below one, like WhatsApp

If you have a common TabbedPage such as the screenshot you attached of Whatsapp, you could add at the beginning of its xaml file before the definition of the views:
That way you will have a common Navigation view on top of all of them with custom data that you could modify in the associated xaml.cs file of that TabbedPage.
If you have a different structure for your views you could check the documentation for Control Templates in Xamarin Forms, and include it in your App.xaml.
Good luck!

We implemented this using a pop-up page.
<OnIdiom x:TypeArguments="x:Double">
public partial class AudioPopupPage : PopupPage
public AudioPopupPage(object source)
if (source != null)
audioplayer.Source = source;
protected override bool OnBackgroundClicked()
BackgroundInputTransparent = true;
return false;
We call the pop-up page when we leave the song page.
protected override bool OnBackButtonPressed()
PopupNavigation.Instance.PushAsync(new Views.AudioPopupPage(CrossMediaManager.Current.State), true);
return base.OnBackButtonPressed();
With this approach, this audio player is showing on all pages, and it is working fine on all platforms.


Xamarin Forms: Plugin.MediaManager & Plugin.MediaManager.Forms don't display the video in XAML VideoView

I want to substitute XCT:MediaElement with Plugin.MediaManger & Plugin.MediaManager.Forms for my videos to play cross-platform. Documentation I've read this like 5 times and it still doesn't make any sense. I'm putting my video into Assets in Android and using XAML code below. The picture is the output I get on the screen, it's just a black background which I can change to any color...
I've added the Init() to the MainActivity and also to the AppDelegate. Followed everything step by step.
What really doesn't make any sense from the documentation is (Examples). CrossMediaManager is a static class. I cannot create a new instance of static classes so I cannot actually assign anything to the layout. How does it suppose to play anything on the screen if there is nothing that can actually consume this?
await CrossMediaManager.Current.PlayFromAssembly("somefile.mp3", typeof(BaseViewModel).Assembly);
await CrossMediaManager.Current.PlayFromResource("assets:///somefile.mp3");
await CrossMediaManager.Android.PlayFromResource(Resource.Raw.somefile.ToString());
Further, on the documentation you come across the Xamarin.Forms part where it shows how to do this is XAML with mm:ViewView now this makes more sense and I can also assign an x:Name to it and pass through MVVM pattern through the Behind Code to the ViewModel and so on, but this would be cool if the video played in the first place...
Any idea why this is happening?
Many Thanks in Advance.
Nuget Packges I've added: Plugin.MediaManager & Plugin.MediaManager.Forms
<StackLayout BackgroundColor="Red"
<mm:VideoView VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand"
ShowControls="True" />
At first, I install the Plugin.MediaManger & Plugin.MediaManager.Forms two packages in all the project, such as PCL(forms part), android part and ios part.
And then I added the following code in the MainActivity:
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
Xamarin.Essentials.Platform.Init(this, savedInstanceState);
global::Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Init(this, savedInstanceState);
CrossMediaManager.Current.AutoPlay = true;
LoadApplication(new App());
And in the MainPage.Xaml:
<mm:VideoView VideoAspect="AspectFit" VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand" Source="https://www.appsloveworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/sample-mp4-video.mp4" ShowControls="True"/>
And here is the result image on the android 11 emulator:
Note, according to the issue I mentioned in the comments, the plugin will work on the android 12 after adding the CrossMediaManager.Current.Speed = 1F;. But it will throw exception when I added it. It's strange.

Xamarin forms parallel View loading

I have a DashboardPage in Xamarin Forms where I "inject" another 3 views with the following method:
<StackLayout IsVisible="{Binding IsDashboardItemVisible}">
All of these views have their viewmodels (FirstViewModel, SecondViewModel, ThirdViewModel).
Every view have an Init method binded to the OnAppearing() event with the following appearance (xct is the Community Toolkit what I use):
<xct:EventToCommandBehavior EventName="Appearing" Command="{Binding RefreshCommand}" />
So in my xaml.cs the OnAppearing() is not overridden, but the FirstViewModel, SecondViewModel, ThirdViewModel has an ICommand what is connected with the RefreshAsync method.
public IAsyncCommand RefreshCommand { get; set; }
RefreshCommand = new AsyncCommand(RefreshAsync);
public async Task RefreshAsync()
...do the refresh logic...
So here are my questions:
In this scenario the 3 "injected" view will be loaded parallel or FirstView first, SecondView second, etc?
What is the best practice to communicate between this seperated views? For example when an user triggers a method on the FirstViewModel I would like to change something on the ThirdView (or ThirdViewModel). I read about the MessagingCenter, but I don't know if that is the best opportunity.

How to display two text boxes as pop up using DisplayPromptAsync method in xamarin?

When I use -
string result = await DisplayPromptAsync("Question 1", "What's your name?");
It shows only one textbox in the pop-up. But how to display two or more textboxes in the pop-up?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
As IvanIčin said that you can use Rg.Plugins.Popup to create custom popup.
Firstly, install Rg.Plugins.Popup bu nuget package..., then creating popup page
<Label Text="Question 1" />
<Label Text="this is one question!" />
<Entry />
<Entry />
Text="subit" />
public partial class popup2 : PopupPage
public popup2()
private void btnsub_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
To call this Popup Page from contentpage button.click event.
private async void btnPopupButton_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
await PopupNavigation.Instance.PushAsync(new popup2());
You can see the screenshot:
You can't as it is not intended to. You can create a custom pop-up either by using some pop-up plug-in or by creating your custom code based on the native prompts (similar to what Xamarin.Forms do).
Just for the record having one input field is very generous from Xamarin as the native Android or iOS developers don't have such a prompt with the input field out of the box (though it isn't too hard to create it but still it goes much beyond one line of code).

Master Detail breaks parameters?

I don't need a MasterDetail until I've navigated through two regular ContentPages first, where I collect information that the MasterDetail will need. The ContentPages make use of the INavigationParameters sent to OnNavigatedTo and OnNavigatedFrom for that collected information.
The the SecondPage viewmodel handles a button command wherein the handler calls the MasterDetail:
Sure enough, the RangeCircleViewModel.OnNavigatedTo receives the parameters. However, when I go back (like with the Android back button), its OnNavigatedFrom is not called, thereby sending null parameters back leaving my ContentPages with no idea what their state was.
The viewmodel for CompareSelectionMasterDetail doesn't do anything and the viewmodel for CompareSelectionsNavigationPage just does this:
public class CompareSelectionsNavigationPage : NavigationPage, INavigationPageOptions
public bool ClearNavigationStackOnNavigation => false;
I'm not sure what it means to have a NavigationPage in the MasterDetailPage XAML and the separate CompareSelectionsNavigationPage that I call with Prism but if I remove the XAML one, the RangeCircle page doesn't render. If I only have the XAML one and change the Prism navigation to CompareSelectionsMasterDetail/NavigationPage/RangeCircle then I get the same behavior as using both NavigationPages.
My MasterDetail XAML is simple.
> <MasterDetailPage.Master>
> <NavigationPage Title="Required Foo" Icon="hamburger_icon.png">
> <x:Arguments>
> <ContentPage Title="Menu">
> <StackLayout Padding="40">
> <!-- TODO: // Update the Layout and add some real menu items -->
> <Label Text="Hello John"/>
> <Button Text="Range Circle" Command="{Binding NavigateToRangeCircleCommand}" CommandParameter="ViewA" />
> </StackLayout>
> </ContentPage>
> </x:Arguments>
> </NavigationPage> </MasterDetailPage.Master>
Every example I can find of Master Detail (especially with Prism) starts off the app with Master Detail page. I'm not sure if my usage is what breaks OnNavigatedFrom? (Basically ContentPage(Page1)->ContentPage(Page2)->MasterDetail->NavigationPage->NavigationPage->ContentPage(RangeCircle))
The individual ContentPages don't have a problem calling OnNavigatedFrom.

How to intercept WebView Navigating event in ViewModel

My app has a WebView for displaying some contact information. It has a link to a website that I want to load externally using Device.OpenUri(). I'm using FreshMvvm and I want to intercept the Navigating event from the WebView in the ViewModel and cancel the default action which would load the external page into the WebView.
I've tried using the Corcav.Behaviors plugin which does call my ViewModel command:
Source="{Binding WebViewSource}">
Command="{Binding NavigatingCommand}"
CommandParameter="{Binding}"/> <!-- what goes here -->
But I'm not sure what the CommandParameter should be - I need the URI of the link that was tapped, and I don't know how to then prevent the default behaviour from occurring.
Is this the best approach or should I be looking at an alternative?
Having revisited this recently for another project I stumbled across the answer. The updated XAML is:
Source="{Binding WebViewSource}">
Command="{Binding NavigatingCommand}"
PassEventArgument="True" />
The code in the ViewModel, that matches the tapped url against a list of valid options before opening the link in the device's browser, is:
public Command<WebNavigatingEventArgs> NavigatingCommand
return navigatingCommand ?? (navigatingCommand = new Command<WebNavigatingEventArgs>(
(param) =>
if (param != null && -1 < Array.IndexOf(_uris, param.Url))
Device.OpenUri(new Uri(param.Url));
param.Cancel = true;
(param) => true
You can´t navigate with a WebView, you must use a custom render (hybridwebview).
Here is an explanation:
