In JetBrains Rider, how to remove outputs or turn outputs into <1 internal line> in Console? - console

Is there any way I can remove the whole path from showing every time I run a program?
Wanted to remove this Path :
C:\Users\14666\AppData\Local\JetBrains\Toolbox\apps\Rider\ch-0\222.4459.9\plugins\dpa\DotFiles\JetBrains.DPA.Runner.exe --handle=4660 --backend-pid=16976 --detach-event-name=dpa.detach.4660 C:/Users/14666/RiderProjects/Solution1/ConsoleApp1/bin/Debug/net7.0/ConsoleApp1.exe
enter image description here
remove this annoying output or turn it into <1 internal line>


AutoIt Scripting for an External CLI Program - eac3to.exe

I am attempting to design a front end GUI for a CLI program by the name of eac3to.exe. The problem as I see it is that this program sends all of it's output to a cmd window. This is giving me no end of trouble because I need to get a lot of this output into a GUI window. This sounds easy enough, but I am begining to wonder whether I have found one of AutoIt's limitations?
I can use the Run() function with a windows internal command such as Dir and then get the output into a variable with the AutoIt StdoutRead() function, but I just can't get the output from an external program such as eac3to.exe - it just doesn't seem to work whatever I do! Just for testing purposesI I don't even need to get the output to a a GUI window: just printing it with ConsoleWrite() is good enough as this proves that I was able to read it into a variable. So at this stage that's all I need to do - get the text (usually about 10 lines) that has been output to a cmd window by my external CLI program into a variable. Once I can do this the rest will be a lot easier. This is what I have been trying, but it never works:
Global $iPID = Run("C:\VIDEO_EDITING\eac3to\eac3to.exe","", #SW_SHOW)
Global $ScreenOutput = StdoutRead($iPID)
ConsoleWrite($ScreenOutput & #CRLF)
After running this script all I get from the consolWrite() is a blank line - not the text data that was output as a result of running eac3to.exe (running eac3to without any arguments just lists a screen of help text relating to all the commandline options), and that's what I am trying to get into a variable so that I can put it to use later in the program.
Before I suggest a solution let me just tell you that Autoit has one
of the best help files out there. Use it.
You are missing $STDOUT_CHILD = Provide a handle to the child's STDOUT stream.
Also, you can't just do RUN and immediately call stdoutRead. At what point did you give the app some time to do anything and actually print something back to the console?
You need to either use ProcessWaitClose and read the stream then or, you should read the stream in a loop. Simplest check would be to set a sleep between RUN and READ and see what happens.
#include <AutoItConstants.au3>
Global $iPID = Run("C:\VIDEO_EDITING\eac3to\eac3to.exe","", #SW_SHOW, $STDOUT_CHILD)
; Wait until the process has closed using the PID returned by Run.
; Read the Stdout stream of the PID returned by Run. This can also be done in a while loop. Look at the example for StderrRead.
; If the proccess doesnt end when finished you need to put this inside of a loop.
Local $ScreenOutput = StdoutRead($iPID)
ConsoleWrite($ScreenOutput & #CRLF)

run error: mismatched input 'monkey_recorder' expecting NEWLINE

When I tried to use monkeyrunner command to run recorder, I got the error: mismatched input 'monkey_recorder' expecting NEWLINE.
Here is screenshot of my command.
enter image description here
You should try AndroidViewClient/culebra which will give you some advantages over monkeyrunner and monkey_recorder. For example, instead of recording the screen coordinates for a touch, culebra records the selector of the View touched so the script or test will be screen coordinates agnostic.
See Culebra GUI page for details.

GNU screen command not showing status bar

I am new to GNU screen command. I created .screenrc file in my home directory and added below two lines(source) to display the status bar.
caption always
caption string "%{= bW}%3n %{y}%t %{-}%= %{m}%H%?%{-} -- %{c}%l%?%{-} -- %D %M %d %{y}%c"
but I am not seeing the status bar(after entering into screen mode).When I run source .screenrc, I am getting error "-bash: caption: command not found".
What am I missing here?
Problem was that, I already started screen and then added the file .screenrc in my home directory, but active screens are not recognizing the .screenrc file.
so I killed all active screen sessions and then stated new screen session (screen). Now I am able to see the status bar.
First, you cannot do soruce .screenrc, since that tries to run the file with bash (or whatever is in the first line if you have #!/some/shellorprogram).
I'm not sure why you are not seeing the status bar, but the source command is a red herring.
Can you try something simpler with the caption, and maybe even something static to see if the syntax is right and it's the format string that is breaking?
Something like
caption always
caption string "test caption"
On my Ubuntu server the test caption works, so it's probably your format string. Build it piece by piece to find the busted part.
The other one works, too. Where are you putting your screenrc file?
ls -al ~/.screenrc

How to limit the number of output lines in a given cell of the Ipython notebook?

Sometimes my Ipython notebooks crash because I left a print statement in a big loop or in a recursive function. The kernel shows busy and the stop button is usually unresponsive. Eventually Chrome asks me if I want to kill the page or wait.
Is there a way to limit the number of output lines in a given cell? Or any other way to avoid this problem?
You can suppress output using this command:
‘;’ at the end of a line
Perhaps create a condition in your loop to suppress output past a certain threshold.
For anyone else stumbling across:
If you want to see some of the output rather than suppress the output entirely, there is an extension called limit-output.
You'll have to follow the installation instructions for the extensions at the first link. Then I ran the following code to update the maximum number of characters output by each cell:
from import ConfigManager
cm = ConfigManager().update('notebook', {'limit_output': 10})
Note: you'll need to run the block of code, then restart your notebook server entirely (not just the kernel) for the change to take effect.
Results on jupyter v4.0.6 running a Python 2.7.12 kernel
for i in range(0,100):
print i
limit_output extension: Maximum message size exceeded

Vim with R-plugin and LaTeX-Suite results in backslash in insert mode misbehaving

Here's what happens. I'm using Vim + LaTeX-Suite to edit TeX files in Vim. This could be in the Terminal or in MacVim.
I happily
Insert lots of $\LaTeX \commands$ etc. I love using the $\backslash$.
TeX works great. No problem.
Then I go and open up a .R file in the same window (different tab). R-Plugin for Vim uses the <Leader> key (mapped to \ as per usual) to execute commands, e.g. I type \sa to send the selection to R and execute and move the window down. Life is nice.
Problem: even though while editing an R file, Vim is nice enough not to bug me in insert mode when I type \, for some reason when I switch back to the tab to edit the TeX file, then type \ in insert mode, it moves the cursor left of the \ and pauses as though waiting for the rest of the command, before then re-moving to the right of the \ and moving on as I type.
Below shows what happens just from typing \ in insert mode; obviously I could reproduce this by moving the cursor to the left with the arrow keys, but that's not how this happened--the cursor just moves left for a split second as though waiting for the R command to finish being input.
So: how can I stop the annoying behavior in the TeX file insert mode, without sacrificing other functionality? Note, (a) I don't expect mapping <Leader> to a different key to help since then that key will just have the same left-cursor-move problem in TeX; (b), I like the leader as \ anyway so I don't want to change it.
Put this line in your vimrc (requires Vim-R-plugin >=
let g:vimrplugin_insert_mode_cmds = 0
If the problem persists, you can do the following in Normal mode to know what are the keyboard shortcuts in Insert mode:
