ngrx entity why order matters - ngrx

Currently I'm studying ngrx entity and I read in this blog post, that with this feature, we basically say, that our entities are like database tables. But I don't unterstand one thing. Why is there a focus on the order in the collections? Because if I have a database, I don't care about the order in the table, I just select the data in the order I want it. And that could be maybe done the ngrx way via selectors too.

You're right.
The order is of no importance for entities.
If you want to sort results, this can better be done in the selector (or component).


Manipulating the JSON response of an API call, composed by various entities

I am creating an API that will provide data to a CMS, which will handle managing all orders for my e-commerce in Symfony 6.
I have primarily 7 entities: Address, Carrier, Customer, OrderDetail, OrderProducts, Orders, Product.
Each entity has its own endpoint, but I would like to create an endpoint that provides data from all the entities in a single API call (in some cases, I will need all properties of the entity, and in others, only some properties).
The goal of this single API call is to provide data to the CMS dashboard.
As in the picture, there are various data provided by the different entities, ex:
What is the best way to manipulate the JSON response inside Controller? Should I do everything through the Orders repository (with all the join between the entity's tables)? Use DTOs? What is the best approach?
There is a lot of data, as the default call will provide data of the orders of the last 6 months.
It really depends on the modification you're doing. But I'd say this :
If there are filters applied to the resulting values after modification : try to do it in the query itself, it will make the filtering easier.
If the modifications are minor, doing it in the query might save you a tiny bit of performance (basically nothing) while keeping the query readable (or not much worse).
If the modification are not minor (even just "medium"), do it in Php. It will be MUCH easier to update and to understand. Where, is kinda a matter of preference. I think some people would say "if you doubt, do it in a service". But not in the controller.
Some people think that it's a bad thing to operate with entities, and that DTOs are always the way to go. Because you control more precisely what's in it, nothing is unpredictable. However, if you keep both entites, and DTOs, it makes the code more complex. Personally, I don't do it. But you can.
Understand that what you're asking is pretty subjective.

How to do updates with GraphQL mutations(Hot Chocolate)

We recently introduced GraphQL to our project, I've never used it before, however I like it a lot.
We decided to go with the HotChocolate library for .NET Core and Apollo for client side.
One thing I am not quite sure is about mutations, specifically peforming updates and partial updates with mutations.
I read somewhere that the practice is and that I should stick with creating specific mutation for each update, for instance updateUsername(), updateAddress(), updateCity() all of them should have specific mutation.
Issue with that is that my codebase will grow enormously if I decide to go in that direction, as we are very much data driven, with a lot of tables and columns per table.
Another question is, how to handle nullable properties, I can create a mutation which accepts some input object, but I'll end up with my entity being overwritten and all nullable properties not provided on the calling end will be set to null.
Is there a way to handle this update partially or I should go with specific update mutation for each property I want updated?
I think you understood the best practice around specific mutations wrong. It's less "have one mutation to update one field" and more "have specific mutations that encapsulate actions in your domain". A concrete example would be creating an "addItemToBasket" mutation, instead of having 3 mutations that update the individual tables related to your shopping basket, etc.
GraphQL is very much centered around front-end development, so your mutations should, in general, closely resemble actions a user can perform in your front-end. E.g. your front-end has an "Add to basket" button and your backend has an "addItemToBasket" mutation that resembles the action of placing an item in the user's basket.
If you design your mutations with this in mind, most of the time you shouldn't be having an issue with partial updates, since the mutation knows exactly what's to do and you are not just letting the user of your schema update fields at will.
If for whatever reason you need to have these partial updates, you likely won't get around implementing the patching yourself, unless your data provider supports it. Meaning you will have to have an input object type with nullable properties and your mutation that decides which fields have been changed and changing them using your data provider.
That being said, there's also a proposal for patching types in the Hot Chocolate repository that should simplify the patching part:
for instance updateUsername(), updateAddress(), updateCity() all of them should have specific mutation.
Issue with that is that my codebase will grow enormously if I decide
to go in that direction, as we are very much data driven, with a lot
of tables and columns per table.
Correct. That's practically impossible to follow that way for more or less big data-driven applications.
Consider how we implement the patching in our API here. Also consider following the discussion about the patching feature in HotChocolate github thread. Hope, that helps!

Doctrine - Creating and mapping an entity based on a SQL query?

Would it be possible to create a similar entity based on another one? For example, what if I'd like to have user specific tables that are based on one entity. Without any ORM I would just create the same table with a different prefix and do the queries on the table with the specific prefix.
Not sure how to tackle the problem with Symfony 2.5 and Doctrine and I just can't find a concrete example anywhere around, but seems like the solution might be around the Doctrine Event Manager and the Load ClassMetadata event. I just can't make sense out of the documentation.
Without exactly knowing how your schema looks or what you're trying to achieve, it's hard to give a precise answer. But let's try:
If you have two entities which share a common set of properties, but differ in others, you basically do the typical OOP inheritance thing, you create an abstract parent class with the common stuff, and two children with their specific properties.
In Doctrine, there are different inheritance strageties. Read about them at
Each of them has their pros and cons. Basically, you can select if you want everything to be in one or in two tables. Set up a test case and check what works better for you.
Note: The class properties in an abstract superclass (no matter which strategy) must always be private.

Preventing removal of entity

I have an entity (eg Image) which is related to many other entities (eg Product or Category). I would like to know which is the best way to prevent the removal of an entity if a relation exists somewhere else (eg I should not be able to delete an Image if it is related to a product). My thoughts are either searching for relations in a repository class and returning results, or doing 'something' at the preRemove lifecycle event of the entity. Which is the best Symfony2 way for preventing removal of related entities?
As long as cascade delete is not set, any directionally entity will prevent delete of the related entity. If your associations are not birectional, you'll have to query form the backside as well.
To expand upon CJ's answer, you may remove delete links, but you will also have to check the entity in controller as well, because any url hacker can delete an object if its id is known.
What I would suggest is you can better of disabled the form delete link when there is a relationship between entities. In that way you can even make the customer understand that there is related entity and he should not remove it before removing the relationship.
You can always check the entity before deleting it and when you actually call certain process in symfony on an entity you actually work on the entire object of that particular entity which gives access to all the values of that entity. So you can check it at that particular point and make conditional statement.
It my personal believe that you should not try to import excess library functions for minor things which can be achieved by you without them. this would make you code easier to understand and even lighter as the prospect for including extra libraries which will most likely have more than what you need

How do I do this in Drupal?

Im currently evaluating Drupal to see if we can use it to replace our framework. My problem is I have this legacy tables which I would want to try to reflect in Drupal. It involves a join table. There's quite a lot of this kind of relationship in our existing web app so I am looking for possible ways to solve it.
Thank you for your insight!
There are several ways to do this, and it's hard to know which is best with no context about what you're actually doing with the data, but here are some options:
One way to do this is to make a content type representing each table (using CCK) with the foreign keys represented by type-specific node reference fields. Doing everything as nodes gives you a bunch of prebuilt functionality around nodes, but has a bit of overhead you may want to avoid.
Another option is to leave your database just like it is now. Drupal can do direct database queries, or you can use Data to expose your tables to Views.
Another option, if those referenced tables really only have 1 non-ID field, is to do the project_companies_assignments as nodes and do the other 3 as taxonomies. But this won't work if those are really more complex entities, and wouldn't be very flexible if they might become more complex.
What about using hook_views_api and exposing your legacy tables in hook_views_data? i tried something like this myself - not sure if that is what you want...
try and let me know if that works for you.
Going with Views and CCK, optionally with the additional Data module has one huge disadvantage: it comes with complexity.
My preferred alternative, is to write your own module. Drupal offers little help wrt database abstraction, it comes not with a proper ORM or such. But with some simple CRUD functions for the data in the database, a few simple forms in front, and a menu-callback with some pages to present the data, you can -quite often- get your datamodel worked out much faster then going the route of the overly complex, often poorly documented CCK and views modules. KISS.
