How to Inject a Agroal Datasource into servlet in Quarkus? - servlets

I have a Quarkus app which runs a servlet and I'm trying to inject an Agroal datasource as there is a Thread which runs within the servlet where I need to do some database transactions. However, I've tried the below implementation inside the Thread class as well and another static class which is utilized inside the thread, but in both classes the datasource returns null.
I've added the datasource properties in the file as well. Also the servlet is set to load on startup, Hence as soon as the application is run, the thread starts as well. This thread starts after the servlet is initialized.
class LoopThread extends Thread {
AgroalDataSource datasource;
public LoopThread() {
public void run() {
try {
DbUtil.userErrorLogged = false;
LogUtil.debug("Thread started.");  
catch (Exception ex) {
I have tried to inject the datasource in the Thread class and also in the static Util class but both did not return the datasource. I'm thinking whether it is due to the thread which is started as the servlet is initialized. Any help on this would be great


How to activate RequestScope inside CompletableFuture (getting org.jboss.weld.context.ContextNotActiveException) [duplicate]

I could not find a definitive answer to whether it is safe to spawn threads within session-scoped JSF managed beans. The thread needs to call methods on the stateless EJB instance (that was dependency-injected to the managed bean).
The background is that we have a report that takes a long time to generate. This caused the HTTP request to time-out due to server settings we can't change. So the idea is to start a new thread and let it generate the report and to temporarily store it. In the meantime the JSF page shows a progress bar, polls the managed bean till the generation is complete and then makes a second request to download the stored report. This seems to work, but I would like to be sure what I'm doing is not a hack.
Check out EJB 3.1 #Asynchronous methods. This is exactly what they are for.
Small example that uses OpenEJB 4.0.0-SNAPSHOTs. Here we have a #Singleton bean with one method marked #Asynchronous. Every time that method is invoked by anyone, in this case your JSF managed bean, it will immediately return regardless of how long the method actually takes.
public class JobProcessor {
public Future<String> addJob(String jobName) {
// Pretend this job takes a while
// Return our result
return new AsyncResult<String>(jobName);
private void doSomeHeavyLifting() {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
Here's a little testcase that invokes that #Asynchronous method several times in a row.
Each invocation returns a Future object that essentially starts out empty and will later have its value filled in by the container when the related method call actually completes.
import javax.ejb.embeddable.EJBContainer;
import javax.naming.Context;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
public class JobProcessorTest extends TestCase {
public void test() throws Exception {
final Context context = EJBContainer.createEJBContainer().getContext();
final JobProcessor processor = (JobProcessor) context.lookup("java:global/async-methods/JobProcessor");
final long start = System.nanoTime();
// Queue up a bunch of work
final Future<String> red = processor.addJob("red");
final Future<String> orange = processor.addJob("orange");
final Future<String> yellow = processor.addJob("yellow");
final Future<String> green = processor.addJob("green");
final Future<String> blue = processor.addJob("blue");
final Future<String> violet = processor.addJob("violet");
// Wait for the result -- 1 minute worth of work
assertEquals("blue", blue.get());
assertEquals("orange", orange.get());
assertEquals("green", green.get());
assertEquals("red", red.get());
assertEquals("yellow", yellow.get());
assertEquals("violet", violet.get());
// How long did it take?
final long total = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toSeconds(System.nanoTime() - start);
// Execution should be around 9 - 21 seconds
assertTrue("" + total, total > 9);
assertTrue("" + total, total < 21);
Example source code
Under the covers what makes this work is:
The JobProcessor the caller sees is not actually an instance of JobProcessor. Rather it's a subclass or proxy that has all the methods overridden. Methods that are supposed to be asynchronous are handled differently.
Calls to an asynchronous method simply result in a Runnable being created that wraps the method and parameters you gave. This runnable is given to an Executor which is simply a work queue attached to a thread pool.
After adding the work to the queue, the proxied version of the method returns an implementation of Future that is linked to the Runnable which is now waiting on the queue.
When the Runnable finally executes the method on the real JobProcessor instance, it will take the return value and set it into the Future making it available to the caller.
Important to note that the AsyncResult object the JobProcessor returns is not the same Future object the caller is holding. It would have been neat if the real JobProcessor could just return String and the caller's version of JobProcessor could return Future<String>, but we didn't see any way to do that without adding more complexity. So the AsyncResult is a simple wrapper object. The container will pull the String out, throw the AsyncResult away, then put the String in the real Future that the caller is holding.
To get progress along the way, simply pass a thread-safe object like AtomicInteger to the #Asynchronous method and have the bean code periodically update it with the percent complete.
Spawning threads from within a session scoped managed bean is not necessarily a hack as long as it does the job you want. But spawning threads at its own needs to be done with extreme care. The code should not be written that way that a single user can for example spawn an unlimited amount of threads per session and/or that the threads continue running even after the session get destroyed. It would blow up your application sooner or later.
The code needs to be written that way that you can ensure that an user can for example never spawn more than one background thread per session and that the thread is guaranteed to get interrupted whenever the session get destroyed. For multiple tasks within a session you need to queue the tasks.
Also, all those threads should preferably be served by a common thread pool so that you can put a limit on the total amount of spawned threads at application level.
Managing threads is thus a very delicate task. That's why you'd better use the built-in facilities rather than homegrowing your own with new Thread() and friends. The average Java EE application server offers a container managed thread pool which you can utilize via among others EJB's #Asynchronous and #Schedule. To be container independent (read: Tomcat-friendly), you can also use the Java 1.5's Util Concurrent ExecutorService and ScheduledExecutorService for this.
Below examples assume Java EE 6+ with EJB.
Fire and forget a task on form submit
#RequestScoped // Or #ViewScoped
public class Bean {
private SomeService someService;
public void submit() {
// ... (this code will immediately continue without waiting)
public class SomeService {
public void asyncTask() {
// ...
Asynchronously fetch the model on page load
#RequestScoped // Or #ViewScoped
public class Bean {
private Future<List<Entity>> asyncEntities;
private EntityService entityService;
public void init() {
asyncEntities = entityService.asyncList();
// ... (this code will immediately continue without waiting)
public List<Entity> getEntities() {
try {
return asyncEntities.get();
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new FacesException(e);
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
throw new FacesException(e);
public class EntityService {
private EntityManager entityManager;
public Future<List<Entity>> asyncList() {
List<Entity> entities = entityManager
.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Entity e", Entity.class)
return new AsyncResult<>(entities);
In case you're using JSF utility library OmniFaces, this could be done even faster if you annotate the managed bean with #Eager.
Schedule background jobs on application start
public class BackgroundJobManager {
#Schedule(hour="0", minute="0", second="0", persistent=false)
public void someDailyJob() {
// ... (runs every start of day)
#Schedule(hour="*/1", minute="0", second="0", persistent=false)
public void someHourlyJob() {
// ... (runs every hour of day)
#Schedule(hour="*", minute="*/15", second="0", persistent=false)
public void someQuarterlyJob() {
// ... (runs every 15th minute of hour)
#Schedule(hour="*", minute="*", second="*/30", persistent=false)
public void someHalfminutelyJob() {
// ... (runs every 30th second of minute)
Continuously update application wide model in background
#RequestScoped // Or #ViewScoped
public class Bean {
private SomeTop100Manager someTop100Manager;
public List<Some> getSomeTop100() {
return someTop100Manager.list();
public class SomeTop100Manager {
private EntityManager entityManager;
private List<Some> top100;
#Schedule(hour="*", minute="*/1", second="0", persistent=false)
public void load() {
top100 = entityManager
.createNamedQuery("Some.top100", Some.class)
public List<Some> list() {
return top100;
See also:
Spawning threads in a JSF managed bean for scheduled tasks using a timer
I tried this and works great from my JSF managed bean
ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1);
private IMaterialSvc materialSvc;
private void updateMaterial(Material material, String status, Location position) {
executor.execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
synchronized (position) {
// TODO update material in audit? do we need materials in audit?
int index = position.getMaterials().indexOf(material);
Material m = materialSvc.getById(material.getId());
m = materialSvc.update(m);
if (index != -1) {
position.getMaterials().set(index, m);
public void destory() {

How to use ResourceProcessorHandlerMethodReturnValueHandler in a spring-hateos project

When using spring-data-rest there is a post processing of Resource classes returned from Controllers (e.g. RepositoryRestControllers). The proper ResourceProcessor is called in the post processing.
The class responsible for this is ResourceProcessorHandlerMethodReturnValueHandler which is part of spring-hateoas.
I now have a project that only uses spring-hateoas and I wonder how to configure ResourceProcessorHandlerMethodReturnValueHandler in such a scenario. It looks like the auto configuration part of it still resides in spring-data-rest.
Any hints on how to enable ResourceProcessorHandlerMethodReturnValueHandler in a spring-hateoas context?
I've been looking at this recently too, and documentation on how to achieve this is non-existent. If you create a bean of type ResourceProcessorInvokingHandlerAdapter, you seem to lose the the auto-configured RequestMappingHandlerAdapter and all its features. As such, I wanted to avoid using this bean or losing the WebMvcAutoConfiguration, since all I really wanted was the ResourceProcessorHandlerMethodReturnValueHandler.
You can't just add a ResourceProcessorHandlerMethodReturnValueHandler via WebMvcConfigurer.addReturnValueHandlers, because what we need to do is actually override the entire list, as is what happens in ResourceProcessorInvokingHandlerAdapter.afterPropertiesSet:
public void afterPropertiesSet() {
// Retrieve actual handlers to use as delegate
HandlerMethodReturnValueHandlerComposite oldHandlers = getReturnValueHandlersComposite();
// Set up ResourceProcessingHandlerMethodResolver to delegate to originally configured ones
List<HandlerMethodReturnValueHandler> newHandlers = new ArrayList<HandlerMethodReturnValueHandler>();
newHandlers.add(new ResourceProcessorHandlerMethodReturnValueHandler(oldHandlers, invoker));
// Configure the new handler to be used
So, without a better solution available, I added a BeanPostProcessor to handle setting the List of handlers on an existing RequestMappingHandlerAdapter:
public class ResourceProcessorHandlerMethodReturnValueHandlerConfigurer implements BeanPostProcessor {
private final Collection<ResourceProcessor<?>> resourceProcessors;
public Object postProcessAfterInitialization(Object bean, String beanName)
throws BeansException {
if (bean instanceof RequestMappingHandlerAdapter) {
RequestMappingHandlerAdapter requestMappingHandlerAdapter = (RequestMappingHandlerAdapter) bean;
List<HandlerMethodReturnValueHandler> handlers =
HandlerMethodReturnValueHandlerComposite delegate =
handlers instanceof HandlerMethodReturnValueHandlerComposite ?
(HandlerMethodReturnValueHandlerComposite) handlers :
new HandlerMethodReturnValueHandlerComposite().addHandlers(handlers);
new ResourceProcessorHandlerMethodReturnValueHandler(delegate,
new ResourceProcessorInvoker(resourceProcessors))));
return requestMappingHandlerAdapter;
else return bean;
This has seemed to work so far...

Can't use a session ejb in my managed bean cause i get a Null Pointer Exception

First of all I want to say I'm pretty new in programming with ejb and jsf, and I'm trying to complete a project started by a friend of mine.
I'm getting a NullPointerException caused by the invoke of the method utenteSessionBean.CheckUtentebyId(username) of the session bean object called utenteSessionBean, declared inside the managed bean called Neo4jMBean.
I learned that it's not necessary creating and initializing a session bean (as you must do with a normal java object) in managed bean, but it's enough declaring it.
Here is the code of the session bean, which retrieves data from a DB
public class UtenteSessionBean {
EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("EnterpriseApplication2-ejbPU");
public boolean CheckUtentebyId(String username){
EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();
Query query = em.createNamedQuery("Utente.findByUsername");
query.setParameter("username", username);
List<Utente> Res=query.getResultList();
//completare funzione ctrl+spazio
return true;
return false;
Here's the code of the managed bean:
public class Neo4jMBean {
private UtenteSessionBean utenteSessionBean;
static String SERVER_ROOT_URI = "http://localhost:7474/db/data/";
public Neo4jMBean() {
public boolean getUser(String username) {
return utenteSessionBean.CheckUtentebyId(username);
I've searched on StackOverFlow many times a solution for fixing this problem, but I haven't found something that works for me yet.
I fixed it accessing the EJB Components using JNDI.
In few words, if i use an EJB in a managed bean method, i need to add the next lines of code:
InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
SessionBeanName = (SessionBeanClass) ic.lookup("java:global/NameOfTheApplication/NameOfTheEJBpackage/NameOfTheSessionBean");
It must be surronded by a try-catch statement
Create empty beans.xml file in your WEB-INF folder to enable CDI

Inject dependencies to the Java fx application

Probably I miss somehting out, but I'm struggeling to find a solution how I can pass dependencies like an instance of my event bus and some service interfaces to my javafx application.
I got an UI-Init class which does not much more than starting the application and receiving some dependencies for the UI like an eventBus:
public class Frontend {
public Frontend(MBassador<EventBase> eventBus) {
My AppGui class extends Application and loads an FXML:
public class AppGui extends Application {
private Stage primaryStage;
private GridPane rootLayout;
public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
this.primaryStage = primaryStage;
try {
// Load root layout from fxml file.
FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader();
rootLayout = (GridPane) loader.load();
// Show the scene containing the root layout.
Scene scene = new Scene(rootLayout);
RootLayoutController rootController = loader.getController();
rootController.init(/*here I would like to inject my eventBus*/);;
} catch (IOException e) {
Now, how can I pass my eventBus and other service interfaces to this controller? I've read about using DI frameworks like guice (How can JavaFX controllers access other services?) or afterburner.fx to use it. But even if I use guice for the rest of my application, somehow I need to pass the Injector instance to the JavaFX application?.
But Application.launch(AppGui.class); is static and internally creates an AppGui instance on the javafx thread, which I don't get access to. So how I can inject dependencies to my AppGui object without using static variables?
Here is what I do:
The Application class has a couple of lifecycle callbacks, init() and stop().
From the Javadocs:
public void init() throws java.lang.Exception
The application initialization method. This method is called immediately after the Application class is loaded and constructed. An application may override this method to perform initialization prior to the actual starting of the application.
public void stop() throws java.lang.Exception
This method is called when the application should stop, and provides a convenient place to prepare for application exit and destroy resources.
Also from the Javadocs, the lifecycle:
Constructs an instance of the specified Application class
Calls the init() method
Calls the start(javafx.stage.Stage) method
Waits for the application to finish, which happens when either of the following occur:
the application calls Platform.exit()
the last window has been closed and the implicitExit attribute on Platform is true
Calls the stop() method
I start the IoC container in init() and stop it in stop(). Now my Application class has a reference to the IoC container and can supply the first controller with its dependencies.
As a matter of fact, I let the IoC framework manage the controllers. I set them to the loaded FXML using FXMLLoader.setController(), instead of specifying them with fx:controller.
You can pass a static reference to your application class before you call launch(). Something like:
public class Frontend {
public Frontend(MBassador<EventBase> eventBus) {
public class AppGui extends Application {
private static MBassador<EventBase> eventBus;
public static void setEventBus(MBassador<EventBase> eventBus) {
this.eventBus = eventBus;
private MBassador<EventBase> eventBus;
public void init() {
if (AppGui.eventBus == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException();
// or however you want to handle that state
} else {
this.eventBus = AppGui.eventBus;
AppGui.eventBus = null;
Whether you keep and use the static reference, or you copy the static reference to a local reference is up to you and the design of your application. If you expect to instantiate more than one copy of AppGui, you may need the local reference.
No idea if this is thread safe (probably not). The advice from #Nikos and #James_D is solid and preferred... but sometimes you just need a hack. :) YMMV

Web API controller parameterized constructor called only once, parameterless constructor on subsequent requests

I'm attempting to use Unity to inject a dependency per this article:
Here is what I have in my global.asax
void ConfigureApi(HttpConfiguration config)
var unity = new UnityContainer();
unity.RegisterType<TPS.Data.Can.IUnitOfWork, TPS.Data.Can.EFRepository.UnitOfWork>(new HierarchicalLifetimeManager());
config.DependencyResolver = new IoCContainer(unity);
protected void Application_Start()
Here is my API controller:
public class CustomerController : ApiController
private TPS.Data.Can.IRepository<tblCustomer> _repo;
private TPS.Data.Can.IUnitOfWork _uow;
public CustomerController() { }
public CustomerController(TPS.Data.Can.IUnitOfWork uow) {
_uow = uow;
_repo = uow.CustomerRepository;
// GET api/customer/5
public IEnumerable<Customer> Get()
string identity = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(identity))
identity = "chardie";
var customers = from c in _repo.Get()
where c.SalesRep == identity
select new Customer
IDCUST = null,
CustCode = c.CustCode,
CustName = c.CustName
return customers.ToList();
This works when I first start debugging my application. If I set a breakpoint in the parameterized constructor, the breakpoint will be hit when I hit the Web API for the first time. When I hit refresh in my browser, the constructor does not get called, the dependency doesn't get injected, and the Get() action throws an exception because the expected repository is null.
Can anyone tell me why my constructor isn't being called after the first request?
FWIW, I removed the parameterless constructor entirely from the Web API controller, and on my second request to it, I get the exception:
Type 'TPS.Website.Api.CustomerController' does not have a default constructor
So it appears I'm getting my repo dependency injected on the first request, but after that every instantiation of the Web API controller is done through the parameterless constructor.
You're not specifying a lifecycle for the controller. MSDN states
If you do not specify a value for the lifetime, the instance will have
the default container-controlled lifetime. It will return a reference
to the original object on each call to Resolve.
If the IUnitOfWork dependency is transient, then the controller should be transient too. So try
unity.RegisterType<CustomerController>(new TransientLifetimeManager());
This might not solve the whole problem but it sounds like part of it. You certainly shouldn't need the parameterless constructor.
I had this as I was returning my resolver for my dependency scope using this and then disposing the container in the dispose. So after the first request the container was disposed.
Looks like it's because you're not using singleton pattern for the Unity Container.
Have a private static variable instead of the var container = new UnityContainer();
internal static Lazy<IUnityContainer> container = new Lazy<IUnityContainer>(() => new UnityContainer());
Then access within code using the .Value property.
