Telegram Botfather how to edit the bot welcome message - telegram

I created a bot in telegram using botfather and I want to change the welcome message.
I can change he description, about, name, etc... but I cannot change the conversation the bot makes.
I just want the bot to say hello in my language.
Is there any command to edit this?

I made it by installing ManyBot, with the /setdescription method I changed the welcome message.


How to edit a private channel's message/post using telegram bot in python?

I manage a channel that give links/information to users. Every time I update the content of the channel I have to update index of the channel in a post (message) manually.
Please teach me how to update a telegram post using telegram bot in python. Thanks a lots!
The Bot API provides the method editMessageText that you can use to edit the text of a message. Every library that provides a wrapper for the Bot API should also provide a wrapper for this method (in every language, not only in Python).
You need to get the message id and use

Welcome message by Telegram Bot in group

I have a group on telegram and I want to welcome everybody who joins that group by a message. For that I have created a Bot and added it to my group. Is there any way I can make bot respond to new joining of group.
I have added a description welcome message to Bot but that only shows up when I go to personally chat the bot.
You will receive new_chat_members instead of text in message update.
And you can send welcome when received that :)
you can use the Welcome bot for Telegram
Here is the GitHub repo for that Welcome Bot

how to check if a user started a bot in telegram or not?

I'm developing a bot in telegram , here is my problem:
I have some posts in my channel which some inline_keyboards are attached to them. when a user press the button , next events happen in a bot and some messages show to a user. if user has been started the bot before , there is no problem , if not I have error. how should I check the user is member of my bot or not to handle this problem???
try to use sendMessage() API and send a message to user. After that telegram will response a status tell you whether success or not.
if started bot receive receive is ok,
if not started bot receive is nothing.
like that, good luck.
There is no way to check if bot can talk to user or not without send message.
You can use url with format, and you will receive /start some_data, please try this link yourself.
The problem with this approach is that if a lot of users do the same, telegram starts to throttle your callbacks :( ... it would be so much easier if you could just read that information somewhere...

Telegram: How to add another(existing) bot to bot_father?

How can I add another existing bot to my BothFather in telegram?
I have my own bot and I can see it in BotFather and now I am asked to manage another bot (which I have its security key).
But I could not see this bot in my BotFather(obviously, because I did not create it) and I could not find any way to add this second bot into my BotFather in order to change its info or default commands list.
If I understand correctly, you have a bot that you created yourself with #BotFather and you can manage its commands, info etc. by talking to BotFather.
Then you have been asked to manage another bot created by someone else and you have been given its token.
Let me tell you that you cannot change the info of the Bot created by someone else. i.e. you don't have the ownership of the Bot.
Bot Ownership transfer is a feature that Telegram Support said will consider in future.
As far as making the bot work, by using the API Token you can go through their Bot API Documentation.
With Bot API 5.0, it's now possible to Transfer the bot ownership.

Telegram bot doesn't respond in group chats

I made a simple chatbot using Microsoft Bot Framework and integrated it with Telegram.
He works fine whenever I message him privately but whenever I put him in a group with my friends, he doesn't reply, even when I mention him.
/setjoingroups is enabled, and so is /setprivacy.
First make sure it is not caused by Microsoft Bot itself. Then for all normal bots --
Always add a Telegram bot to a group via the bot's info window, instead of inviting the bot to a group via the group's info window.
It's a clear trap for beginners. I'm surprised that Telegram didn't note this in their documentation.
When you configured your bot on Telegram, did you make it an inline bot? It's been my experience that inline bots cannot participate in group chats, but can message privately. If not, please open a GitHub issue here and we'll follow up there.
Beyond all other suggestions like turning off inline functions, setting privacy to disabled and allowing to participate in groups, I also made the bot an admin of my group. And now it processes all messages. That's what's worked for me.
I had this same problem, and I found that I just needed to add the bot as an 'admin' to the chat instead of just a normal member. The telegram bot must have admin privileges to access every message/image that the users of the group-chat send.
