How to move object across axis? - julia

I have an interactive plot and I want to move topoplot position across the x-axis according to the slider (or red vertical bar) position.
How can I do that?
In an ideal situation, the topoplot moves until some border (so it would be partially out of the screen).
Also, is it possible to put a line connecting the topolot with a red vertical line?
This is my script with prerequisite functions:
using Makie
using GLMakie
using PyMNE
using JLD2 # loading data
using TopoPlots
using StatsBase # mean/std
using Pipe
using ColorSchemes
using Colors
using LinearAlgebra
function eegHeadMatrix(positions, center, radius)
oldCenter = mean(positions)
oldRadius, _ = findmax(x-> LinearAlgebra.norm(x .- oldCenter),
radF = radius/oldRadius
return Makie.Mat4f(radF, 0, 0, 0,
0, radF, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0,
center[1]-oldCenter[1]*radF, center[2]-
oldCenter[2]*radF, 0, 1)
struct NullInterpolator <: TopoPlots.Interpolator
function (ni::NullInterpolator)(
xrange::LinRange, yrange::LinRange,
positions::AbstractVector{<: Point{2}}, data::AbstractVector{<:Number})
return zeros(length(xrange),length(yrange))
function posToColor(pos)
cx = 0.5 - pos[1]
cy = 0.5 - pos[2]
rx = cx * 0.7071068 + cy * 0.7071068
ry = cx * -0.7071068 + cy * 0.7071068
b = 1.0 - (2*sqrt(cx^2+cy^2))^2
return RGB(0.5 - rx*1.414, 0.5 - ry*1.414, b)
This is the main function
f = Figure(backgroundcolor = RGBf(0.98, 0.98, 0.98), resolution = (1500, 700))
# interaction
xs = range(-0.3, length=size(dat_e, 2), step=1 ./ 128)
sg = SliderGrid(f[4, 1:2],
(label="time", range=xs, format = "{:.3f} ms", startvalue = 0),
time = sg.sliders[1].value
str = lift(t -> "[$(round(t, digits = 3)) ms]", time)
topo_slice = lift((t, data) -> mean(data[1:30, indexin(t, xs), :], dims=2)[:,1], time, dat_e)
# butterfly plot
ax = Axis(f[2:3, 1:2], xlabel = "Time [s]", ylabel = "Voltage amplitude [µV]")
N = 1:length(pos) #1:4
hidespines!(ax, :t, :r)
GLMakie.xlims!(-0.3, 1.2)
hlines!(0, color = :gray, linewidth = 1)
vlines!(0, color = :gray, linewidth = 1)
times = range(-0.3, length=size(dat_e,2), step=1 ./ 128)
specialColors = ColorScheme(vcat(RGB(1,1,1.),[posToColor(pos) for pos in pos[N]]...))
for i in N
mean_trial = mean(dat_e[i,:,:], dims=2)[:,1]
lines!(times, mean_trial, color = specialColors[i])
hidedecorations!(ax, label = false, ticks = false, ticklabels = false)
# text
vlines!(time, color = :red, linewidth = 1)
text!(time, 8, text = str, align = (:center, :center))
# topoplot
topo_axis = Axis(f[1, 1:2], width = 178, height = 178, aspect = DataAspect())
Makie.xlims!(low = -0.2, high = 1.2)
Makie.ylims!(low = -0.2, high = 1.2)
topoMatrix = eegHeadMatrix(pos[N], (0.5, 0.5), 0.5)
topo = eeg_topoplot!(topo_axis, topo_slice, # averaging all trial of 30 participants on Xth msec
positions=pos, # produced automatically from ch_names
extrapolation=GeomExtrapolation(enlarge=1.0, geometry=Circle),


How to interact with plot using keyboard arros?

My interactive plot (topoplot) reacts to mouse signals, but how to make it reacting to keyboard signals?
Here is my code:
f = Figure()
xs = 1:1:193 #range(-30, 120, length = size(dat_e, 2))
sg = SliderGrid(f[2, 1],
(label="time", range=xs, format = "{:d} ms", startvalue = 100),
time = sg.sliders[1].value
str = lift(t -> "[$t ms]", time)
topo_slice = lift((t, data) -> mean(data[1:30, t, :], dims=2)[:,1], time, dat_e)
topo_axis = Axis(f[1, 1], aspect = DataAspect())
topo = eeg_topoplot!(topo_axis, topo_slice,
positions=pos, # produced automatically from ch_names
label_text=true) # aspect ratio, correlation of height and width
text!(topo_axis, 1, 1, text = str, align = (:center, :center))
#topo_slice = lift((t, data) -> data[:, :, t], time, topo)
xlims!(-0.2, 1.1)
ylims!(-0.2, 1.2)
There is an official instruction, but as usual with Julia documentations, there is no example and I have no idea how implement it in my code.
How my plot looks like:
Expanding on the answer from before:
T = 10
pts = range(-1, 1, length=100)
ts = reshape(1:T, 1, 1, :)
topo = cos.(pts) .+ cos.(ts .* pts')
fig = Figure()
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1])
sg = SliderGrid(fig[2,1],
(label="time", range=1:T))
time = sg.sliders[1].value
str = lift(t -> "[$t ms]", time)
text!(ax, str)
topo_slice = lift((t, data) -> data[:, :, t], time, topo)
# decrement/increment slider with left/right keys
on(events(fig).keyboardbutton) do btn
if btn.action in (, Keyboard.repeat)
if btn.key == Keyboard.left
set_close_to!(sg.sliders[1], time[] - 1)
elseif btn.key == Keyboard.right
set_close_to!(sg.sliders[1], time[] + 1)
contour!(ax, topo_slice)

<SOLVED> How to plot a sphere as wireframe with back view hidden, in R?

Using R, I would like to plot a sphere with latitude and longitude lines, but without any visibility of hidden part of the sphere. And, ideally, I'd like to have the initial view start out with a specific tilt (but that's down the road).
This matlab question gets to the idea
Plotting a wireframe sphere in Python hidding backward meridians and parallels
... but it's matlab. The closest solution that stackoverflow suggested
Plot Sphere with custom gridlines in R
doesn't help with the hidden line aspect.
The closest I got was editting a sphereplot routine:
matt.rgl.sphgrid <- function (radius = 1, col.long = "red", = "blue", deggap = 15,
longtype = "H", add = FALSE, radaxis = TRUE, radlab = "Radius")
if (add == F) {
open3d(userMatrix = rotationMatrix((90)*pi/180, 1, 0, 0)) #changed
for (lat in seq(-90, 90, by = deggap)) {
if (lat == 0) {
col.grid = "grey50"
else {
col.grid = "grey"
#create an array here using the sph2car call below, then rotate those and
#set the appropriate ones to NA before passing that array to this call
#ditto for the next plot3d call as well
plot3d(sph2car(long = seq(0, 360, len = 100), lat = lat,
radius = radius, deg = T),
col = col.grid, add = T,
type = "l")
for (long in seq(0, 360 - deggap, by = deggap)) {
if (long == 0) {
col.grid = "grey50"
else {
col.grid = "grey"
plot3d(sph2car(long = long, lat = seq(-90, 90, len = 100),
radius = radius, deg = T),
col = col.grid, add = T,
type = "l")
if (longtype == "H") {
scale = 15
if (longtype == "D") {
scale = 1
# rgl.sphtext(long = 0, lat = seq(-90, 90, by = deggap), radius = radius,
# text = seq(-90, 90, by = deggap), deg = TRUE, col =
# rgl.sphtext(long = seq(0, 360 - deggap, by = deggap), lat = 0,
# radius = radius, text = seq(0, 360 - deggap, by = deggap)/scale,
# deg = TRUE, col = col.long)
But I can't figure out how to hide the lines.
Any pointers or examples I've overlooked?
SOLUTION: Just prior to the plot3d calls, set any negative values in "y" (in this case, given a first rotation of 90 degrees) to NA

custom ztick labels on surf plot, using PyPlot

Looking for custom zticklabels and fontsize too on the z-axis. Most notably the intuitive approach of using zticks([-(R+r),0,R+r],["-R-r","0","R+r"],fontsize=16) does not work. I am using Julia 4.3.0 because this is an older project which I cannot fully convert to a newer version at this time. The commented lines below include additional commands I tried which were unsuccessful.
My final goal here is to get the -0.8, 0, 0.8 values on the z-axis to instead say "-r", and "0" and "r" respectively.
using PyPlot
colormapp = "nipy_spectral"
R = 1.6;
r = 0.8;
N = 256;
dx = 2*pi/(N-1);
y = zeros(N,1); # y = phi (col) toroidal
x = y.'; # x = theta (row) poloidal
for ix = 2:N; y[ix] = (ix-1)*dx; x[ix] = (ix-1)*dx; end
cosxsqr = cos(x) .+ 0.0*y;
sinxsqr = sin(x) .+ 0.0*y;
sinysqr = 0.0*x .+ sin(y);
cosysqr = 0.0*x .+ cos(y);
Rrcosxsqr = R+r*cosxsqr;
rRrcosx = r*Rrcosxsqr[:];
Xsqr = Rrcosxsqr.*cosysqr;
Ysqr = Rrcosxsqr.*sinysqr;
Zsqr = r*sinxsqr;
pmeshtor = pcolormesh(x,y,Zsqr+r,cmap=colormapp);
cb = colorbar();
colorvals = Zsqr+r;
colorvals = colorvals/maximum(colorvals[:])
ax = figure(99)
srf = surf(Xsqr,Ysqr,Zsqr,cstride=10,rstride=10,facecolors=get_cmap(colormapp).o((colorvals)))
cb = colorbar(pmeshtor,ticks=[0,0.8,1.6])
cb[:ax][:set_yticklabels](["-r","0","r"], fontsize=16)
Here is the resulting image.
The commented command
does work, but only if insert missing projection option as follows in Fig 99
ax = subplot(111, projection="3d")

How to Set a User-Defined Colormap in Octave?

I have a trivial piece of code that calculates some quantity and plots it as contours:
%Calculate Biot number vs. h for a selected material
h = (0:5:1000)';
mat = "Copper";
lambda = 386;
r = (0:0.25:50); %In cm
R = r./100; %In m
%Calculate matrix of Bi values
% R = length(h) x C = length(r)
Bi = (h.*R)/lambda;
%Contour Plot of results
%Set boundaries at Bi = 0, 0.1, 1
conts = [0, 0.1, 1];
ptitle = ["Biot Number for a ", mat, " Sphere"];
%Create a personalized colormap with 30 values.
% 0<Bi<0.1 Green
% 0.1<=Bi<1 Yellow
% Bi >= 1 Red
my_green = [229,255,204]./255;
my_yellow = [255,255,204]./255;
my_pink = [255,229,204]./255;
my_cmap = [repmat(my_green, 10, 1); repmat(my_yellow, 10, 1); repmat(my_pink, 10, 1) ];
colormap (my_cmap);
contourf(h, r, Bi, conts, 'showtext', 'on');
xlabel ("h(W/m^2*K)");
ylabel ("r(cm)");
The result is missing the intermediate color (yellow):
What can be done about this?
You have too few contours, so the wrong color is chosen. If you do contourf(h, r, Bi, 0:0.2:1, 'showtext', 'on'); you get:
Also, I'd suggest to make the "green" and the "yellow" more different, as it might be difficult to differentiate them on some displays.
Here's what I meant by "playing around with L, M, N:
conts = [0, 0.1, 1];
ptitle = ["Biot Number for a ", mat, " Sphere"];
%Create a personalized colormap
my_green = [229,255,204]./255;
my_yellow = [255,255,204]./255;
my_pink = [255,229,204]./255;
my_cmap = [repmat(my_green, 10, 1); repmat(my_yellow, 90, 1); repmat(my_pink, 1, 1) ];
figure(); contourf(h, r, Bi, conts, 'showtext', 'on');
colormap (my_cmap);
caxis([0 1.01])
xlabel ("h(W/m^2*K)");
ylabel ("r(cm)");
BTW, I ran this on MATLAB R2018a in case you're wondering why you're not getting the exact same thing.
Adding the code below to define countours and to generate the colormap, the process can be automated.
conts = [0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.3, 0.7, 1];
%Create a personalized colormap with 50 values distributed proportionally to Bi values
step = 50/max(max(Bi));
L = ceil(step*0.1);
M = ceil(step*(1-0.1));
H = ceil(step*(max(max(Bi))-1));
my_green = [229,255,204]./255;
my_yellow = [255,255,204]./255;
my_pink = [255,229,204]./255;
my_cmap = [repmat(my_green, L, 1); repmat(my_yellow, M, 1); repmat(my_pink, H, 1)];

Trapezoid Integration in Scilab - Polygon Color Fill Stops

I have been working on a program in Scilab that numerically integrates a function by the trapezoidal rule (without using the built-in function). I have no problem with the integration or plotting the function, but I want to overlay the real function on a plot of the trapezoids, colored in.
For some reason, when I set the bounds a = 0 to b = 3, no problem, I get exactly what I want. However, when I set the bounds above 3, the trapezoids will still plot (by lines), but they won't be colored in. In the code below, the color stops at 3. If I plot 0 to 6, for example, the color stops half-way through. 3 to 6, and there is no color at all.
Here are the relevant sections of code:
deff('[y] = f(x)','y = e^(x^2)'); // Definition of function
a = 0; // Lower bound
b = 4; // Upper bound
n = 20; // Number of intervals
h = ((b - a)/n); // Interval spacing
x = a:h:b; // Array of positions for division
for i = 1:n+1
y(i) = f(x(i));
for i = 1:n // Plot colored trapezoids
x_start = a+(h*(i-1));
x_end = a+(h*(i));
y_start = y(i);
y_end = y(i+1);
xpts = [x_start, x_end, x_end, x_start];
ypts = [y_start, y_end, 0, 0];
This is the plot output for a = 0, b = 3
What version of Scilab are you using?
I tried your code with Scilab 5.4.1 (64bit) and I got uncolored trapezoids, but with 5.5.2 (64bit) all the shapes are nice green.
So maybe there was some bugfix between these versions.
I also changed your function definition from 'y = e^(x^2)' to 'y = %e^(x^2)' since the Euler number is a predefined variable (at least in 5.5.2).
deff('[y] = f(x)','y = %e^(x^2)'); // Definition of function
a = 0; // Lower bound
b = 6; // Upper bound
n = 100; // Number of intervals
h = ((b - a)/n); // Interval spacing
x = a:h:b; // Array of positions for division
for i = 1:n+1
y(i) = f(x(i));
for i = 1:n // Plot colored trapezoids
x_start = a+(h*(i-1));
x_end = a+(h*(i));
y_start = y(i);
y_end = y(i+1);
xpts = [x_start, x_end, x_end, x_start];
ypts = [y_start, y_end, 0, 0];
