This is the filepath of the ipynb notebook:
I did this: %run J:/AAA/BBB CCC/DDD /EEE FFF.ipynb
But got the following error:
Exception: File 'J:/AAA/' not found.
How do I deal with files or folders that have spaces?
If I run the file as an ipynb file in jupyter notebook everything works fine. I export the file as a .py file and when I run it in jupyter notebook with "%run 02_02_data_verwerken_gas 100028" I suddenly get a strange output
The output in jupyter is correct but the output via de .py script is weird
I created a Jupyter notebook inside a virtualenv environment and worked fine in the first session. However, when I tried to open the notebook again, I got the error titled Error loading notebook saying Unreadable Notebook: 'Path' NotADirectoryError(20, 'The directory name is invalid'), where 'Path' is just the local path of the notebook.
I'm able to open the notebook using Colab and it works fine. Also, it is saved inside a folder that is synced by Google Drive.
How can I open my notebook with Jupyter again?
A print screen of the error:
I have tried reinstalling Jupyter Notebook, but the error persists.
An error occurred when I executed
jupyter notebook --Notebookapp.allow_origin='' --port=8871 --Notebookapp.port_retries=0
[C 15:37:58.768 NotebookApp] No such file or directory: /Users/admin/ --port=8871
However these lines run perfectly on my other computer.
How can I resolve this issue?
I am using Anaconda distribution.
Is there a way to repare a jupyter notebook. I can't open the notebook anymore.
I am having the following error when trying to open it.
Unreadable Notebook: path/to/notebook.ipynb UnicodeDecodeError('utf-8', b'\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n\x00\x00\x00\rIHDR\x00\x00\x15\x18\x00\x00\x0e\x10\x08\x06\x00\x00\x00\x83\xba\xacA\x00\x00\x009tEXtSoftware\x00Matplotlib version3.3.3,
invalid start byte'
The same error happens when opening the notebook in lab or notebook.
Other notebooks open without problem.
When i run jupyter notebook it just shows up blank
I checked Console for errors and it showed me this:
Console error message
This is the line that the above Error message is referring to:
Error message line
Here is the URL bar if you need it (this is what the URL bar shows when i launch Jupyter notebook):
jupyter nbconvert --to script object_detection_tutorial.ipynb
to convert .ipynb to .txt, then copied the code to a .py file