Get Doctrine Exception to Log - symfony

Sorry but, I have a big problem, in a project I have to make some Cron Task where I add or edit some data in my Database and I want to get back the Doctrine error message if there is a problem.
Try Catch Test
Error I want to get back
Monolog Part 1
Monolog Part 2

As #alexcm says, you could use Monolog. Here is an example autoinjecting it in a service.
This will save the message in the log file, make sure what exception level are you saving in the logs file.
private $logger;
public function __construct(LoggerInterface $logger)
$this->logger = $logger;
public function add(TypeConges $entity, bool $flush = true): void
if ($flush) {
try {
} catch (\Exception $e) {


Doctrine filter not working on itemOperations (Api-Platform)

API Platform version(s) affected: 2.6.8
In a project which uses PostgreSQL and API-Platform, I need to filter all records by a locale string. A doctrine filter is my preferred choice to do so.
This is the filter:
class LocaleFilter extends SQLFilter
public const LOCALE_FILTER_NAME = 'locale_filter';
public function addFilterConstraint(ClassMetadata $targetEntity, $targetTableAlias): string
if (!$targetEntity->reflClass->implementsInterface(LocalizedEntityInterface::class)) {
return '';
return $targetTableAlias . '.locale = ' . $this->getParameter('locale');
The parameter locale will be set on each onKernelRequest event, the locale is the value of the header X-Locale:
public function onKernelRequest(RequestEvent $event): void
$locale = $event->getRequest()->headers->get('X-Locale');
private function setFilterLocale(string $locale): void
if (!$this->entityManager->hasFilters()) {
$localeFilter = $this->entityManager->getFilters()->getFilter(LocaleFilter::LOCALE_FILTER_NAME);
$localeFilter->setParameter('locale', $locale);
Now, when I send a request to a collectionOperations endpoint, such as with the X-Locale header value de_DE, the filter is working and I get a response which contains only the according data in de_DE. When I send a request with locale fr_FR, I get a response with data in fr_FR.
But, when I send a request with the same X-Locale header to a itemOperations endpoint like<a-existing-id> I'm getting the error message The parameter "locale" is not set which comes from doctrine.
After investigating that issue, I can say that it works when I override the default ItemDataProvider from API-platform:
namespace App\DataProvider;
class ItemDataProvider implements ItemDataProviderInterface
public function __construct(
private readonly EntityManagerInterface $entityManager,
private readonly RequestStack $requestStack,
) {
public function getItem(string $resourceClass, $id, ?string $operationName = null, array $context = []): object
$locale = $this->requestStack->getMainRequest()->headers->get('X-Locale');
if ($this->entityManager->hasFilters()) {
$localeFilter = $this->entityManager->getFilters()->getFilter(LocaleFilter::LOCALE_FILTER_NAME);
$localeFilter->setParameter('locale', $locale);
$query = $this->entityManager->getRepository($resourceClass)
->where('x.publicId = :pubid')
->setParameter('pubid', $id)
return $query->getOneOrNullResult();
But is still required to set the filter value again in "my own" ItemDataProvider. If I delete the first 7 lines of the method getItem of the ItemDataProvider, I get the same error from above.
That doesn't make sense like that, does it? It seems like Api-Platform overrides the Doctrine filters in the default ItemDataProvider and make them useless. Howewer, I didn't found the reason for that issue.
Overriding the ItemDataProvider is a working workaround, but I don't think it's a good one, since the cause is more likely a bug and that way some features of Api-Platform are no longer present in the whole project.

Prevent the doctrine postLoad event for some cases

I have an entity BlogPost with a status property. This status property depends on an external API call which is handled via the doctrine postLoad event. All other properties are stored in the local database.
public function postLoad(BlogPost $post)
The problem is, in some cases i don't want to calculate the status at all. For example if i want to get only the description of all blogposts.
With the code above, all blog entities being loaded will trigger the postLoad event even if i just want to have values from a local database. That is very expensive and not acceptable.
So for example in my repository class i want to get all BlogPosts having a website without invoking the postLoad event.
public function findBlogPosts()
$qb = $this->getEntityManager()->createQueryBuilder();
->from('AppBundle:BlogPosts', 'bp')
->innerJoin('', 'w');
return $qb->getQuery()->getResult();
Is there a way to say "Yes, load the BlogPost collection, but do not fire event!" ???
Any other approaches? Custom event?
Why don't just move this logic outside the post entity and event listener? If you know when you need to calculate the status you can do it explicitly.
For example
$post = $this->entityManager->find(BlogPost::class, $postId);
$status = $this->postHandler->calculateStatus($post);
The other approach I could suggest is not good but works. You could use lazy calculation and instead of calling $this->postHandler->calculateStatus($this) in postLoad event listener you could inject postHandler service into entity and perform the calculation in the moment you actually need it.
For example if you need calculation when calling $blogPost->getStatus() method, you could do it this way:
interface PostHandlerAwareInterface
public function setPostHandler(PostHandlerInterface $postHandler): void;
class EntityServiceInjectorEventSubscriber implements EventSubscriber
/** #var PostHandlerInterface */
private $postHandler;
public function postLoad($entity): void
public function postPersist($entity): void
private function injectServices($entity): void
if ($entity instanceof PostHandlerAwareInterface) {
class BlogPost extends PostHandlerAwareInterface
/** #var PostHandlerInterface */
private $postHandler;
private $status;
public function setPostHandler(PostHandlerInterface $postHandler): void
$this->postHandler = $postHandler;
public function getStatus()
if (null === $this->status) {
return $this->status;
If you don't like this idea you still could manage it via (BUT I STRONGLY DO NOT RECOMMEND DO THIS DIRTY HACK) setting the flag to your entity event listener.
You could inject your entity event listener to the code and set flag before fetching data:
class BlogPostCalculateStatusListener
/** #var bool */
private $calculationEnabled = true;
public function suspendCalculation(): void
$this->calculationEnabled = false;
public function resumeCalculation(): void
$this->calculationEnabled = true;
public function postLoad(BlogPost $post): void
if ($this->calculationEnabled) {
$blogPosts = $blogPostRepository->findBlogPosts();
Hope this helps.
PS. If you want to get only the descriptions of all blog posts you can do this way:
class BlogPostRepository
public function findBlogPosts()
$qb = $this->getEntityManager()->createQueryBuilder();
->from('AppBundle:BlogPosts', 'bp')
->innerJoin('', 'w');
return $qb->getQuery()->getArrayResult();
getArrayResult does not invoke lifecycle callbacks.
Since i haven't found a real similar use case on the internet, i'll go for the following solution which seems the easiest and most acceptable cleanest to me. Maybe someone else could find this useful.
Implement a TransientLoadable Interface
interface TransientLoadable
public function isLoaded() : bool;
public function setLoaded(bool $loaded) : TransientLoadable;
public function setTransientLoadingFunction(\Closure $loadingFunction) :
Implement the entity
class BlogPost implements TransientLoadable
Setup Loading function on postLoad Event
public function postLoad(BlogPost $post)
$func = function() use ($postHandler, $post)
//Since there may be another fields being loaded from the same API, catch them also since data is anyway in the same request
//Set the loading state to true to prevent calling the API again for the next property which may also be transient
Use the built-in lazy loading mechanism to get the property from the API only when it's needed
class BlogPost implements TransientLoadable
private function getStatus() : int
if (!$this->isLoaded) {
return $this->status;
private function getVisitorCount() : int
if (!$this->isLoaded) {
return $this->visitorCount;
So what's happening? Let's imagine we want to get the status and the visitor count, both are loaded via a single external API call.
If some api-dependent property of the entity is needed, all other properties gets loaded too (since we don't want to have for each property another call). This in ensured through the loaded function of the TransientLoadable interface. All data gets loaded by the setAllDataFromAPI function which is injected as a closure function.
I think that is not the cleanest solution. The loading stuf should be done by an extra layer on top of the entity class. Since sonata admin does not deal with such an layer, i think that this solution is cleaner than writing the loading mechanism directly to the entity class.
I am open to another suggestions or feedback

Symfony - access to variable inside service

I am looking to access to a variable inside a service.
The variable is an object class.
This is the services.yml
class: NotificationsBundle\Command\ServerCommand
// this is the class
class ServerCommand extends ContainerAwareCommand {
public $notification;
* Configure a new Command Line
protected function configure() {
$this->setName('Project:notification:server') ->setDescription('Start the notification server.');
public function getNotification()
return $this->notification;
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) {
$this->notification = new Notification();
$server = IoServer::factory(new HttpServer(
new WsServer(
), 8081);
$server->loop->addPeriodicTimer(1, function () {
I would like to get the variable $notification from another controller.
When I do that I got an error "non-existent object" ($notification).
I run the service by executing the following command:
php app/console Project:notification:server
It has to be the current object I can not create a new one because the list of users it is inside the object $notification.
Any ideas?

Singleton between different controller actions in Symfony2

Assume we have singleton class
class Registry {
private static $_instance;
private function __construct() {}
private function __wakeup() {}
private function __clone() {}
private $_map = array();
public static function getInstance () {
if (self::$_instance === null)
self::$_instance = new self();
return self::$_instance;
public function set ($key, $val) {
self::getInstance()->_map[$key] = $val;
return self::getInstance();
public function get($key)
if (array_key_exists($key, self::getInstance()->_map))
return self::getInstance()->_map[$key];
return null;
And we have simple Symfony2 Controller with 2 actions
class IndexController {
public function indexAction () {
return new Response(200);
public function secondAction () {
$val = Registry::getInstance()->get('key');
return new Response(200);
I call index action, then second action. But I can't find key, that was set in first action. I think, new instance of singleton creates in my second action. Why object is not saved in memory? What do I do wrong?
If you call indexAction and secondAction in different requests it won't work the way you want it because your Registry instance is not shared between requests.
Singleton itself does not store anything "in memory" (BTW Singleton is now considered as an anti-pattern).
What, I think, you want to achieve can be done by using session storage. Check doc for more info how to implement this.

How to catch users with no username?

I'm migrating quite a large community to symfony2. The current user table contains a lot of users with non-alphanumeric chars in the username. In the new version I only allow [a-zA-Z0-9-] for benefits like semantic URLs for each user.
Is it possible to catch users who log in with email/pass and have no username set? I would like them to redirect to a page where they will be able to re-pick a username. The tricky part: they should not be able to touch anything on the site unless they have a correct username.
I thought about a event, from the fosuserbundle but I couldn't find a suitable one.
You could use events. See an example here:
Of course the action changing the username should be ignored by the event listener. Just like login and other anonymous actions.
You can return any response, including a redirect, by setting response on an event.
Just an idea. How about the AOP paradigm (JMSAopBundle)? Define a pointcut for you controllers (except for the login one):
class PrivateEntityInformationPointcut implements PointcutInterface
public function matchesClass(\ReflectionClass $class)
return $class->isSubclassOf('Your\Controller\Superclass')
&& $class->name !== 'Your\Controller\Access';
public function matchesMethod(\ReflectionMethod $method)
return true; // Any method
Then the interceptor should redirect to the page for setting the username:
class DenyEntityAccessInterceptor implements MethodInterceptorInterface
private $securityContext;
private $logger;
* #DI\InjectParams({
* "securityContext" = #DI\Inject("security.context"),
* "logger" = #DI\Inject("logger"),
* })
public function __construct(SecurityContext $securityContext,
Logger $logger)
$this->securityContext = $securityContext;
$this->logger = $logger;
public function intercept(MethodInvocation $invocation)
// Check username, redirect using the router, log what's happening
// It's OK
return $invocation->proceed();
