Telegram bot Copyrights symbol is grey - telegram

I have an InlineKeyboardMarkup like:
markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup([
InlineKeyboardButton('©', callback_data='©'),
InlineKeyboardButton('a', callback_data='a'),
InlineKeyboardButton('b', callback_data='b')
And whenever I show it the copyrights symbol is colored grey but all other buttons are white as they should
I was wondering why only the copyrights symbol is in grey and how to fix this

How exactly the buttons are displayed is up to the client (which Telegram App/Web app/desktop opp you're using). You can't influence that via the Bot API.


Custom CSS for Google Sign In Button

I'm stuck trying to style the Google Sign In Button while using the new API.
With the old, soon to be deprecated, version it was possible but as of March 2023 Google no longer wants you to use that version.
Is there really no other way? Do you have to choose between the white, blue or black button/icon?
Any help is greatly appreciated!
I tried using the code generator, but it also is limited to the three choices of white, blue or black.

Applying simple text to a picture API in telegram

I am developing a telegram bot that involves the process of adding a text that the user input to an existing image.
It goes like that:
The user inputs a text like his name, time, etc.
The bot adds a text layer on top of the image. (the image is constant and doesn't change).
The user gets in return from the bot the picture with the added text, in a typical image format like JPG or PNG (doesn't matter).
However I actually have no idea what kind of method or API I should use, I was thinking of something like photoshop API but it seems way too complicated and overkill. I am looking for a simple solution that is easy to learn and apply, as it is just adding a text layer on top of a picture and saving it.
I would be interested to hear how would you apply such a thing, to get ideas on how it could be done.
Thank you very much,

How do you add a hyperlink to a message in telegram on mobile?

I'd like to do something along the lines of "Hey, checkout this link" and have it formatted with a hyperlink on desktop and mobile. I'm not looking to make my own bot if possible but I'm happy to use others. I've found the #bold bot can format a hyperlink if it is the only thing in the message but I would ideally like to have other text as well.
You should use last version of Telegram.
Select text that you wrote, but haven't sent yet and press Right click on mouse or long tap on mobile device. A context menu will appear, where you will be able to choose text formatting.

android leanback search fragment

I am using Android Search Fragment in Android TV app.There is a specific requirement where on focus on voice search icon I want the color to become blue not just scale .Sharing the snapshot of present behavior.
Thanks in advance.
This is an unsupported hack, but it'll get the job done. You can override the color lb_speech_orb_recording as a color in your colors.xml file in your project. Then it looks like the below image:

How to share the text Area in White Board? My White Board is in BigBlueButton

I created a white board in Big Blue Button. In that white board i created a text field. Now I want to share the text field. How can I do this?
You want to share the activity of creating text field among all client. Then you need to send the mouse events along with coordinates to the server and then to connected clients.
For text within textfiled, you can send the character as soon as you write and your text Area is shared And also see the links
To ShareTextArea
