$http.get request does not work with API level 31 - http

I ask for your help for a problem that I encounter with IONIC 1.
When I change the API level from 30 to 31 in the config.xml file:
this code is not working
.then(function (success) {
}, function (error) {
$scope.errTXT = JSON.stringify(error);
returns a status of 0.
"data": null,
"status": 0,
"config": {
"method": "GET",
"transformRequest": [
"transformResponse": [
"url": "https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
headers: {
"Accept": "application/json, text/plain, /"
"statusText": ""
I don't understand why the result of http is null
Just for information, when i change back to API 30, everything is
working well. I do not think is a server problem. I start thinking
that the $http.get is not supported in API 31? My server is running on
Ionic CLI : 5.4.16 (C:xxxxxxxx\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\ionic)
Ionic Framework : ionic1 1.3.1
#ionic/v1-toolkit : not installed
Cordova CLI : 11.0.0
Cordova Platforms : android 9.1.0
Cordova Plugins : cordova-plugin-ionic-webview 1.2.1, (and 16 other plugins)
cordova-res : not installed
native-run : not installed
Android SDK Tools : 26.1.1 (xxxxxxxx
NodeJS : v14.16.1 (C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe)
npm : 7.24.2
OS : Windows 10

Did you remove the "android" folder and add it again?
ionic cordova platform remove android
ionic cordova platform add android

Status code 0 usually means a CORS error.
You can read about Ionic CORS errors here.
Essentially, it is likely a misconfiguration on your server headers which are causing your Android app to throw the status code 0.
If you are using a development environment (e.g. localhost:4200) then you can add the following to your config.xml which should allow you to run it without needing a HTTPS:
<preference name="hostname" value="localhost" />
<preference name="AndroidInsecureFileModeEnabled" value="true" />


next-sitemap "Error: Expected ';' on Windows 11

Trying to get a sitemap made for my Next JS site using next-sitemap. From my research, next-sitemap doesn't work on Windows without including cross-env. Any suggestions on what to do?
I currently have my postbuild command set to:
"postbuild": "cross-env next-sitemap --config next-sitemap.js""postbuild": "cross-env next-sitemap --config next-sitemap.js"
And here is my next-sitemap.js:
let policy = {
userAgent: "*",
if (process.env.ENVIRONMENT !== "production") {
module.exports = {
siteUrl: process.env.URL,
generateRobotsTxt: true,
robotsTxtOptions: {
policies: [
outDir: "./out"
Tryp running npm run build (or yarn build) first, on this youtube video happened the same to him and he did it like that:
I don't think you need the cross-env, but for windows what you have to do is changing the file name instead. See the docs here.

Problem to generate the client generator component of API Patform with nuxt.js

I have an api-platform project.
https://localhost:8888/api does show the API documentation.
When i want to generate the client generator component with the command:
npx #api-platform/client-generator . --generator nuxt
I have this response:
api: Api { entrypoint: '', resources: [] },
error: {
response: Response {
size: 0,
timeout: 0,
[Symbol(Body internals)]: [Object],
[Symbol(Response internals)]: [Object]
response: Response {
size: 0,
timeout: 0,
[Symbol(Body internals)]: { body: [PassThrough], disturbed: false, error: null },
[Symbol(Response internals)]: {
url: '',
status: 200,
statusText: 'OK',
headers: [Headers],
counter: 0
status: 200
No components have been generated and not sure where to go from there.
I did the setup successfully on my side (until I got a CORS issue probably because I was using https://demo.api-platform.com).
Here is my Github repo for a working client side boilerplate'd Nuxt app that I've got.
Some things are questionable like the usage of Moment.js in 2022, the fact that this is a Nuxt app used as an SPA only (ssr: false), some not up to-date configuration like for nuxt-i18n modules, the components: false, the fact that there are still some ESlint warnings/errors in the various files, the use of an additional vue-i18n package on top of nuxt-i18n but the setup looks kinda okay otherwise.
I mean, at the end it's kinda removing all the nice stuff from Nuxt to have a basic usual Vue.js app as an SPA but yeah, fine let's say.
There is this line in entrypoint.js
export const ENTRYPOINT = 'https://demo.api-platform.com'
Maybe setting this one up to your own local address may work.
If it doesn't, maybe try to host it on Heroku or alike, a real hosted server is maybe needed. Otherwise, it could also be a migration/DB/any-other-backend issue.
It's not an issue on the Nuxt.js side itself at least.

how to enable firebase notifications in ionic android application

i want to build an application and use firebase for notification done a lot of search over google but did not find any good guide and solution , everything i tried ended into some errors . i tried ionic docs but they are all messy after the ionic v4 they shows everything about v4 i have my app almost finished up just this thing remains .
i will appreciate any help .
Any idea how to proceed? I'm most probably not configuring Firebase properly. I have placed google-services.json in the root directory, no problems there. but after that its all out of my understanding
AN ERROR OCCURRED WHILE RUNNING ionic cordova plugin add phonegap-plugin-push --variable SENDER_ID-150482406038 --SAVE EXIT CODE 1
Got this Working . Thanks everyone for help!
refrences used-
works for
ionic 3.20.1
cordova 8.1.2
steps i followed
Removed my android platform using ionic cordova platform
removeandroid then i created it agin ionic cordova platform add
android. just to avoid any errors which my be there with my old
android version.
Got the google-services.json and placed it in the
then i run $ ionic cordova plugin add phonegap-plugin-push $ npm
install --save #ionic-native/push#4
Edit config.xml look for <platform name="android"> under that i
wrote <resource-file src="google-services.json"
target="app/google-services.json" />
Edit package.json look for "phonegap-plugin-push" and edit it
something like this
"phonegap-plugin-push": {
"ANDROID_SUPPORT_V13_VERSION": "27.+", // already there
"FCM_VERSION": "11.6.2", // already there
"SENDER_ID": "numeric key obtain from firebase console" // added
Open app.module.ts and import import { Push } from
'#ionic-native/push'; add Push under providers there ...
providers: [
Push, ....
Then in a provider
i imported import { Push, PushObject, PushOptions } from '#ionic-native/push';
then in costructor i added private push: Push,
and in the class of that provider i wrote a function like below
// to check if we have permission
.then((res: any) => {
if (res.isEnabled) {
console.log('We have permission to send push notifications');
} else {
console.log('We do not have permission to send push notifications');
// Create a channel (Android O and above). You'll need to provide the id, description and importance properties.
id: "testchannel1",
description: "My first test channel",
// The importance property goes from 1 = Lowest, 2 = Low, 3 = Normal, 4 = High and 5 = Highest.
importance: 3
}).then(() => console.log('Channel created'));
// Delete a channel (Android O and above)
this.push.deleteChannel('testchannel1').then(() => console.log('Channel deleted'));
// Return a list of currently configured channels
this.push.listChannels().then((channels) => console.log('List of channels', channels))
// to initialize push notifications
const options: PushOptions = {
android: {
ios: {
alert: 'true',
badge: true,
sound: 'false'
const pushObject: PushObject = this.push.init(options);
pushObject.on('notification').subscribe((notification: any) => console.log('Received a notification', notification));
pushObject.on('registration').subscribe((registration: any) => console.log('Device registered', registration));
pushObject.on('error').subscribe(error => console.error('Error with Push plugin', error));
Now imported that provider where I want to use that , and called
that function from there . but call it only after
this.platform.ready().then(() => { or when a successful login.
I have shared this because i found it little difficult and got confusing guides over web
Please comment if you found it wrong or not working in your case.
I have been using this tutorial: https://medium.com/#felipepucinelli/how-to-add-push-notifications-in-your-cordova-application-using-firebase-69fac067e821 and Android push notifications worked out of the box. Good luck!
^ you might wanna try the cordova-plugin-firebase plugin as Chrillewoodz has mentioned

Electron default app doesn't change

I am trying to convert my Google Closure Library used web app to Electron. I've used grunt-electron to package the application but it seems it doesn't change the default app of the Test.app. In Test.app/Contents/Contents/app/ there exist my application, but it doesn't load my app, but indeed loads default app.
My file hierarchy:
www: index.js (Electron config file), index.html, css/, fonts/, js/**
My grunt task:
electron: {
osxBuild: {
options: {
name: 'Test App',
dir: 'www',
out: 'build',
version: '0.25.3',
platform: 'darwin',
arch: 'x64'
Check if package.json file exists in your www directory and has main js set inside.
It should be something like:
"name" : "your-app",
"version" : "0.1.0",
"main" : "main.js"

Cordova firefoxos web access issue

I'm trying to port my properly working (in iOS, Android) cordova app to Firefoxos.
The simulator starts properly and its browser can load web pages BUT my app cannot load data from the web.
Looking at console I see the following errors:
"JavaScript error: app://aa2a2c24-a8d6-447d-92da-4f2e9af65661/plugins/org.apache.cordova.network-information/src/firefoxos/NetworkProxy.js, line 33: missing : after property id" simulator-process.js:44
"JavaScript error: app://aa2a2c24-a8d6-447d-92da-4f2e9af65661/cordova.js, line 1120: Module org.apache.cordova.network-information.NetworkProxy does not exist."
Any suggestion? Thanks.
Cordova 3.5.0
Simulator FirfeoxOS 1.3 and FirfeoxOS 1.4
After some research I figured out the issues
1- Despite upgrading cordova to 3.5.0 I must remember that plugins don't get automatically update.
To get the plugin code for firefoxos updated I added again the same plugin, removed the firefoxos platform and reinstalled it again.
At that point the javascript errors were gone
2- Then the ajax call were still not accessible due to permissions. To ensure you can have ajax call you have to put in your manifest.webapp the following code
"type": "privileged",
"permissions": {
"systemXHR": { "description": "Required for AJAX calls in app"}
Both "type" and "permissions" are needed
3- Finally you have to ensure the ajax calls use
mozSystem: true
Specifically for jquery, you could put something like the following on top of your js file:
if (device.platform == 'firefoxos') {
$.ajaxPrefilter( function( options ) {
if ( options.firefoxOS ) {
options.xhr = function() {
return new window.XMLHttpRequest( {
mozSystem: true
} );
} );
$.ajaxSetup( {
firefoxOS: true
} );
Now I can properly handle ajax calls.
