Run file closes by itself - jar

each time I try to open the run file on my desktop, it closes immediately. The error code: "Error: Could not find or load main class ÔÇôjar" What should I do? Thanks.
I typed this: java –jar Addition-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar in a Notepad++ and saved it on the desktop.
I want the run file to open cmd prompt and perform my task without closing automatically.


How to show progress step in cmd console for executing .r file

When I run my .r file using batch cmd, I expect to read progress notes(not bar) just like in Rstudio console. it seems what is shown in cmd is just the message in red colour in RStudio, whether just warning/or info or when it's an error.
How to show the notes in blue is also shown so I can read what exactly is running. later i will output it into log file.
It's good if nothing wrong happens then nothing is shown, but a little notes will be useful too
notes in RStudio
in cmd console
You may want to try calling R CMD BATCH instead of Rscript, e.g.,
"<R_location>\bin\R.exe" CMD BATCH "your_script.R"
which will generate a your_script.Rout file in the working directory, which will contain everything you see in RStudio.

How to debug this scheduled .bat task in task scheduler using cmd and log file?

I'm trying to basically run the following .bat file as a scheduled task, while also logging errors in a .txt file:
In the 'program/script' box, I just have cmd. Then in the add arguments box I have:
/k ""T:\Some_folder\mybatchfile.bat" >>"T:\somelog.txt" 2>&1"
This had been working just fine originally before I tried to add the log function and calling cmd explicitly as seen in several posts, but I'd really like to add this function. I'm using /k for now so that I can watch the cmd window as things happen, but plan to replace it with /c so it closes when its done.
I tried many permutations of where my quotation marks are but am not having a lot of luck. I'm also intentionally using >> vs > in order to append the log, not overwrite it.
The contents of the .bat file are basically:
"C:\RDirectory\R.exe" CMD BATCH "T:\Some_folder1\Preworkforbatch.R"
copy T:\Some_folder2\some_data.csv "C:\Users\ABC1\Another_folder"
copy T:\Some_folder3\some_more_data*.csv "C:\Users\ABC1\Another_folder"
I'm wondering if part of it is that T is a network folder that is mapped? Thanks for your help.
Here is more info on the task:
"T:\Some_folder\mybatchfile.bat" >> "T:\somelog.txt" 2>&1
When redirecting the output of a batch file to a log file you will not see as much output in the cmd window. You have to repeatedly open, close, open the log file to see your progress. Use the title command in your batch to display progress info in the cmd window.
title This is %~F0. The time is %time%. The date is %date%. SLEEP 3600 FOR :RECORDRADIO
Ok this ended up working for me, by editing the batch file itself, and just running the batch file (not cmd explicitly) in the task scheduler:
#echo on
"C:\RDirectory\R.exe" CMD BATCH "T:\Some_folder1\Preworkforbatch.R" >> "C:\Users\ABC1\Logfolder\mylog.txt" 2>&1
copy T:\Some_folder2\some_data.csv "C:\Users\ABC1\Another_folder" >> "C:\Users\ABC1\Logfolder\mylog.txt" 2>&1
copy T:\Some_folder3\some_more_data*.csv "C:\Users\ABC1\Another_folder" >> "C:\Users\ABC1\Logfolder\mylog.txt" 2>&1
Writing the log file to the network was causing errors. Writing to the local computer solved this issue. Not using double quotes also was key, instead just quotes around the file/path. This setup gives me an output for each line, so for every line 2>71 shows up, I get an output if there's an error or a completion message.
This is what the task scheduler looks like:

.jar file quickly opens, then closes

I am trying to make a FTB server that me and my friends can play on. So, I downloaded the .jar and it said "Choose what to open with. SO, I assigned java binary to what it is opened with. It then now opens, but then not less then a second later, closes. I tested with other .jar files. Each one of them either didn't open at all, or opened quickly, then closes. WHat could be wrong?
More than likely the jar (which is just a zip of the programs main classes) is running into an error and exiting.
In order to find and resolve that error you need to see the error message!
first locate the jar file in either your terminal or command prompt and run the following command
java -jar <YOUR_JAR_FILE_NAME>.jar
You will see any output sent from the java program to the console so you can diagnose and resolve it!
In your terminal, where your .jar file is located, type and run the following command :
java --enable-preview -jar <JAR FILE NAME>.jar
Most probably the .jar fill will open, or it will show you the error, which you can then resolve.

When trying to run R script from CMD, getting "Fatal error: cannot open file 'CMD': No such file or directory"

I'm trying to create a batch file to run an R script for me automatically on Windows 7.
Batch file:
"C:\Program Files\R\R-3.2.3\bin\Rscript.exe" CMD BATCH "C:\Users\<my username>\Documents\R\Script Testing\script.R"
R script:
write.csv("hello", "automatic_output.txt")
This script works when I run it in R, but when I try to run the .bat, I get this error:
Fatal error: cannot open file 'CMD': No such file or directory
This happens regardless of whether I paste the code into the command prompt, run the .bat as administrator, or schedule the task.
I tried following the advice given in this thread:
Exporting .csv from R & Batch file
but am seeing the same behavior.
I also used the Windows search to try to find "automatic_output.txt" in case it was being stored in an unexpected location but no results came up.
Lastly, seemed to suggest that I could omit the "CMD BATCH", and when I do I no longer get an error, but automatic_output.txt is still not produced.
Any ideas?
As Thomas pointed out, I needed to change "Rscript.exe" to "R.exe". For future googlers, here is the line of code that worked:
"C:\Program Files\R\R-3.2.3\bin\R.exe" CMD BATCH "C:\Users\<my username>\Documents\R\Script Testing\script.R"

Robot Framework AutoitLibrary run command does not fail but does not open the application

I am having an issue that notepad.exe is not getting opened. The run command itself is successful according to the log. But Nothing is opening. I have just installed AutoItLibrary with pip and downloaded and installed Autoit on my machine. My path is only to Python and Python Scripts directory. I have no other components running. Do I have to have any other thing done? have the code Library|AutoitLibrary |Run|notepad.exe |Send|'abc' Send fails saying no such keyword found. I do not see the notepad opening at any point. I also tried wait for the window where it just waits until time out and comes out without the notepad getting opened.
Got it figured out. A Pip install is not doing the full job. I had to download the distro zip file and run the setup install.
