WooCommerce checkout on product page - wordpress

i wanna make the checkout on product page for woocommerce
simple and variable products
like this
checkout on product page
wanna the checkout form on product page woocommerce like this
checkout on product page

You can use filters to remove the fields you don’t need. If you mean simple and clean as no address , billing info and country etc etc.


How to add an external product to woocommerce cart page in wordpress

I am using printful API to create and order the customized products to printful. so in my site i made an 'add to cart' button. when click the button the product will create in printful and user will redirect to woocommerce cart page and see product data which is not actually a product in woocommerce. But I am stuck on how to add an item data like thumbnail, title, price and other data to cart page without making actual product?
don't have idea what to do:(

Display tax in woocommerce cart widget product same like checkout page

I want to display tax on woocommerce shop page side bar cart widget product list same like checkout page.
Current checkout page -> http://nimb.ws/kbn6mL
Shop page side bar woocommerce cart widget -> http://nimb.ws/JVfMtH
So if anyone knows this solution then please help me.
Please check your woocomerce tax setting tab that you have selected Display tax totals as single total then it will show you on cart page.
As you can see Woocommerce itself displays only cart subtotal on cart widget or mini cart, there will be no setting for this to enable/disable for displaying not only tax but shipping as well. So if you want to add tax and shipping related data on mini cart widget then you can add your functionality on this hook 'woocommerce_widget_shopping_cart_before_buttons' by fetching data from the WC->cart

woocommerce product option and single-product

I want to add 3 checkboxes to the product page which are product options such as assembly, gift wrap & accessories. I want these to be assigned to the single product.
For example if i'm on a single product page underneath add to cart the customer can check these options.
I know of add_to_cart() but that adds single products to cart i want these options to be linked to the current product?
What is the correct way of doing this? at the moment i can't update woocommerce, so the plugins that accomplish this use functions not available in woocommerce 2.0

Is it posible to add contact form on single product page in woocomerce plugin wordpress?

I use woocomerce wordpress plugin. I dont use checking and carts features, just want use woocomerce as catalog with prices. So when user see a product I'd like that he can contact us about that product. Is it posible to add contact form on single product page in woocomerce plugin wordpress?
Yes its possible with Product Enquiry Form plugin:
it adds a tab in the product page with enquiry form

drupal add to inquiry cart

I am trying to create product catalog website in which I need to include a functionality similar to add to cart.
any visitor can add the products to inquiry cart and at the end instead of checkout he can submit the order for all the products which he have already collected in the inquiry cart.
See the ubercart module - http://drupal.org/project/ubercart
