Is there a way to only update changed values when using Hasura's `on_conflict` filters? - hasura

I saw that on the Hasura documentation you can transform an insert conflict into an update statement (upsert) by using the on_conflict property.
This works well but in our case, we send an array of objects (which are equivalent to a table row) in the GraphQL query, and I would only like to do the update if a certain object attribute has changed. Here is an example of what we would like to do (the syntax is made up):
on_conflict: {
constraint: degrees_key,
update_columns: [completion_year],
where: {
completion_year: { _neq: submitted_completion_year }
So in this example, you would have a table with a degree where you would only update the completion year. We would only allow updates on this column using permissions. Right now the way we achieve this is by filtering existing rows before we do the inserts.
By being able to check if the completion_year is not the same, we could let the server do the filtering. Meaning we send all the rows to Hasura and if the field completion_year is the same, then we would ignore that row. It would actually be better to do this verification server side than client side.
Is there a way to do this? I could not find any example where the filter clause would refer back to the values being in conflict.


How to introduce a new column in dynamo DB running in production?

I have a use case where DynamoDB is running in production and I need to add a new column IDUpdatedAt which will also be serving as a sort key for one of the GSIs.
I tried a thing in test where my application adds the new rows with IDUpdatedAt, it's working fine but what about the existing rows? How to add the values for those?
Also the new rows will not be added without IDUpdatedAt, but how will the search be impacted for older rows?
PS: IDUpdatedAt is being used as a filter in the application, i.e., user can search for specific ID and can get results sorted by date. That's why IDUpdatedAt is also a part of GSI (sort key).
Please help.
You've got the right idea by adding the field to new items. After all, DynamoDB does not enforce a particular schema outside of the primary key.
This also happens to be a very useful feature, especially when defining a GSI on that attribute; if the atttibute exists on the item, it ends up in the index! For example, imagine modeling an email inbox in DDB where each item represents an email. You could include an attribute 'is_read' and define a GSI using that atttibute.
If the 'is_read' attribute exists on the item, it's in the index. Otherwise, it's not. A cool way to use GSIs to implement filtering.
Pretty neat stuff!
However, there is no way to retroactively update all items with a new attribute other than manually updating each item (or in batches). The equivalent in SQL databases is defining a new column. Unfortunately, an analogous operation in DDB does not exist.

Firestore Security Rule limit field entry

In my Firestore document, I am trying to limit the fields that the users could update to only the ones I allow. I thought about a function that could check if request.resource.keys() contains any keys that are not the ones I allow, if it does, I block update, if not, I allow update. so far, my function looks like this:
function field_limit() {
let allow_keys = ["field1", "field2", "field3"];
return request.resource.keys() in allow_keys;
inside the path match:
allow update: if field_limit();
When I run a unit test in Emulator that modifies "field1", it does not pass. I think I am doing something wrong here because I am comparing the whole keys list against the allow_keys list.
What should I do in order to achieve the desired functionality then?
I thought about a solution to iterate through request.resource.keys(), and see if each key is in allow_keys. If one isn't, block update. But how to traverse through each value of a list?
edit. Should be instead of request.resource.keys(). Otherwise, it won't work.
The in operator doesn't work the way you're expecting. See the documentation for that - it only checks if a single value is in a list.
If you want to check if a list of values contains only a subset of values in another list, you should use hasOnly instead.
This will evaluate true if the list request.resource.keys() contains only values from the allow_keys list.

Conditional insert in Dynamodb

I am creating a leave tracker app where I want to store the user ID along with the from date and to date. I am using Amazon's DynamoDB as the database, and the user enters a leave through a custom command.
Eg: apply-leave from-date to-date
I want to avoid duplicate entries in the database. For example, if a user has already applied for a leave between 06-10-2019 to 10-10-2019 and applies for a leave between the same dates again, they should get a message saying that this already exists and a new record should not be created for the same.
However, a user can apply for multiple leaves and two users can take a leave between the same dates.
I tried using a conditional statement as follows:
'leave_id': leave_id,
'user_id': user_id,
'from_date': from_date,
'to_date': to_date,
ConditionExpression='attribute_not_exists(user_id) AND attribute_not_exists(from_date) AND attribute_not_exists(to_date)'
where leave_id is the partition key. However, this does not work and a new row is added every time, even if it is the same dates. I have looked through similar other questions, but haven't been able to understand how to get this configured correctly.
Any ideas on how I should go about this, or if there is a different design that I should follow?
If you are calling your code with the leave_id that doesn't yet exist in the table, the item will always be inserted. If you call your code with leave_id that does already exist in your table you should be getting An error occurred (ConditionalCheckFailedException) when calling the PutItem operation: The conditional request failed error message.
I have two suggestions:
If you don't want to change your table, you can create a secondary index with user_id as the partition key and then query the index for all the items where the given user has some from_date and to_date attributes.
Like this:
FilterExpression=Attr('from_date').exists() & Attr('from_date').exists()
Then you will need to check for overlapping leave requests, etc. (eg. leave request that starts before the one that is already in place finishes). After deciding that the leave request is a valid one you will call put_item.
Another suggestion and probably a better one would be to create a composite primary key on your table with user_id as a partition key and leave_id as a sort key. That way you could execute a query for all leave requests from a particular user without the need to create a secondary index.

Using timestamp as an Attribute in DynamoDB

I'm quite new to DynamoDB, but have some experience in Cassandra. I'm trying to adapt a pattern I followed in Cassandra, where each column represented a timestamped event, and wondering if it will carry over gracefully into DynamoDB or if I need to change my approach.
My goal is to query a set of documents within a date range by using the milliseconds-since-epoch timestamp as an Attribute name. I'm successfully storing the following as each report is generated with each new report being added under its own column:
{ PartitionKey:customerId,
. . .
My question is, given a millisecond-based date range, and the accompanying Partition and Sort keys, is it possible to query the set of Attributes that fall within that range or must I retrieve all columns for the matching keys and filter them at the client?
Welcome to the most powerful NoSQL database ;)
To kick off with the positive news, there is no way to query out specific attributes. You can project certain attributes in a query. But you would have to write your own logic to determine which attributes or columns should be included in the projected query. To get close to your solution you could use a map attribute inside an item with the milliseconds as a key. But there is another thing you have to be aware of when starting on this path.
There is a maximum total item size of 400KB for each item in DynamoDB, including key and attribute names.(Limits in DynamoDB Items) This means you can only store so many attributes in an item. This is especially true if you intend to put the actual report inside of the attribute. Which I would advise against, also because you will be burning up read capacity units every time you get one attribute out of the whole item. You would be better of putting this data in a separate table with the keys in the map. But truthfully in DynamoDB I would split this whole thing up, just add the milliseconds to the sort key and make every document its own item. That way you can directly query to these items and you can use the "between" where clause to select specific date-time ranges. Please let me you meant something else.

Efficeintly maintaining a cache of distinct items in a huge DB table

I have a very large (millions of rows) SQL table which represents name-value pairs (one columns for a name of a property, the other for it's value). On my ASP.NET web application I have to populate a control with the distinct values available in the name column. This set of values is usually not bigger than 100. Most likely around 20. Running the query
SELECT DISTINCT name FROM nameValueTable
can take a significant time on this large table (even with the proper indexing etc.). I especially don't want to pay this penalty every time I load this web control.
So caching this set of names should be the right answer. My question is, how to promptly update the set when there is a new name in the table. I looked into SQL 2005 Query Notification feature. But the table gets updated frequently, very seldom with an actual new distinct name field. The notifications will flow in all the time, and the web server will probably waste more time than it saved by setting this.
I would like to find a way to balance the time used to query the data, with the delay until the name set is updated.
Any ides on how to efficiently manage this cache?
A little normalization might help. Break out the property names into a new table, and FK back to the original table, using a int ID. you can display the new table to get the complete list, which will be really fast.
Figuring out your pattern of usage will help you come up with the right balance.
How often are new values added? are new values added always unique? is the table mostly updates? do deletes occur?
One approach may be to have a SQL Server insert trigger that will check the table cache to see if its key is there & if it's not add itself
Add a unique increasing sequence MySeq to your table. You may want to try and cluster on MySeq instead of your current primary key so that the DB can build a small set then sort it.
SELECT DISTINCT name FROM nameValueTable Where MySeq >= ?;
Set ? to the last time your cache has seen an update.
You will always have a lag between your cache and the DB so, if this is a problem you need to rethink the flow of the application. You could try making all requests flow through your cache/application if you manage the data:
requests --> cache --> db
If you're not allowed to change the actual structure of this huge table (for example, due to huge numbers of reports relying on it), you could create a holding table of these 20 values and query against that. Then, on the huge table, have a trigger that fires on an INSERT or UPDATE, checks to see if the new NAME value is in the holding table, and if not, adds it.
I don't know the specifics of .NET, but I would pass all the update requests through the cache. Are all the update requests done by your ASP.NET web application? Then you could make a Proxy object for your database and have all the requests directed to it. Taking into consideration that your database only has key-value pairs, it is easy to use a Map as a cache in the Proxy.
Specifically, in pseudocode, all the requests would be as following:
// the client invokes cache.get(key)
if(cacheMap.has(key)) {
return cacheMap.get(key);
} else {
cacheMap.put(key, dababase.retrieve(key));
// the client invokes cache.put(key, value)
cacheMap.put(key, value);
if(writeThrough) {
database.put(key, value);
Also, in the background you could have an Evictor thread which ensures that the cache does not grow to big in size. In your scenario, where you have a set of values frequently accessed, I would set an eviction strategy based on Time To Idle - if an item is idle for more than a set amount of time, it is evicted. This ensures that frequently accessed values remain in the cache. Also, if your cache is not write through, you need to have the evictor write to the database on eviction.
Hope it helps :)
-- Flaviu Cipcigan
