How to start julia reinforcement experiments? - julia

I'm new to Julia and JuliaReinforcementLearning
and just want to start the Experiments provided on
So I made one file like this:
using ReinforcementLearning
using StableRNGs
using Flux
using Flux.Losses
function RL.Experiment(
seed = 123,
rng = StableRNG(seed)
env = CartPoleEnv(; T = Float32, rng = rng)
ns, na = length(state(env)), length(action_space(env))
policy = Agent(
policy = QBasedPolicy(
learner = BasicDQNLearner(
approximator = NeuralNetworkApproximator(
model = Chain(
Dense(ns, 128, relu; init = glorot_uniform(rng)),
Dense(128, 128, relu; init = glorot_uniform(rng)),
Dense(128, na; init = glorot_uniform(rng)),
) |> gpu,
optimizer = ADAM(),
batch_size = 32,
min_replay_history = 100,
loss_func = huber_loss,
rng = rng,
explorer = EpsilonGreedyExplorer(
kind = :exp,
ϵ_stable = 0.01,
decay_steps = 500,
rng = rng,
trajectory = CircularArraySARTTrajectory(
capacity = 1000,
state = Vector{Float32} => (ns,),
stop_condition = StopAfterStep(10_000, is_show_progress=!haskey(ENV, "CI"))
hook = TotalRewardPerEpisode()
Experiment(policy, env, stop_condition, hook, "# BasicDQN <-> CartPole")
named the file "JuliaRL_BasicDQN_CartPole.jl"
and a second file like this:
using Plots
ex = E`JuliaRL_BasicDQN_CartPole`
savefig("assets/JuliaRL_BasicDQN_CartPole.png") #hide
named "test.jl".
(-> one question: what does Exxx exactly mean??)
The experiment seems to start, it shows this text:
BasicDQN <-> CartPole
But then it stops wiht this error mesage:
LoadError: UndefVarError: params not defined
[1] update!(learner::BasicDQNLearner{NeuralNetworkApproximator{Chain{Tuple{Dense{typeof(relu), CUDA.CuArray{Float32, 2, CUDA.Mem.DeviceBuffer}, CUDA.CuArray{Float32, 1, CUDA.Mem.DeviceBuffer}}, Dense{typeof(relu), CUDA.CuArray{Float32, 2, CUDA.Mem.DeviceBuffer}, CUDA.CuArray{Float32, 1, CUDA.Mem.DeviceBuffer}}, Dense{typeof(identity), CUDA.CuArray{Float32, 2, CUDA.Mem.DeviceBuffer}, CUDA.CuArray{Float32, 1, CUDA.Mem.DeviceBuffer}}}}, Adam}, typeof(huber_loss), StableRNGs.LehmerRNG}, batch::NamedTuple{(:state, :action, :reward, :terminal, :next_state), Tuple{Matrix{Float32}, Vector{Int64}, Vector{Float32}, Vector{Bool}, Matrix{Float32}}})
# ReinforcementLearningZoo ~/.julia/packages/ReinforcementLearningZoo/tvfq9/src/algorithms/dqns/basic_dqn.jl:78
[2] update!(learner::BasicDQNLearner{NeuralNetworkApproximator{Chain{Tuple{Dense{typeof(relu), CUDA.CuArray{Float32, 2, CUDA.Mem.DeviceBuffer}, CUDA.CuArray{Float32, 1, CUDA.Mem.DeviceBuffer}}, Dense{typeof(relu), CUDA.CuArray{Float32, 2, CUDA.Mem.DeviceBuffer}, CUDA.CuArray{Float32, 1, CUDA.Mem.DeviceBuffer}}, Dense{typeof(identity), CUDA.CuArray{Float32, 2, CUDA.Mem.DeviceBuffer}, CUDA.CuArray{Float32, 1, CUDA.Mem.DeviceBuffer}}}}, Adam}, typeof(huber_loss), StableRNGs.LehmerRNG}, traj::CircularArraySARTTrajectory{NamedTuple{(:state, :action, :reward, :terminal), Tuple{CircularArrayBuffers.CircularArrayBuffer{Float32, 2, Matrix{Float32}}, CircularArrayBuffers.CircularVectorBuffer{Int64, Vector{Int64}}, CircularArrayBuffers.CircularVectorBuffer{Float32, Vector{Float32}}, CircularArrayBuffers.CircularVectorBuffer{Bool, Vector{Bool}}}}})
# ReinforcementLearningZoo ~/.julia/packages/ReinforcementLearningZoo/tvfq9/src/algorithms/dqns/basic_dqn.jl:65
[3] update!
# ~/.julia/packages/ReinforcementLearningCore/yeRLW/src/policies/q_based_policies/learners/abstract_learner.jl:35 [inlined]
[4] update!
# ~/.julia/packages/ReinforcementLearningCore/yeRLW/src/policies/q_based_policies/q_based_policy.jl:67 [inlined]
[5] (::Agent{QBasedPolicy{BasicDQNLearner{NeuralNetworkApproximator{Chain{Tuple{Dense{typeof(relu), CUDA.CuArray{Float32, 2, CUDA.Mem.DeviceBuffer}, CUDA.CuArray{Float32, 1, CUDA.Mem.DeviceBuffer}}, Dense{typeof(relu), CUDA.CuArray{Float32, 2, CUDA.Mem.DeviceBuffer}, CUDA.CuArray{Float32, 1, CUDA.Mem.DeviceBuffer}}, Dense{typeof(identity), CUDA.CuArray{Float32, 2, CUDA.Mem.DeviceBuffer}, CUDA.CuArray{Float32, 1, CUDA.Mem.DeviceBuffer}}}}, Adam}, typeof(huber_loss), StableRNGs.LehmerRNG}, EpsilonGreedyExplorer{:exp, false, StableRNGs.LehmerRNG}}, CircularArraySARTTrajectory{NamedTuple{(:state, :action, :reward, :terminal), Tuple{CircularArrayBuffers.CircularArrayBuffer{Float32, 2, Matrix{Float32}}, CircularArrayBuffers.CircularVectorBuffer{Int64, Vector{Int64}}, CircularArrayBuffers.CircularVectorBuffer{Float32, Vector{Float32}}, CircularArrayBuffers.CircularVectorBuffer{Bool, Vector{Bool}}}}}})(stage::PreActStage, env::CartPoleEnv{Base.OneTo{Int64}, Float32, Int64, StableRNGs.LehmerRNG}, action::Int64)
# ReinforcementLearningCore ~/.julia/packages/ReinforcementLearningCore/yeRLW/src/policies/agents/agent.jl:78
[6] _run(policy::Agent{QBasedPolicy{BasicDQNLearner{NeuralNetworkApproximator{Chain{Tuple{Dense{typeof(relu), CUDA.CuArray{Float32, 2, CUDA.Mem.DeviceBuffer}, CUDA.CuArray{Float32, 1, CUDA.Mem.DeviceBuffer}}, Dense{typeof(relu), CUDA.CuArray{Float32, 2, CUDA.Mem.DeviceBuffer}, CUDA.CuArray{Float32, 1, CUDA.Mem.DeviceBuffer}}, Dense{typeof(identity), CUDA.CuArray{Float32, 2, CUDA.Mem.DeviceBuffer}, CUDA.CuArray{Float32, 1, CUDA.Mem.DeviceBuffer}}}}, Adam}, typeof(huber_loss), StableRNGs.LehmerRNG}, EpsilonGreedyExplorer{:exp, false, StableRNGs.LehmerRNG}}, CircularArraySARTTrajectory{NamedTuple{(:state, :action, :reward, :terminal), Tuple{CircularArrayBuffers.CircularArrayBuffer{Float32, 2, Matrix{Float32}}, CircularArrayBuffers.CircularVectorBuffer{Int64, Vector{Int64}}, CircularArrayBuffers.CircularVectorBuffer{Float32, Vector{Float32}}, CircularArrayBuffers.CircularVectorBuffer{Bool, Vector{Bool}}}}}}, env::CartPoleEnv{Base.OneTo{Int64}, Float32, Int64, StableRNGs.LehmerRNG}, stop_condition::StopAfterStep{ProgressMeter.Progress}, hook::TotalRewardPerEpisode)
# ReinforcementLearningCore ~/.julia/packages/ReinforcementLearningCore/yeRLW/src/core/run.jl:29
[7] run(policy::Agent{QBasedPolicy{BasicDQNLearner{NeuralNetworkApproximator{Chain{Tuple{Dense{typeof(relu), CUDA.CuArray{Float32, 2, CUDA.Mem.DeviceBuffer}, CUDA.CuArray{Float32, 1, CUDA.Mem.DeviceBuffer}}, Dense{typeof(relu), CUDA.CuArray{Float32, 2, CUDA.Mem.DeviceBuffer}, CUDA.CuArray{Float32, 1, CUDA.Mem.DeviceBuffer}}, Dense{typeof(identity), CUDA.CuArray{Float32, 2, CUDA.Mem.DeviceBuffer}, CUDA.CuArray{Float32, 1, CUDA.Mem.DeviceBuffer}}}}, Adam}, typeof(huber_loss), StableRNGs.LehmerRNG}, EpsilonGreedyExplorer{:exp, false, StableRNGs.LehmerRNG}}, CircularArraySARTTrajectory{NamedTuple{(:state, :action, :reward, :terminal), Tuple{CircularArrayBuffers.CircularArrayBuffer{Float32, 2, Matrix{Float32}}, CircularArrayBuffers.CircularVectorBuffer{Int64, Vector{Int64}}, CircularArrayBuffers.CircularVectorBuffer{Float32, Vector{Float32}}, CircularArrayBuffers.CircularVectorBuffer{Bool, Vector{Bool}}}}}}, env::CartPoleEnv{Base.OneTo{Int64}, Float32, Int64, StableRNGs.LehmerRNG}, stop_condition::StopAfterStep{ProgressMeter.Progress}, hook::TotalRewardPerEpisode)
# ReinforcementLearningCore ~/.julia/packages/ReinforcementLearningCore/yeRLW/src/core/run.jl:10
[8] run(x::Experiment; describe::Bool)
# ReinforcementLearningCore ~/.julia/packages/ReinforcementLearningCore/yeRLW/src/core/experiment.jl:56
[9] run(x::Experiment)
# ReinforcementLearningCore ~/.julia/packages/ReinforcementLearningCore/yeRLW/src/core/experiment.jl:54
[10] top-level scope
# ~/Documents/julia/reinforcement/test.jl:9
[11] include(fname::String)
# Base.MainInclude ./client.jl:476
[12] top-level scope
# REPL[6]:1
[13] top-level scope
# ~/.julia/packages/CUDA/DfvRa/src/initialization.jl:52
in expression starting at /home/std/Documents/julia/reinforcement/test.jl:9
So what params have to be defined else to run the Experiments?
Thank you!

Guess, I found the answer here:
(in "Get started in 3 lines!"):
So the first step to do the demo would be
to :
]add ReinforcementLearningExperiments
and then add
using ReinforcementLearningExperiments
to the first line of file JuliaRL_BasicDQN_CartPole.jl
Second is to look at the file ReinforcementLearningExperiments.jl
in .julia/packages/ReinforcementLearningExperiments/dWZym/src
The imports/using - block looks like this:
using ReinforcementLearning
using Requires
using StableRNGs
using Flux
using Flux.Losses
using Setfield
using Dates
using TensorBoardLogger
using Logging
using Distributions
using IntervalSets
using BSON
A short form fo this is enough for the DQN-Demo.
So the corrected version of the first file "JuliaRL_BasicDQN_CartPole.jl"
looks like this now:
using ReinforcementLearningExperiments
using ReinforcementLearning
using StableRNGs
using Flux
using Flux.Losses
using Dates
using Logging
function RL.Experiment(
seed = 123,
rng = StableRNG(seed)
env = CartPoleEnv(; T = Float32, rng = rng)
ns, na = length(state(env)), length(action_space(env))
policy = Agent(
policy = QBasedPolicy(
learner = BasicDQNLearner(
approximator = NeuralNetworkApproximator(
model = Chain(
Dense(ns, 128, relu; init = glorot_uniform(rng)),
Dense(128, 128, relu; init = glorot_uniform(rng)),
Dense(128, na; init = glorot_uniform(rng)),
) |> gpu,
optimizer = ADAM(),
batch_size = 32,
min_replay_history = 100,
loss_func = huber_loss,
rng = rng,
explorer = EpsilonGreedyExplorer(
kind = :exp,
ϵ_stable = 0.01,
decay_steps = 500,
rng = rng,
trajectory = CircularArraySARTTrajectory(
capacity = 1000,
state = Vector{Float32} => (ns,),
stop_condition = StopAfterStep(10_000, is_show_progress=!haskey(ENV, "CI"))
hook = TotalRewardPerEpisode()
Experiment(policy, env, stop_condition, hook, "# BasicDQN <-> CartPole")
and with this modifications the Experiment does the simulation.
----------> ANNOTATION:
I just found a detailed description of all
aspects of reinforcement learning and Julia reinforcement experiments in this notebooks:
The notebooks run fine with my Julia version 1.8.2 and have a lot of text-explanations in the notebook-annotations, which can clarify all the questions how to start experiments and use environments.


R How to make working t.test command line into function?

I have a code line which works independently, but I am trying to make it into a function which does not work.
Data set:
cooper <- data.frame(preDist=c(2454, 2666, 2153, 2144, 2957, 2407, 2167, 2259,
1993, 2351, 1642, 2121, 2603, 2669, 2064),
postDist=c(2763, 2710, 2272, 2342, 3256, 2617, 2515, 2469,
2257, 2637, 1597, 2331, 2616, 2679, 2114),
group=factor(c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3),
labels=c("Group1", "Group2", "Cont")))
Working code:
t.test(cooper$postDist[cooper$group == "Group1"],
cooper$preDist[cooper$group == "Group1"],
alternative = "greater",
paired = TRUE)$p.value
This returns correct value for my chosen group (Group1)
Not-working function:
pairtest <- function(grp) {
pvalue <- t.test(cooper$postDist[cooper$group == "grp"],
cooper$preDist[cooper$group == "grp"],
alternative = "greater", paired = TRUE)$p.value
Reports "not enough 'x' observations".
pairtest <- function(grp,df) { # add data frame to your input
with(df[df$group == grp,], # filter data frame on input
t.test(preDist,postDist,alternative="greater",paired = T)$p.value)
#changed pre to preDist
#changed post to postDist

rolling logistic model function

I have some time series data called dat and what I am trying to do is to split it into training and test on a rolling basis.
Say we have 100 days in total, I want to train the model on the first 20 days and test on the next 10 days (so using 30 days for train & test). Then move from day 2 until day 22 (training on 20 days) and then test on the next 10 days (22 - 32). Then do the same but begin on day 3 and train until day 23, and test on the next 10 observations until 33. Keep going until the final model begins on day 70 and trains until 90, tests on the last 10 observations.
I am trying to make it so that the number of days an change, i.e. the total days can be 1000, 1250, 87 etc.
I have a function which trains a logistic model on some data but the data expands as the days increase but its not exactly what I am after.
If I can créate the different training and tests splits then using the rollapply function might give the results I am after.
EDIT: I am not sure if it would be better/ or interesting to train on the first 20 days and then test just on the next 1 day instead of 10 days.
myfun <- function(model_len, dat, ...){
dat <- data.frame(dat)
names(dat) <- c("y", "x1", "x2", "x3")
fit <- glm(formula, data=dat[(1:model_len),])
predict(fit, dat[(model_len + 1),])
sapply(1:50, myfun, dat=dat)
dat <- structure(c(0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1,
1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,
0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1,
0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1,
1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0,
1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1,
1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1,
0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1,
0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1157.4779907, 1161.2739868, 1165.064978, 1162.5039794,
1152.5029784, 1143.5659789, 1131.9999755, 1115.114978, 1101.3089843,
1088.9449828, 1077.7859863, 1067.7619873, 1059.9439942, 1058.2339967,
1062.8999879, 1065.9739869, 1071.7789918, 1084.3059937, 1094.9029908,
1101.5380006, 1106.801001, 1106.7830079, 1105.7230103, 1105.3360108,
1104.5960206, 1104.4260255, 1106.363025, 1109.688025, 1111.763025,
1113.7510255, 1118.2270265, 1126.2330201, 1131.9140137, 1132.8030029,
1133.0679931, 1131.1919921, 1123.4999877, 1109.6529845, 1098.5239806,
1085.2169738, 1070.7239746, 1058.9449829, 1046.018982, 1037.3779847,
1030.1209901, 1023.8139955, 1019.6099977, 1018.9979982, 1016.8410036,
1018.3280031, 1021.1230043, 1020.8710024, 1024.0220033, 1030.0970094,
1034.7910035, 1040.7799927, 1047.371991, 1052.5719849, 1051.4059814,
1051.5269836, 1052.2799865, 1052.3579894, 1050.2929931, 1046.6079956,
1041.8380005, 1035.4400025, 1032.9650025, 1031.6990113, 1035.0920167,
1041.2500184, 1047.0030091, 1053.8240052, 1062.1109986, 1066.3029907,
1072.0419922, 1077.5289917, 1079.3439941, 1081.8229858, 1083.4049804,
1083.0979735, 1081.2649779, 1079.0049803, 1075.0169798, 1073.8739867,
1074.1959837, 1078.2869871, 1085.5799925, 1091.5880003, 1098.3030028,
1102.7200072, 1106.8830077, 1112.3160033, 1120.2160033, 1126.9150023,
1133.6280028, 1136.9040038, 1140.320996, 1143.1609985, 1146.4569946,
1149.8369995, 1153.297998, 1152.7800049, 1150.6940064, 1147.6130005,
1143.8229981, 1140.1619995, 1135.5619995, 1129.0449951, 1124.4880005,
1122.7390015, 1122.5960084, 1125.3989991, 1128.9430054, 1136.8930054,
1144.3530029, 1151.173999, 1158.3080078, 1167.6070068, 1173.8760009,
1178.3499999, 1183.494995, 1193.018994, 1203.9989867, 1212.4839843,
1217.4519897, 1221.0399902, 1222.8859863, 1225.2989868, 1229.2179931,
1233.0979858, 1235.0249878, 1234.4389893, 1232.6299927, 1230.7069947,
1230.6179932, 1232.1449952, 1234.6289918, 1234.0659913, 1232.0999879,
1229.8249879, 1228.1249879, 1224.0649903, 1220.2369874, 1215.8649903,
1214.1689942, 1214.8499878, 1213.7549926, 1217.246997, 1220.5099975,
1222.2329955, 1221.1559935, 1219.641992, 1216.0529905, 1211.9979856,
1206.3969847, 1199.9509886, 1193.1179808, 1185.7209715, 1179.0619749,
1172.8479857, 1169.2699828, 1167.7309814, 1169.2739868, 1169.3999878,
1170.2729858, 1171.0019897, 1172.7689941, 1174.7, 1176.7939942,
1180.7199952, 1184.6089966, 1187.7949951, 1185.9269897, 1185.0529907,
1182.6129883, 1178.0299805, 1168.1029786, 1156.5709717, 1148.2319702,
1137.9259643, 1130.0429687, 1121.3169677, 1113.2949707, 1107.2059692,
1102.4249755, 1098.911975, 1095.860974, 1097.485974, 1093.6249755,
1086.4079772, 1077.9009704, 1074.0089783, 1072.2119812, 1068.344989,
1062.2379822, 1057.449994, 1061.7179994, 1060.4010072, 1059.8690125,
1061.7240113, 1061.7080201, 1058.3970215, 1057.8680176, 1058.2380127,
1056.2290161, 1053.2240112, 1047.6460082, 1041.7940063, 1040.0410034,
1040.6190063, 1045.6369994, 1050.1010009, 1128.81199335, 1132.72894074524,
1136.05951315045, 1133.75860942184, 1126.33398461976, 1121.97836475121,
1114.98804010824, 1104.18156200269, 1097.85760647863, 1093.48449548066,
1089.54311267298, 1087.65328775174, 1087.83107177539, 1088.49478389202,
1089.82480075944, 1091.87386411569, 1093.27921086657, 1096.47071830785,
1100.97350704044, 1102.6227005604, 1102.82339384036, 1099.6516439508,
1097.67720586025, 1097.0346199688, 1096.8465665432, 1098.06499020575,
1100.72546732901, 1106.37447415482, 1111.91023852103, 1114.41117237617,
1117.75201214987, 1120.7832448975, 1122.20674347869, 1120.07466752834,
1117.94469547802, 1115.36710590868, 1109.05404401262, 1100.7222309638,
1096.19725287201, 1087.52132174134, 1079.62024328978, 1075.06498573838,
1068.53212719186, 1063.28239822121, 1059.64979029538, 1056.61743493392,
1051.89577236878, 1048.42474757175, 1046.82620161254, 1044.26846536373,
1043.14861247194, 1041.82684176033, 1041.46047397363, 1044.57471778567,
1047.19426428227, 1051.05194873158, 1053.13842609047, 1054.50142846281,
1051.21367146635, 1048.35332113622, 1047.56157998039, 1045.89381512512,
1043.17345339892, 1042.61503488473, 1040.8783653719, 1039.24423257458,
1040.09811147224, 1041.49734266536, 1042.67950374485, 1046.49669481677,
1051.36081397707, 1055.8274040745, 1060.05336092454, 1061.8797055984,
1063.77402125569, 1065.18506361229, 1065.29696088731, 1066.65724613614,
1066.94988745651, 1068.16322588922, 1069.21815580453, 1069.83166801363,
1068.92578972661, 1068.81857632408, 1070.35871095988, 1075.03883372561,
1081.15799613269, 1086.72961878672, 1091.50584604513, 1094.58719261226,
1097.09031664919, 1100.22361887307, 1103.94707859945, 1106.8845033995,
1111.19264545669, 1115.10382303224, 1120.66155045774, 1125.17569412844,
1129.42943430668, 1132.1180628489, 1134.34300733948, 1133.43510749763,
1132.00890306928, 1129.33948182459, 1127.89952841272, 1126.73290894484,
1126.80215199772, 1124.52480561698, 1124.50054032013, 1125.99287400392,
1128.66498590831, 1130.96736496466, 1133.15142772993, 1137.94462318423,
1142.78989202382, 1146.70132945013, 1151.6631122644, 1155.87424490588,
1158.8347892958, 1161.3181459343, 1165.5259415596, 1173.38822864916,
1181.98934506353, 1190.21226039081, 1194.81109273454, 1197.18527342649,
1199.09715310016, 1201.08885375729, 1203.47563187564, 1205.40271083986,
1207.24721647416, 1210.57795500043, 1213.91433880992, 1217.26535187564,
1219.20293598272, 1220.70837160341, 1222.74566726023, 1221.94893752116,
1220.47665680486, 1218.61792387106, 1217.58479016906, 1216.06433348629,
1215.23248801141, 1214.29415629603, 1214.89947702975, 1217.46333121739,
1218.76682576811, 1221.6747517902, 1223.33620352446, 1222.84608328404,
1220.3845515427, 1217.15554472911, 1212.80167770729, 1208.2329423066,
1204.08123494406, 1201.53635399701, 1197.84907704491, 1195.70439885016,
1193.49731600729, 1189.93090962564, 1187.19653451844, 1185.66257561192,
1185.77756793459, 1183.90255822654, 1182.89945696687, 1183.06617763669,
1182.8208264332, 1183.94646343956, 1184.8534641596, 1185.84933033488,
1187.20748792203, 1188.70677011993, 1186.75278639422, 1183.95251873763,
1180.62084752452, 1176.63980928409, 1167.55220563799, 1159.14913329151,
1154.47587831137, 1148.54960418648, 1145.95250178776, 1143.07035314131,
1137.82269769928, 1133.88338944221, 1130.76687940009, 1128.18812336199,
1120.80925075608, 1118.40550744598, 1113.93545635589, 1104.9968430839,
1098.44571145686, 1096.38135988954, 1093.86884942387, 1090.43277224064,
1085.63821926534, 1082.79744209722, 1083.80625856415, 1083.6723314628,
1082.00354027587, 1077.87272739245, 1073.8896151646, 1071.01060743464,
1070.41054586943, 1069.56096911996, 1064.84087682282, 1061.11888950636,
1058.87994622004, 1055.5466184848, 1054.88694005768, 1053.88913948076,
1056.96921953021, 1059.95310805114, 77.1228859956622, 81.0362538530292,
78.8404654349793, 46.4728298378735, 33.7103494024937, 38.1634534707235,
33.5520386736078, 26.2429467891094, 30.5979953728327, 30.5979953728327,
31.2223518673486, 33.7665461425831, 36.6962580582319, 37.7398082531122,
40.5860776927095, 41.0627097257687, 40.7556533339627, 52.526559398101,
67.2093345204357, 57.3558861837519, 61.809628052695, 65.0522479908148,
60.3356537763659, 59.9025026642582, 60.6951031882524, 60.0950548232381,
59.3846485649388, 64.6199416069941, 64.1051430716001, 55.6515339908006,
58.7835089189351, 55.0890845598537, 48.1838706704649, 46.0064642542491,
48.4030879681908, 55.5793562399467, 43.3339041496164, 35.5089178322478,
42.157901440901, 32.5975281088021, 28.6602735068277, 26.9110067493817,
23.5372731683978, 27.6575715257538, 27.7636741048428, 28.4241344813052,
27.7437779358905, 33.8748748481366, 38.0173561927228, 37.3614293051309,
46.7027642395441, 51.6960358269122, 46.2684476430283, 67.9712504992444,
67.4307596718059, 65.3539239654913, 69.3859268680975, 65.8884694613497,
48.7463489665683, 48.3776103610145, 58.1513743683333, 53.5784372311078,
46.4319595892114, 54.1515204375632, 48.0571628692748, 48.6571396623733,
52.2995925118996, 44.9774509790143, 45.2591195805464, 48.7943143049565,
56.0044804919092, 57.6982718090011, 75.947686211121, 66.6475291255686,
63.2031704734223, 66.0494138822722, 66.2641524590373, 64.6800962380417,
66.0941051628946, 68.6330617447997, 62.298871330898, 58.4734193157287,
52.329016147723, 43.5650542408412, 44.6973713488007, 56.9666746925596,
61.477502601121, 70.1850582389349, 68.3785649248245, 64.1672444920065,
68.1060250901431, 67.2130080618559, 73.8468747118516, 69.6113702464934,
73.1570958144156, 74.8830412236628, 85.4049570826199, 81.7882678868151,
79.8159292966814, 65.9053697697576, 57.9091367119927, 44.4025529377091,
43.2388424796772, 42.7803356293289, 47.7057738515549, 44.7755737074884,
45.7557906780512, 40.016244653124, 41.4992896665767, 46.6336286507843,
44.3657650232027, 45.4718259236287, 45.2372613787558, 56.9881807801438,
58.8717301068573, 68.2039283244873, 73.5215112680329, 78.8594307629251,
73.0335410836162, 71.845824268758, 73.323376014074, 89.1748677280385,
88.8275948061702, 88.079358554904, 72.9197089804835, 66.5774741060939,
65.5905607795046, 60.3560855296636, 60.5351059532554, 61.4085229097936,
58.076745639994, 63.2173375817626, 67.2733875032827, 68.7459719049055,
59.9037653356146, 44.6491666372171, 40.4929666577831, 30.2655738215587,
36.0522832244009, 40.7505784647263, 45.517250253278, 41.5835266382263,
41.3526668380199, 41.539756712543, 48.3189167794286, 49.8415866657383,
44.5858982397584, 50.0675010891207, 50.5139938354098, 44.9097955003298,
37.4247186375495, 41.3952548987526, 39.6467050713014, 39.3953595896288,
36.8289128008105, 42.8772642627352, 37.5760511024063, 42.0791664435174,
36.4236440580649, 25.1434697637668, 29.0666072154372, 25.3668839063101,
34.1040319281821, 34.1351918720353, 42.138526061446, 49.3942545777117,
53.2282422165058, 60.0907410718325, 59.6946479180297, 56.5126081396889,
64.5584522103826, 61.6638469740838, 48.5567687748239, 50.4491176695018,
45.8595330253583, 39.1134283844586, 22.2017732449298, 24.6509068125481,
33.7409449463083, 27.0354908046699, 36.9033514343542, 31.849732552439,
28.384694400023, 30.2843907497844, 30.2566110685775, 30.1702095862,
28.1229085893699, 39.7891005017724, 37.8236546439287, 33.4844836408483,
42.9231744072258, 49.6425369989148, 43.9761986844232, 44.7318583977582,
37.1424843378588, 40.8120228103859, 50.807226927847, 47.9214803669887,
44.995279725301, 41.3197867616665, 47.7401787161256, 40.9599257198947,
48.8101085201251, 58.7773921954413, 46.8976151314924, 38.7370234461344,
43.0052200556536, 42.7247275761847, 51.7764243779359, 47.5063348907638,
48.4623219235214, 51.3175593621287), class = c("xts", "zoo"), .indexCLASS = "Date", .indexTZ = "UTC", tclass = "Date", tzone = "UTC", src = "yahoo", updated = structure(1544977543.47594, class = c("POSIXct",
"POSIXt")), index = structure(c(1517356800, 1517443200, 1517529600,
1517788800, 1517875200, 1517961600, 1518048000, 1518134400, 1518393600,
1518480000, 1518566400, 1518652800, 1518739200, 1519084800, 1519171200,
1519257600, 1519344000, 1519603200, 1519689600, 1519776000, 1519862400,
1519948800, 1520208000, 1520294400, 1520380800, 1520467200, 1520553600,
1520812800, 1520899200, 1520985600, 1521072000, 1521158400, 1521417600,
1521504000, 1521590400, 1521676800, 1521763200, 1522022400, 1522108800,
1522195200, 1522281600, 1522627200, 1522713600, 1522800000, 1522886400,
1522972800, 1523232000, 1523318400, 1523404800, 1523491200, 1523577600,
1523836800, 1523923200, 1524009600, 1524096000, 1524182400, 1524441600,
1524528000, 1524614400, 1524700800, 1524787200, 1525046400, 1525132800,
1525219200, 1525305600, 1525392000, 1525651200, 1525737600, 1525824000,
1525910400, 1525996800, 1526256000, 1526342400, 1526428800, 1526515200,
1526601600, 1526860800, 1526947200, 1527033600, 1527120000, 1527206400,
1527552000, 1527638400, 1527724800, 1527811200, 1528070400, 1528156800,
1528243200, 1528329600, 1528416000, 1528675200, 1528761600, 1528848000,
1528934400, 1529020800, 1529280000, 1529366400, 1529452800, 1529539200,
1529625600, 1529884800, 1529971200, 1530057600, 1530144000, 1530230400,
1530489600, 1530576000, 1530748800, 1530835200, 1531094400, 1531180800,
1531267200, 1531353600, 1531440000, 1531699200, 1531785600, 1531872000,
1531958400, 1532044800, 1532304000, 1532390400, 1532476800, 1532563200,
1532649600, 1532908800, 1532995200, 1533081600, 1533168000, 1533254400,
1533513600, 1533600000, 1533686400, 1533772800, 1533859200, 1534118400,
1534204800, 1534291200, 1534377600, 1534464000, 1534723200, 1534809600,
1534896000, 1534982400, 1535068800, 1535328000, 1535414400, 1535500800,
1535587200, 1535673600, 1536019200, 1536105600, 1536192000, 1536278400,
1536537600, 1536624000, 1536710400, 1536796800, 1536883200, 1537142400,
1537228800, 1537315200, 1537401600, 1537488000, 1537747200, 1537833600,
1537920000, 1538006400, 1538092800, 1538352000, 1538438400, 1538524800,
1538611200, 1538697600, 1538956800, 1539043200, 1539129600, 1539216000,
1539302400, 1539561600, 1539648000, 1539734400, 1539820800, 1539907200,
1540166400, 1540252800, 1540339200, 1540425600, 1540512000, 1540771200,
1540857600, 1540944000, 1541030400, 1541116800, 1541376000, 1541462400,
1541548800, 1541635200, 1541721600, 1541980800, 1542067200, 1542153600,
1542240000, 1542326400, 1542585600, 1542672000, 1542758400, 1542931200,
1543190400, 1543276800, 1543363200, 1543449600, 1543536000), tzone = "UTC", tclass = "Date"), .Dim = c(212L,
4L), .Dimnames = list(NULL, c("y", "x1", "x2", "x3")))
Just so I undestand the function output a little.
I set:
, n_train = 5
, n_test = 1
and get the following final 3 outputs:
2018-11-16 2018-11-19 2018-11-20 2018-11-21 2018-11-23 2018-11-26
1.00045650 0.08862828 0.61874897 1.00620776 0.67800147 0.60795702
2018-11-19 2018-11-20 2018-11-21 2018-11-23 2018-11-26 2018-11-27
0.05759443 0.69372082 0.93025186 0.72564291 0.60694731 0.98584268
2018-11-20 2018-11-21 2018-11-23 2018-11-26 2018-11-27 2018-11-28
0.8507988 0.8028078 0.7412901 0.6416496 0.9538837 1.0095700
Are these the predicted probabilities of the event happening? How can we have 1.0095700 as one of the probabilities?
Secondly since n train = 5 and n test = 1, the last output tells me that the first 5 results are the predicted probabilities on the training data and the 6th results is the predicted on the test data, i.e. data 2018-11-28 = 1.0095700
?, the same being for result 204, 2018-11-27 = 0.98584268.
I am not sure how you intend to use such a function, but you can wrap some of the code in an extra function, where you compute the training and testing indexes. For example, like so
myfun <- function(fm, dat, train_index, test_index){
fit <- glm(fm, data=dat[train_index, ])
predict(fit, newdata = dat[test_index, ], type = 'response')
wrapper_myfun <- function(
, n_train = 20
, n_test = 10
stopifnot('y' %in% names(dat))
f_ <- formula(paste0('y~', paste(setdiff(names(dat), 'y'), collapse = ' + ')))
stride <- n_train + n_test
start_position <- seq(1, dim(dat)[1] - stride)
train_index_list <- lapply(start_position
, function(i) seq(i, i + n_train))
test_index_list <- lapply(start_position
, function(i) seq((i + n_train + 1)
, (i + n_train + n_test)))
, train_index = train_index_list
, test_index = test_index_list
, MoreArgs = list(fm = f_, dat = dat)
You can further optimize this code.
Choosing between 1 and 10 time periods for test purposes depends on application quite a bit.

quantstrat strategy - close at end of each period

I have trained a simple model and I am now trying to backtest it using quantstrat. I am still getting to know how quantstrat works, so I know I am making some mistakes in the code. The model is very simple (54% test accuracy) but I am just applying it to quantstrat for education on the quantstrat package.
The data looks like:
open high low close volume adjusted direction returns
2018-11-23 1030.00 1037.590 1022.399 1023.88 691500 1023.88 1 -0.013232313
2018-11-26 1038.35 1049.310 1033.910 1048.62 1850400 1048.62 0 0.024162978
2018-11-27 1041.00 1057.580 1038.490 1044.41 1803200 1044.41 0 -0.004014763
2018-11-28 1048.76 1086.840 1035.760 1086.23 2475400 1086.23 0 0.040041693
2018-11-29 1076.08 1094.245 1076.000 1088.30 1468900 1088.30 0 0.001905737
2018-11-30 1089.07 1095.570 1077.880 1094.43 2580200 1094.43 0 0.005632642
sma rsi momentum roc pred
2018-11-23 1041.794 42.72473 -31.93005 -0.03910309 1
2018-11-26 1040.041 51.77642 -44.77002 -0.01219856 0
2018-11-27 1040.619 47.50633 -37.98999 0.02364954 0
2018-11-28 1045.637 48.46232 20.07996 0.05727916 0
2018-11-29 1050.101 51.31756 49.67004 0.04769691 0
2018-11-30 1053.073 56.61429 58.38000 0.06663439 0
Much of the information in the table is not of any use anymore. The strategy I am trying to apply is when the column pred = 0, long the position. When the column pred = 1, short the position and close each position at the end of each period. (In this case I have daily data, but the period could be hours, weeks, months etc.)
Where am I going wrong in the add.signal and add.rule.
How can I add a rule to close out a position at the end of each period?
mean(test$pred == test$direction)
from <- "2017-07-09"
to <- "2018-12-01"
init_equity <- 1
adjustment <- TRUE
symbols <- 'GOOG'
GOOG <- test
stock("GOOG", currency="USD", multiplier=1)
symbols <- c("GOOG") <- <- <- "SVMstrat"
initPortf(name =,
symbols = symbols,
initDate = initDate,
currency = 'USD')
initAcct(name =,
portfolios =,
initDate = initDate,
currency = 'USD',
initEq = init_equity)
symbols = symbols,
initDate = initDate)
strategy(, store = TRUE)
########### Adding to the strategy
name = "sigThreshold",
arguments = list(column = "pred",
threshold = 0.5,
relationship = "gte",
cross = TRUE),
label = "longEntry")
name = "sigThreshold",
arguments = list(column = "pred",
threshold = 0.5,
relationship = "lte",
cross = TRUE),
label = "longExit")
applySignals(strategy =, mktdata=GOOG)
orderqty = 100,
TxnFees = -10,
orderqty = 100,
TxnFees = -10,
dateRange <- time(getPortfolio($summary)[-1]
chart.Posn(, 'GOOG')
test <- structure(c(1156.97998, 1144.589966, 1159.890015, 1185, 1189.390015,
1172.219971, 1196.560059, 1191, 1186.959961, 1181.01001, 1262.589966,
1239.130005, 1251, 1271, 1228.01001, 1220.01001, 1228, 1205.900024,
1229.619995, 1225, 1237, 1240.469971, 1249.900024, 1243, 1236.97998,
1235.189941, 1229.26001, 1224.72998, 1202.030029, 1205.02002,
1208, 1200, 1207.140015, 1208.819946, 1227.599976, 1241.290039,
1237.449951, 1244.22998, 1234.97998, 1204.27002, 1193.800049,
1186.300049, 1158.670044, 1172.189941, 1161.630005, 1172.719971,
1170.73999, 1179.099976, 1170.140015, 1157.089966, 1164.97998,
1179.98999, 1192, 1157.170044, 1176.150024, 1185.150024, 1186.72998,
1191.869995, 1199.890015, 1190.959961, 1205, 1195.329956, 1167.5,
1150.109985, 1146.150024, 1131.079956, 1072.939941, 1108, 1108.910034,
1104.589966, 1126.459961, 1121.839966, 1093.369995, 1103.060059,
1080.890015, 1104.25, 1071.790039, 1037.030029, 1082.469971,
1008.460022, 1059.810059, 1075.800049, 1073.72998, 1055, 1039.47998,
1069, 1091.380005, 1073.98999, 1061.390015, 1043.290039, 1050,
1044.709961, 1059.410034, 1057.199951, 1000, 1036.76001, 1030,
1038.349976, 1041, 1048.76001, 1076.079956, 1089.069946, 1159.589966,
1164.290039, 1184.410034, 1195.416992, 1191, 1203.040039, 1204.5,
1200, 1196.859985, 1206.48999, 1266, 1265.859985, 1269.770996,
1273.890015, 1234.916016, 1227.588013, 1233.469971, 1229.880005,
1230, 1226.088013, 1251.170044, 1256.5, 1255.541992, 1245.694946,
1249.272949, 1245.869995, 1235.23999, 1226, 1209.02002, 1211,
1217.26001, 1211.839966, 1221.280029, 1221.650024, 1243.089966,
1242.545044, 1250.660034, 1253.63501, 1238.660034, 1212.98999,
1199.01001, 1186.300049, 1175.26001, 1174.540039, 1178.680054,
1178.609985, 1178.609985, 1180.425049, 1177.23999, 1176.079956,
1173.209961, 1189.890015, 1192.209961, 1178, 1186.880005, 1194.22998,
1202.099976, 1195.410034, 1209.900024, 1209.959961, 1206.410034,
1197.51001, 1173.5, 1168, 1154.349976, 1132.170044, 1106.400024,
1115, 1113.446045, 1124.219971, 1128.98999, 1121.839966, 1110.359985,
1112.22998, 1107.890015, 1106.119995, 1110.97998, 1106.530029,
1097.040039, 1037.48999, 1091.939941, 1083.974976, 1082.974976,
1058.469971, 1064.344971, 1095.459961, 1093.27002, 1075.560059,
1062.119995, 1056.60498, 1054.563965, 1071.849976, 1067, 1060.790039,
1031.73999, 1048.560059, 1037.589966, 1049.310059, 1057.579956,
1086.839966, 1094.244995, 1095.569946, 1149.589966, 1141, 1155.935059,
1180, 1179.280029, 1170.599976, 1190.339966, 1183.319946, 1184.219971,
1181, 1235.560059, 1239.130005, 1249.02002, 1231, 1211.469971,
1205.599976, 1210.209961, 1204.790039, 1215.060059, 1215.796997,
1236.170044, 1238.008057, 1246.01001, 1232, 1233.640991, 1225.109985,
1209.51001, 1202.550049, 1188.23999, 1194.625977, 1200.354004,
1199, 1204.23999, 1206.359009, 1225.715942, 1228.689941, 1236.359009,
1232.589966, 1211.285034, 1192.5, 1162, 1152, 1157.214966, 1160.109985,
1156.23999, 1158.359985, 1162.849976, 1168.329956, 1154.030029,
1157.089966, 1154.579956, 1173.359985, 1166.040039, 1146.910034,
1168, 1174.765015, 1183.630005, 1184.5, 1190.300049, 1186.630005,
1193.829956, 1155.57605, 1145.119995, 1127.364014, 1137.572021,
1081.130005, 1068.27002, 1086.401978, 1089, 1102.5, 1102.189941,
1077.089966, 1087.75, 1091, 1070, 1048.73999, 1069.550049, 1034.089966,
995.830017, 1000.75, 1057, 1062.459961, 1054.609985, 1021.23999,
1038.069946, 1065.900024, 1072.204956, 1053.109985, 1031, 1031.150024,
1031, 1031.780029, 1048.97998, 1016.26001, 996.02002, 1033.469971,
1022.398987, 1033.910034, 1038.48999, 1035.76001, 1076, 1077.880005,
1152.839966, 1153.900024, 1183.47998, 1188.819946, 1183.859985,
1198.800049, 1195.880005, 1186.959961, 1184.910034, 1205.5, 1248.079956,
1263.699951, 1268.329956, 1238.5, 1219.73999, 1217.26001, 1220.01001,
1226.150024, 1223.709961, 1224.77002, 1242.219971, 1245.609985,
1249.099976, 1237.609985, 1235.01001, 1242.099976, 1214.380005,
1206.48999, 1200.959961, 1207.77002, 1201.619995, 1207.329956,
1205.380005, 1220.650024, 1241.819946, 1231.150024, 1249.300049,
1239.119995, 1218.189941, 1197, 1186.47998, 1171.439941, 1164.829956,
1164.640015, 1177.359985, 1162.819946, 1175.329956, 1172.530029,
1156.050049, 1161.219971, 1171.089966, 1186.869995, 1166.089966,
1173.369995, 1184.650024, 1180.48999, 1194.640015, 1193.469971,
1195.310059, 1200.109985, 1202.949951, 1168.189941, 1157.349976,
1148.969971, 1138.819946, 1081.219971, 1079.319946, 1110.079956,
1092.25, 1121.280029, 1115.689941, 1087.969971, 1096.459961,
1101.160034, 1103.689941, 1050.709961, 1095.569946, 1071.469971,
1020.080017, 1036.209961, 1076.77002, 1070, 1057.790039, 1040.089966,
1055.810059, 1093.390015, 1082.400024, 1066.150024, 1038.630005,
1036.050049, 1043.660034, 1064.709961, 1061.48999, 1020, 1025.76001,
1037.609985, 1023.880005, 1048.619995, 1044.410034, 1086.22998,
1088.300049, 1094.430054, 798400, 1120000, 1251900, 1221900,
1055700, 1610400, 1393600, 1276700, 1247400, 2619200, 3318200,
2127800, 2405600, 2130600, 1849900, 1644700, 1567200, 1531300,
1089600, 1081700, 1494000, 1370300, 841800, 1108700, 958100,
1348100, 1828800, 1343200, 1389600, 870800, 1205600, 887400,
992600, 946600, 1156300, 1304000, 1298900, 1331400, 1816400,
1831000, 2061300, 1888500, 1401300, 1115400, 1209300, 1295500,
1431200, 944000, 1306500, 1203600, 1191400, 1210000, 4405600,
1271000, 977700, 1462300, 1260800, 1380600, 1357600, 1687900,
1256200, 2209500, 1184300, 1932400, 1308700, 2675700, 2949000,
2101300, 1372400, 1928500, 1467200, 2094500, 1267600, 1514200,
1848700, 1982400, 2545800, 4187600, 3880700, 3212700, 2529800,
1482000, 1839000, 2441400, 1233300, 2058400, 1488200, 1343200,
1471800, 1513700, 1565900, 1836100, 1658100, 1858600, 2449100,
1534300, 691500, 1850400, 1803200, 2475400, 1468900, 2580200,
1152.839966, 1153.900024, 1183.47998, 1188.819946, 1183.859985,
1198.800049, 1195.880005, 1186.959961, 1184.910034, 1205.5, 1248.079956,
1263.699951, 1268.329956, 1238.5, 1219.73999, 1217.26001, 1220.01001,
1226.150024, 1223.709961, 1224.77002, 1242.219971, 1245.609985,
1249.099976, 1237.609985, 1235.01001, 1242.099976, 1214.380005,
1206.48999, 1200.959961, 1207.77002, 1201.619995, 1207.329956,
1205.380005, 1220.650024, 1241.819946, 1231.150024, 1249.300049,
1239.119995, 1218.189941, 1197, 1186.47998, 1171.439941, 1164.829956,
1164.640015, 1177.359985, 1162.819946, 1175.329956, 1172.530029,
1156.050049, 1161.219971, 1171.089966, 1186.869995, 1166.089966,
1173.369995, 1184.650024, 1180.48999, 1194.640015, 1193.469971,
1195.310059, 1200.109985, 1202.949951, 1168.189941, 1157.349976,
1148.969971, 1138.819946, 1081.219971, 1079.319946, 1110.079956,
1092.25, 1121.280029, 1115.689941, 1087.969971, 1096.459961,
1101.160034, 1103.689941, 1050.709961, 1095.569946, 1071.469971,
1020.080017, 1036.209961, 1076.77002, 1070, 1057.790039, 1040.089966,
1055.810059, 1093.390015, 1082.400024, 1066.150024, 1038.630005,
1036.050049, 1043.660034, 1064.709961, 1061.48999, 1020, 1025.76001,
1037.609985, 1023.880005, 1048.619995, 1044.410034, 1086.22998,
1088.300049, 1094.430054, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0,
0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1,
0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0,
1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0,
1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.00104855331105314, 0.000919518780805317,
0.0256347650444282, 0.00451208815547521, -0.00417217175459472,
0.012619789662035, -0.00243580570624413, -0.00745897913060267,
-0.00172703972109811, 0.0173768179939304, 0.03532140688511, 0.0125152198181764,
0.00366384836553646, -0.0235190818121779, -0.0151473637464675,
-0.0020332038141998, 0.00225917222073213, 0.00503275706729656,
-0.00199001994229053, 0.000866266545001881, 0.0142475327735407,
0.00272899653776371, 0.0028018328706636, -0.00919861598011906,
-0.00210080318639327, 0.00574081662706516, -0.0223170207999425,
-0.00649715490004299, -0.00458356807419513, 0.00567051294060583,
-0.0050920497264868, 0.00475188580729302, -0.00161509369523183,
0.0126682199278725, 0.0173431545355052, -0.00859216509959326,
0.0147423341154074, -0.00814860609999057, -0.0168910630806179,
-0.017394611699556, -0.0087886549707602, -0.0126761843887159,
-0.00564261535624044, -0.000163063285779752, 0.0109218040219923,
-0.0123496969365746, 0.0107583379894998, -0.00238224762817163,
-0.0140550600772716, 0.00447205724741084, 0.00849967727604639,
0.0134746513574004, -0.0175082604561083, 0.00624311091962526,
0.00961336070298957, -0.00351161432973557, 0.0119865692380838,
-0.000979411358491888, 0.00154179664734944, 0.00401563256651238,
0.00236642144094823, -0.0288956410622938, -0.00927928294838842,
-0.00724068360804975, -0.00883402112865139, -0.050578649594534,
-0.00175729735942876, 0.0284994362552065, -0.0160618664481138,
0.026578190890364, -0.00498545221124236, -0.0248455856607925,
0.00780351501080179, 0.0042865888105148, 0.00229749257318224,
-0.0480025938734183, 0.0426949269209413, -0.0219976598372297,
-0.0479621038301595, 0.0158124301340961, 0.0391427032421665,
-0.00628734072666692, -0.0114111785046729, -0.016733068328695,
0.0151141665758556, 0.0355934816870314, -0.0100512999471647,
-0.0150129338873702, -0.0258125201711763, -0.00248399910225972,
0.00734519052177562, 0.0201693332256125, -0.00302427056940058,
-0.0390865579429535, 0.00564706862745101, 0.0115523854356538,
-0.0132323129099419, 0.024162977965372, -0.00401476323174632,
0.0400416930502221, 0.00190573730988342, 0.00563264240007388,
1125.3989991, 1128.9430054, 1136.8930054, 1144.3530029, 1151.173999,
1158.3080078, 1167.6070068, 1173.8760009, 1178.3499999, 1183.494995,
1193.018994, 1203.9989867, 1212.4839843, 1217.4519897, 1221.0399902,
1222.8859863, 1225.2989868, 1229.2179931, 1233.0979858, 1235.0249878,
1234.4389893, 1232.6299927, 1230.7069947, 1230.6179932, 1232.1449952,
1234.6289918, 1234.0659913, 1232.0999879, 1229.8249879, 1228.1249879,
1224.0649903, 1220.2369874, 1215.8649903, 1214.1689942, 1214.8499878,
1213.7549926, 1217.246997, 1220.5099975, 1222.2329955, 1221.1559935,
1219.641992, 1216.0529905, 1211.9979856, 1206.3969847, 1199.9509886,
1193.1179808, 1185.7209715, 1179.0619749, 1172.8479857, 1169.2699828,
1167.7309814, 1169.2739868, 1169.3999878, 1170.2729858, 1171.0019897,
1172.7689941, 1174.7, 1176.7939942, 1180.7199952, 1184.6089966,
1187.7949951, 1185.9269897, 1185.0529907, 1182.6129883, 1178.0299805,
1168.1029786, 1156.5709717, 1148.2319702, 1137.9259643, 1130.0429687,
1121.3169677, 1113.2949707, 1107.2059692, 1102.4249755, 1098.911975,
1095.860974, 1097.485974, 1093.6249755, 1086.4079772, 1077.9009704,
1074.0089783, 1072.2119812, 1068.344989, 1062.2379822, 1057.449994,
1061.7179994, 1060.4010072, 1059.8690125, 1061.7240113, 1061.7080201,
1058.3970215, 1057.8680176, 1058.2380127, 1056.2290161, 1053.2240112,
1047.6460082, 1041.7940063, 1040.0410034, 1040.6190063, 1045.6369994,
1050.1010009, 1053.0730102, 45.4718259236287, 45.2372613787558,
56.9881807801438, 58.8717301068573, 68.2039283244873, 73.5215112680329,
78.8594307629251, 73.0335410836162, 71.845824268758, 73.323376014074,
89.1748677280385, 88.8275948061702, 88.079358554904, 72.9197089804835,
66.5774741060939, 65.5905607795046, 60.3560855296636, 60.5351059532554,
61.4085229097936, 58.076745639994, 63.2173375817626, 67.2733875032827,
68.7459719049055, 59.9037653356146, 44.6491666372171, 40.4929666577831,
30.2655738215587, 36.0522832244009, 40.7505784647263, 45.517250253278,
41.5835266382263, 41.3526668380199, 41.539756712543, 48.3189167794286,
49.8415866657383, 44.5858982397584, 50.0675010891207, 50.5139938354098,
44.9097955003298, 37.4247186375495, 41.3952548987526, 39.6467050713014,
39.3953595896288, 36.8289128008105, 42.8772642627352, 37.5760511024063,
42.0791664435174, 36.4236440580649, 25.1434697637668, 29.0666072154372,
25.3668839063101, 34.1040319281821, 34.1351918720353, 42.138526061446,
49.3942545777117, 53.2282422165058, 60.0907410718325, 59.6946479180297,
56.5126081396889, 64.5584522103826, 61.6638469740838, 48.5567687748239,
50.4491176695018, 45.8595330253583, 39.1134283844586, 22.2017732449298,
24.6509068125481, 33.7409449463083, 27.0354908046699, 36.9033514343542,
31.849732552439, 28.384694400023, 30.2843907497844, 30.2566110685775,
30.1702095862, 28.1229085893699, 39.7891005017724, 37.8236546439287,
33.4844836408483, 42.9231744072258, 49.6425369989148, 43.9761986844232,
44.7318583977582, 37.1424843378588, 40.8120228103859, 50.807226927847,
47.9214803669887, 44.995279725301, 41.3197867616665, 47.7401787161256,
40.9599257198947, 48.8101085201251, 58.7773921954413, 46.8976151314924,
38.7370234461344, 43.0052200556536, 42.7247275761847, 51.7764243779359,
47.5063348907638, 48.4623219235214, 51.3175593621287, 56.6142900584089,
-4.82006799999999, -1.57995600000004, 58.6699210000002, 70.3599850000001,
79.880005, 84.580078, 80.229981, 59.5, 82.020019, 81.2299800000001,
107.909912, 109.649902, 115.48999, 84.599976, 36.26001, 28.4400639999999,
36.1500249999999, 27.3499750000001, 27.829956, 37.8100589999999,
57.309937, 40.1099850000001, 1.02001999999993, -26.089966, -33.3199460000001,
3.59997599999997, -5.35998500000005, -10.7700199999999, -19.0500489999999,
-18.3800040000001, -22.089966, -17.4400639999999, -36.839966,
-24.959961, -7.2800299999999, -6.45996100000002, 14.290039, -2.97998099999995,
3.80993600000011, -9.48999000000003, -14.479981, -36.3300789999998,
-36.790039, -42.6899410000001, -28.0200199999999, -57.830078,
-66.48999, -58.619995, -93.25, -77.900024, -47.0999750000001,
-10.130005, -20.3900140000001, 1.93005399999993, 19.820068, 15.8499750000001,
17.2800299999999, 30.6500249999999, 19.9801029999999, 27.579956,
46.8999020000001, 6.9699700000001, -13.73999, -37.900024, -27.2700199999999,
-92.150024, -105.330078, -70.410034, -102.390015, -72.189942,
-79.6201179999998, -112.140014, -106.48999, -67.0299070000001,
-53.6600349999999, -98.26001, -43.25, -9.75, -59.2399290000001,
-73.869995, -15.4799800000001, -51.280029, -57.8999020000001,
-47.880005, -40.6499020000001, -7.77001900000005, -21.2899170000001,
15.440063, -56.9399410000001, -35.419922, 23.580017, 28.5, -15.2800299999999,
-50, -32.030029, -2.47998099999995, -31.9300539999999, -44.7700199999999,
-37.98999, 20.079956, 49.670044, 58.380005, 0.0222611532791754,
0.0452135091331929, 0.0513252799641881, 0.0417837604179434, 0.025502736394083,
0.039092663599452, 0.0357347902099496, 0.00293614990186253, -0.00329432207453095,
0.0181141450822189, 0.0402852378681278, 0.0551615667800078, 0.0663056560265511,
0.0442341189174087, 0.0117432944413327, -0.025003895701337, -0.0351848233779339,
-0.0338218411236912, -0.0120137739039121, 0.00411537451562882,
0.0202976386336982, 0.0207662940930682, 0.0185440740696787, 0.0112948922357141,
0.00832598771420034, -9.66018891714882e-05, -0.0253916951198745,
-0.0347079634534282, -0.0300608837885816, -0.0223033747170538,
-0.0331328340436947, -0.00582238916306288, -0.00092043524789176,
0.0162623189210285, 0.0278023013942841, 0.0242780692234357, 0.0341721602379419,
0.0276065721476719, -0.00201742129018712, -0.0367595754116454,
-0.0369577878306506, -0.0643497227781094, -0.0618263303728748,
-0.0449540628540124, -0.0165437954424839, -0.0201428806167474,
0.00331521089287889, 0.0065887162483893, -0.00740297497164288,
-0.0138034795252402, 0.00708686703803085, 0.0097706638268491,
-0.00550758934150863, 0.0148708818967105, 0.0199762409613848,
0.0079946880333539, 0.00652531170373116, 0.0232087632715174,
0.0185256691345472, 0.012965814191138, 0.0188472345861976, -0.0223894054190623,
-0.0307321178168358, -0.0395397517017582, -0.0524206155642792,
-0.106686826243081, -0.0791243287288781, -0.041700843048468,
-0.0506260747757752, -0.0155216754472765, 0.0313829883191348,
0.00798238469401547, -0.0123452722292345, 0.00812441164353306,
-0.0158118578835529, -0.0600069056977848, 0.00696117861714018,
-0.0230552625927682, -0.0764831282344325, -0.0630892695041085,
0.0244997487533043, -0.0236160780123607, -0.0128496474489905,
0.0194261429225948, 0.0187385123731847, 0.0153171376045522, 0.0115221715735752,
0.00787218840953852, -0.00140467331860261, -0.0188928482186341,
-0.0465491768740778, -0.0164783950656826, -0.0043804792361124,
-0.0180999145663217, -0.00998164151028913, -0.00581382135522279,
-0.0391030878479981, -0.0121985628088801, 0.0236495379306092,
0.0572791560421972, 0.0476969136015821, 0.0666343919981838, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), .Dim = c(102L,
13L), .Dimnames = list(NULL, c("open", "high", "low", "close",
"volume", "adjusted", "direction", "returns", "sma", "rsi", "momentum",
"roc", "pred")), index = structure(c(1531180800, 1531267200,
1531353600, 1531440000, 1531699200, 1531785600, 1531872000, 1531958400,
1532044800, 1532304000, 1532390400, 1532476800, 1532563200, 1532649600,
1532908800, 1532995200, 1533081600, 1533168000, 1533254400, 1533513600,
1533600000, 1533686400, 1533772800, 1533859200, 1534118400, 1534204800,
1534291200, 1534377600, 1534464000, 1534723200, 1534809600, 1534896000,
1534982400, 1535068800, 1535328000, 1535414400, 1535500800, 1535587200,
1535673600, 1536019200, 1536105600, 1536192000, 1536278400, 1536537600,
1536624000, 1536710400, 1536796800, 1536883200, 1537142400, 1537228800,
1537315200, 1537401600, 1537488000, 1537747200, 1537833600, 1537920000,
1538006400, 1538092800, 1538352000, 1538438400, 1538524800, 1538611200,
1538697600, 1538956800, 1539043200, 1539129600, 1539216000, 1539302400,
1539561600, 1539648000, 1539734400, 1539820800, 1539907200, 1540166400,
1540252800, 1540339200, 1540425600, 1540512000, 1540771200, 1540857600,
1540944000, 1541030400, 1541116800, 1541376000, 1541462400, 1541548800,
1541635200, 1541721600, 1541980800, 1542067200, 1542153600, 1542240000,
1542326400, 1542585600, 1542672000, 1542758400, 1542931200, 1543190400,
1543276800, 1543363200, 1543449600, 1543536000), tzone = "UTC", tclass = "Date"), class = c("xts",
"zoo"), .indexCLASS = "Date", .indexTZ = "UTC", tclass = "Date", tzone = "UTC", src = "yahoo", updated = structure(1544367929.32363, class = c("POSIXct",

Calling ROI "LP "and "QP" functions

I am trying to reproduce some of the examples given by the ROI creators.
For example in (slides 15-17) there is the example:
#ROI: R Optimization Infrastructure
#Installed solver plugins: cplex, lpsolve, glpk, quadprog, symphony, nlminb.
#Default solver: glpk.
(constr1 <- L_constraint(c(1, 2), "<", 4))
#An object containing 1 linear constraints.
(constr2 <- L_constraint(matrix(c(1:4), ncol = 2), c("<", "<"), c(4, 5)))
#An object containing 2 linear constraints.
rbind(constr1, constr2)
#An object containing 3 linear constraints.
(constr3 <- Q_constraint(matrix(rep(2, 4), ncol = 2), c(1, 2), "<", 5))
#An object containing 1 constraints.
#Some constraints are of type quadratic.
foo <- function(x) {sum(x^3) - seq_along(x) %*% x}
F_constraint(foo, "<", 5)
lp <- LP(objective = c(2, 4, 3), L_constraint(L = matrix(c(3, 2, 1, 4, 1, 3, 2, 2, 2), nrow = 3), dir = c("<=", "<=", "<="), rhs = c(60, 40, 80)), maximum = TRUE)
qp <- QP(Q_objective(Q = diag(1, 3), L = c(0, -5, 0)), L_constraint(L = matrix(c(-4, -3, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, -2, 1), ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE), dir = rep(">=", 3), rhs = c(-8, 2, 0)))
When I run it I get the errors
Error in LP(objective = c(2, 4, 3), L_constraint(L = matrix(c(3, 2, 1, :
could not find function "LP"
Error in QP(Q_objective(Q = diag(1, 3), L = c(0, -5, 0)), L_constraint(L = matrix(c(-4, :
could not find function "QP"
In fact the functions are not in ROI's namespace. e.g.
Error: 'LP' is not an exported object from 'namespace:ROI'
The same syntax appears in other examples I found on the web but the functions LP and QP are never defined.
I am using ROI 0.3.0
Can someone tell me what is going wrong?
The commands LP and QP were both changed to OP.
## ROI: R Optimization Infrastructure
## Registered solver plugins: nlminb, alabama, cbc, cccp, clp, deoptim, ecos, glpk, ipop, lpsolve, msbinlp, neos, nloptr, ucminf, spg, cgm, vmm, bobyqa, newuoa, uobyqa, hjk, nmk, lbfgs, optimx, qpoases, quadprog, scs, symphony.
## Default solver: auto.
(constr1 <- L_constraint(c(1, 2), "<", 4))
## An object containing 1 linear constraint.
(constr2 <- L_constraint(matrix(c(1:4), ncol = 2), c("<", "<"), c(4, 5)))
## An object containing 2 linear constraints.
rbind(constr1, constr2)
## An object containing 3 linear constraints.
(constr3 <- Q_constraint(matrix(rep(2, 4), ncol = 2), c(1, 2), "<", 5))
## An object containing 0 linear constraints
## 1 quadratic constraint.
foo <- function(x) {sum(x^3) - seq_along(x) %*% x}
F_constraint(foo, "<", 5)
## An object containing 1 nonlinear constraint.
lp <- OP(objective = c(2, 4, 3),
L_constraint(L = matrix(c(3, 2, 1, 4, 1, 3, 2, 2, 2), nrow = 3),
dir = c("<=", "<=", "<="),
rhs = c(60, 40, 80)), maximum = TRUE)
qp <- OP(Q_objective(Q = diag(1, 3), L = c(0, -5, 0)),
L_constraint(L = matrix(c(-4, -3, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, -2, 1), ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE),
dir = rep(">=", 3), rhs = c(-8, 2, 0)))
The slides you refer to are outdated. The new documentation is on !

Preserve timestamp after decomposing xts in R

I have an xts timeseries called hourplot in R with a period of 24 (hourly data) over two weeks, indexed by timestamp objects of POSIXlt class, like the following:
> dput(hourplot)
structure(c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.11221374045802, 1.3368, 1.18,
1.0032, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.0736, 1.2536, 1, 1.0032, 1.1856,
1.0048, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.04045801526718, 1.20229007633588,
1.00229007633588, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.1152, 1.008, 1, 1, 1.2648,
1.1832, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.0424, 1.2952, 1.6496, 1.1208,
1.0216, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.1256, 1, 1, 1, 1.0192, 1.3056, 1,
1.008, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.0192, 1.0976, 1.0016, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1.0016, 1.6512, 1.8112, 1, 1, 1.2712, 1.0288, 1.0248, 1.1984,
1.0736, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.112, 1.336, 1.6224, 1.38, 2.2848, 1.628,
1, 1, 1, 1.0464, 1.4328, 1.6088, 1, 1, 1.0208, 1.2088, 1.02666666666667,
1.0784, 1.16, 1, 1.0064, 1.0616, 1.008, 1.0768, 1.4304, 1.3112,
1.0416, 1.00133333333333, 1.028, 1, 1, 1.1736, 1, 1.1264, 2.6744,
1.4696, 1, 1, 1.262, 1.2576, 1.0288, 1.1112, 1.008, 1, 1.01866666666667,
1.01733333333333, 1, 1, 1.294, 1.5744, 1.264, 1.182, 1.008, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.072, 1.8, 1.6424, 1.488, 1.1176, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1.012, 1.2904, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.3072, 1.2056, 1.06, 1.0016,
1, 1, 1, 1.048, 1.0688, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.51333333333333,
1.362, 1, 1, 1.0416, 1.03733333333333, 1.0288, 1.0712, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1.1664, 1.3464, 1.004, 1.0016, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1.15801526717557, 1.18396946564885, 1, 1, 1.1128, 1.2352, 1.0712,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.0744, 1.0048, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.0512,
1.0616, 1.4352, 1, 1.2064, 1.3368, 1.3296, 1.1608, 1.6696, 1.0328,
1.1976, 1.0912, 1.2024, 1, 1.0128, 1.1528, 1.26, 1, 1, 1.0192,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.704, 1.6152, 1, 1, 1.088, 1.4096, 1.0832, 1.1224,
1.0144, 1, 1.336, 1.552, 1.2248, 1.168, 1.4288, 1.4224, 1.2536,
1.0048, 1, 1, 1, 1.012, 1, 1, 1.21, 1.008, 1, 1, 1, 1.016, 1,
1.0048, 1, 1, 1.0176, 1.068, 1, 1, 1.0056, 1.2408, 1.0016, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1.1632, 1.124, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.0032, 1.0544, 1.0112,
1.008, 1.016, 1.0208, 1.084, 1.1688, 1.2384, 1.1736, 1.6168,
1.5984, 1.2784, 1.0608, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.02824427480916, 1, 1.3064,
1.5216, 1, 1, 1.0672, 1.051), .Dim = c(346L, 1L), index = structure(c(1484722282,
1484725287, 1484729469, 1484731265, 1484737199, 1484740697, 1484744294,
1484747896, 1484751493, 1484755097, 1484758693, 1484762294, 1484765898,
1484769495, 1484773093, 1484776694, 1484780298, 1484783899, 1484787499,
1484791095, 1484794698, 1484798299, 1484800723, 1484805577, 1484809098,
1484812688, 1484816293, 1484819889, 1484823492, 1484827094, 1484830692,
1484834292, 1484837891, 1484841494, 1484845158, 1484848699, 1484852298,
1484855895, 1484859499, 1484863096, 1484866699, 1484870302, 1484873901,
1484877501, 1484881100, 1484884696, 1484888301, 1484891900, 1484895499,
1484899097, 1484902699, 1484906297, 1484909902, 1484913499, 1484917102,
1484920702, 1484924298, 1484927902, 1484931499, 1484935101, 1484938698,
1484942300, 1484945897, 1484949495, 1484953100, 1484956702, 1484960299,
1484963902, 1484967501, 1484971104, 1484974700, 1484978300, 1484981900,
1484985500, 1484989099, 1484992701, 1484996299, 1484999900, 1485003503,
1485007104, 1485010704, 1485014299, 1485017903, 1485021500, 1485025102,
1485028701, 1485032300, 1485035899, 1485039502, 1485043100, 1485046701,
1485050304, 1485053906, 1485057500, 1485061102, 1485064701, 1485068302,
1485071901, 1485075504, 1485079101, 1485082703, 1485086300, 1485089903,
1485093500, 1485097100, 1485100702, 1485104305, 1485107903, 1485111501,
1485115105, 1485118701, 1485122306, 1485125905, 1485129506, 1485133103,
1485136701, 1485140306, 1485143906, 1485147503, 1485151105, 1485154703,
1485158303, 1485161904, 1485165481, 1485169077, 1485172682, 1485176276,
1485179879, 1485183479, 1485187080, 1485190681, 1485194277, 1485197877,
1485201478, 1485205077, 1485208680, 1485212281, 1485215878, 1485219477,
1485223082, 1485226680, 1485230278, 1485233881, 1485237478, 1485241076,
1485244677, 1485248282, 1485251882, 1485255482, 1485259196, 1485262680,
1485265335, 1485312724, 1485316675, 1485320277, 1485323879, 1485327478,
1485331075, 1485334678, 1485338280, 1485341881, 1485345479, 1485349077,
1485352684, 1485356277, 1485359878, 1485363478, 1485367079, 1485370672,
1485374276, 1485377885, 1485381477, 1485385080, 1485388679, 1485392280,
1485395878, 1485399478, 1485403082, 1485406677, 1485410284, 1485413877,
1485417477, 1485421081, 1485424679, 1485428278, 1485431880, 1485435481,
1485439080, 1485442680, 1485446279, 1485449884, 1485453481, 1485457082,
1485460680, 1485464280, 1485467876, 1485471483, 1485475081, 1485478680,
1485482280, 1485485880, 1485489485, 1485493082, 1485496679, 1485500280,
1485503879, 1485507485, 1485511079, 1485514682, 1485518285, 1485521885,
1485525482, 1485529085, 1485532684, 1485536281, 1485539882, 1485543484,
1485547081, 1485550679, 1485554281, 1485557884, 1485561483, 1485565082,
1485568685, 1485572287, 1485575886, 1485579483, 1485583083, 1485586685,
1485590282, 1485593886, 1485597487, 1485601085, 1485604681, 1485608285,
1485611885, 1485615484, 1485619082, 1485622681, 1485626287, 1485629882,
1485633484, 1485637083, 1485640681, 1485644283, 1485647889, 1485651484,
1485655086, 1485658686, 1485662288, 1485665889, 1485669486, 1485673085,
1485676685, 1485680283, 1485683886, 1485687488, 1485691085, 1485694687,
1485698288, 1485701886, 1485705489, 1485709089, 1485712685, 1485716287,
1485719884, 1485723484, 1485727084, 1485730688, 1485734287, 1485737884,
1485741487, 1485745088, 1485748690, 1485752291, 1485755885, 1485759487,
1485763085, 1485766686, 1485770289, 1485773889, 1485777486, 1485781093,
1485784691, 1485788287, 1485791887, 1485795492, 1485799088, 1485802689,
1485806287, 1485809890, 1485813491, 1485817088, 1485820693, 1485824289,
1485827888, 1485831491, 1485835093, 1485838688, 1485842289, 1485845889,
1485849489, 1485853090, 1485856691, 1485860290, 1485863888, 1485867490,
1485871089, 1485874693, 1485878289, 1485881888, 1485885488, 1485889091,
1485892688, 1485896288, 1485899890, 1485903494, 1485907096, 1485910694,
1485914292, 1485917890, 1485921490, 1485925090, 1485928695, 1485932291,
1485935888, 1485939492, 1485943093, 1485946690, 1485950293, 1485953895,
1485957493, 1485961096, 1485964692, 1485968291, 1485971892, 1485975492,
1485979084, 1485982689, 1485986289, 1485989895, 1485993493, 1485997092,
1486000694, 1486004292, 1486006761), tzone = "", tclass = c("POSIXlt",
"POSIXt")), .indexCLASS = c("POSIXlt", "POSIXt"), .indexTZ = "", tclass = c("POSIXlt",
"POSIXt"), tzone = "", class = c("xts", "zoo"), frequency = 24)
Now, I want to decompose this timeseries and look at the seasonality, so I run:
dec <- decompose(as.ts(hourplot))
The plot I get looks like:
Now, I want to have the timestamps mentioned under the individual trend and seasonality plots too, but R seems to strip off the timestamp and put 1-14 in the X axis instead.
How can I preserve the timestamps in the plots?
Here's a function that will decompose an xts series and return an object of class "decomposed.xts".
decompose.xts <-
function (x, type = c("additive", "multiplicative"), filter = NULL)
dts <- decompose(as.ts(x), type, filter)
dts$x <- .xts(dts$x, .index(x))
dts$seasonal <- .xts(dts$seasonal, .index(x))
dts$trend <- .xts(dts$trend, .index(x))
dts$random <- .xts(dts$random, .index(x))
structure(list(x = x, seasonal = seasonal, trend = trend,
random = if (type == "additive") x - seasonal - trend else x/seasonal/trend,
figure = figure, type = type), class = "decomposed.xts"))
And here's a plot.decomposed.xts() method:
plot.decomposed.xts <-
function(x, ...)
xx <- x$x
if (is.null(xx))
xx <- with(x,
if (type == "additive") random + trend + seasonal
else random * trend * seasonal)
p <- cbind(observed = xx, trend = x$trend, seasonal = x$seasonal, random = x$random)
plot(p, main = paste("Decomposition of", x$type, "time series"), multi.panel = 4,
yaxis.same = FALSE, major.ticks = "days", grid.ticks.on = "days", ...)
And an example of using it on your data:
dex <- decompose.xts(hourplot)
I would translate the decomposed data into a dataframe:
n = length(index(hourplot))
df1 = data.frame(date = index(hourplot), name = rep("random", n), data = as.numeric(dec$random))
df2 = data.frame(date = index(hourplot), name = rep("seasonal", n), data = as.numeric(dec$seasonal))
df3 = data.frame(date = index(hourplot), name = rep("trend", n), data = as.numeric(dec$trend))
df4 = data.frame(date = index(hourplot), name = rep("observed", n), data = as.numeric(dec$x))
df = rbind(df1, df2, df3, df4)
And then use ggplot2:
ggplot(df, aes(x = date, y = data)) +
geom_line() +
facet_wrap(~name, ncol = 1, scales = "free") +
scale_x_datetime(date_labels = "%d", date_breaks = "24 hours")
I'll leave it to you to fine-tune the scales and labels in scale_x_datetime.
