onClick on stacked components - css

I have two react arrow function components stacked on top of each other (using absolute positioning) and both of them have onClick attributes. The problem is, I want to click on the one that is on top, and both onClick functions trigger. Is there anyway to work around this?
This is a simplified version of the code:
const Card = ({...}) => {
const styles = {
optionsButton: {
minHeight: 0,
padding: "2px",
position: "absolute",
color: "#808080",
zIndex: 1,
right: 5,
top: 5,
backgroundColor: 'rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.1)'
const [hovering, setHovering] = useState(false)
const [isCardExpanded, setIsCardExpanded] = useState(false)
const expandCard = () => {
const closeCard = () => {
const mainPaperStyle = () => {
let style = {
padding: "10px",
cursor: "pointer",
position: "absolute",
"&:hover": {
filter: "brightness(97%)"
//Extra code here modifying color of the style, no positioning modifications
return style
const buttonAction = () => {
console.log("Do action!")
<Paper sx={mainPaperStyle()} onClick={expandCard} onMouseEnter={() => setHovering(true)} onMouseLeave={() => setHovering(false)}>
Lorem Ipsum
{hovering &&
<Button variant="filled"
onClick={() => buttonAction()}>
And here is a screenshot of why I want two components stacked on top of each other:
Before hovering:
After hovering:
I want a Button to appear when hovering on top of the Paper component. The problem is, when I click the button, both expandCard and buttonAction trigger. (I am using Material UI btw)

You can use $event.stopPropagation();.
const firstFn = () => { // first function body };
const secondFn = (event: MouseEventHandler<HTMLButtonElement>) => {
// second function body
So in your case you need to change function buttonAction to this
const buttonAction = (event) => {
console.log("Do action!")
and return clause with
<Paper sx={mainPaperStyle()} onClick={expandCard} onMouseEnter={() => setHovering(true)} onMouseLeave={() => setHovering(false)}>
Lorem Ipsum
{hovering &&
<Button variant="filled"
onClick={() => buttonAction($event)}>
You can learn about this more in here


Is there any way to use react-moveable in Nextjs?

I'm currently using react-moveable and react-selecto packages to build a moveable component. But it seems to be a problem with these two main packages and Nextjs.
I'm using React v18.1.0 and Next v12.1.6
import React, { useRef, useState } from "react";
import Moveable from "react-moveable";
import Selecto from "react-selecto";
export default function MoveableProvider() {
const [targets, setTargets] = useState([]);
const [frameMap] = useState(() => new Map());
const selectoRef = useRef(null);
const moveableRef = useRef(null);
return (
<div className="container">
onClickGroup={(e) => {
selectoRef.current.clickTarget(e.inputEvent, e.inputTarget);
onDrag={(e) => {
const target = e.target;
const frame = frameMap.get(target);
frame.translate = e.beforeTranslate;
target.style.transform = `translate(${frame.translate[0]}px, ${frame.translate[1]}px)`;
onDragStart={(e) => {
const target = e.target;
if (!frameMap.has(target)) {
frameMap.set(target, {
translate: [0, 0],
const frame = frameMap.get(target);
onDragGroupStart={(e) => {
e.events.forEach((ev) => {
const target = ev.target;
if (!frameMap.has(target)) {
frameMap.set(target, {
translate: [0, 0],
const frame = frameMap.get(target);
onDragGroup={(e) => {
e.events.forEach((ev) => {
const target = ev.target;
const frame = frameMap.get(target);
frame.translate = ev.beforeTranslate;
target.style.transform = `translate(${frame.translate[0]}px, ${frame.translate[1]}px)`;
selectableTargets={[".selecto-area .cube"]}
onDragStart={(e) => {
const moveable = moveableRef.current;
const target = e.inputEvent.target;
if (
moveable.isMoveableElement(target) ||
targets.some((t) => t === target || t.contains(target))
) {
onSelectEnd={(e) => {
const moveable = moveableRef.current;
if (e.isDragStart) {
setTimeout(() => {
<div className="elements selecto-area" style={{ display: "flex" }}>
className="cube target"
width: 250,
height: 200,
background: "green",
className="cube target"
width: 250,
height: 200,
background: "yellow",
className="cube target"
width: 250,
height: 200,
background: "aqua",
className="cube target"
width: 250,
height: 200,
background: "red",
<div className="empty elements"></div>
In this case onDragGroup doesn't work for no reason in Nextjs but single drag (onDrag) works fine.
Is there any way that SSR would be causing the problem?

Change color of bottom border and dropdown arrow in Material UI Autocomplete

I want to make the line underneath 'Search' and the arrow on the right white but I can't figure out how to do it for the life of me. I've tried using styled on the .MuiAutocomplete-root css class but it didn't work. I can't figure out which CSS class to apply the color to. If I inspect it, it says that the class is MuiInput-root which I also tried with styled and that didn't work either.
My code (copy pasted from the docs with some minor adjustments):
function sleep(delay = 0) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(resolve, delay);
export default function AutocompleteSearch() {
const [open, setOpen] = useState(false);
const [options, setOptions] = useState([]);
const loading = open && options.length === 0;
useEffect(() => {
let active = true;
if (!loading) {
return undefined;
(async () => {
await sleep(1e3); // For demo purposes.
if (active) {
//api call then setOptions
return () => {
active = false;
}, [loading]);
useEffect(() => {
if (!open) {
}, [open]);
return (
width: 300,
onOpen={() => {
onClose={() => {
isOptionEqualToValue={(option, value) => option.title === value.title}
getOptionLabel={(option) => option.title}
groupBy={(option) => option.type}
renderInput={(params) => (
//makes label white
style: {color: '#fff'},
//makes the selected option white when added to the box
sx: {color: '#fff'},
endAdornment: (
{loading ? <CircularProgress color="inherit" size={20}/> : null}
Add color to the following CSS classes.
.MuiSvgIcon-root {
color: white;
.css-ghsjzk-MuiInputBase-root-MuiInput-root:before {
border-bottom-color: white !important;
.css-ghsjzk-MuiInputBase-root-MuiInput-root:after {
border-bottom-color: white !important;
Play around with the code here
I used red color in my codesandbox example so that it can be visible on white screen

Next.js not re-rendering UI on state change

On my Next js project I am looping through an array of amenities that displays a div that when clicked toggles an active prop. The addAmenity function handles the logic that loops through the amenities array and toggles the specific array item's active property. If the active prop of the div is true the .amenities-active class is supposed to be applied to it and the background of the div should turn green but it does not. Is there any idea as to what I am doing wrong. The console.log(tempList) confirms a change to true when clicked on a false amenity but the UI does not change to have a green background color.
//Next js
const amenitiesDefaultArr = [
data: "bathroom",
text: "Private Bathroom",
icon: <WcIcon fontSize="large" />,
active: false,
data: "dining",
text: "Dining Hall",
icon: <FastfoodIcon fontSize="large" />,
active: false,
data: "wifi",
text: "Wifi",
icon: <WifiIcon fontSize="large" />,
active: false,
const addAmenity = (e) => {
let dataItem = e.currentTarget.dataset.amenity
let tempList = amenitiesList
tempList.map(el => {
if (el.data === dataItem) el.active = !el.active
return el
const AddDorm = () => {
const [amenitiesList, setAmenitiesList] = useState(amenitiesDefaultArr)
return (
amenitiesList.map(el => {
const {data, text, icon } = el
let { active } = el
return (
className={`amenity ${active && `amenity-active`}`}
onClick={(e) => addAmenity(e)}
/* CSS */
.amenity {
padding: 0.5rem 1rem;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
border-radius: 50px;
box-shadow: 5px 5px 10px #919191,
-5px -5px 10px #ffffff;
z-index: 4;
cursor: pointer;
.amenity-active {
background-color: var(--green);
The main problem is you are trying to pass data in a JSX element as you would do in html.
React does work this way.So, e.currentTarget.dataset.amenity is always undeined.Instead, React uses refs to access dom elements. You can learn more about refs in the official React documentation. But in your case, you don't even need any ref as you can send data directly to any function. Check:
className={`amenity ${active && `amenity-active`}`}
// data-amenity={data}
onClick={() => addAmenity(data)}
and in addAmenity just receive it
const addAmenity = (incoming) => {
let dataItem = incoming
Below I provide the version of your code I fixed for you which is working perfect. Please let me know if this was helpful.
//Next js
import { useState } from 'react'
const amenitiesDefaultArr = [
data: "bathroom",
text: "Private Bathroom",
icon: <WcIcon fontSize="large" />,
active: false,
data: "dining",
text: "Dining Hall",
icon: <FastfoodIcon fontSize="large" />,
active: false,
data: "wifi",
text: "Wifi",
icon: <WifiIcon fontSize="large" />,
active: false,
const AddDorm = () => {
const [amenitiesList, setAmenitiesList] = useState(amenitiesDefaultArr)
const addAmenity = (incoming) => {
let dataItem = incoming
const tempList = amenitiesList.map(el => {
if (el.data === dataItem) el.active = !el.active
return el
return (
amenitiesList.map(el => {
const {data, text, icon} = el
let { active } = el
return (
className={`amenity ${active && `amenity-active`}`}
// data-amenity={data}
onClick={() => addAmenity(data)}
export default AddDorm

Why clientHeight or offsetHeight not available on ref element on toggled div in React component with useRef hook

I have a React component which show and hide some content.
Here is working example.
const Collapse = ({ children }: Props) => {
const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(false);
const [height, setHeight] = useState<number | undefined>(0);
const toggledHeight = isOpen ? height : 0;
const myRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
const toggle = () => setIsOpen(!isOpen);
useEffect(() => {
}, [myRef]);
// useLayoutEffect(() => {
// setHeight(myRef.current?.clientHeight);
// }, []);
return (
className={`content ${isOpen ? "isOpen" : ""}`}
style={{ height: `${toggledHeight}px` }}
<button type="button" onClick={toggle}>
<span>Toggle content</span>
export default Collapse;
I want to create a css height transition when showing and hiding the content.
Why is myRef.current?.offsetHeight or myRef.current?.clientHeight not available and always 0?
In the Style you are passing the dynamic height. I think it's not getting in the pixels. So you need to change from
style={{ height: ${height+"px"} }}
Looks like you are telling it from the first moment to be 0 :)
No need to look for exact height number, just animate max-height
I've managed to animate you code like this:
const Collapse = ({ children }: Props) => {
const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(false);
const toggle = () => {
return (
maxHeight: isOpen ? '1000px' : '0px',
transition: 'max-height 1s ease-in-out',
<button type="button" onClick={toggle}>
<span>Toggle content</span>

Save function not re-rendering while creating block

Save function while creating a block is not re-rendering in the front end. I made a component for the save which should re-render on state change but it is not. Edit function is working fine for admin.
Basically the setState function is not working for me.
I tried to enqueue the style but it also didn't worked for me.
My Save.js :
const { Component } = wp.element;
import './MyCss.css';
const { Icon } = wp.components;
import unsplash from './unsplash';
export class Save extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
images: [],
currentIndex: 0,
translateValue: 0,
translateValueSmall: 0
async componentDidMount(){
const response = await unsplash.get('/search/photos',{
params:{query: "cat"},
this.setState(prevState => ({
images: [...prevState.images, result.urls.thumb]
console.log("previous slide");
if(this.state.currentIndex === 0)
this.setState(prevState => ({
currentIndex: prevState.currentIndex - 1,
translateValue: prevState.translateValue + this.slideWidth(),
translateValueSmall: prevState.translateValueSmall + this.slideWidthSmall()/2
if(this.state.currentIndex === this.state.images.length - 1) {
return this.setState({
currentIndex: 0,
translateValue: 0,
translateValueSmall: 0
this.setState(prevState => ({
currentIndex: prevState.currentIndex + 1,
translateValue: prevState.translateValue + -(this.slideWidth()),
translateValueSmall: prevState.translateValueSmall + -(this.slideWidthSmall())/2
return document.querySelector('.slide').clientWidth
return document.querySelector('.sliders').clientWidth
render() {
return (
<div className="box" onClick={()=>this.goToPrevSlide()}>
<div className="slider">
<div className="slider-wrapper"
transform: `translateX(${this.state.translateValue}px)`,
transition: 'transform ease-out 0.95s'
this.state.images.map((image, i) => (
<Slide key={i} image={image} />
<div className="sliders">
<div className="chaitali"
transform: `translateX(${this.state.translateValueSmall}px)`,
transition: 'transform ease-out 0.95s'
this.state.images.map((image, i) => (
<Slide key={i} image={image} />
const Slide = ({ image }) => {
const styles = {
backgroundImage: `url(${image})`,
backgroundSize: 'cover',
backgroundRepeat: 'no-repeat',
backgroundPosition: '50% 60%'
return <div className="slide" style={styles}></div>
const LeftArrow = (props) => {
return (
<div onClick={props.goToPrevSlide}>
<Icon className="back arrow" icon="arrow-left"/>
const RightArrow = (props) => {
return (
<div onClick={props.goToNextSlide}>
<Icon className="next arrow" icon="arrow-right"/>
