Meaning of the numbers on the side of paragraphs in the Ada Reference Manual - ada

The Reference Manual paragraphs have a "side number" (this is how I call them).
For example, in the attached screenshot of the Reference Manual Introduction, the first "side numbers" are 1, 2, 3/3, 4/1, 5/3, 6/3 ,7.
What is the meaning of the number after the slash sign ?
I could not find the explanation in

See the final paragraph of the Introduction of the latest Ada Reference Manual:
Using this version of the Ada Reference Manual
This document has been revised with the corrections specified in Technical Corrigendum 1 for Ada 2012 (which corresponds to ISO/IEC 8652:2012/COR.1:2016) and other changes specifically for Ada 2022. In addition, a variety of editorial errors have been corrected.
Changes to the original 1995 version of the Ada Reference Manual can be identified by the version number following the paragraph number. Paragraphs with a version number of /1 were changed by Technical Corrigendum 1 for Ada 95 or were editorial corrections at that time, while paragraphs with a version number of /2 were changed by Amendment 1 or were more recent editorial corrections, and paragraphs with a version number of /3 were changed by the 2012 edition of the Reference Manual or were still more recent editorial corrections. Paragraphs with a version number of /4 are changed by Technical Corrigendum 1 for Ada 2012 or were editorial corrections at that time. Paragraphs with a version number of /5 are changes or editorial corrections for Ada 2022. Paragraphs not so marked are unchanged since the original 1995 edition of the Ada Reference Manual, and have the same paragraph numbers as in that edition. In addition, some versions of this document include revision bars near the paragraph numbers. Where paragraphs are inserted, the paragraph numbers are of the form pp.nn, where pp is the number of the preceding paragraph, and nn is an insertion number. For instance, the first paragraph inserted after paragraph 8 is numbered 8.1, the second paragraph inserted is numbered 8.2, and so on. Deleted paragraphs are indicated by the text This paragraph was deleted. Deleted paragraphs include empty paragraphs that were numbered in the 1995 edition of the Ada Reference Manual. 


How are the Bits arranged in a QRcode?

I've wondered how QR codes are working, so i did a research and tried to paint my own in an table in word.
On Wikipedia I found this picture
I understand the configuration, but how you actually store a letter doesnt make sense to me.
With the example letter w.
On even rows black is 0 and on odd rows 1.
So the example should give this binary number 01110011 which would be 115 but w is number 32.
So how do I get the right number
I dont know much about this topic but I found you a video where dude explains it. And from what I understood, there are those cells that are read in order of numbers depending on arrow (there are 4 options here and you posted those yourself). So you simply follow those numbers and write 1s and 0s on paper which results in 8bit number. That video has much more detail.
It is also worth pointing out that it is MSB, meaning if we follow your example (you just considering numbers, not colors since you mislabeled it), it has arrow pointing up, meaning you write right/down to up/left which leads to number : 01110011 which has most significant bit at the left which means its 115

64-bit multiply/divide without 64-bit multiply or divide instructions

I am working on a Forth implementation where I have come across the need for double-cell arithmetic (the Forth implementation is 32-bit) including double-cell multiplication and division/remainder. However, the architecture I am developing this for, ARM Cortex-M4, lacks 64x64 multiplication or 64/64 division/remainder instructions (it only has 32x32 multiplication and 32/32 division and 32x32+64 multiply/accumulate instructions).
While I would be fine with 32x64 multiplication (as 64x64 multiplication can be emulated with it for cases that would not overflow anyways), and for some things 64/32 division/remainder would be sufficient, I would like to at least have a full 64/64 division/remainder in addition to 32x64 multiplication so I can do a full implementation of double-cell arithmetic.
You can take as an example the bigmath.f library (or another variant) — Double Number Arithmetic by Wil Baden.
There are defined D* and DU/MOD words.
Regarding a license. I think this code is in public domain. It was published in Forth Dimensions1 as a reference implementation, and the author said there: "For a copy of the source for this article send e-mail requesting Stretching Forth #19: Double Number Arithmetic".
For DU/MOD word, Wil Baden also noted: "The algorithm is based on Knuth's algorithm in volume 2 of his Art of Computer Programming, simplified for two-cell dividend and two-cell divisor".
1 Wil Baden (1998). Stretching standard Forth #19: Double Number Arithmetic. Forth Dimensions XIX.6 March-April 1998, pp. 33-34
On the page 4 we can also read:
The material contained in this periodical (but not the code) is copyrighted by the individual authors of the articles and by Forth Interest Group, Inc.,
Any code bearing a copyright notice, however, can be used only with permission of the copyright holder.
And it seems neither the code nor the article bears any copyright notice.

Find & replace text not already inside an <A> tag - RegEx .Net

I am working with XML data in .NET from the Federal Register, which contain many references to Executive Orders & chapters from the U.S. Code.
I'd like to be able to hyperlink to these references, unless they're already inside of an <a> tag (which is determined by the XML, and often links within the document itself).
The pattern I've written is matching and deleting leading and trailing characters and not displaying them, even if I include the boundary character in the replacement string:
[?!]([0-9]{1,2})[ ]{0,1}(U\.S\.C\.|USC)[\s]{0,1}([0-9]{1,5})(\b)[^]
An example of the initial XML:
<p>The Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980 (RFA), 5 U.S.C. 604(b), as amended, requires Federal agencies to consider the potential impact of regulations on small entities during rulemaking.</p>
<p>Small entities include small businesses, small not-for-profit organizations, and small governmental jurisdictions.</p>
<p>Section 605 of the RFA allows an agency to certify a rule, in lieu of preparing an analysis, if the rulemaking is not expected to have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. Reference: 13 USC 401</p>
<li><em>Related laws from 14USC301-345 do not apply.</em></li>
<li>14 USC 301 does apply.</li>
As you can see, some references include ranges of U.S. Code sections (e.g. 14 USC 301-345) or references to specific subsections (e.g. 5 U.S.C. 604(b) ). I'd only want to link to the first reference in the range, so the link should terminate at the - or the (.
If I'm understanding you correctly, I think the following should work.
var re = new Regex(#"\d{1,2}\s?U\.?S\.?C\.?\s?\d{1,5}\b(?!</a>)");
var matches = re.Matches(text);
// matches[0].Value = 5 U.S.C. 604
// matches[1].Value = 14USC301
You might even be able to simplify the regex to \d+\s?U\.?S\.?C\.?\s?\d+\b(?!</a>) – I'm not sure if the upper limits of 2 and 5 are significant.

Math ML MO uses

What do following snippets of code do in Math ML files? I removed those lines and it still worked fine for me.
Answering to any of them or just letting me know what they are would be very much appreciated.
The first two are ⁡ function application and ⁢ invisible times. They help indicate semantic information, see this Wikipedia entry
The last one, , could be anything since it lies in the Unicode Private Use Area which is provided so that font developers can store glyphs that do not correspond to regular Unicode positions. (Unless it's a typo and really 6349 in which case it's a a Han character.)

Annotated Ada language (Anna)

I am a beginner on Ada language and I would like to know what notations means. I have read in Kreuger software reuse paper that Anna is a an annotation language to describe Ada. Is that consider to be a formal comment for Ada code ?
For example:
subtype EVEN is INTEGER;
--| where X : EVEN = ) X mod 2 = 0;
The 2nd line is Anna annotation for the first line which is Ada code.
Is the 2nd line just a comment to let the user understand the first line or is it a constraint that is a "must" to mention not just an optional line?
I am really confused
Anna is ancient, do not waste your time with it.
There are a number of places to get starting with Ada. Among them is the Ada Wikibook, and the Ada Information Clearinghouse (AdaIC) maintains a list of suggested resources.
If you're interested in formal logic as it applies to Ada, you'll want to look into SPARK ("SPARK is a programming language, a set of source code analysis (static verification) tools, and a design method for developing high-assurance software.") Here's a quick overview and tutorial, though you may not want to tackle that until you've got some practice with Ada under your belt.
You probably already know about the GNAT compiler, but just in case, GNAT GPL 2012 is an open source compiler available for Linux, Windows, and a few other platforms. (GNATPro is available for many platforms.)
Good luck, ask questions here, other resources include comp.lang.ada and the Ada sub-reddit.
EVEN is integer with the constraint of being, well, even. So the 2nd line is a constraint. But it will not be checked by the compiler -- and, to the best of my knowledge, the Anna toolset has never been able to check such constraints.
Anna is ancient and long gone -- but the recent Ada standard (Ada 2012) supports such annotations (which can even be checked by the compiler). So your Ada/Anna expression could be written in Ada 2012 as
subtype Even is Integer
with Dynamic_Predicate => Even mod 2 = 0;
This is actually an example from the Ada 2012 rationale, see Ada 2012.
