Qt QML MapItem Rotation issue - qt

I have a QML OSM map and a MapQuickItem with Text source item:
MapQuickItem {
property alias rulerRotationAngle: rulerRotation.angle
id: rulerTextMapItem
visible: false
width: 2
height: 2
transform: Rotation {
id: rulerRotation
origin.x: rulerText.width/2;
origin.y: rulerText.height/2;
angle: 0
anchorPoint.x: rulerText.width/2
anchorPoint.y: rulerText.height/2
sourceItem: Text {
id: rulerText; horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
color: Material.color(Material.Amber, Material.Shade100)
text: "0.0 km";
I also have two points (QtPositioning.coordinate) and I want the text to rotate depending on the angle of the straight line (MapPolyLine) drawn between those points:
function drawRuler()
rulerLine.path = [];
rulerTextMapItem.visible = true;
rulerTextMapItem.coordinate = QtPositioning.coordinate((r_firstpoint.latitude+r_secondpoint.latitude)/2, (r_firstpoint.longitude+r_secondpoint.longitude)/2);
var atan = Math.atan2(r_secondpoint.longitude-r_firstpoint.longitude, r_secondpoint.latitude-r_firstpoint.latitude);
var angle = ((atan*180)/Math.PI); //used by another MapItem
var textAngle = angle+270;
if(textAngle>90 & textAngle<270) { textAngle+=180 }
if(angle>90 & angle<270) { angle +=180 }
rulerTextMapItem.rulerRotationAngle = textAngle;
However, text rotates correctly only at angles that are multiples of 90 degrees. At an angle of 45 degrees, the text deviates from the mappolyline by about 10-20 degrees.
I have no clue why it happens and appreciate any help.
Tried to move transform.origin of MapQuickItem - angle difference only gets bigger.
Tried to use Math.Atan instead of Math.Atan2 - no difference.

The main issue is this line and the order of inputs:
var atan = Math.atan2(
latitude should come before longitude, i.e.
var atan = Math.atan2(
Generally speaking, to use Math.atan2() to convert to an angle, you need to use one of the following patterns:
let radians = Math.atan2(vectorY, vectorX)
let degrees = Math.atan2(vectorY, vectorX) * 180 / Math.PI
Also over large angles, you definitely should use project your angular coordinates to a flat projection, e.g. QtPositioning.coordToMercator. (This point was raised in one of the earlier comments).
For very small angles you can get away with it because the earth can be approximated to a flat earth directly from angular coordinates, but, as the area goes, this fact quickly disappears.
The following code demonstrates Math.atan2() and how it must work with (vectorY, vectorX) inputs. It has two draggable squares and you watch that the text will always follow the direction of the blue line no matter where the squares are:
import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Controls
import QtQuick.Layouts
import QtQuick.Shapes
Page {
id: page
width: 200; height: 200
property int startX: rect1.x + rect1.width / 2
property int startY: rect1.y + rect1.height / 2
property int finishX: rect2.x + rect2.width / 2
property int finishY: rect2.y + rect2.height / 2
Rectangle {
id: rect1
x: 40; y: 40
width: 40; height: 40
color: "red"
Drag.active: dragArea.drag.active
Drag.hotSpot.x: 20
Drag.hotSpot.y: 20
MouseArea {
id: dragArea
anchors.fill: parent
drag.target: parent
Rectangle {
id: rect2
x: 400; y: 250
width: 40; height: 40
color: "red"
Drag.active: dragArea2.drag.active
Drag.hotSpot.x: 20
Drag.hotSpot.y: 20
MouseArea {
id: dragArea2
anchors.fill: parent
drag.target: parent
Shape {
id: shape
ShapePath {
strokeWidth: 4
strokeColor: "blue"
startX: page.startX
startY: page.startY
PathLine {
x: page.finishX
y: page.finishY
Item {
x: (startX + finishX) / 2
y: (startY + finishY) / 2
rotation: Math.atan2(finishY - startY, finishX - startX) * 180 / Math.PI
Frame {
anchors.centerIn: parent
background: Rectangle {
border.color: "black"
Text {
text: "Hello World"
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An optimal way to highlight a circle segment in QML?

I'm very new to QML and I want to make a basic application that consists of a segmented circle with 20-30 segments (pizza slices) and a counter. The number on the counter is the number of segment being highlighted. I found a few ways to make segmented circles in other questions but unfortunately none of them seem to work for my assignment.
The only way I see making it right now is by redrwing all the segments every time the counter is changed, and changing the color of the needed segment. So is there an optimal way to implement this?
To reduce the complexity, let's work through a simplified version of the problem:
Assume there are 6 pieces
Assume we want to draw piece 2
Assume we want to fit it in a 300x300 rectangle
Here's the math:
Each piece will occupy 60 degrees (i.e. 360 / 6)
Piece 2 will occupy angles from 120 to 180
To render the piece the drawing will be:
From the center point (150, 150)
Then (150 + 150 * cos(120), 150 + 150 * sin(120))
Then (150 + 150 * cos(180), 150 + 150 * sin(180))
Then back to the center point (150, 150)
Instead of a straight line, we want to draw a curve line between points 2 and points 3.
To render this, we can use Shape, ShapePath, PathLine, and PathArc.
To generalize, we can replace 6 with 20 and generalize all formulas accordingly. To draw 20 piece slices, we can make use of a Repeater, e.g.
Repeater {
model: 20
PizzaPiece {
piece: index
To polish it off, I added a Slider so you can interactively change the number of pieces you want from 0-20 and set the color to "orange", otherwise it will be a light yellow "#ffe".
Repeater {
model: 20
PizzaPiece {
piece: index
fillColor: index < slider.value ? "orange" : "#ffe"
Slider {
id: slider
from: 0
to: 20
stepSize: 1
As an extra bonus, I added a TapHandler so that each piece is clickable. If you leave the mouse pressed down, the piece will appear "red" until you release the mouse.
import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Controls
import QtQuick.Layouts
Page {
id: page
property int pieces: 20
Rectangle {
anchors.centerIn: parent
width: 300
height: 300
border.color: "grey"
Repeater {
model: pieces
PizzaPiece {
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.margins: 10
pieces: page.pieces
piece: index
fillColor: pressed ? "red" : index < slider.value ? "orange" : "#ffe"
onClicked: {
slider.value = index + 1;
footer: Frame {
RowLayout {
width: parent.width
Label {
text: slider.value
Slider {
id: slider
Layout.fillWidth: true
from: 0
to: pieces
value: 3
stepSize: 1
import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Shapes
Shape {
id: pizzaPiece
property int pieces: 20
property int piece: 0
property real from: piece * (360 / pieces)
property real to: (piece + 1) * (360 / pieces)
property real centerX: width / 2
property real centerY: height / 2
property alias fillColor: shapePath.fillColor
property alias strokeColor: shapePath.strokeColor
property alias pressed: tapHandler.pressed
property real fromX: centerX + centerX * Math.cos(from * Math.PI / 180)
property real fromY: centerY + centerY * Math.sin(from * Math.PI / 180)
property real toX: centerX + centerX * Math.cos(to * Math.PI / 180)
property real toY: centerY + centerY * Math.sin(to * Math.PI / 180)
signal clicked()
containsMode: Shape.FillContains
ShapePath {
id: shapePath
fillColor: "#ffe"
strokeColor: "grey"
startX: centerX; startY: centerY
PathLine { x: fromX; y: fromY }
PathArc {
radiusX: centerX; radiusY: centerY
x: toX; y: toY
PathLine { x: centerX; y: centerY }
TapHandler {
id: tapHandler
onTapped: pizzaPiece.clicked()
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How to ensure Popup is visible inside a QML Map

I'm building a Qt 5.11 application which embeds an openstreetmap QML component.
I just wrote a minimal reproduce case. It consists in displaying objects (five blue dots here) on the map. When hovering the object, a small popup is displayed with some text.
When objects are close to the edge, the popup is not displayed correctly.
I though I would use visibleArea check this, but the property was added in Qt 5.12.
I can't find a solution for the popup to be fully visible. Is there a workaround in Qt 5.11 that I can do?
Here the QML file. Just type qmlscene sample.qml and hover blue dots to view it.
import QtQuick 2.11
import QtQuick.Controls 2.4
import QtLocation 5.11
import QtPositioning 5.11
import QtQuick.Window 2.11
Window {
id: root; width: 800; height: 600;
Plugin { id: mapPlugin; name: "osm"; }
ListModel {
id: myModel
ListElement { latitude: 48.2351164; longitude: 6.8986936; name: "The point on the center"; }
ListElement { latitude: 48.235111272600186; longitude: 6.9007217756551995; name: "The point on the right"; }
ListElement { latitude: 48.23512783507458; longitude: 6.896574932520792; name: "The point on the left"; }
ListElement { latitude: 48.23614708436043; longitude: 6.898623901851295; name: "The point on the top"; }
ListElement { latitude: 48.23417574713512; longitude: 6.898641104398024; name: "The point on the bottom"; }
Map {
id: map
anchors.fill: parent
plugin: mapPlugin
center: QtPositioning.coordinate(48.2351164, 6.8986936)
zoomLevel: 19
MapItemView {
model: myModel
delegate: MapQuickItem {
anchorPoint.x: myRect.width / 2
anchorPoint.y: myRect.height / 2
width: myRect.width
height: myRect.height
coordinate: QtPositioning.coordinate(model.latitude, model.longitude)
sourceItem: Rectangle {
id: myRect
readonly property int radius: 10
width: radius * 2
height: radius * 2
color: "transparent"
Canvas {
id: myCanvas
anchors.fill: parent
property alias textVisible: myPopup.visible
onPaint: {
var width = myRect.width;
var height = myRect.height;
var centreX = width / 2;
var centreY = height / 2;
var ctx = getContext("2d");
ctx.fillStyle = "blue";
ctx.globalAlpha = 1;
ctx.moveTo(centreX, centreY);
ctx.arc(centreX, centreY, myRect.radius, 0, Math.PI * 2, false);
MouseArea {
x: 0; y: 0;
width: myRect.radius * 2
height: myRect.radius * 2
acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton
hoverEnabled: true
onEntered: { myCanvas.textVisible = true }
onExited: { myCanvas.textVisible = false }
Popup {
id: myPopup
x: myRect.width / 2 - width / 2
y: myRect.height / 2 + 20
visible: false
Label { text: model.name; horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter; }
Any help is greatly appreciated.
You can check if (popup width+popup x) goes outside screen width then change x,y to adjust popup position. You can look into following modified code for Popup component. adjust X and Y as per your marker position.
Popup {
id: myPopup
x: {
if((mapItem.x+myPopup.width) >= root.width)
return -(myRect.width/2)-(width)
else if((mapItem.x-myPopup.width) < 0)
return (myRect.width)
return myRect.width / 2 - width / 2
y: {
if((mapItem.y+myPopup.height) >= root.height)
return -(myRect.height/2)-(height)
else if((mapItem.y-myPopup.height) < 0)
return (height)
return myRect.height / 2 - height / 2
visible: false
Label { text: model.name;anchors.centerIn: parent;horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter; }
After looking for a while, I finally came across these two functions: mapToItem and mapFromItem.
So, I first need to map the current item point to the map item coordinate system. Then, I must check the point is inside the map viewport.
If not, I have to adjust the coordinate, and after that, I map the point back to the current item coordinate system. Popup width and height seem to decrease when approaching bottom and right borders, so I had to use contentHeight, contentWidth and padding properties to get the real popup size.
And I had to initialize the popup x and y to a value different of zero to allow mouse event to pass on the blue dot.
Here is the working code, for those who may need it.
import QtQuick 2.11
import QtQuick.Controls 2.4
import QtLocation 5.11
import QtPositioning 5.11
import QtQuick.Window 2.11
Window {
id: root; width: 800; height: 600;
Plugin { id: mapPlugin; name: "osm"; }
ListModel {
id: myModel
ListElement { latitude: 48.2351164; longitude: 6.8986936; name: "The point on the center"; }
ListElement { latitude: 48.235111272600186; longitude: 6.9007217756551995; name: "The point on the right"; }
ListElement { latitude: 48.23512783507458; longitude: 6.896574932520792; name: "The point on the left"; }
ListElement { latitude: 48.23614708436043; longitude: 6.898623901851295; name: "The point on the top"; }
ListElement { latitude: 48.23417574713512; longitude: 6.898641104398024; name: "The point on the bottom"; }
Map {
id: map
anchors.fill: parent
plugin: mapPlugin
center: QtPositioning.coordinate(48.2351164, 6.8986936)
zoomLevel: 19
MapItemView {
model: myModel
delegate: MapQuickItem {
anchorPoint.x: myRect.width / 2
anchorPoint.y: myRect.height / 2
width: myRect.width
height: myRect.height
coordinate: QtPositioning.coordinate(model.latitude, model.longitude)
sourceItem: Rectangle {
id: myRect
readonly property int radius: 10
width: radius * 2
height: radius * 2
color: "transparent"
Canvas {
id: myCanvas
anchors.fill: parent
property alias textVisible: myPopup.visible
onPaint: {
var width = myRect.width;
var height = myRect.height;
var centreX = width / 2;
var centreY = height / 2;
var ctx = getContext("2d");
ctx.fillStyle = "blue";
ctx.globalAlpha = 1;
ctx.moveTo(centreX, centreY);
ctx.arc(centreX, centreY, myRect.radius, 0, Math.PI * 2, false);
MouseArea {
x: 0; y: 0;
width: myRect.radius * 2
height: myRect.radius * 2
acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton
hoverEnabled: true
onPositionChanged: {
myCanvas.textVisible = true;
// absolute position in map coordinate system
var absPos = mapToItem(map, mouse.x, mouse.y);
// margin between mouse pointer and the popup
var cursorMargin = 10;
// extra margin for right and bottom side
var bottomRightSideExtraMargin = 10;
// add the cursor margin to the position
var absPopupX = absPos.x + cursorMargin;
var absPopupY = absPos.y + cursorMargin;
// adjust if the popup is out of view on the bottom or right sides
if (absPos.x + myPopup.contentWidth + myPopup.leftPadding + myRect.radius * 2 + bottomRightSideExtraMargin > root.width) {
absPopupX = root.width - (myPopup.contentWidth + myPopup.leftPadding + cursorMargin + bottomRightSideExtraMargin);
if (absPos.y + myPopup.contentHeight + myPopup.topPadding + myRect.radius * 2 + bottomRightSideExtraMargin > root.height) {
absPopupY = root.height - (myPopup.contentHeight + myPopup.topPadding + cursorMargin + bottomRightSideExtraMargin);
// convert back to the current item coordinate system
var popupPos = mapFromItem(map, absPopupX, absPopupY);
myPopup.x = popupPos.x;
myPopup.y = popupPos.y;
onExited: {
myCanvas.textVisible = false;
Popup {
id: myPopup
// original offset to allow mouse hover
x: 20; y: 20;
visible: false
Label { text: model.name; horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter; }

How to create a shape that moves along the outline of a circle in QML

I use QT 5.11.3 and have a big problem...
I want to implement a shape that moves along the outline (or a specific path) of a circle using mouse drag.
I have referenced the example in the link below.
How to make an item drag inside a circle in QML?
import QtQuick 2.5
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
Window {
id: root
visible: true
width: 640
height: 480
title: qsTr("Hello World")
property int radius: 100
Rectangle {
id: circle
width: 2 * radius
height: 2 * radius
radius: root.radius
color: 'blue'
Rectangle {
id: mark
width: 20
height: 20
x: (dragObj.dragRadius <= root.radius ? dragObj.x : root.radius + ((dragObj.x - root.radius) * (root.radius / dragObj.dragRadius))) - 10
y: (dragObj.dragRadius <= root.radius ? dragObj.y : root.radius + ((dragObj.y - root.radius) * (root.radius / dragObj.dragRadius))) - 10
color: 'red'
MouseArea {
id: markArea
anchors.fill: parent
drag.target: dragObj
onPressed: {
dragObj.x = mark.x + 10
dragObj.y = mark.y + 10
Item {
id: dragObj
readonly property real dragRadius: Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x - root.radius, 2) + Math.pow(y - root.radius, 2))
x: root.radius
y: root.radius
onDragRadiusChanged: console.log(dragRadius)
But MouseArea has been moved not only to the outline of the circle but also to the inside of the circle.
If you have an example of moving along the contour of a shape using MouseArea or Mouse drag, please advise.

QtQuick pathCurve curve line on mouse click event

Hey posting this question to learn how to curve a line onclick i.e using path-curve i want to curve a line but not hard-coded it occur on mouse click event like if clicked on (400,320) then line at that position Y position will change (let say +75) as in image it is hard-coded but i want curve onclick wherever mouse click event occur it should curve
Here is my implementation. It's not exactly the shape you want. It seems that you can not get something like your image with PathCurve but surely you have much more control over the outcome with PathCubic.
Canvas {
id: canvas
width: 640; height: 640
contextType: "2d"
Path {
id: myPath
startX: 320; startY: 0
PathCurve { id: curvePoint_top; x: 320; y: curvePoint.y - 80 }
PathCurve { id: curvePoint; x: 320; y: 320 }
PathCurve { id: curvePoint_bottom; x: 320; y: curvePoint.y + 80 }
PathCurve { x: 320; y: 640 }
onPaint: {
context.strokeStyle = Qt.rgba(.4,.6,.8);
context.path = myPath;
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
curvePoint.x = mouseX;
curvePoint.y = mouseY;

How to add a rectangle to a QML ChartView?

I want to put a number of rectangles as overlays to show regions of interest on a ChartView of ScatterSeries. However when I try to do this it is clearly using a different coordinate system to that of the ScatterSeries as it is drawn in a completely different place.
For example the following is intended to draw a rectangle that captures all of the ScatterSeries but it just draws a small green rectangle top left as shown in the screenshot.
ChartView {
id: view
Layout.fillWidth : true
Layout.fillHeight : true
Rectangle {
id: rec
x: 30
y: 50
width: 40
height: 10
color: "green"
id: series
XYPoint { x: 30; y: 50 }
XYPoint { x: 50; y: 60 }
XYPoint { x: 60; y: 50 }
XYPoint { x: 70; y: 60 }
axisX: ValueAxis {
min: 0
max: 100
axisY: ValueAxis {
min: 0
max: 100
The documentation suggests that the rectangle should use the coordinate system of the parent ChartView. I assume I actually want it to use the coordinate system of the ChartView scene. How do I do this?
To translate from the ScatterSeries coordinate system to pixel coordinates to place a child in ChartView use mapToPosition(...):
function updateRectangle() {
var topLeftPoint = view.mapToPosition(Qt.point(30,60), series)
var bottomRightPoint = view.mapToPosition(Qt.point(70,50), series)
rec.x = topLeftPoint.x
rec.y = topLeftPoint.y
rec.width = bottomRightPoint.x - topLeftPoint.x
rec.height = bottomRightPoint.y - topLeftPoint.y
Where series is your ScatterSeries and rec is your Rectangle.
Invoke the update function whenever the chart points get recalculated (e.g. after creation and size changes).
See also related question How to map QChart coordinate to QChartView point?
