Load test and RPS in NBomber - .net-core

I am trying to load test a Kafka instance on one of our servers.
Here is the code that does it using NBomber:
public static void Run()
var testScenario = NBomber.CSharp.Step.Create("testScenario",
async context =>
// The testData is a string variable that reads contents from a text file in the Init method.
var kafkaObject = new KafkaObject { Topic = TestTopic, Message =testData };
SampleKafkaFlow sampleKafkaFlow = new SampleKafkaFlow();
var response = await sampleKafkaFlow.SendMessageToKafka(kafkaObject);
return Response.Ok();
catch (Exception ex)
return Response.Fail(ex.Message);
var scenario = ScenarioBuilder.CreateScenario("scenario", testScenario)
Simulation.InjectPerSec(rate: 100, during: TimeSpan.FromMinutes(3))
My laptop configuration:
Core i5 10th Gen with 16 Gb RAM, running Windows 10.
At the time of running the load test only VS 2022 was running.
Now I assumed that at 100 RPS it would generate a total of 18k requests for 3 minutes of execution time. The report says different - while it did run for a total of 3 minutes there were only 2057 total requests!
What am I missing here?
How do I get to doing a load test with a higher RPS?
Thanks in advance.

Probably there is a issue with NBomber itself https://github.com/PragmaticFlow/NBomber/issues/488
Also check nbomber log – it could contains a lot of
Error: step unhandled exception: One or more errors occurred. (Too many open files in system
or another errors that indicate that OS limits your load test


.NET Core 3.1 Console Application hangs

I have a .NET Core 3.1 console application that is running some background cron jobs. There are different jobs doing different things and they will start every x minute, do its thing and then stop. Most of the time they run fine, but lately these jobs have been starting to hang. They just never finish, the process is stuck.
I don't really know how to debug this or how to figure out what is causing it to hang. What I've done is:
Create a DMP file from the task manager
Load this using dotnet dump analyze myfile.DMP
Run dumpasync -stacks
This gives a list of all the stacks. I've created a few DMP files from different workers (doing different things), but they all have in common that there is one task on Npgsql.NpgsqlReadBuffer.
This is one example:
000001ed01aa18c8 00007ffca0c9e3d8 128 1 Npgsql.NpgsqlReadBuffer+<>c__DisplayClass34_0+<<Ensure>g__EnsureLong|0>d
Async "stack":
.000001ed01aa1988 (1) Npgsql.NpgsqlConnector+<>c__DisplayClass160_0+<<DoReadMessage>g__ReadMessageLong|0>d
..000001ed01aa1a40 (5) Npgsql.NpgsqlDataReader+<NextResult>d__44
...000001ed01aa1ae0 (0) Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand+<ExecuteReaderAsync>d__102
....000001ed01aa1b90 (0) Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand+<ExecuteDbDataReaderAsync>d__97
.....000001ed01aa1c10 (1) Dapper.SqlMapper+<QueryAsync>d__33`1[[System.__Canon, System.Private.CoreLib]]
......000001ed021ac5d8 (3) Acme.Common.Data.Dapper.Repositories.AccountItems.GetDapperAccountItemsHandlerSql+<GetAccountItemsAsync>d__3
.......000001ed021ac638 (0) Acme.Common.Data.Dapper.Repositories.ItemRepository`1+<GetAccountItemsHigherThanIdAsync>d__9[[Acme.Core.Db.Dapper.DapperReaderConnection, Acme.Core.Db.Dapper]]
........000001ed021ac698 (1) Acme.Common.Services.EmailReport.ReportDataService+<MakeInstantAlertDto>d__20
.........000001ed00badd90 (3) Acme.Common.Services.EmailReport.ReportDataService+<GetReportDtoAsync>d__19
..........000001ed0105f968 (2) Acme.Common.Services.EmailReport.InstantAlertReportService+<SendInstantAlertReportAsync>d__6
...........000001ed0105f9c8 (0) Acme.Common.Services.EmailReport.EmailReportWorkerService+<SendInstantAlertReportsAsync>d__10
............000001ed01b902d0 System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory+CompleteOnInvokePromise
I don't know if this means that npgsql is the cause of the hang, but it seems to be what is common between all of them.
The connection is created like this:
public async Task<IEnumerable<MyDto>> GetData()
using (var dbConnection = await _dapperConnection.OpenAsync())
var sql = "SELECT * FROM ....";
var result = await dbConnection.QueryAsync<MyDto>(sql);
return result;
private async Task<NpgsqlConnection> OpenAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
var connection = new NpgsqlConnection(_connectionString);
await connection.OpenAsync(cancellationToken);
return connection;
The connection string looks like this:
User ID=<userid>;Password=<password>;Host=<host>;Port=5432;Database=<databasename>;Pooling=true;Maximum Pool Size=200;Keepalive=30;
How can I debug this further? What would help?
Further technical details
Npgsql version: 4.1.3
PostgreSQL version: 9.6
Operating system: Windows

ASP.NET Core 2.2 kestrel server's performance issue

I'm facing problem with kestrel server's performance. I have following scenario :
TestClient(JMeter) -> DemoAPI-1(Kestrel) -> DemoAPI-2(IIS)
I'm trying to create a sample application that could get the file content as and when requested.
TestClient(100 Threads) requests to DemoAPI-1 which in turn request to DemoAPI-2. DemoAPI-2 reads a fixed XML file(1 MB max) and returns it's content as a response(In production DemoAPI-2 is not going to be exposed to outside world).
When I tested direct access from TestClient -> DemoAPI-2 I got expected result(good) which is following :
Average : 368ms
Minimum : 40ms
Maximum : 1056ms
Throughput : 40.1/sec
But when I tried to access it through DemoAPI-1 I got following result :
Average : 48232ms
Minimum : 21095ms
Maximum : 49377ms
Throughput : 2.0/sec
As you can see there is a huge difference.I'm not getting even the 10% throughput of DemoAPI-2. I was told has kestrel is more efficient and fast compared to traditional IIS. Also because there is no problem in direct access, I think we can eliminate the possible of problem on DemoAPI-2.
※Code of DemoAPI-1 :
string base64Encoded = null;
var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, url);
var response = await this.httpClient.SendAsync(request, HttpCompletionOption.ResponseContentRead).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (response.StatusCode.Equals(HttpStatusCode.OK))
var content = await response.Content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
base64Encoded = Convert.ToBase64String(content);
return base64Encoded;
※Code of DemoAPI-2 :
public async Task<IActionResult> Demo2Async(int wait)
if (wait > 0)
await Task.Delay(wait);
var path = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "test.xml");
var file = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(path);
return Content(file);
catch (System.Exception ex)
return StatusCode(500, ex.Message);
Some additional information :
Both APIs are async.
Both APIs are hosted on different EC2 instances(C5.xlarge Windows Server 2016).
DemoAPI-1(kestrel) is a self-contained API(without reverse proxy)
TestClient(jMeter) is set to 100 thread for this testing.
No other configuration is done for kestrel server as of now.
There are no action filter, middleware or logging that could effect the performance as of now.
Communication is done using SSL on 5001 port.
Wait parameter for DemoAPI2 is set to 0 as of now.
The CPU usage of DEMOAPI-1 is not over 40%.
The problem was due to HttpClient's port exhaustion issue.
I was able to solve this problem by using IHttpClientFactory.
Following article might help someone who faces similar problem.
DEMOAPI-1 performs a non-asynchronous read of the streams:
var bytes = stream.Read(read, 0, DataChunkSize);
while (bytes > 0)
buffer += System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(read, 0, bytes);
// Replace with ReadAsync
bytes = stream.Read(read, 0, DataChunkSize);
That can be an issue with throughput on a lot of requests.
Also, I'm not fully aware of why are you not testing the same code with IIS and Kestrel, I would assume you need to make only environmental changes and not the code.

Diagnosing performance issue with asp.net web api

I'm trying to figure out why my webservice is so slow and find ways to get it to respond faster. Current average response time without custom processing involved (i.e. apicontroller action returning a very simple object) is about 75ms.
The setup
32GB RAM, SSD disk, 4 x 2.7Ghz CPU's, 8 logical processors, x64 Windows 10
1 asp.net mvc website running .net 4.0 on IISEXPRESS (System.Web.Mvc v5.2.7.0)
1 asp.net web api website running .net 4.0 on IISEXPRESS (System.Net.Http v4.2.0.0)
1 RabbitMQ messagebus
Asp.net Web API Code (Api Controller Action)
public PrimitiveTypeWrapper<long> Send(WebsiteNotificationMessageDTO notification)
_messageBus.Publish<IWebsiteNotificationCreated>(new { Notification = notification });
return new PrimitiveTypeWrapper<long>(1);
The body of this method takes 2ms. Stackify tells me there's a lot of overhead on the AuthenticationFilterResult.ExecuteAsync method but since it's an asp.net thing I don't think it can be optimized much.
Asp.net MVC Code (MVC Controller Action)
The RestClient implementation is shown below. The HttpClientFactory returns a new HttpClient instance with the necessary headers and basepath.
public async Task<long> Send(WebsiteNotificationMessageDTO notification)
var result = await _httpClientFactory.Default.PostAndReturnAsync<WebsiteNotificationMessageDTO, PrimitiveTypeWrapper<long>>("/api/WebsiteNotification/Send", notification);
if (result.Succeeded)
return result.Data.Value;
return 0;
Executing 100 requests as fast as possible on the backend rest service:
public async Task SendHundredNotificationsToMqtt()
var sw = new Stopwatch();
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
await _notificationsRestClient.Send(new WebsiteNotificationMessageDTO()
Severity = WebsiteNotificationSeverity.Informational,
Message = "Test notification " + i,
Title = "Test notification " + i,
UserId = 1
Debug.WriteLine("100 messages sent, took {0} ms", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);
This takes on average 7.5 seconds.
Things I've tried
Checked the number of available threads on both the REST service and the MVC website:
int workers;
int completions;
System.Threading.ThreadPool.GetMaxThreads(out workers, out completions);
which returned for both:
Workers: 8191
Completions: 1000
Removed all RabbitMQ messagebus connectivity to ensure it's not the culprit. I've also removed the messagebus publish method from the rest method _messageBus.Publish<IWebsiteNotificationCreated>(new { Notification = notification }); So all it does is return 1 inside a wrapping object.
The backend rest is using identity framework with bearer token authentication and to eliminate most of it I've also tried marking the controller action on the rest service as AllowAnonymous.
Ran the project in Release mode: No change
Ran the sample 100 requests twice to exclude service initialization cost: No change
After all these attempts, the problem remains, it will still take about +- 75ms per request. Is this as low as it goes?
Here's a stackify log for the backend with the above changes applied.
The web service remains slow, is this as fast as it can get without an expensive hardware upgrade or is there something else I can look into to figure out what's making my web service this slow?

SDL Tridion 2009: Creating components through TOM API (via Interop) fails

Am facing a problem, while creating components through TOM API using .NET/COM Interop.
Actual Issue:
I have 550 components to be created through custom page. I am able to create between 400 - 470 components but after that it is getting failed and through an error message saying that
Error: Thread was being aborted.
Any idea / suggestion, why it is getting failed?
Is there any restriction on Tridion 2009?
As per #user978511 request, below is error on Application event log:-
Event code: 3001
Event message: The request has been aborted.
Process information:
Process ID: 1016
Process name: w3wp.exe
Exception information:
Exception type: HttpException
Exception message: Request timed out.
#Chris: This is my common function, which is called in a loop by passing list of params. Here am using Interop dll's.
public static bool CreateFareComponent(.... list of params ...)
TDSE mTDSE = null;
Folder mFolder = null;
Component mComponent = null;
bool flag = false;
mTDSE = TDSEInitialize();
mComponent = (Component)mTDSE.GetNewObject(ItemType.ItemTypeComponent, folderID, null);
mComponent.Schema = (Schema)mTDSE.GetObject(constants.SCHEMA_ID, EnumOpenMode.OpenModeView, null, XMLReadFilter.XMLReadAll);
mComponent.Title = compTitle;
flag = true;
catch (Exception ex)
CustomLogger.Error(String.Format("Logged User: {0} \r\n Error: {1}", GetRemoteUser(), ex.Message));
return flag;
Thanks in advance.
Sounds like a timeout, most likely in IIS which is hosting your custom page.
Are you creating them all in one synchronous request? Because that is indeed likely to time out.
You could instead create them in batches - or make sure your operations are done asynchronously and then polling the status regularly.
The easiest would just be to only create say 10 Components in one request, wait for it to finish, and then create another 10 (perhaps with a nice progress bar? :))
How you call TDSE object. I would like to mention here "Marshal.ReleaseComObject" procedure. Without releasing COMs objects can lead to enormous memory leaks.
Here is code for component creating:
private Component NewComponent(string componentName, string publicationID, string parentID, string schemaID)
Publication publication = (Publication)mTdse.GetObject(publicationID, EnumOpenMode.OpenModeView, null, XMLReadFilter.XMLReadContext);
Folder folder = (Folder)mTdse.GetObject(parentID, EnumOpenMode.OpenModeView, null, XMLReadFilter.XMLReadContext);
Schema schema = (Schema)mTdse.GetObject(schemaID, EnumOpenMode.OpenModeView, publicationID, XMLReadFilter.XMLReadContext);
Component component = (Component)mTdse.GetNewObject(ItemType.ItemTypeComponent, folder, publication);
component.Title = componentName;
component.Schema = schema;
return component;
After that please not forget to release mTdse ( in my case it is previously created TDSE object). Disposing "Components" object can be useful also after finish working with them.
For large Tridion batch operations I always use a Console Application and run it directly on the server.
Use Console.WriteLine to write to the output window and Console.ReadLine as the last line of code in the app (so the window stays open). I also use Log4Net as the logger.
This is by far the best approach if you have access to a remote session on the server - or can ask an admin to run it for you and give you access to the log folder via a network share.
As per #chris suggestions and part of immediate fix I have changed my web.config execution time out to 8000 seconds.
<httpRuntime executionTimeout="8000"/>
With this change, custom page is able to handle as of now.
Any more best suggestion, please post it.

Advantages/Disadvantages of increasing AppPool Timeout on Azure

I am just about to launch my ASP.NET MVC3 web app to production, however, as a complex app, it takes a LONG time to start up. Obviously, I don't want my users waiting over a minute for their first request to go through after the AppPool has timed out.
From my research, i've found that there are two ways to combat this:
Run a worker role or other process - which poll's the website every 19 minutes preventing the warm up.
Change the timeout from the default 20 minutes - To something much larger.
As Solution 2 seems like the better idea, i just wondered what the disadvantages would be of this, will I run out of memory etc.?
Could you use the auto-start feature of IIS? There is a post here that presents this idea.
You'd have IIS 7.5 and Win2k8 R2 with Azure OS family 2. You'd just need to be able to script/automate any setup steps and configuration.
I do this with a background thread that requests a keepalive URL every 15 minutes. Not only does this keep the app from going idle, but it also warms up the app right away anytime the web role or virtual machine restarts or is rebuilt.
This is all possible because Web Roles really are just Worker Roles that also do IIS stuff. So you can still use all the standard Worker Role startup hooks in a Web Role.
I got the idea from this blog post but tweaked the code to do a few extra warmup tasks.
First, I have a class that inherits from RoleEntryPoint (it does some other things besides this warm up task and I removed them for simplicity):
public class WebRole : RoleEntryPoint
// other unrelated member variables appear here...
private WarmUp _warmUp;
public override bool OnStart()
// other startup stuff appears here...
_warmUp = new WarmUp();
return base.OnStart();
All the actual warm up logic is in this WarmUp class. When it first runs it hits a handful of URLs on the local instance IP address (vs the public, load balanced hostname) to get things in memory so that the first people to use it get the fastest possible response time. Then, it loops and hits a single keepalive URL (again on the local role instance) that doesn't do any work and just serves to make sure that IIS doesn't shut down the application pool as idle.
public class WarmUp
private Thread worker;
public void Start()
worker = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Run));
worker.IsBackground = true;
private void Run()
var endpoint = RoleEnvironment.CurrentRoleInstance.InstanceEndpoints["http"]; // "http" has to match the endpointName in your ServiceDefinition.csdef file.
var pages = new string[]
foreach (var page in pages)
var address = String.Format("{0}://{1}:{2}{3}",
var webClient = new WebClient();
Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Warmed {0}", address));
catch (Exception ex)
var keepalive = String.Format("{0}://{1}:{2}{3}",
while (true)
var webClient = new WebClient();
Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Pinged {0}", keepalive));
catch (Exception ex)
Thread.Sleep(900000); // 15 minutes
Personally I'd change the timeout, but both should work: effectively they would both have the same effect of preventing the worker processes from shutting down.
I believe the timeout is there to avoid IIS retaining resources that aren't needed for servers with lots of Web sites that are lightly used. Given that heavily used sites (like this one!) don't shut down their worker processes I don't think you'll see any memory issues.
