Using ConsRank in R Studio - r

Installed both R studio and ConsRank package but i have little R and Math knowledge.
I need to understand how to calculate and reach the result of the formula in attached files.
To solve this problem, correlation coefficient τx used which is intruduced by Emond and Mason (2002)
I tried to use ConsRank functions but my R knowledge was not enough.

The first step is to install and load the package ConsRank using the following codes:
install.packages('ConsRank', dependencies=T)
If you successfully load the package, you are good to go. The next step is to read the documentation of the package (Click Here) in which you will learn about what functions you will need and there are some different examples that help you understand the input and outputs.
Let me know if you needed any help running your scripts. Good Luck.


"imagesc" function belongs to which packages and libraries in r?

After forming the matrix( which is my resultant image ) from certain data I am trying to display the image using the "imagesc" in r. The same thing I already had done in Matlab. To do the same in r I found out "imagesc" in r. but when I use this function it is showing the following error message
No documentation for ‘imagesc’ in specified packages and libraries:
you could try ‘??imagesc’
Even I already incorporated
please help me to resolve the issue? I am a beginner in r programming.
You are looking for the function imagesc in the wrong package.
The package R.matlab doesn't have such function (see R.matlab).
You can find it in the matlab package, though.
So just do:
and you'll be good to go with imagesc.
That said, if your task is going to be a recurrent one, I think it's a good idea to use native R solutions, instead of Matlab's. In such case, you may want to check ggplot2::geom_tile.
Check this image, for instance:

R functions using SentiWordNet

I am doing sentiment analysis and text mining on an e-mail box dedicated for client feedback. I use R for this work. I based the sentiment analysis on the work done by Jeffrey Breen. It works fine but I want to take it a step further. During my research I came across SentiWordnet.
I searched for R-code/functions to be able to apply SentiWordNet but only came up with Java and Python resources. I am not at all familiar with either of these.
Is there someone who applied SentiWordNet in R? I will appreciate any assistance.
As of 2019 the Lexicon package by Tyler Rinker (available on CRAN) contains the SentiWordnet dataset.
I can't find any example of SentiWordNet accessed solely from R, however you could call the Python package from R using rPython, or the Java implementation using rJava (some notes provided here). Unfortunately the python implementation is not currently available for Windows.

How can I create a Coincidence Matrix in R using R Studio?

I want to create a conincidence matrix using R Studio for a decision tree that I have generated. I have done the same in SPSS but am not able to figure out how to do the same in R. I am attaching an image of how it looks in SPSS. If you could point me to the right resource or link that can tell me what the quivalent of this in R is, that would be very helpful. Thank you!!
First, please try and ask targeted questions. What have you tried? What packages have you explored? Where are you getting stuck?
Nonetheless, I would start by reading through this, A Short Introduction to the caret Package. Then, do this:

Downloading Package "Cart" in R

Does anybody know where I can download the R package "cart" that can help create Gastner's
"Mapping with Diffusion-based Cartograms" ? I tried a install.package on R and says it's not available
for R 2.15. There is a page on R-forge about it but it doesn't explain how to download the package.
Way late to the game, but from what I can tell there's not much happening for the cart package; my recent efforts with cartogramming in R have pushed me towards two alternatives: Rcartogram within R (available from the GitHub repository) and ScapeToad, a program written in JS.
Advantage of the former is that you don't have to leave R (better for long-term project management), however it's a bit arcane to use (requires converting your shapefile to a density grid & then figuring out how to use an interpolation method, etc.).
Advantage of the latter is that it's got a very simple point-and-click GUI--add shapefile, create cartogram wizard, export shapefile, voila.
Both are based on the Gastner-Newman diffusion-based algorithm.
If you check the build page you'll see that at the moment the package fails to build. I thought it might be something minor but I've put in a little bit of work so far and it's still failing to build on my machine.
You might want to email the authors and ask them. You could also try their forum but it looks like it hasn't seen much activity lately.

Step-by-Step How-to on Mediation Analysis in R

I'd like to know if anybody can provide a step-by-step how to on how to use mediation analysis using Keele, Tingley, Yamamoto and Imai's mediation package. I think there are two approaches to this - the classic Baron and Kenny (1986) and the new one by Preacher, Rucker and Hayes (2007) - I'd like to know how to do both approaches in R
In case you not familiar with R and packages, start with
to download and install the package from CRAN. Then do
for a high-level view of the package, and available help files. Then use
to load the package and read the help page. The example can be run via
and you can run the other example for sensitivity analysis via
This vignette is what you are looking for, if the above answer isn't enough.
It's about as hand-holdy as you can get with this sort of thing.
