Converting numbers into time and date - r

I am trying to convert numeric values into times and dates. I am working with a data set so it would be appreciated if you should show an example using a dataset.
Here are some examples, converting 93537 into 09:35:57 (HH:MM:SS). Additionally, I need to convert 220703 into 22-07-03 (YY:MM:DD).
I will add an example of my code below:
CPLF_data$HMS <- substr(as.POSIXct(sprintf("%04.0f", CPLF_data$StartTime), format='%H%M%S'), 12, 16)
CPLF_data$YMD <- as.POSIXct(CPLF_data$Date, tz="UTC", origin ="1970-01-01", format ="%Y-%M-%D")
The first line is correct however, it does not show seconds.
The second line is incorrect.
Thank you.
I want my final product to be a new column with the times and dates in the correct format with their own columns.

Use chron times class to get the times or if a character string is wanted use as.character on that. Use as.Date to get a Date class object. The sub puts colons between the parts of the time after which we can convert it to times class. The sprintf pads the date with 0 on the left if it is only 5 characters and otherwise leaves it as 6 characters and then we convert that to Date class.
time <- 93537
date <- 220703
tt <- times(sub("(..)(..)$", ":\\1:\\2", time))
## [1] "09:35:37"
## [1] "09:35:37"
dd <- as.Date(sprintf("%06d", date), "%y%m%d")
## [1] "2022-07-03"
## [1] "2022-07-03"

Try the ymd_hms function in the lubridate package.
output$datetime <- ymd_hms(paste(input$year, input$month, input$day,
input$HH, input$MM, input$SS, sep="-"))
You can enter 00 if you don't have seconds, for example ....

Base R does not have a class for just "time" (of day), as.POSIXct doesn't deal with "times", it deals with "date-times". The lubridate:: package does give number-like HMS values, which may be relevant, but since each row has both date and time, it seems relevant to combine them instead of putting them into separate columns.
CPLF_data |>
StartTime = as.numeric(StartTime),
Date = as.numeric(Date)
) |>
DateTime = ISOdate(
2000 + Date %/% 10000, (Date %% 10000) %/% 100, Date %% 100,
StartTime %/% 10000, (StartTime %% 10000) %/% 100, StartTime %% 100)
# StartTime Date DateTime
# 1 93537 220703 2022-07-03 09:35:37
Note: I'm assuming that all years are 2-digits and at/after 2000. If this is not true, it's not difficult to work around it with some custom code. Also, over to you if you want to set the timezone of this timestamp by adding tz="US/Mountain" or whichever is more appropriate for the data.
CPLF_data <- data.frame(StartTime = "93537", Date = "220703")


How to parse an invalid date with lubridate?

I need to parse dates and have a cases like "31/02/2018":
> dmy("31/02/2018", quiet = T)
[1] NA
This makes sense as the 31st of Feb does not exist. Is there a way to parse the string "31/02/2018" to e.g. 2018-02-28 ? So not to get an NA, but an actual date?
We can write a function assuming you would only have dates which could be higher than the actual date and would have the same format always.
get_correct_date <- function(example_date) {
#Split vector on "/" and get 3 components (date, month, year)
vecs <- as.numeric(strsplit(example_date, "\\/")[[1]])
#Check number of days in that month
last_day_of_month <- days_in_month(vecs[2])
#If the input date is higher than actual number of days in that month
#replace it with last day of that month
if (vecs[1] > last_day_of_month)
vecs[1] <- last_day_of_month
#Paste the date components together to get new modified date
dmy(paste0(vecs, collapse = "/"))
#[1] "2018-02-28"
#[1] "2018-04-30"
#[1] "2018-05-31"
With small modification you can adjust the dates if they have different format or even if some dates are smaller than the first date.

How to convert a date to YYYYDDD?

I can't figure out how to turn Sys.Date() into a number in the format YYYYDDD. Where DDD is the day of the year, i.e. Jan 1 would be 2016001 Dec 31 would be 2016365
Date <- Sys.Date() ## The Variable Date is created as 2016-01-01
SomeFunction(Date) ## Returns 2016001
You can just use the format function as follows:
format(Date, '%Y%j')
which gives:
[1] "2016161" "2016162" "2016163"
If you want to format it in other ways, see ?strptime for all the possible options.
Alternatively, you could use the year and yday functions from the data.table or lubridate packages and paste them together with paste0:
library(data.table) # or: library(lubridate)
paste0(year(Date), yday(Date))
which will give you the same result.
The values that are returned by both options are of class character. Wrap the above solutions in as.numeric() to get real numbers.
Used data:
> Date <- Sys.Date() + 1:3
> Date
[1] "2016-06-09" "2016-06-10" "2016-06-11"
> class(Date)
[1] "Date"
Here's one option with lubridate:
x <- Sys.Date()
#[1] "2016-06-08"
#[1] "2016160"
This should work for creating a new column with the specified date format:
Date <- Sys.Date
df$Month_Yr <- format(as.Date(df$Date), "%Y%d")
But, especially when working with larger data sets, it is easier to do the following:
setDT(df)[,NewDate := format(as.Date(Date), "%Y%d"
Hope this helps. May have to tinker if you only want one value and are not working with a data set.

Extract time from timestamp?

Essentially, I want only the hour, minute, and seconds from a column of timestamps I have in R, because I want to view how often different data points occur throughout different times of day and day and date is irrelevant.
However, this is how the timestamps are structured in the dataset:
And I'm unsure how to only get that time from this timestamp.
Thank you for any help you can provide and please just let me know if I can provide more information!
We can use strptime to convert to a datetime class and then format to extract the hour:min:sec.
dtime <- strptime(str1, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
format(dtime, "%H:%M:%S")
#[1] "17:07:36"
If the OP wants to have the hour, min, sec as separate columns
read.table(text=format(dtime, "%H:%M:%S"), sep=":", header=FALSE)
# V1 V2 V3
#1 17 7 36
Another option is using lubridate
format(ymd_hms(str1), "%H:%M:%S")
#[1] "17:07:36"
str1 <- "2008-08-07T17:07:36Z"
x <- '2008-08-07T17:07:36Z'
substr(x, 12, 19)
#[1] "17:07:36"
...will do it if the timestamp is consistent, which I imagine it would be given it is an ISO_8601 ( ) string.
I think you are expecting this...
[1] "2016-04-19 11:09:30 IST"
format(Sys.time(),format = '%T')
[1] "11:09:30"
if you want to give your own timestamp, then use bellow code:
format(as.POSIXlt("2016-04-19 11:02:22 IST"),format = '%T')
[1] "11:02:22"
A regular expression will probably be quite efficient for this:
x <- '2008-08-07T17:07:36Z'
## [1] "2008-08-07T17:07:36Z"
sub('.*T(.*)Z', '\\1', x)
## [1] "17:07:36"

Find difference between times in R

Help me to find difference between times.For eg: these are the date and time
2015-11-24 16:49:14
2014-12-02 16:52:43
Need the result in HH:MM:SS format using r.
As you need difference between only the time, ignoring the dates you can first extract the time using strptime
x <- strptime(substr(a, 12, 19), format="%H:%M:%S")
y <- strptime(substr(b, 12, 19), format="%H:%M:%S")
Then using the seconds_to_period function of lubridate package you can get the time difference and then format the output using sprintf
temp <- seconds_to_period(as.numeric(difftime(y, x, units = "secs")))
sprintf('%02d:%02d:%02d', hour(temp), minute(temp), second(temp))
# [1] "00:03:29"
a <- as.POSIXct("2015-11-24 16:49:14")
b <- as.POSIXct("2014-12-02 16:52:43")
Following code to get the difference
interval(ymd_hms("2015-11-2416:17:38"),ymd_hms("2015-11-24 14:19:44"))
span<-interval(as.POSIXct("2015-11-24 16:17:38"),
as.POSIXct("2015-11-24 14:19:44"))
Format of answer
> -1H -57M -54S
Also display the difference in year, month & date

Add correct century to dates with year provided as "Year without century", %y

I have an file with birthdays in %d%b%y format. Some eg.
# "01DEC71" "01AUG54" "01APR81" "01MAY81" "01SEP83" "01FEB59"
I tried to reformat the date as
o108$fmtbirth <- format(as.Date(o108$birth, "%d%b%y"), "%Y/%m/%d")
and this is the result
# "1971/12/01" "2054/08/01" "1981/04/01" "1981/05/01" "1983/09/01" "2059/02/01"
These are birthdays and I see 2054. From this page I see that year values between 00 and 68 are coded as 20 for century. Is there a way to toggle this, in my case I want only 00 to 12 to be coded as 20.
1) chron. chron uses 30 by default so this will convert them converting first to Date (since chron can't read those sorts of dates) reformatting to character with two digit years into a format that chron can understand and finally back to Date.
xx <- c("01AUG11", "01AUG12", "01AUG13") # sample data
as.Date(chron(format(as.Date(xx, "%d%b%y"), "%m/%d/%y")))
That gives a cutoff of 30 but we can get a cutoff of 13 using chron's chron.year.expand option:
options(chron.year.expand =
function (y, = 12, century = c(1900, 2000), ...) {
chron:::year.expand(y, =, century = century, ...)
and then repeating the original conversion. For example assuming we had run this options statement already we would get the following with our xx :
> as.Date(chron(format(as.Date(xx, "%d%b%y"), "%m/%d/%y")))
[1] "2011-08-01" "2012-08-01" "1913-08-01"
2) Date only. Here is an alternative that does not use chron. You might want to replace "2012-12-31" with Sys.Date() if the idea is that otherwise future dates are really to be set 100 years back:
d <- as.Date(xx, "%d%b%y")
as.Date(ifelse(d > "2012-12-31", format(d, "19%y-%m-%d"), format(d)))
EDIT: added Date only solution.
See response from related thread:
format(as.Date("65-05-14", "%y-%m-%d"), "19%y-%m-%d")
o108$fmtbirth <- format(as.Date(o108$birth, "%d%b%y"), "%Y/%m/%d")
o108$fmtbirth <- as.Date(ifelse(o108$fmtbirth > Sys.Date(),
format(o108$fmtbirth, "19%y-%m-%d"),
