Edit R data frame to plot multiple lines on the same plot - r

I have data in the given format:
so it is categories on the far left (row names), and months are on the top (column names)
And I need to create a plot with a line for each Group.1 category on the same plot, which will have x axis of month and y axis as the corresponding value. Initially I was thinking of creating a separate data frame for each category with month and value as columns, but it seems there should be a better way. Any ideas?
I tried transposing the data frame, which would allow me to get the month and values correctly, but I would not know what category they would be for plotting the lines.


Adding a secondary axis in ggplot corresponding to date when plotting Latitude and Longitude of an individual

I have data containing Latitude and Longitude of an individual. An example of a subset of my data can be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NWYr8GOwf8WFqfeFf7mUPU2Jt5rkCUYs/view?usp=share_link
The data includes the Latitude and Longitude of locations (approx. every three hours depending on error in fix rates) over a year. There are multiple points per day for the individual. There is also a column corresponding to the elevation of that location.
I am trying to plot the Longitude and Latitude by time (either month or date). So for I have the following code to create this plot:
#read data and format columns;
##month and day as factor for ease of graphing but might need to change to continuous
d<-read.csv("Sample_Data.csv") %>%
mutate(Month=as.factor(Month), ##creates month as factor
Day=as.factor(Day))%>%##create day as factor
arrange(DateTime)##arrange dates
##Plot lat and long- connected by path of travel
Which results in the following figure:
What I would like to do is add a second axis corresponding to Date or month (pulled from these respective columns in my dataframe), depending on which subsets I will be working with. Essentially I want to create the same figure as above but have the Date (month) as a secondary x-axis so I can visualize paths on a temporal scale as well. I have been using ggplot and am aware I can add a secondary axis through this code, with will duplicate my longitude axis:
Trial1+scale_x_continuous(sec.axis = (~.))
There are lots of resources out there for adding secondary axes, as well as the facet_wrap() feature, however I would like one figure that shows both the temporal and spatial aspects of my data.
Is there a way that I can tell the secondary axis to pull data from the Month Column of my dataset and plot the Lat and Long versus the Month using ggplot?
I am also willing to look into other option in various packages, but want to try and avoid needing to create different data types (move objects for example, or trajectories) as I will need to work further with my data outside of these movement specific packages.
Thanks in advance!

How to extract the unique values of a dataframe in comparison to others from an Upset plot? [R]

I have several data files and I showed their intersects with an upset plot. I now want to know what are the unique values in each dataset? For example, as in this picture, how can I extract the names/values of 232 sets of Thriller category?
I first used union to combine all my data into a single dataframe and then I used setdiff in setdiff(data1,all) to characterise the unique values, but nothing has shown up, while in my real upset plot, I have 10 values unique to my data1.

Make a tile graph in R but with a color key for each column

I have a dataframe composed of 4 categorical variables and 100 observations and would like to plot them as column tiles with colors corresponding to the levels of each variable. How could I do that?
Here is an example data frame:
In theory, I think I should get values of vars 1-3 assigned each one to a row (letter) and column coordinates. Then, use ggplot2 to plot the tile graph like this:
d = data.frame(row = factor(c(row(df3))),
column = factor(c(col(df3))),
value = c(as.matrix(df3)))
However,apart of not being sure if i created these coordinates well, I also do not see how to have an independent color key for each original df3's column, in the tile graph.

Create a plot showing the number of items released by year

Trying to create a plot showing the number of items (ex. pop_songs) released by year from a dataframe I have (ex. Music_Charts).
I have a year released column in my dataframe and can use that as the x-variable, but I don't know what I would use for the y-variable to show the boxplot since I have the Top 500 Ranked songs on the dataframe.
Well, based on your very general question, if you have a data frame column with the years for each song, you can easily get the count for that column using table.
That should give you the number of entries for every year, then you can plot them (i'm guessing that's what you need)

R ggplot2 - convert row records to vertical values and use in geom_polygon

I have some items that have different eligibility criteria - specifically in this example two variables each with a min and max the values are allowed to take. I would like to see the coverage of the products by plotting rectangles for each product on a chart that shows the area between the mins and maxs.
How would you go about
converting the records most elegantly to that required by geom_polygon() and
ensuring the shapes produced appear as rectangles
df<-data.table(Product=letters[1:10], minX=1:10, maxX=5:14, minY= 10:1, maxY=14:5)
df.t<-data.table(rbind( df[,list(Product,X=minX,Y=minY)],
NB In this reduced example there are only two criteria, however I have a range of criteria columns and would not want to repeat the exercise above for different combinations.
Use your original data frame df and then geom_rect() as you already have minimal and maximal values for the x and y.
