I am trying to read a .tif-file in julia as a Floating Point Array. With the FileIO & ImageMagick-Package I am able to do this, but the Array that I get is of the Type Array{ColorTypes.Gray{FixedPointNumbers.Normed{UInt8,8}},2}.
I can convert this FixedPoint-Array to Float32-Array by multiplying it with 255 (because UInt8), but I am looking for a function to do this for any type of FixedPointNumber (i.e. reinterpret() or convert()).
using FileIO
# Load the tif
obj = load("test.tif");
# Convert to Float32-Array
objNew = real.(obj) .* 255
The output is
julia> using FileIO
julia> obj = load("test.tif");
julia> typeof(obj)
julia> objNew = real.(obj) .* 255;
julia> typeof(objNew)
I have been looking in the docs quite a while and have not found the function with which to convert a given FixedPoint-Array to a FloatingPont-Array without multiplying it with the maximum value of the Integer type.
Thanks for any help.
I made a small gist to see if the solution by Michael works, and it does. Thanks!
Note:I don't know why, but the real.(obj) .* 255-code does not work (see the gist).
Why not just Float32.()?
using ColorTypes
a = Gray.(convert.(Normed{UInt8,8}, rand(5,6)));
The short answer is indeed the one given by Michael, just use Float32.(a) (for grayscale). Another alternative is channelview(a), which generally performs channel separation thus also stripping the color information from the array. In the latter case you won't get a Float32 array, because your image is stored with 8 bits per pixel, instead you'll get an N0f8 (= FixedPointNumbers.Normed{UInt8,8}). You can read about those numbers here.
Your instinct to multiply by 255 is natural, given how other image-processing frameworks work, but Julia has made some effort to be consistent about "meaning" in ways that are worth taking a moment to think about. For example, in another programming language just changing the numerical precision of an array:
img = uint8(255*rand(10, 10, 3)); % an 8-bit per color channel image
figure; image(img)
imgd = double(img); % convert to double-precision, but don't change the values
figure; image(imgd)
produces the following surprising result:
That second "all white" image represents saturation. In this other language, "5" means two completely different things depending on whether it's stored in memory as a UInt8 vs a Float64. I think it's fair to say that under any normal circumstances, a user of a numerical library would call this a bug, and a very serious one at that, yet somehow many of us have grown to accept this in the context of image processing.
These new types arise because in Julia we've gone to the effort to implement new numerical types (FixedPointNumbers) that act like fractional values (e.g., between 0 and 1) but are stored internally with the same bit pattern as the "corresponding" UInt8 (the one you get by multiplying by 255). This allows us to work with 8-bit data and yet allow values to always be interpreted on a consistent scale (0.0=black, 1.0=white).
I learning more and more about Erlang language and have recently faced some problem. I read about foldl(Fun, Acc0, List) -> Acc1 function. I used tutorial and there was an example (example is about Reverse Polish Notation Calculator in Erlang):
%function that deletes all whitspaces and also execute
rpn(L) when is_list(L) ->
[Res] = lists:foldl(fun rpn/2, [], string:tokens(L," ")),
%function that converts string to integer or floating poitn value
read(N) ->
case string:to_float(N) of
%returning {error, no_float} where there is no float avaiable
{error,no_float} -> list_to_integer(N);
{F,_} -> F
%rpn managing all actions
rpn("+",[N1,N2|S]) -> [N2+N1|S];
rpn("-", [N1,N2|S]) -> [N2-N1|S];
rpn("*", [N1,N2|S]) -> [N2*N1|S];
rpn("/", [N1,N2|S]) -> [N2/N1|S];
rpn("^", [N1,N2|S]) -> [math:pow(N2,N1)|S];
rpn("ln", [N|S]) -> [math:log(N)|S];
rpn("log10", [N|S]) -> [math:log10(N)|S];
rpn(X, Stack) -> [read(X) | Stack].
As far as I understand lists:foldl executes rpn/2 on every element on list. But this is as far as I can understand this function. I read the documentation but it does not help me a lot. Can someone explain me how lists:foldl works?
Let's say we want to add a list of numbers together:
1 + 2 + 3 + 4.
This is a pretty normal way to write it. But I wrote "add a list of numbers together", not "write numbers with pluses between them". There is something fundamentally different between the way I expressed the operation in prose and the mathematical notation I used. We do this because we know it is an equivalent notation for addition (because it is commutative), and in our heads it reduces immediately to:
3 + 7.
and then
So what's the big deal? The problem is that we have no way of understanding the idea of summation from this example. What if instead I had written "Start with 0, then take one element from the list at a time and add it to the starting value as a running sum"? This is actually what summation is about, and it's not arbitrarily deciding which two things to add first until the equation is reduced.
sum(List) -> sum(List, 0).
sum([], A) -> A;
sum([H|T], A) -> sum(T, H + A).
If you're with me so far, then you're ready to understand folds.
There is a problem with the function above; it is too specific. It braids three ideas together without specifying any independently:
It is easy to miss the difference between iteration and accumulation because most of the time we never give this a second thought. Most languages accidentally encourage us to miss the difference, actually, by having the same storage location change its value each iteration of a similar function.
It is easy to miss the independence of addition merely because of the way it is written in this example because "+" looks like an "operation", not a function.
What if I had said "Start with 1, then take one element from the list at a time and multiply it by the running value"? We would still be doing the list processing in exactly the same way, but with two examples to compare it is pretty clear that multiplication and addition are the only difference between the two:
prod(List) -> prod(List, 1).
prod([], A) -> A;
prod([H|T], A) -> prod(T, H * A).
This is exactly the same flow of execution but for the inner operation and the starting value of the accumulator.
So let's make the addition and multiplication bits into functions, so we can pull that part of the pattern out:
add(A, B) -> A + B.
mult(A, B) -> A * B.
How could we write the list operation on its own? We need to pass a function in -- addition or multiplication -- and have it operate over the values. Also, we have to pay attention to the identity of the type and operation of things we are operating on or else we will screw up the magic that is value aggregation. "add(0, X)" always returns X, so this idea (0 + Foo) is the addition identity operation. In multiplication the identity operation is to multiply by 1. So we must start our accumulator at 0 for addition and 1 for multiplication (and for building lists an empty list, and so on). So we can't write the function with an accumulator value built-in, because it will only be correct for some type+operation pairs.
So this means to write a fold we need to have a list argument, a function to do things argument, and an accumulator argument, like so:
fold([], _, Accumulator) ->
fold([H|T], Operation, Accumulator) ->
fold(T, Operation, Operation(H, Accumulator)).
With this definition we can now write sum/1 using this more general pattern:
fsum(List) -> fold(List, fun add/2, 0).
And prod/1 also:
fprod(List) -> fold(List, fun prod/2, 1).
And they are functionally identical to the one we wrote above, but the notation is more clear and we don't have to write a bunch of recursive details that tangle the idea of iteration with the idea of accumulation with the idea of some specific operation like multiplication or addition.
In the case of the RPN calculator the idea of aggregate list operations is combined with the concept of selective dispatch (picking an operation to perform based on what symbol is encountered/matched). The RPN example is relatively simple and small (you can fit all the code in your head at once, it's just a few lines), but until you get used to functional paradigms the process it manifests can make your head hurt. In functional programming a tiny amount of code can create an arbitrarily complex process of unpredictable (or even evolving!) behavior, based just on list operations and selective dispatch; this is very different from the conditional checks, input validation and procedural checking techniques used in other paradigms more common today. Analyzing such behavior is greatly assisted by single assignment and recursive notation, because each iteration is a conceptually independent slice of time which can be contemplated in isolation of the rest of the system. I'm talking a little ahead of the basic question, but this is a core idea you may wish to contemplate as you consider why we like to use operations like folds and recursive notations instead of procedural, multiple-assignment loops.
I hope this helped more than confused.
First, you have to remember haw works rpn. If you want to execute the following operation: 2 * (3 + 5), you will feed the function with the input: "3 5 + 2 *". This was useful at a time where you had 25 step to enter a program :o)
the first function called simply split this character list into element:
1> string:tokens("3 5 + 2 *"," ").
then it processes the lists:foldl/3. for each element of this list, rpn/2 is called with the head of the input list and the current accumulator, and return a new accumulator. lets go step by step:
Step head accumulator matched rpn/2 return value
1 "3" [] rpn(X, Stack) -> [read(X) | Stack]. [3]
2 "5" [3] rpn(X, Stack) -> [read(X) | Stack]. [5,3]
3 "+" [5,3] rpn("+", [N1,N2|S]) -> [N2+N1|S]; [8]
4 "2" [8] rpn(X, Stack) -> [read(X) | Stack]. [2,8]
5 "*" [2,8] rpn("*",[N1,N2|S]) -> [N2*N1|S]; [16]
At the end, lists:foldl/3 returns [16] which matches to [R], and though rpn/1 returns R = 16
Working through the first edition of "Introduction to Functional Programming", by Bird & Wadler, which uses a theoretical lazy language with Haskell-ish syntax.
Exercise 3.2.3 asks:
Using a list comprehension, define a function for counting the number
of negative numbers in a list
Now, at this point we're still scratching the surface of lists. I would assume the intention is that only concepts that have been introduced at that point should be used, and the following have not been introduced yet:
A function for computing list length
List indexing
Pattern matching i.e. f (x:xs) = ...
Infinite lists
All the functions and operators that act on lists - with one exception - e.g. ++, head, tail, map, filter, zip, foldr, etc
What tools are available?
A maximum function that returns the maximal element of a numeric list
List comprehensions, with possibly multiple generator expressions and predicates
The notion that the output of the comprehension need not depend on the generator expression, implying the generator expression can be used for controlling the size of the generated list
Finite arithmetic sequence lists i.e. [a..b] or [a, a + step..b]
I'll admit, I'm stumped. Obviously one can extract the negative numbers from the original list fairly easily with a comprehension, but how does one then count them, with no notion of length or indexing?
The availability of the maximum function would suggest the end game is to construct a list whose maximal element is the number of negative numbers, with the final result of the function being the application of maximum to said list.
I'm either missing something blindingly obvious, or a smart trick, with a horrible feeling it may be the former. Tell me SO, how do you solve this?
My old -- and very yellowed copy of the first edition has a note attached to Exercise 3.2.3: "This question needs # (length), which appears only later". The moral of the story is to be more careful when setting exercises. I am currently finishing a third edition, which contains answers to every question.
By the way, did you answer Exercise 1.2.1 which asks for you to write down all the ways that
square (square (3 + 7)) can be reduced to normal form. It turns out that there are 547 ways!
I think you may be assuming too many restrictions - taking the length of the filtered list seems like the blindingly obvious solution to me.
An couple of alternatives but both involve using some other function that you say wasn't introduced:
sum [1 | x <- xs, x < 0]
maximum (0:[index | (index, ()) <- zip [1..] [() | x <- xs, x < 0]])
here are the doc:
val sort : ('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a list -> 'a list
Sort a list in increasing order according to a comparison function. The comparison function must return 0 if its arguments compare as equal, a positive integer if the first is greater, and a negative integer if the first is smaller (see Array.sort for a complete specification). For example, compare is a suitable comparison function. The resulting list is sorted in increasing order. List.sort is guaranteed to run in constant heap space (in addition to the size of the result list) and logarithmic stack space.
The current implementation uses Merge Sort. It runs in constant heap space and logarithmic stack space.
val stable_sort : ('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a list -> 'a list
Same as List.sort, but the sorting algorithm is guaranteed to be stable (i.e. elements that compare equal are kept in their original order) .
The current implementation uses Merge Sort. It runs in constant heap space and logarithmic stack space.
I thought merge sort anyway is stable, right?
How can OCaml produce a non-stable merge sort?
In the non-statble merge sort version, is it faster?
Merge sort is stable, but the fact that sort uses merge sort is not part of its contract. Note that it only says "the current implementation uses...". There is no guarantee that it will keep using merge sort in the future, so if you use List.sort in your code there is no guarantee that the sort will be stable even if it might happen to be stable in the current implementation.
As long as every code that requires a stable sort uses stable_sort, no code will break if future versions (or alternative implementations) of Ocaml switch to an unstable algorithm for sort.
You need to separate the definition from the implementation. The implementors are reserving the right to change the implementation, and are being admirably careful and clear about how the functions are defined to behave.
Why is the Haskell implementation so focused on linked lists?
For example, I know Data.Sequence is more efficient
with most of the list operations (except for the cons operation), and is used a lot;
syntactically, though, it is "hardly supported". Haskell has put a lot of effort into functional abstractions, such as the Functor and the Foldable class, but their syntax is not compatible with that of the default list.
If, in a project I want to optimize and replace my lists with sequences - or if I suddenly want support for infinite collections, and replace my sequences with lists - the resulting code changes are abhorrent.
So I guess my wondering can be made concrete in questions such as:
Why isn't the type of map equal to (Functor f) => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b?
Why can't the [] and (:) functions be used for, for example, the type in Data.Sequence?
I am really hoping there is some explanation for this, that doesn't include the words "backwards compatibility" or "it just grew that way", though if you think there isn't, please let me know. Any relevant language extensions are welcome as well.
Before getting into why, here's a summary of the problem and what you can do about it. The constructors [] and (:) are reserved for lists and cannot be redefined. If you plan to use the same code with multiple data types, then define or choose a type class representing the interface you want to support, and use methods from that class.
Here are some generalized functions that work on both lists and sequences. I don't know of a generalization of (:), but you could write your own.
fmap instead of map
mempty instead of []
mappend instead of (++)
If you plan to do a one-off data type replacement, then you can define your own names for things, and redefine them later.
-- For now, use lists
type List a = [a]
nil = []
cons x xs = x : xs
{- Switch to Seq in the future
-- type List a = Seq a
-- nil = empty
-- cons x xs = x <| xs
Note that [] and (:) are constructors: you can also use them for pattern matching. Pattern matching is specific to one type constructor, so you can't extend a pattern to work on a new data type without rewriting the pattern-matchign code.
Why there's so much list-specific stuff in Haskell
Lists are commonly used to represent sequential computations, rather than data. In an imperative language, you might build a Set with a loop that creates elements and inserts them into the set one by one. In Haskell, you do the same thing by creating a list and then passing the list to Set.fromList. Since lists so closely match this abstraction of computation, they have a place that's unlikely to ever be superseded by another data structure.
The fact remains that some functions are list-specific when they could have been generic. Some common functions like map were made list-specific so that new users would have less to learn. In particular, they provide simpler and (it was decided) more understandable error messages. Since it's possible to use generic functions instead, the problem is really just a syntactic inconvenience. It's worth noting that Haskell language implementations have very little list-speficic code, so new data structures and methods can be just as efficient as the "built-in" ones.
There are several classes that are useful generalizations of lists:
Functor supplies fmap, a generalization of map.
Monoid supplies methods useful for collections with list-like structure. The empty list [] is generalized to other containers by mempty, and list concatenation (++) is generalized to other containers by mappend.
Applicative and Monad supply methods that are useful for interpreting collections as computations.
Traversable and Foldable supply useful methods for running computations over collections.
Of these, only Functor and Monad were in the influential Haskell 98 spec, so the others have been overlooked to varying degrees by library writers, depending on when the library was written and how actively it was maintained. The core libraries have been good about supporting new interfaces.
I remember reading somewhere that map is for lists by default since newcomers to Haskell would be put off if they made a mistake and saw a complex error about "Functors", which they have no idea about. Therefore, they have both map and fmap instead of just map.
EDIT: That "somewhere" is the Monad Reader Issue 13, page 20, footnote 3:
3You might ask why we need a separate map function. Why not just do away with the current
list-only map function, and rename fmap to map instead? Well, that’s a good question. The
usual argument is that someone just learning Haskell, when using map incorrectly, would much
rather see an error about lists than about Functors.
For (:), the (<|) function seems to be a replacement. I have no idea about [].
A nitpick, Data.Sequence isn't more efficient for "list operations", it is more efficient for sequence operations. That said, a lot of the functions in Data.List are really sequence operations. The finger tree inside Data.Sequence has to do quite a bit more work for a cons (<|) equivalent to list (:), and its memory representation is also somewhat larger than a list as it is made from two data types a FingerTree and a Deep.
The extra syntax for lists is fine, it hits the sweet spot at what lists are good at - cons (:) and pattern-matching from the left. Whether or not sequences should have extra syntax is further debate, but as you can get a very long way with lists, and lists are inherently simple, having good syntax is a must.
List isn't an ideal representation for Strings - the memory layout is inefficient as each Char is wrapped with a constructor. This is why ByteStrings were introduced. Although they are laid out as an array ByteStrings have to do a bit of administrative work - [Char] can still be competitive if you are using short strings. In GHC there are language extensions to give ByteStrings more String-like syntax.
The other major lazy functional Clean has always represented strings as byte arrays, but its type system made this more practical - I believe the ByteString library uses unsafePerfomIO under the hood.
With version 7.8, ghc supports overloading list literals, compare the manual. For example, given appropriate IsList instances, you can write
['0' .. '9'] :: Set Char
[1 .. 10] :: Vector Int
[("default",0), (k1,v1)] :: Map String Int
['a' .. 'z'] :: Text
(quoted from the documentation).
I am pretty sure this won't be an answer to your question, but still.
I wish Haskell had more liberal function names(mixfix!) a la Agda. Then, the syntax for list constructors (:,[]) wouldn't have been magic; allowing us to at least hide the list type and use the same tokens for our own types.
The amount of code change while migrating between list and custom sequence types would be minimal then.
About map, you are a bit luckier. You can always hide map, and set it equal to fmap yourself.
import Prelude hiding(map)
map :: (Functor f) => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
map = fmap
Prelude is great, but it isn't the best part of Haskell.