R script error : attempt to apply non-function - r

I am trying to code the Gravitational Search Algorithm in R language to tune Xgboost, but I am facing an error: Error in xgb_model$set_params(as.list(particle_positions[i, ])) : attempt to apply non-function
The error appears when I try to evaluate the initial position:
# Evaluate the initial particle positions
for (i in 1:n_particles) {
xgb_model$set_params(as.list(particle_positions[i, ]))
resampling <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv", number = 5, repeats = 5, verboseIter = FALSE)
model_fit <- train(
x = as.matrix(train[, -15]), y = train[, 15],
method = "xgbTree", trControl = resampling,
metric = "Accuracy", tuneLength = 0,
maximize = TRUE
best_positions[i, ] <- particle_positions[i, ]
best_values[i] <- model_fit$results[1, "Accuracy"]
Any idea what I am doing wrong?


Error: The tuning parameter grid should have columns parameter

I try to run a 10 fold lasso regression by using R, but when I run the tuneGrid, it shows this error and I don't know how to fix it. Here is my code:
ctrlspecs<-trainControl(method="cv",number=10, savePredictions="all", classProb=TRUE)
foldlasso<-train(y1~x1,data=train_dat, method="glm", mtryGrid=expand.grid(alpha=1,lambda=lambdas),
Clean your code!!!
ctrlspecs <-
method = "cv",
number = 10,
savePredictions = "all",
classProb = TRUE
lambdas <- c(seq(0, 2, length = 3))
foldlasso <-
method = "glm",
mtryGrid = expand.grid(alpha = 1, lambda = lambdas),
trControl = ctrlspecs,
na.action = na.omit

Trying to extract coefficients from glmnet model returns NULL or "type must be either "raw" or "prob"" error

I am running a glmnet model in caret on the built-in infert dataset, e.g.,
infert_y <- factor(infert$case) %>% plyr::revalue(c("0"="control", "1"="case"))
infert_x <- subset(infert, select=-case)
new.x <- model.matrix(~., infert_x)
# Create cross-validation folds:
myFolds <- createFolds(infert_y, k = 10)
# Create reusable trainControl object:
myControl_categorical <- trainControl(
summaryFunction = twoClassSummary,
classProbs = TRUE, # IMPORTANT!
verboseIter = TRUE,
savePredictions = TRUE,
index = myFolds
model_glmnet_pca <- train(
x = new.x,
y = infert_y,
metric = "ROC",
method = "glmnet",
preProcess=c("zv", "nzv","medianImpute", "center", "scale", "pca"),
trControl = myControl_categorical,
tuneGrid= expand.grid(alpha= seq(0, 1, length = 20),
lambda = seq(0.0001, 1, length = 100))
But when I try to get the coefficients:
bestlambda <- model_glmnet_pca$results$lambda[model_glmnet_pca$results$ROC == max(model_glmnet_pca$results$ROC)]
coef(model_glmnet_pca, s=bestlambda)
I tried:
coef.glmnet(model_glmnet_pca, s=bestlambda)
which returns:
Error in predict.train(object, s = s, type = "coefficients", exact = exact, :
type must be either "raw" or "prob"
But surely when I'm calling coef() my "type" argument is set to "coefficients"? If I try
coef.glmnet(model_glmnet_pca, s=bestlambda, type="prob")
it returns:
Error in predict.train(object, s = s, type = "coefficients", exact = exact, :
formal argument "type" matched by multiple actual arguments
I am very confused, can anyone point out what I'm doing wrong?
To get the coefficients from the best model, you can use:
coef(model_glmnet_pca$finalModel, model_glmnet_pca$finalModel$lambdaOpt)
See e.g. this link on using regularised regression models with caret.

How to prevent "algorithm did not converge" errors in neuralnet / Caret / R?

I am trying to train a neural network using train function and neuralnet as my method paramater to predict times table.
I am scaling my training data set as well.
Even though I've tried different learningrates, stepmaxes, and thresholds for my neuralnet, each time I tried to train the network using train function one of the k-folds happened to fail every time saying
1: Algorithm did not converge in 1 of 1 repetition(s) within the stepmax.
2: predictions failed for Fold05.Rep1: layer1=8, layer2=0, layer3=0 Error in cbind(1, pred) %*% weights[[num_hidden_layers + 1]] :
requires numeric/complex matrix/vector arguments
I am guessing that this is because of weights being random so somehow each time I happen to get some weights that are not going to converge.
Is there anyway of preventing this? Maybe trying to re-train the particular fold which has failed using different weights?
Here is my code:
# Create the dataset
tt = data.frame(multiplier = rep(1:10, times = 10), multiplicand = rep(1:10, each = 10))
tt = cbind(tt, data.frame(product = tt$multiplier * tt$multiplicand))
# Splitting
indexes = createDataPartition(tt$product,
times = 1,
p = 0.7,
list = FALSE)
tt.train = tt[indexes,]
tt.test = tt[-indexes,]
# Pre-process
preProc <- preProcess(tt, method = c('center', 'scale'))
tt.preProcessed <- predict(preProc, tt)
tt.preProcessed.train <- tt.preProcessed[indexes,]
tt.preProcessed.test <- tt.preProcessed[-indexes,]
# Train
train.control <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv",
number = 10,
repeats = 3)
tune.grid <- expand.grid(layer1 = 8,
layer2 = 0,
layer3 = 0)
tt.cv <- train(product ~ .,
data = tt.preProcessed.train,
method = 'neuralnet',
tuneGrid = tune.grid,
trControl = train.control,
linear.output = TRUE,
algorithm = 'backprop',
learningrate = 0.01,
stepmax = 500000,
lifesign = 'minimal',
threshold = 0.01)

R - Caret RFE gives "task 1 failed - Stopping" error when using pickSizeBest

I am using Caret R package to train an SVM modell. My code is as follows:
options(show.error.locations = TRUE)
svmTrain <- function(svmType, subsetSizes, data, seeds, metric){
svmFuncs$summary <- function(...) c(twoClassSummary(...), defaultSummary(...), prSummary(...))
data_x <- data.frame(data[,2:ncol(data)])
data_y <- unlist(data[,1])
FSctrl <- rfeControl(method = "cv",
number = 10,
rerank = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE,
functions = svmFuncs,
saveDetails = TRUE,
seeds = seeds
TRctrl <- trainControl(method = "cv",
savePredictions = TRUE,
classProbs = TRUE,
verboseIter = TRUE,
sampling = "down",
number = 10,
search = "random",
repeats = 3,
returnResamp = "all",
allowParallel = TRUE
svmProf <- rfe( x = data_x,
y = data_y,
sizes = subsetSizes,
metric = metric,
rfeControl = FSctrl,
method = svmType,
preProc = c("center", "scale"),
trControl = TRctrl,
selectSize = pickSizeBest(data, metric = "AUC", maximize = TRUE),
tuneLength = 5
data1a = openTable(3, 'a')
data1b = openTable(3, 'b')
data = rbind(data1a, data1b)
last <- roundToTens(ncol(data)-1)
subsetSizes <- c( 3:9, seq(10, last, 10) )
svmTrain <- svmTrain("svmRadial", subsetSizes, data, seeds, "AUC")
When I comment out pickSizeBest row, the algorithm runs fine. However, when I do not comment, it gives the following error:
Error in { (from svm.r#58) : task 1 failed - "Stopping"
Row 58 is svmProf <- rfe( x = data_x,..
I tried to look up if I use pickSizeBest the wrong way, but I cannot find the problem. Could somebody help me?
Many thanks!
EDIT: I just realized that pickSizeBest (data, ...) should not use data. However, I still do not know what should be add there.
I can't run your example, but I would suggest that you just pass the function pickSizeBest, i.e.:
trControl = TRctrl,
selectSize = pickSizeBest,
tuneLength = 5
The functionality is described here:

GBM and Caret package: invalid number of intervals

Though I am defining that target <- factor(train$target, levels = c(0, 1)), the below-given code provides this error:
Error in cut.default(y, unique(quantile(y, probs = seq(0, 1, length =
cuts))), : invalid number of intervals In addition: Warning
messages: 1: In train.default(x, y, weights = w, ...) : cannnot
compute class probabilities for regression
What does it mean and how to fix this?
gbmGrid <- expand.grid(n.trees = (1:30)*10,
interaction.depth = c(1, 5, 9),
shrinkage = 0.1)
fitControl <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv",
number = 5,
repeats = 5,
verboseIter = FALSE,
returnResamp = "all",
classProbs = TRUE)
target <- factor(train$target, levels = c(0, 1))
gbm <- caret::train(target ~ .,
data = train,
method = "gbm",
trControl = fitControl,
tuneGrid = gbmGrid)
prob = predict(gbm, newdata=testing, type='prob')[,2]
First, don't do this:
target <- factor(train$target, levels = c(0, 1))
You will get an warning:
At least one of the class levels are not valid R variables names; This may cause errors if class probabilities are generated because the variables names will be converted to: X0, X1
Second, you created an object called target. Using the formula method means that train will use the column called target in the data frame train and those are different data. Modify the column.
