MariaDB and Strange Display - mariadb

I specify that I do not work with the last version of MariaDB but I do not have the hand on the server to make an update.
So I'm working with version 10.0.36.
I recreated a simple table of which here is the structure and the contents to explain my problem.
My problem is on rendering an SQL query. If I run this query :
select VIS.idVisite as 'key',if(VIS.weightVisite is not NULL,VIS.weightVisite,'') as 'weight'
from visite as VIS
inner join client as CLI on VIS.idClientVisite=CLI.idClient
where VIS.idVisite in (1,2,3,4)
order by VIS.idVisite
I get this:
The decimals of digits greater than or equal to 100 are not displayed.
If I modify the query like this:
select VIS.idVisite as 'key',VIS.weightVisite as 'weight'
from visite as VIS
inner join client as CLI on VIS.idClientVisite=CLI.idClient
where VIS.idVisite in (1,2,3,4)
order by VIS.idVisite;
I get this :
Decimals are displayed correctly
If I modify the query like this:
select VIS.idVisite as 'key',if(VIS.weightVisite is not NULL,VIS.weightVisite,'') as 'weight'
from visite as VIS
where VIS.idVisite in (1,2,3,4)
I get this:
Decimals are displayed correctly
I am lost. Why when I combine the "IF" condition with the "INNER JOIN" I don't have the right decimals...?
While the "IF" alone works fine.
While the "INNER JOIN" alone works well.
If someone has an idea.
And the structure of client table is this :

The problem with your query is that you are letting the database do an implicit type conversion from float to string using this statement:
if(VIS.weightVisite is not NULL,VIS.weightVisite,'')
This is not a good practice (from MariaDB docs):
Implicit type conversion takes place when MariaDB is using operands or
different types, in order to make the operands compatible.
It is best practice not to rely upon implicit conversion; rather use
CAST to explicitly convert types.
For some unknown reason the DB converts this sometimes to char(4) and sometimes to (probably) char(5).
You can explicitly cast it, like:
if(VIS.weightVisite is not NULL,cast(VIS.weightVisite as char(5)),'')
cast(if(VIS.weightVisite is not NULL,VIS.weightVisite,'') as char(5))
And it will always show the correct result. But if casting to char was not your intention, you can avoid it using the correct type:
if(VIS.weightVisite is not NULL,VIS.weightVisite,0)


How to implement INSERT where not exists for ORACLE in Mule4

I am trying to implement a use-case in Mule4 where a tour needs to be assigned to a user if it has not already been assigned.
I was hoping that I could implement it using Mule db:insert component and using INSERT WHERE NOT EXISTS SQL script as below.
INSERT INTO TL_MAPPING_TOUR(TOURNO,TLID,SYSTEM) select :tourno,:tlid,:system from DUAL
where not exists(select * from TL_MAPPING_TOUR where (TOURNO=:tourno and TLID=:tlid and SYSTEM=:system))
However, this is resulting in Mule Exception
Message : ORA-01722: invalid number
Error type : DB:BAD_SQL_SYNTAX
TL_MAPPING_TOUR table has an id column (Primary Key), but that is auto-generated by a sequence.
The same script, modified for running directly in SQL developer, as shown below, is working fine.
select 'CLLO001474','123456789','AS400'
from DUAL
where not exists(select * from TL_MAPPING_TOUR where (TOURNO='CLLO001474' and TLID='123456789' and SYSTEM='AS400'));
Clearly Mule db:insert component doesn't like the syntax, but it's not very clear to me what is wrong here. I can't find any INSERT WHERE NOT EXISTS example implementation for the Mule4 Database component either.
stackoverflow page directs to page not found.
Any idea what is wrong here and how to implement this in Mule4 without using another Mule4 db:select component before db:insert?
I don't know "mule4", but this:
Message : ORA-01722: invalid number
doesn't mean that syntax is wrong (as you already tested it - the same statement works OK in another tool).
Cause: You executed a SQL statement that tried to convert a string to a number, but it was unsuccessful.
The option(s) to resolve this Oracle error are:
Option #1: Only numeric fields or character fields that contain numeric values can be used in arithmetic operations. Make sure that all expressions evaluate to numbers.
Option #2: If you are adding or subtracting from dates, make sure that you added/substracted a numeric value from the date.
In other words, it seems that one of columns is declared as NUMBER, while you passed something that is a string. Oracle performed implicit conversion when you tested the statement in SQL Developer, but it seems that mule4 didn't and hence the error.
The most obvious cause (based on what you posted) is putting '123456789' into TLID as other values are obviously strings. Therefore, pass 123456789 (a number, no single quotes around it) and see what happens. Should work.
SQL Developer is too forgiving. It will convert string to numbers and vise versa automatically when it can. And it can a lot.
Mulesoft DB connector tries the same but it is not as succefule as native tools. Pretty often it fails to convert, especially on dates but this is not your case.
In short - do not trust too much data sense of Mulesoft. If it works - great! Otherwise try to eliminate any intelligence from it and do all conversions in the query and better from the string. Usually number works fine but if doesn't - use to_number function to mark properly that this is the number.
More about this is here

How to select all fields of a document and a new property

I am trying to add a new property to the projection of a query using: select *, 4 Type from c, but it fails with error Syntax error, incorrect syntax near ','. Trying select c.*, 4 Type from c results in a similar error: Syntax error, incorrect syntax near '*'.
Projecting all properties manually is not really an option as not all documents contain all properties (one of the best features of DocumentDb).
How can I do so?
What I am trying to accomplish is something very simple in any SQL Like language. Open any relational database of your choosing and execute select *, 4 Type from [Table] and the results are very straight forward: a table with all it's columns and it's corresponding values plus an additional column named Type with all rows having the same value: 4. The difference here is that in a relational database with schema all rows in the database contain the same columns, so it is easy to enumerate the columns instead of asking for *. In a schemaless environment like documentdb you can't enumerate them because there could be unlimited combinations.
I am trying to accomplish the same thing that select, 4 Type from c accomplishes, but with all properties
We solved this issue by adding a User Defined Function:
function AddType (c, v) {
c['Type'] = v;
return c;
and calling it SELECT value udf.AddType(c,4) FROM c.
Of course you could make this a little more generic by passing in an array instead, but hopefully the Cosmos Db team will add native support for it.
This function adds overhead and in our internal tests it more than doubled the RUs. select * from c resulted in 90 RUs vs 220 RUs using the function above.

Delphi - ClientDataSet SQL calculated field causing "Invalid field type" error at runtime [duplicate]

Using Delphi 10.2, SQLite and Teecharts. My SQLite database has two fields, created with:
CREATE TABLE HistoryRuntime ('DayTime' DateTime, Device1 INTEGER DEFAULT (0));
I access the table using a TFDQuery called qryGrpahRuntime with the following SQL:
SELECT DayTime AS TheDate, Sum(Device1) As DeviceTotal
FROM HistoryRuntime
WHERE (DayTime >= "2017-06-01") and (DayTime <= "2017-06-26")
Group by Date(DayTime)
Using the Field Editor in the Delphi IDE, I can add two persistent fields, getting TheDate as a TDateTimeField and DeviceTotal as a TLargeIntField.
I run this query in a program to create a TeeChart, which I created at design time. As long as the query returns some records, all this works. However, if there are no records for the requested dates, I get an EDatabaseError exception with the message:
qryGrpahRuntime: Type mismatch for field 'DeviceTotal', expecting: LargeInt actual: Widestring
I have done plenty of searching for solutions on the web on how to prevent this error on an empty query, but have had not luck with anything I found. From what I can tell, SQLite defaults to the wide string field when no data is returned. I have tried using CAST in the query and it did not seem to make any difference.
If I remove the persistent fields, the query will open without problems on an empty return set. However, in order to use the TeeChart editor in the IDE, it appears I need persistent fields.
Is there a way I can make this work with persistent fields, or am I going to have to throw out the persistent fields and then add the TeeChart Series at runtime?
This behavior is described in Adjusting FireDAC Mapping chapter of the FireDAC's SQLite manual:
For an expression in a SELECT list, SQLite avoids type name
information. When the result set is not empty, FireDAC uses the value
data types from the first record. When empty, FireDAC describes those
columns as dtWideString. To explicitly specify the column data type,
append ::<type name> to the column alias:
SELECT count(*) as "cnt::INT" FROM mytab
So modify your command e.g. this way (I used BIGINT, but you can use any pseudo data type that maps to a 64-bit signed integer data type and is not auto incrementing, which corresponds to your persistent TLargeIntField field):
DayTime AS "TheDate",
Sum(Device1) AS "DeviceTotal::BIGINT"
DayTime BETWEEN {d 2017-06-01} AND {d 2017-06-26}
P.S. I did a small optimization by using BETWEEN operator (which evaluates the column value only once), and used an escape sequence for date constants (which, in real you replace by parameter, I guess; so just for curiosity).
This data type hinting is parsed by the FDSQLiteTypeName2ADDataType procedure that takes and parses column name in format <column name>::<type name> in its AColName parameter.

BigQuery error: Cannot query the cross product of repeated fields

I am running the following query on Google BigQuery web interface, for data provided by Google Analytics:
FROM [dataset.table]
WHERE CONTAINS "my-fun-path"
I would like to save the results into a new table, however I am obtaining the following error message when using Flatten Results = False:
Error: Cannot query the cross product of repeated fields
customDimensions.value and
This answer implies that this should be possible: Is there a way to select nested records into a table?
Is there a workaround for the issue found?
Depending on what kind of filtering is acceptable to you, you may be able to work around this by switching to OMIT IF from WHERE. It will give different results, but, again, perhaps such different results are acceptable.
The following will remove entire hit record if (some) page inside of it meets criteria. Note two things here:
it uses OMIT hits IF, instead of more commonly used OMIT RECORD IF).
The condition is inverted, because OMIT IF is opposite of WHERE
The query is:
FROM [dataset.table]
OMIT hits IF EVERY(NOT CONTAINS "my-fun-path")
Update: see the related thread, I am afraid this is no longer possible.
It would be possible to use NEST function and grouping by a field, but that's a long shot.
Using flatten call on the query:
FROM flatten([],customDimensions)
Thus in the web ui:
setting a destination table
allowing large results
and NO flatten results
does the job correctly and the produced table matches the original schema.
I know - it is old ask.
But now it can be achieved by just using standard SQL dialect instead of Legacy
FROM `dataset.table` t, UNNEST( as page
  page.pagePath CONTAINS "my-fun-path"

Sqlite Query Optimization with OR and AND

The following query takes 5 seconds to execute:
SELECT DISTINCT(Product.Name) FROM Product WHERE (0=1 OR Product.Number="prod11");
While the following takes ONLY 15 milliseconds:
SELECT DISTINCT(Product.Name) FROM Product WHERE (Product.Number="prod11");
Interestingly the following also takes only 15 milliseconds:
SELECT DISTINCT(Product.Name) FROM Product WHERE (1=1 AND Product.Number="prod11");
The query plan shows that the first query uses a full table scan (for some unknown reason), while the second and third queries use an index (as expected).
For some reason it looks like Sqlite optimizes the "1=1 AND ..." but it doesn't optimize "0=1 OR ...".
What can I do to make Sqlite use the index for the first query as well?
The queries are built by NHibernate so it's kind of hard to change them...
Sqlite version is the latest for Windows.
SQLite's query optimizer is rather simple and does not support OR expressions very well.
For some reason, it can optimize this query if it can use a covering index, so try this:
CREATE INDEX TakeThatNHibernate ON Product(Number, Name)
1=1and 1=0 are SQL expressions used in some parts of the NHibernate framework to denote empty statements that won't alter the logic of the sql query. A Conjunction with no subcriterias generates an 1=1 expression, A Disjunction with no subcriterias generates an 1=0 expression. An In() generates an 1=0 expression if no values are provided.
To avoid such optimization, you could change the code that is creating those empty expressions and only use the criterions that have at least one subcriteria.
