Pretty printing in jq - jq

jq . has the side-effect of pretty printing the input.
$ echo '{"foo":"bar", "baz":[1,2,3]}' | jq .
"foo": "bar",
"baz": [
But if I want to use jq to incorporate the input with some surrounding text, the input renders compactly
$ echo '{"foo":"bar", "baz":[1,2,3]}' | jq -r '"My value is:\n\(.)\nSome other stuff"'
My value is:
Some other stuff
Is there any way to force pretty printing here? I'd like the output to be
My value is:
"foo": "bar",
"baz": [
Some other stuff

I did find a solution while I was writing the question: don't put the input inside string interpolation, output a stream of things:
echo '{"foo":"bar", "baz":[1,2,3]}' | jq -r '"My value is:", . , "Some other stuff"'
# .........................................................^^^^^
My value is:
"foo": "bar",
"baz": [
Some other stuff

This might not fit your actual use case, but instead of creating a single JSON string in jq, just use a shell command group.
echo '{"foo":"bar", "baz":[1,2,3]}' | { echo "My value is:"; jq .; echo "Some other stuff"; }


Creating a composite string sourced from multiple places in a JSON document

Consider this JSON document
echo '
"alpha": {
"id": "id1",
"values": [
"beta": {
"id": "id2",
"values": [
' >data.json
check syntax
$ yq -p json -P -o j 'true ' data.json
I want to generate a series of strings that combines the id field with each of the values. So output I need should look like this
This is what I've tried
$ yq -p json -P -o j '.[] | .id as $ID | .values[] | $ID + "-" + . ' data.json
There seems to be a multiplication factor kicking in with the $ID variable. Is this the correct approach to get attributes from a different scope, or is there a cleaner way to achieve this?
Note -- the real JSON document contains a lot more nesting, so there are multiple nested arrays/objects between the values and the id attributes.
One final point. I tried the same code with jq and it worked fine.
$ jq ' .[] | .id as $ID | .values[] | $ID + "-" + . ' data.json
Do you need that variable elsewhere? Because it just works without:
yq -p json -P -o json '.[] | .id + "-" + .values[]' data.json
Tested with mikefarah/yq version v4.30.5

Conditionally output a field?

In this example I only want isGreaterThanOne field to be shown if it's true. Here's what I started with (always shown)
echo '[{"a":5},{"a":1}]' | jq '[.[] | {value:.a, isGreaterThanOne:(.a>1)}]'
I inserted an if statement
echo '[{"a":5},{"a":1}]' | jq '[.[] | {value:.a, X:(if .a>1 then "Y" else "N" end) }]'
Then got stuck trying to move the field into the conditional. Also it seems like I must have an else with an if
echo '[{"a":5},{"a":1}]' | jq '[.[] | {value:.a, (if .a>1 then (K:"Y)" else (L:"N") end) }]'
I want the below as the result (doesn't need to be pretty printed)
"value": 5,
"X": "Y"
"value": 1,
Using if, make one branch provide an empty object {} which wouldn't contain the extra field:
map({value: .a} + if .a > 1 then {X: "Y"} else {} end)
Alternatively, equip only selected items with the extra field:
map({value: .a} | select(.value > 1).X = "Y")
"value": 5,
"X": "Y"
"value": 1

regex replacement for whole object tree / reverse operation to `tostring`

So I have big json, where I need to take some subtree and copy it to other place, but with some properties updated (a lot of them). So for example:
"items": [
{ "id": 1, "other": "abc"},
{ "id": 2, "other": "def"},
{ "id": 3, "other": "ghi"}
and say, that i'd like to duplicate record having id == 2, and replace char e in other field with char x using regex. That could go (I'm sure there is a better way, but I'm beginner) something like:
jq '.items |= . + [.[]|select (.id == 2) as $orig | .id=4 | .other=($orig.other | sub("e";"x"))]'<sample.json
"items": [
"id": 1,
"other": "abc"
"id": 2,
"other": "def"
"id": 3,
"other": "ghi"
"id": 4,
"other": "dxf"
Now that's great. But suppose, that there ins't just one other field. There are multitude of them, and over deep tree. Well I can issue multiple sub operations, but assuming, that replacement pattern is sufficiently selective, maybe we can turn the whole JSON subtree to string (trivial, tostring method) and replace all occurences using singe sub call. But how to turn that substituted string back to — is it call object? — to be able to add it back to items array?
Here's a program that might be a solution to the general problem you are describing, but if not at least illustrates how problems of this type can be solved. Note in particular that there is no explicit reference to a field named "other", and that (thanks to walk) the update function is applied to all candidate JSON objects in the input.
def update($n):
if .items | length > 0
then ((.items[0]|keys_unsorted) - ["id"]) as $keys
| if ($keys | length) == 1
then $keys[0] as $key
| (.items|map(.id) | max + 1) as $newid
| .items |= . + [.[] | select(.id == $n) as $orig | .id=$newid | .[$key]=($orig[$key] | sub("e";"x"))]
else .
else .
walk(if type == "object" and has("items") then update(2) else . end)

How do I select multiple fields in jq?

My input file looks something like this:
"login": "dmaxfield",
"id": 7449977,
"login": "dmaxfield",
"id": 7449977,
I can get all the login names with this : cat members | jq '.[].login'
but I have not been able to crack the syntax to get both the login and id?
You can use jq '.[] | .login, .id' to obtain each login followed by its id.
This works for me:
> echo '{"a":1,"b":2,"c":3}{"a":1,"b":2,"c":3}' | jq '{a,b}'
"a": 1,
"b": 2
"a": 1,
"b": 2
Just provide one more example here (jq-1.6):
Walk through an array and select a field of an object element and a field of object in that object
echo '[{"id":1, "private_info": {"name": "Ivy", "age": 18}}, {"id":2, "private_info": {"name": "Tommy", "aga": 18}}]' | jq ".[] | {id: .id, name:}" -
"id": 1,
"name": "Ivy"
"id": 2,
"name": "Tommy"
Without the example data:
jq ".[] | {id, name:}" -
.[]: walk through an array
{id, name:}: take .id and and wrap it into an object with field name "id" and "name" respectively
In order to select values which are indented to different levels (i.e. both first and second level), you might use the following:
echo '[{"a":{"aa":1,"ab":2},"b":3,"c":4},{"a":{"aa":5,"ab":6},"b":7,"c":8}]' \
| jq '.[]|[.a.aa,.a.ab,.b]'

How to get the index path of found values using jq?

Say I have a JSON like this:
"json": [
And I want an array of jq index paths that contain foo:
Can I achieve this using jq and how?
I tried recurse | .foo to get the matches first but I receive an error: Cannot index array with string "foo".
First of all, I'm not sure what is the purpose of obtaining an array of jq programs. While means of doing this exist, they are seldom necessary; jq does not provide any sort of eval command.
jq has the concept of a path, which is an array of strings and numbers representing the position of an element in a JSON; this is equivalent to the strings on your expected output. As an example, ".json[1][2][1]" would be represented as ["json", 1, 2, 1]. The standard library contains several functions that operate with this concept, such as getpath, setpath, paths and leaf_paths.
We can thus obtain all leaf paths in the given JSON and iterate through them, select those for which their value in the input JSON is "foo", and generate an array out of them:
jq '[paths as $path | select(getpath($path) == "foo") | $path]'
This will return, for your given input, the following output:
["json", 1, 2, 1],
["json", 1, 3, 0, 1]
Now, although it should not be necessary, and it is most likely a sign that you're approaching whatever problem you are facing in the wrong way, it is possible to convert these arrays to the jq path strings you seek by transforming each path through the following script:
".\(map("[\(tojson)]") | join(""))"
The full script would therefore be:
jq '[paths as $path | select(getpath($path) == "foo") | $path | ".\(map("[\(tojson)]") | join(""))"]'
And its output would be:
Santiago's excellent program can be further tweaked to produce output in the requested format:
def jqpath:
def t: test("^[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*$");
reduce .[] as $x
if ($x|type) == "string"
then . + ($x | if t then ".\(.)" else ".[" + tojson + "]" end)
else . + "[\($x)]"
[paths as $path | select( getpath($path) == "foo" ) | $path | jqpath]
jq -f wrangle.jq input.json
