microsoft dynamics webAPI listing purchase orders - axapta

How do you list purchase orders using the Microsoft Dynamics WebAPI?
Similarly, how do I list purchase orders with their line items using WebAPI?
I am having a real hard time finding decent and clear documentation on using WebAPI to find purchase orders, and especially purchase order line items, so any help would be appreciated. I just need a good starting point. Even some library would help, as I could look at what the library is doing and maybe try to mimic it.


What the best clockify API endpoint to get time entries of (grouped by) saved reports?

Asking here, after asking to Clockify support.
Trying to extend some of clockify capabilities to create extra reporting for our clients,
I’ve been playing with your API and specifically: the enpoint /reports/{reportsId}
• My goal:
Get all the time entries of a specific "saved report” (usually saved by our Project Managers)
• What I EXPECT from "/reports/{reportsId}”:
To get all the info and entities (users, time entries, projects, etc.) only regarding that particular reportId
• What I GET from "/reports/{reportsId}”:
Lots of info regarding the whole workspace, and I only see summaryReport
as more “specific to the saved report itself”...
• Questions:
Is this the correct behavior?
How do you filter down time entries of specific reports in URLs like ?
Do you only call "/reports/{reportsId}” and filter down on client-side? (it seems to me that way, exploring the Network tab)
If that’s the way, what’s the point of calling the report endpoint? Only for the summaryReport object?
3- Is "/reports/{reportsId}” the best endpoint I can use to reach my goal? …or which way would you recommend me?
summaryReport.timeEntries will contain all the individual time entries from that particular report. Each entry has a user, project, client, time etc. Grouping by project is done on the client.
I'm not sure I fully understand your specific problem though. Are you suggesting the entries you get from the report endpoint do not belong to the given report?

google maps API for a place how many people have made reviews and rating?

I made a app and I use goole maps API. I would like know, you know when you make a request for place, API return 5 last reviews and reviews.rating, and rating, for how many reviews this rating is calculate ? How I can have this information do you know?
I calculated for 5 last reviews and rating, the average does not correspond in 5 reviews.rating. Thus how to know this average is calculated on how much reviews? Thanks
Edit : in this question (4 years ago) : how to get total number of reviews from google reviews I have try this solution user_ratings_total but that don't work
Edit 2 : it's certainly possible nobody's know ?
it is possible now to get total number of reviews using Place Details Place APIs call:
as of Jan 2019, it returns user_ratings_total field:
which contains the total number of reviews.
If this isn't a long term project, give my API a shot:
You can just swap the business name; I created it local to the US though by the looks of your images it seems you're looking to do it for CA; user_ratings_total was indeed removed from places but the GMB API still has access to this data, I just kind of tweaked it a little bit.
Here's a tip on how you can get the data, if you create a custom RSS feed with the URLs for the places and (not sure what language your using) you can parse through the URLs and get the metadata out; or if you use Google CSE (Custom Search Engine) the PageMap for the schemas 'review', 'aggregatedreviews' will be easy to parse through as well. These are just clevar workarounds; it sucks they omit this data from the natural official API it was very useful.

Contact to a lead in CRM Dynamics 2013

I know in CRM 2011 you can not convert a contact to lead. Is it possible in CRM 2013 .
In simple words i have created a contact and grouped it in to a account. I would like to convert this contact in to lead so that i can make a sales entry.
Strange all leading CRM package provides this , in 2011 its not available is it there in 2013.
This functionality is not available out of the box. However, there are a number of ways to implement this.
The easiest would be to create an 'On Demand' Workflow - that creates a Lead with information from the Contact. This can be run manually against specific Contacts - as I presume you don't want to do this for every Contact.
The alternative is to use the SDK, you could create a Lead from the information in the Contact and have a Ribbon button to invoke the SDK code.
Typically, you would convert (Qualify) a Lead into to an Account, Contact and/or Opportunity. It is unusual to convert a Contact to a Lead.
I think your problem is one of terminology, not functionality.
If you want to record a new potential sale for an existing Account or Contact, the most obvious thing to do would be to create an Opportunity.
If for some reason you want to create a potential potential deal, and want to use a Lead to hold this so you can do a more formal pre-qualification before you get to Opportunity, then just create a Lead linked to the Contact and Account. Since there is a relationship there already, you cold do this by adding a sub-grid on the Contact form, or adding Leads to the navigation on the form (like any other child entity).
You don't need to "convert" the Contact, keep that as it is and just add another record to represent the possible new sale.

Chart CiviCRM CiviPetition results?

We'd like a sort of overview report regarding our petitions in CiviCRM. It would be great to have two pie charts, one showing contacted and signed % and contacted but not signed %, and another pie chart showing the results of our one-question poll (Yes, No, Maybe).
Ideally the charting would be integrated into CiviCRM so we don't need to do custom code to get charts every time we run a poll.
I can't find anything to do this on the CiviCRM forums and my question there is unanswered.
Would this be better done in Drupal Webforms?
This is probably a job for a custom report template. The issue is that you're not just looking at petition signature activities; you're comparing that against being "contacted". CiviCRM won't know off the bat what you mean by that. Is it receiving an email? Having a phone call activity? Having any activity in X campaign?
The custom report template would need to extend the activity report to include contacts who are involved in two activities: being "contacted" and signing the petition. Really, it's not a report of petition signatures--many won't have signed anything--it's a report of being "contacted", so you'll need to be able to filter out what that is (and distinguish these activities from being contacted with a different ask).
You'll need to have the report template make joins from the "contacted" activity to the civicrm_activity_contact table, then to the same table (to find other activities the same contact is involved with), then to the civicrm_activity table again to get the petition signatures. Once you have the basics working there, you can add in columns and filters, and after that, you can give the report a pie chart display.
Once you have all this set up (and it is a bit significant--my shop would charge for 5-10 hours of work), you could use the regular interface to pick which petition and what criteria should be used for identifying those being "contacted". You could have a bunch of saved report instances for that single template, so you wouldn't need to write any new code unless a CiviCRM upgrade interfered with things.
Here's the reference for how to create custom report templates:

How to Stream Through Large Amounts of Twitter Data?

I'll be working on a project that will require a live output of a number of tweets users have hash tagged on Twitter as well as their tweets. Something along the lines of MTV's Twitter Tracker:
What intrigued me about this site is how can they constantly make API calls to Twitter without breaching the request limit?
I'd appreciate if anyone could guide me on the most effective way to accomplish this. From the research I've carried out thus far, I presume I will need to use Twitter's Streaming API.
Since there is a chance that the number of tweets output to my page could be in their thousands (AJAX loaded) along with stats on number of retweets/favourites, what would be the most scalable approach within my .NET site? Any examples or guidance would be appreciated.
Check out Linq2Twitter. It is a great wrapper around the Twitter API, and provides two mechanisms that will help you:
There is a search function that allows you to search for hash tags, etc, which will limit the amount of data you are getting back
You have the option to specify getting all the data since a certain tweet ID. You can therefore incrementally search the feed by performing searches and searching, in subsequent calls, from the ID you left off on.
I have used this many times to search the public feed and have not had any issues to date. I think the search function is key not requesting too much. Good luck!
you can look into Storm framework. Below are few links for further reference:-
Thanks for all your responses.
It looks like sites such that display a lot of Twitter stats/data use third party approved providers that have direct access to Twitter's Firehose API.
I have managed to get in contact with an approved provider to supply us with the feeds of data required (and it ain't cheap!).
