I want to replace text in my WordPress site - wordpress

Kindly look at this this here you can see here is mentioned (8 left) i want to replace (left with places left) means in simple i want to show 8 places left…
Here is link below

you can try this-
<div class="text-align: left">
<span>8 Left</span>
Please try this code, if you still facing issue just lemme know, i will help you more.

In your HTML code for that page, find the following code:
<small class="spaces-left">8 left</small>
It is contained inside this class: <div class="form-field form-field-wide">
Change the part of that HTML that says "8 left" and change it to what you wish the page to display.
For example: <small class="spaces-left">Places Left: 8</small>


How do I wrap a label in a div within a class to modify it?

I'm looking for the method to put a label and text in a div, within a class.
I have this html:
<div class="awpcp-subtitle">Contact Information</div>
<a href="https://adsler.co.uk/wp-user-test-dashboard-
<br/><label>Phone:</label> 7576XXXXXX
<br/><label>Location:</label> London, UK
<div class="showawpcpadpage"><label>Price:</label>
<strong>£ 3.00</strong></div>
<div class="fixfloat"></div>
I want to put the label 'phone' within a div class and, if necessary, the text after it in a div class.
Basically the aim of this is to be able to select the label 'phone' and the text after it, and give it a background color.
I don't know where I would insert it in given html, or even what it would lool like?
Im guessing somewhere after 'Anonymous,'
Anonymous</a> div class="Phone:"><label>Phone:>.
and then continuing with existing code:
First of all, I would suggest you go through some basics of HTML. This would be a good start: https://www.w3schools.com/html/
Now coming back to your question, you could enclose it like this:
<div class="awpcp-subtitle">Contact Information</div>
<a href="https://adsler.co.uk/wp-user-test-dashboard-
<div class="phone"><label>Phone:</label> 7576XXXXXX</div>
<div class="location"><label>Location:</label> London, UK</div>
<div class="showawpcpadpage"><label>Price:</label>
<strong>£ 3.00</strong></div>
<div class="fixfloat"></div>
Here, I have removed the <br> because you were using it to make that Phone and Location display in separate lines. Since we are using <div> tags are block level element by default, the contents of it will be displayed in separate lines.
So, now you can change the color of those two boxes like this:
background-color: red;
background-color: yellow;
And lastly you asked about how to do this in Wordpress. As you may already know Wordpress uses Themes, you have to check which one is your current theme (the one that is running in your website). This can be checked via visiting Wordpress Admin Panel --> Appearance --> Themes. You will see the current active theme's name in that page. Now you have to use an FTP Client or the File Manager in your cPanel to access the following the location: /wp-content/themes/yourthemename/ in your server. Here, youthemename is the name of the theme that you noticed in the previous step.
Once you are in that folder, you would see a bunch on template files. I would suggest taking a close look at each file if you are unsure. Or its better you get a basic idea of Wordpress first before editing it. Take a look at this: https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/basics/template-hierarchy/
Once you find out the template file has this HTML code you wanted to edit, simply open it and make the changes and save it. You are all done. If you are using any Cache plugins in your Wordpress, you might need to purge the cache if you don't see the changes when accessing the webpage.
That being said, my writeup might give you a small confusion. That's why I suggested to have a look at the basics first. Otherwise you have to hire someone who would be ready to do that specific changes for you.
Hope it helps.

Incorrect Position on <div> Element

I'm trying to make a simple yet interactive webpage for my school. Our current homepage we use for links is plain and boring.
I've created this: JSFiddle
But when I open the 'Student Links', the 'PHHS Website' button seems to automatically position itself ~50 pixels up.
Code because I have to:
<a class="itemLink" href="http://hcps.us/phhs/">
<div class="itemStudentsLink" id="PHHSWebsite">
<p class="itemText">PHHS Website</p>
If anyone knows why it's acting like this, please tell me. I'm not sure why this problem occurs.
This has to do with the vertical alignment of the blocks and the fact that one of the block's text goes onto two lines. Add
.itemStudentsLink {
vertical-align: bottom;

Change button title with css

Good morning, Im sure im missing something obvious but I am struggling finding the correct CSS to change the button text on this page
I want to change the text from "continue shopping" to Add to Order.
Thanks in advance!
It isn't in the CSS, rather it's in the HTML.
Here is the markup - it is in an a tag. Inside of <div id="content" class="content clearfix">
Continue Shopping
Here is a modified version to include "Add to order":
Add to order
Note, the title attribute should be changed to match it - as #Andrew pointed out in the comments.
This is an HTML issue. The line of code you need to modify is:
<a class="Cart66ButtonSecondary" title="Continue Shopping" href="http://www.inksharks.com">Continue Shopping</a>

Tumblr photo post caption positioning

I was hoping somebody would be able to help with the following query...
I've setup a Tumblr blog on which I'm going to regularly post photo sets.
I'd like to write a brief description with each set. I can do this
within the caption field that sits below the image. The problem with
this is that when including multiple images within a post the description
will be lost at the bottom, below all the images.
I'd like the caption to be positioned at the top of the post, before
the images so that viewers can read the description first.
Here's a link to the blog, though empty for now I've inserted a test
post to show how the information is displayed. The black block
represents an image set,'Coming Soon' was entered in the caption field.
Any thoughts/or guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Would need to see your theme's code to provide you with specifics, but you just need to move where the {block:Caption} is being rendered.
An example:
This will put the photoset's caption above the photoset.
Just to expand upon graygimore's answer - changing the position of the {block:Caption} - Here's the exact code I modified from my custom tumblr theme. Worked a treat.
Thanks again.
<section class="caption group">
<div class="cont">{Caption}</div>
<div class="cont content_source">
<a href="{SourceURL}">
<img src="{BlackLogoURL}" width="{LogoWidth}" height="{LogoHeight}" alt="{SourceTitle}" />
<section class="top media" style="display:block;">
{LinkOpenTag}<img src="{PhotoURL-HighRes}"> {LinkCloseTag}{Question}

CSS inline-block divs not displayed right

can anyone please help me? I have this example of list of links with description. http://jsfiddle.net/FcN57/3/ and I need the decription to start at same line as the first link, but it's allways starting one line below. I thought that inline-block divs should be displayed side by side
If you need to keep the <br /> for some reason (although i don't recommend it like the others here), then the following might work for you:
I added floats and a clear:both to put them on the same line.
You have page breaks in your code. A <br> will break the flow and put any elements after it on a new line, regardless of display type.
Remove them and it works fine.
To display description on same line, remove <br /> tag. Also you can use span instead of div. span will display text on same line.
They are being displayed inline unfortunatly you've forced a line break here
<div class="EsdVyberDocOdkaz">
<a href="9CYjKkqzUU71" >link</a>
<br> //this is your issue
<a href="9CYjKkqzUU71" >link</a>
You can either remove that line break and have everything on one line or move your bracketed link after your description like so:
<div class="EsdVyberDoc">
<div class="EsdVyberDocOdkaz">
<a href="9CYjKkqzUU71" >link</a>
<div class="EsdDocTitul">
description description description
<br />
<a href="9CYjKkqzUU71" >link</a>
