How to take user input and insert it into an array? - julia

New to Julia, trying to simply ask the user to choose 5 numbers and put it into an array and print the array. My output only says pick 5 numbers with "nothing" followed underneath. I cant seem to figure out why it wont read my inputs.
function ask()
lst = []
i = 0
println("pick 5 numbers to add to a list")
while i < 5
choice = readline
choice = push!(lst, choice);
i += 1

You were assigning function reference to list elements rather than calling the function.
This should be:
function ask()
lst = String[]
i = 0
println("pick 5 numbers to add to a list")
while i < 5
choice = readline()
choice = push!(lst, choice);
i += 1
If you want numbers rather than Strings the last line could be parse.(Int, lst) or you could add this conversion near readline
Note that if you do not plan to introduce some error checking etc. this all code could be simply written as:
println("pick 5 numbers to add to a list")
lst = [parse(Int, readline()) for _ in 1:5]


iterating 2D array in Elixir

I am new to Elixir language and I am having some issues while writing a piece of code.
What I am given is a 2D array like
list1 = [
[1 ,2,3,4,"nil"],
[16,17,"nil",19,20] ]
Now, what I've to do is to get all the elements that have values between 10 and 20, so what I'm doing is:
final_list = []
Enum.each(list1, fn row ->
Enum.each(row, &(if (&1 >= 10 and &1 <= 99) do final_list = final_list ++ &1 end))
Doing this, I'm expecting that I'll get my list of numbers in final_list but I'm getting blank final list with a warning like:
warning: variable "final_list" is unused (there is a variable with the same name in the context, use the pin operator (^) to match on it or prefix this variable with underscore if it is not meant to be used)
and upon printing final_list, it is not updated.
When I try to check whether my code is working properly or not, using IO.puts as:
iex(5)> Enum.each(list1, fn row -> ...(5)> Enum.each(row, &(if (&1 >= 10 and &1 <= 99) do IO.puts(final_list ++ &1) end))
...(5)> end
...(5)> )
The Output is:
What could I possibly be doing wrong here? Shouldn't it add the elements to the final_list?
If this is wrong ( probably it is), what should be the possible solution to this?
Any kind of help will be appreciated.
As mentioned in Adam's comments, this is a FAQ and the important thing is the message "warning: variable "final_list" is unused (there is a variable with the same name in the context, use the pin operator (^) to match on it or prefix this variable with underscore if it is not meant to be used)" This message actually indicates a very serious problem.
It tells you that the assignment "final_list = final_list ++ &1" is useless since it just creates a local variable, hiding the external one. Elixir variables are not mutable so you need to reorganize seriously your code.
The simplest way is
final_list =
for sublist <- list1,
n <- sublist,
n in 10..20,
do: n
Note that every time you write final_list = ..., you actually declare a new variable with the same name, so the final_list you declared inside your anonymous function is not the final_list outside the anonymous function.

how would I delete item's in a dictionary within specific parameters?

for my code I want all numbers from a dictionary under 70 to be deleted, I'm unsure of how to specify this and I need it to also delete the associated name with that number as well, either that or only diplay numbers that are 70 or above.
Below is the code that I have in it's entirety:
name = []
number =[]
name_grade = {}
counter = 0
counter_bool= True
num_loop = True
while counter_bool:
stu = int(input("please enter the number of students: "))
if stu < 2:
print("value is too low, try again")
while counter != stu:
name_inp = str(input("Enter your name: "))
while num_loop:
number_inp = int(input("Enter your number: "))
if number_inp < 0 or number_inp > 100:
print("The value is too high or too low, please enter a number between 0 and 100.")
name_grade[name_inp] = number_inp
counter += 1
sorted_numbers = sorted(name_grade.items(), key= lambda x:x[1])
if number > 70:
resorted_numbers = number < 70
print(resorted numbers)
how would I go about this?
Also if it's also not too much trouble could someone explain in detail about dictionary keys and how the lambda function I've used works? I got help but I would prefer to know the small details on how it's applied and formatted but don't worry if it's a pain to explain.
You can just iterate over the dictionary and filter for values less than 70:
resorted_numbers = {k:v for k,v in name_grade.items() if v<70}
dict.items method returns a list of key-value tuple pairs of a dictionary, so the lambda function is telling the sorted function to sort by the second element in each tuple.

function which finds a common number in multiple lists

how would this function be completed to return the common integers between two lists?
how would i complete the get_common_elements(list1, list2) function?. The function should select all the common integers from both parameters and displays them in the result.
ie numbers 1 = 3,6,8,9,12,35
numbers 2 = 6,7,13,34, 35
result = 6,35
you can assume that each number only occurs in each list once
def common_member(a, b):
a_set = set(a)
b_set = set(b)
if (a_set & b_set):
print(a_set & b_set)
print("No common elements")

Getting count of occurrences for X in string

Im looking for a function like Pythons
"foobar, bar, foo".count("foo")
Could not find any functions that seemed able to do this, in a obvious way. Looking for a single function or something that is not completely overkill.
Julia-1.0 update:
For single-character count within a string (in general, any single-item count within an iterable), one can use Julia's count function:
julia> count(i->(i=='f'), "foobar, bar, foo")
(The first argument is a predicate that returns a ::Bool).
For the given example, the following one-liner should do:
julia> length(collect(eachmatch(r"foo", "bar foo baz foo")))
Julia-1.7 update:
Starting with Julia-1.7 Base.Fix2 can be used, through ==('f') below, as to shorten and sweeten the syntax:
julia> count(==('f'), "foobar, bar, foo")
What about regexp ?
julia> length(matchall(r"ba", "foobar, bar, foo"))
I think that right now the closest built-in thing to what you're after is the length of a split (minus 1). But it's not difficult to specifically create what you're after.
I could see a searchall being generally useful in Julia's Base, similar to matchall. If you don't care about the actual indices, you could just use a counter instead of growing the idxs array.
function searchall(s, t; overlap::Bool=false)
idxfcn = overlap ? first : last
r = findnext(s, t, firstindex(t))
idxs = typeof(r)[] # Or to only count: n = 0
while r !== nothing
push!(idxs, r) # n += 1
r = findnext(s, t, idxfcn(r) + 1)
idxs # return n
Adding an answer to this which allows for interpolation:
julia> a = ", , ,";
julia> b = ",";
julia> length(collect(eachmatch(Regex(b), a)))
Actually, this solution breaks for some simple cases due to use of Regex. Instead one might find this useful:
count_flags(s::String, flag::String)
counts the number of flags `flag` in string `s`.
function count_flags(s::String, flag::String)
counter = 0
for i in 1:length(s)
if occursin(flag, s)
s = replace(s, flag=> "", count=1)
return counter
Sorry to post another answer instead of commenting previous one, but i've not managed how to deal with code blocks in comments :)
If you don't like regexps, maybe a tail recursive function like this one (using the search() base function as Matt suggests) :
function mycount(what::String, where::String)
function mycountacc(what::String, where::String, acc::Int)
res = search(where, what)
res == 0:-1 ? acc : mycountacc(what, where[last(res) + 1:end], acc + 1)
what == "" ? 0 : mycountacc(what, where, 0)
This is simple and fast (and does not overflow the stack):
function mycount2(where::String, what::String)
numfinds = 0
starting = 1
while true
location = search(where, what, starting)
isempty(location) && return numfinds
numfinds += 1
starting = location.stop + 1
one liner: (Julia 1.3.1):
julia> sum([1 for i = eachmatch(r"foo", "foobar, bar, foo")])
Since Julia 1.3, there has been a count method that does exactly this.
overlap::Bool = false,
Return the number of matches for pattern in string.
This is equivalent to calling length(findall(pattern, string)) but more
If overlap=true, the matching sequences are allowed to overlap indices in the
original string, otherwise they must be from disjoint character ranges.
│ Julia 1.3
│ This method requires at least Julia 1.3.
julia> count("foo", "foobar, bar, foo")
julia> count("ana", "bananarama")
julia> count("ana", "bananarama", overlap=true)

processing 2 dimension array

I am working in classic ASP; using getRows to get multidimension array of rows and column.
while iterating a row; I want to pass that single row into another function to build the column layout.
with C# I can do this:
obj[][] multiDimArray = FunctionCall_To_InitializeArray_4X16();
for (int rowId = 0 ; rowId < 4 ; rowId++)
//this function only accept single dimension array
How can I do this is asp classic/vbscript:
1. I have a function that accept single dimension array as parameter.
2. Call that function and pass 1 part of 2 dimension array.
Thank you
I think you will need to populate a new array or dictionary object with the single dimension you want to process.
here a piece from working code, should get you going..
aResults = oRst.Getrows
Set oRst = Nothing
Call SubCloseDatabaseOracle
iRows = UBound(aResults, 2)
iCols = UBound(aResults, 1)
row = 1 'first row
line = ""
separator = ""
FOR col = 0 TO iCols
line = line & separator & cStr(aResults(col,row))
separator = ";"
aSingleDimensionArray = split(line,";")
