Meteor MUP deployment failed - meteor

Meteor version 2.1.
MUP version 1.5.9.
While deploying my Meteor App, deployment fails and reverts to the previous version.
Message I get is:
Latest deployment failed! Reverted back to the previous version.
I get no other messages, have no clue what is happening or why.


Error building Player: iOS framework addition failed due to a CocoaPods installation failure

I've just updated Firebase in my Unity project to Firebase 10.4.0 and now when I try to build, I get the error below while failing the build.
Error building Player: iOS framework addition failed due to a CocoaPods installation failure. This will will likely result in an non-functional Xcode project.
After the failure, "pod repo update" was executed and failed. "pod install" was then attempted again, and still failed. This may be due to a broken CocoaPods installation. See: for potential solutions.
I've checked minimum compatibility with the new version of Firebase and am using what's listed below.
Unity 2021.3.18f1
Cloud Firestore, Firebase App(Core), and Firebase Cloud Messaging 10.4.0
External Dependency Manager for Unity 1.2.175
Cocoapods I've tried versions 1.10.2 and 1.11.3 (started with 1.10.2 when I got the issue, redownloaded 1.10.2 to no avail and then tried 1.11.3, same issue)
Ruby 2.6.10p210
I could be wrong, but it seems like Unity is not detecting my current version of cocoapods, trying to install it, and failing.
Any help is greatly appreciated, I've spent 2 days on this already :/
I've redownloaded cocoapods version 1.10.2 as well as updated to 1.11.3 and the error persists. I've checked dependancies and everything seems to be compatible.
I've looked at other stack overflow posts and nothing has helped with my issue.

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 8.0 in android studio

I am trying to run my emulator after adding the firebase and google sign in plug ins/dependencies to my files and now I am receiving the error
"Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 8.0"
anyone know if I am doing something wrong this is a react native firebase app.
I am not sure what to try. This is my first app I am doing for a project at school and I do not really know what I am doing. I have just been following tutorials online
Solve this issue by deleting the .gradle folder from <NameOfProject>/android and again run npm run android
I think I just had this same problem. I don't have any idea what your error logs are though so I am not certain however this is my error log right here:
`> Task :react-native-gradle-plugin:compileKotlin FAILED
'compileJava' task (current target is 1.8) and 'compileKotlin' task (current target is 11) jvm targeta version. 1 actionable task: 1 executed`
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':react-native-gradle-plugin:compileKotlin'. Failed to query the value of task ':react-native-gradle-plugin:compileKotlin' property 'compilerRun Kotlin could not find the required JDK tools in the Java installation. Make sure Kotlin compilat
This error however I fixed by editing the file's distributionUrl variable. I changed the distributionUrls gradle version to 7.4.2 the file is in Project-Name\android\gradle\wrapper\
My error log is saying that gradle's version of JVM want's to be version 11 and is not but you can check gradle's jvm version by using cd android in the project root directory and after that run ./gradlew --version Change JVM's version from the version it is showing to the version that it says is required like in my case v 11. The way I changed gradle's JVM version required chocolatey which is a package manager. This is where you can require it and after you have setup chocolatey open a new terminal that has administrative privileges and run this choco install -y nodejs-lts openjdk11 with the JVM version it is asking for inside your error logs
and finally run npm start and after that npm run android inside a refreshed and new terminal and gradle's JVM version and gradle's version will be updated to the specified versions
We could better help if you could you show us your android/build.gradle and android/app/build.gradle files, but here are more specific instructions than you find in the docs:
In android/build.gradle, dependencies should look something like this:
dependencies {
classpath ''
classpath ''
// NOTE: Do not place your application dependencies here; they belong
// in the individual module build.gradle files
It is known this works with the classpaths at the beginning.
Also in android/app/build.gradle, it is known that the google-services dep works at the end of the file.
apply plugin: ''
and make this the last "implementation" under dependencies (around line 272)
implementation 'androidx.swiperefreshlayout:swiperefreshlayout:1.0.0' // <-- add this; newer versions should work too
Then, delete android/.gradle and run npx react-native run-android in the root directory.

Firebase CLI giving segmentation fault on Ubuntu

I'm having a hard time with firebase CLI,when I install it with npm, either locally in a projet or globally, and I call the command firebase it gives Segmentation fault with no further details.
I firs thought that the problem was with my version of Node since I was using 9.x, I moved back to 8.x versions, and reinstalled firebase with no success, I upgraded to 12.x, with no success too always same error.
I'm using NVM to handle my node versions properly, but still I can't find a fix for this problem.
nvm list gives this :
-> v8.11.3
When I run npm list firebase-tools it gives firebase-tools#7.9.0, I also tried uninstalling and reinstalling with no success .

Meteor 1.7 bundler is broken

I am trying to deploy an app that has been upgraded to meteor 1.7 using the setup for passenger outlined at, however when I try and access the app I get an error in the console of
Error: The core-js npm package could not be found in your node_modules directory. Please run the following command to install it: meteor npm install --save core-js
Being shown on the web page (although the favercon is correct so its trying).
The app runs fine locally (as in on the dev machine).
Give its deployed, meteor doesn't exist on the machine.
I tried npm install --save core.js and it reported one package installed, but still no joy on the app front.
I'm not sure where to go from here. Any thoughts?
I just tried building the app without the --server-only flag with no change. Deployed the app the way I do with the v1.3 instances of the app and no change.
One thing that I did get when running npm intall from the /programs/server directory was
Binary is fine; exiting
npm WARN lifecycle meteor-dev-bundle#~install: cannot run in wd %s %s (wd=%s) meteor-dev-bundle# node npm-rebuild.js /opt/bundle/programs/server
added 131 packages in 13.857s
I'm not sure if the warning means anything in particular.

Cordova plugin whitelist error causes meteor (and then mup) to fail

When running a meteor.js app via meteor run --verbose android I get this error:
Failed to install 'cordova-plugin-whitelist':Cannot find plugin.xml
for plugin "cordova-plugin-whitelist". Please try adding it again.
I've tried the fix suggested here (installed cordova plugin via add cordova-plugin-whitelist in the folder .meteor/local/cordova-build) and this got the emulator started but then this error appeared:
Execution failed for task ':processDebugResources'. Failed to execute aapt
I found some information about this one on the issues gitHub site for meteor, but I'm at a loss now for what to do.
These errors (not surprisingly) also cause meteor-up deployment to fail. I
tried adding buildOptions: { "serverOnly": true } to the mup.json file per the mup docs but this failed to stop meteor from building the cordova architecture. Is there is a build setting or flag for mup deploy or meteor build so that it doesn't try to build the web.cordova architecture at all?
