Bulk upload using csv file to remote MonetDB server - r

I have a remote MonetDB server running and I want to bulk upload a csv file as it is much faster.
Based on the params in MonetDB.R, there is a csvdump=TRUE option but I don't think it works when you are trying to do this against a remote server. The server has to be local.
First, am I correct that I can't do this and if not, is there a workaround? I have a dataframe with +5M rows so it takes a long time with insert statements rather than using COPY INTO.
When I try using csvdump=TRUE against the remote server, it can't find the csv file because it is local to computer that called the dbWriteTable command.

I think you are right. As a workaround either use explicit COPY INTO ON CLIENT SQL statements or first use some file transfer tool to copy the file to the remote server before calling dbWriteTable.
It reads from MonetDB's documentation on COPY INTO:
With ON SERVER, which is the default, the file name must be an
absolute path on the system on which the database server (mserver5) is
running. ...
Interestingly enough pymonetdb, the Python driver for MonetDB, uses ON CLIENT for bulk loads. From the pymonetdb's doc:
File Uploads and Downloads
Classes related to file transfer requests as used by COPY INTO ON
You might want to file an issue for the MonetDB R-driver project to have similar behavior as pymonetdb.


HttpClient.PostAsync for uploading files

I am working on an API that needs to download a file from server A and upload it to server B in the same network. It's for internal use. Each of the files will have multiple versions and will need to be uploaded to server B multiple times and all the versions of the same file will share the same file name. This is my first time dealing with file manipulation so please bare with me if my question sounds ignorant. Can I use HttpClient.PostAsync for the uploading part in this effort? Or can I just use Stream.CopyToAsync if it's ok to just copy over? Thanks!
Stream.CopyToAsync copies stream from one to another inside memory of same server.
In your case, you can use HttpClient.PostAsync, but one the other server there should be some api to receive the stream content and save to disk.

In Pentaho can I load file and proccess the data directly into oracle database.

As of now i am downloading the file from SFTP to local and then adding into the database.I want to remove the extra step that is to download the file to machine.
The Text file input step is based on Apache vfs, which can read from a sftp server. So the solution is to define the Filename/Directory with the appropriate syntax:
sftp://[ username[: password]#] hostname[: port][ relative-path]
Supported file systems are on the Apache Common VFS web page.

SFTP polling using java

My scenario as follows:
One java program is updating some random files to a SFTP location.
My requirement is as soon as a file is uploaded by the previous java program, using java I need to download the file. The files can be of size 100MB. I am searching for some java API which is helpful in this way. Here I even don't know the name of files. But I can keep a regular expression for this. A same file can be uploaded by previous program periodically. Since file size is high I need to wait until the complete file to be uploaded.
I used Jsch to download files, but I am not getting how to poll using jsch.
All you can do is to keep listing remote directory periodically, until you find a new file. There's no better way with SFTP. For that you obviously use ChannelSftp.ls().
Regarding selecting files matching certain pattern, see:
JSch ChannelSftp.ls - pass match patterns in java
Waiting until the upload is complete
Again, there's no support for this in widespread implementations of SFTP.
For details, see my answer at:
SFTP file lock mechanism.

QSQLDatabase (using SQLite) takes long time to open a database

I have developed an application win QT which uses SQLIte database. The copy of database is located on each site.
On one site let's say site 'BOB1' it works perfectly without any problem. But when we try to use it on another site lets say 'BOB2' it takes long time to open a database connection(approx 2000 milliseconds).
I thought that perhaps there is a network problem, So they tried to use the server of the site 'BOB1' as their server, which works fine. But when i tried to use the server of the site 'BOB2' from the site 'BOB1', I have the same problem. So i thought it may not be the network issue.
Another thing that came to my mind was that, perhaps there is a problem of DNS resolution. But when i tried to ping the server using IP and hostname, the response time is the same.
Any idea or pointer that what can be the problem.
PS: Server + database file path is specified in the setDatabasePath() fuinction using enviornment variables.
Consider copying the database to the local machine (eg temp folder if transient, or other suitable location if permanent). You can safely use either file copy, or consider using the qt backup API to ensure that the transfer happens successfully (plus you get the option of progress feedback)
You could even "backup" the file from the remote server to in-memory if the file is small and you say you're reading only?
You can see some sample code here on how to import an sqlite DB into a Qt QSqlDatabase. Note that when you do this, you want to make sure the version of sqlite native API that you're using is the same as that compiled into Qt, or you may get error messages from sqlite or Qt.

How to update MYSQL Database with data from Excel using ASP.NET?

I have an excel file which gets updated every 10 seconds through an automated process. I need excel data to be updated in MY-SQL database which is located on a remote server.
How do I do that?
I have thought of following option:
1) Every 11 seconds, an Excel macro will run and will "Save as" excel as CSV file. (not sure whether this can be done by macro...just thinking)
2) This CSV file we will FTP to remote server using Windows Service.
3) On remote server, we will parse the csv file and Update MYSQL database.
Is this approach fine? Or do you have a better approach which requires less time to update the database?
I found following links to be more useful:
I hope this helps someone having similar problem as mine.
You can connect to the Excel spreadsheet using ODBC connection, read the data, and post it to the MySQL database, maybe through some sort of web service access, or via a saved CSV file?
