how can i get the API's SWAGGER? - .net-core

I am using ABP for Net-Core.
Now I want to do
create a common named ApplicationCommon
move the Api of
[Accounts], [Configuration], [Sessions] from Application to
I had done it and can run the API and show the swagger page.
But in the swagger page, I Cannot get the Api of [Accounts], [Configuration], [Sessions].
How can I do?
Thank you for your help


What values to use for linkExternalObject action on project object?

I'm trying to link external folder using Workfront API (v12) using linkExternalObject action on a project.
According to Api Explorer it takes 5 arguments:
objID (string)
linkedObjectID (string)
integrationType (string)
params (string[])
This action is also described in Developer Documentation, but that doesn't help much.
I'm assuming that:
objID will be id of a folder (DOCFDR) that I can create using api.
integrationType should be WEBHOOKS, since I'm integrating with external storage via document webhooks.
Any idea if it's correct way to create a linked folder and where to take the remaining values from?
I tried creating Linked Folder (LNKFDR) directly, but it's not a top level object so I can't.
I tried looking up values for Linked Folder created via Workfront UI but that doesn't help much.
linkExternalObject action as documented in Api Explorer
Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Check for PNR existence from JS in a web RedApp

We are creating a web RedApp from SabreRedWorkspace and we need to check for the existence of a valid PNR before adding some passive segments.
We need to do it from an Angular app, and we can't find ant doc or example about it. Everything talks about RestAPI or the new NativeAPI and we can't find anything about web RedApps
Any help? Someone could point us to any doc or example?
You can use Javascript API for that, using SrwApi3.retrievePnr("1.0.0") which is injected on the DOM for Web RedApps.
Please make sure to download the latest SDK from, version 19.5, there where changes on this release exactly about "Get PNR" APIs.
For more documentation, you can check on the SDK documentation folder : [extracted dir]/red-app-sdk-3.0-19.5/documentation/htmls/get_pnr_(web_api).html, ob by navigating from index->New Sabre Red Workspace Developer Toolkit->Sabre Services 3.0, Get PNR (Web API)
Also theres sample code provided on SDK, look for the compressed project under samples folder :

Swagger w/ ASP.NET v5 Azure Api App

I'm attempting to set up a Api App (Azure) with Swagger + Swashbuckle as demonstrated by Scott Hanselman at the //Build conference here:
I have installed (using NuGet) the packages Swagger.Api and Swashbuckle.Core. It hasn't added any controller or settings that I would expect in order to have a swagger page. When I navigate to {baseUrl}\swagger, I get a 404 error.
I would think that since it has a UI it would require a Web App in addition to the Api App, but I've rewatched the demo and Scott clearly says you can add Swagger + Swashbuckle to any Api App. In a 2nd app though I'd think there may be issues with Api discovery. Has anyone set this up yet successfully?
Time rolls on and now Swashbuckle works for vNext (beta8 for me, probably other versions too) - thank you to the team and contributors!
In project.json add the package:
"Swashbuckle": "6.0.0-*",
In startup.cs in ConfigureServices():
services.ConfigureSwaggerDocument(options =>
options.SingleApiVersion(new Info
Version = "v1",
Title = "My Super API",
Description = "A Super API using Swagger and Swashbuckle",
TermsOfService = ""
services.ConfigureSwaggerSchema(options =>{
options.DescribeAllEnumsAsStrings = true;
In startup.cs in Configure():
Now you can access your API doco - http://domain:port/swagger/ui/index.html
Access your Swagger definition - http://domain:port/swagger/v1/swagger.json
Then assuming you have at least one internet facing dev/uat/staging/prod environment, grab the definition URL then do File-> Import URI at - now you have code-gen for about 20 clients too :)
You can also setup your own code-gen server if you are so inclined too (, however I leveraged the existing online generator. The online editor also has full model and relationship definitions too at least in my case where I fully defined my model using EF7 (I know, ick... but it's much better than <= EF6 and ServiceStack doesn't support CoreCLR, yet). Depending on the size of your project this could save you a few hours to a few weeks of work documenting, plus it is dynamically updating itself as you code more. And you can use it to test your endpoints too, but I still prefer PostMan.
Full sample project at
Big ups to MrSheepUK
This answer is now outdated. See the other answer.
There is a nice blogpost describing the problem you have:
This describes how you can add the Ahoy! package to an ASP.NET v6 Web Api project and adding this as an API app to Azure.
Here is another source:
You did all the right steps, but unfortunately for ASP.NET 5, Swashbuckle doesn't work yet.
You can get Ahoy! which is the next version of Swashbuckle that has ASP.NET v6 support here. That should make everything work.

Working with Sabre web services but not by using proxy class?

i got sabre wsdl and tpfc connector services from sabre. also got their wsdl proxy class samples. Now these things are old, i mean their sample code is using .net framework 2.0, and proxy classes. Now its an old APPROACH, while someone suggested me app web reference which will create a .discomap , but i dont see any good reference tutorial.
So what i need to know is , a step by step guide or simple points:
1. how to add wsdl as .discomap web reference
2. how to use that added discomap and how it differs from proxy class.
recently i done some tinkering myself and added a webreference, but i still have no idea what steps i have used to add this.
To add a reference of one of Sabre's webservices you need to right click on Service Reference in your solution explorer and choose Add Service Reference. In the Add Service Reference window displayed, click on Advance locatetd at the low left side. This will display the Service Reference Settings window, click on Add Web Reference at the low left side of the window. In the URL field of the Add Web Reference window add the path where you downloaded the service files and wsdl or the online wsdl url.
Hope this information is helpful.

Update to twitter api 1.1 in flex mobile

I build an app with Flash Builder 4.6 which displays the timeline of a specified user. Since twitter updated their api to version 1.1 I just can't seem to get it to work. According to the dev. site i had to use, with the parameters include_enties an screen_name.
When I test the operation it says:
{"errors":[{"message":"Bad Authentication data","code":215}]}
How do I get this to work with Flash Builder? I just want to display the timeline; not edit or post things on it.
Must I send some form of authentication from within my code (and if so, an example would be higly appreciated)? Or is it possible to take care of this from within the twitter app (on
I recently wrote a little mini-lib that works with app-only authentication (which is what you need the read the timeline):
See Pin based authorization for Twitter.
For the authorization process itself see Authorizing request
