Redux devtools connection to localhost not working - redux

I added Redux DevTools to my Chrome browser as started using Redux.
The DevTools have option in Settings to use no connection or use local server connection. I am working on localhost so I am trying to connect using local server. But it doesn't appear to do anything. Upon clicking Connect it just does nothing and the state is still undefined in the Actions tab.
I have put localhost as a hostname and my localhost app port as a port. It should be no brainer but is there anything I am doing wrong?
The result is I am unable to see the redux state despite it looks that everything is working, eg. I am getting the data and the react is debugging through the redux reducers correctly.


How can I get through mac firewall to let my mobile device access webpack dev server?

I have a dev server running in an Angular 5 cli-project at localhost:4200 through webpack-dev-server.
I want to connect my iphone to the dev server for testing. It uses the same wifi SSID as my computer.
I'm using the computer's registered name in safari's url field in the iphone:
It doesn't work and after waiting it says
Safari could not open the page because the server stopped responding
I also have the coda app that also serves a project at
and I'm able to access it just fine on the Safari browser. Although this is because I believe I can allow the coda app to accept incoming connections:
Although I'm not sure how to get more technical other than adding an application through the GUI. I've tried to using editing the PF rules at /etc/pf.conf
scrub-anchor "*"
nat-anchor "*"
rdr-anchor "*"
dummynet-anchor "*"
anchor "*"
load anchor "" from "/etc/pf.anchors/"
pass in proto tcp from any to any port 80
pass in proto tcp from any to any port 4200
and then did:
sudo pfctl -f /etc/pf.conf
to reload it. Although the iphone still can't connect to the localhost:4200 dev server.
I also had hopped that allowing node to accept incoming connections (via a popup) would allow the iphone to get through the firewall, although it still doesn't work.
Anyone have any idea what could be preventing my iPhone from connecting to the dev-server on my mac?

Unable to connect to webservice using Chrome Advanced REST Client but able to connect through chrome browser

I need to connect to a third party webservice. When I hit the link directly in the chrome browser, I am able to connect to it and I get a response. But when I tried the same using Advanced REST Client app of chrome, I get a message as 'The service's server DNS address could not be found.'
Also, when I tried to connect it via my JAVA code, using spring's rest template, am getting an Unknown host exception. What could be the reason that am able to connect via browser but not otherwise?
Thanks in advance.
Maybe it's a problem with your system's DNS settings? I'm not sure how Chrome handles queries to DNS when primary DNS did not found the record. If it uses Google DNS' then Chrome may connect to the service but other applications can't.
To test it set your DNS to and check if apps start working.
From browser it's working properly but not from rest client or application, then i guess the problem with the proxy.
if you are using your office network, then this issue will come.
Try hitting the webservice by connecting to personal network.
i have faced similar issue last week, from browser and postman i'm able to hit the web service but not from the application.
Ones i connected with my personal then it started working.
Hope it helps.

Meteor ddp-client.js socksjs ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED on local

The problem
I'm having an issue where when I start my local dev server with meteor, about 3/5 times the client's socksjs connection via ddp-client.js isn't able to connect and gets an ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED error. All other connections work fine (websocket, JS, css, etc).
I'm seeing this in the console
The socks is attempting to connect to, which is my correct internal ip.
What I've tried
setting the port manually with meteor --port 3000
waiting for Meteor.status().status === 'connected' on the client before making any calls
If you'd like to recreate the problem yourself you can pull down the package I'm working on, ProseMeteor at commit 51c0a304338228102edc75427f72e689a7aafb8a and try running the app yourself by running the bash run_demo script, you should see the problem when you visit http://localhost:3000.
I appreciate any help!

ngrok - Get all routes to localhost server

I'm using ngrok (free account) in my localhost for my coded web server written in Go
In Ubuntu, after starting my server (which listens on port 3000), I run this command to start ngrok:
./ngrok http 3000
Then other PC can get access to my demo web by path provided by ngrok, for instance,
But when they do something on it (for example, click on a button that redirects), the host of URL becomes localhost again
There isn't any functions of ngrok that allows access to all routes in server, is there? I'm learning
I just ran into this issue, the reason for this is because your button uses a straight absolute path redirect which ngrok (or any tunneling service ive used so far) cannot handle. You need to use a relative path redirect such as:
window.location.href = '/path';
In general, it is considered best practice to always use relative urls so that the app is not bound to the hostname. Of course, this is in an ideal work- most legacy apps may not follow this unfortunately.
While I was working on a Rails app I wanted to run it on ngrok but I got error below:
The connection to was successfully tunneled to your ngrok client, but the client failed to establish a connection to the local address localhost:3000.
It seems like ngrok works fine but my local server is not. Which is true since I forgot to run my rails app first by run $ rails s. By doing so I was able to get ngrok tunneing works fine.
Make sure your local server run first.
I have noticed ngrok url changes to localhost url when I click on site logo which is defined as root_path in my route file. But other links and header tabs for example works fine and shows ngrok url.
Good luck.

Qt websocket server example not working

I am trying the example from to create a simple websocket server and connect to it via google chrome browser.
I just used the example files, the default port (1234), I built it and the application is running fine "WebSocketServer listening on port 1234". But when I try to connect with the sample html there is no connection. I tried other ports as well.
My problem is I don't know how I can start to debug where the problem is? I don't get any errors or anything. Any ideas what the problem could be? Thanks!
You can use developer-tool of chrome, the "Console" tab will display some error message after websocket connect timeout.
