Remote Repo in Artifactory doesn't find any artefacts - artifactory

I defined an Artifactory Remote Repository with following URL:
There are definitely artifacts.
When I configure a remote repository:
this repository is empty.
When I open my new repository, it is empty:
but I expect this content:

I have used the same remote URL without the trialing slash at the end and it worked. Try removing the slash at the end and refresh the repository to see if the remote artifacts are reflecting.


Artifactory- can not download RPM packages from RedHat site

I am trying to connect out JFrog Artifactory (Version 7) to Redhat as remote RPM repository, the test connection pass, but it does not manage to download.
I configured the Artifactroy to address the URL-
In the Tree Browser I can see many files there, but not repomd.xml
When I try to download a file after configuring the Linux machine to work with this Artifactroy I get-
/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno 14] HTTPS Error 404 – Not Found
What am I missing?
Configure the URL - as upstream URL for remote repository and follow Artifactory repository 'Set Me Up' instructions for client side configuration. According to shared error, seems changing upstream URL should fix the issue on your client side.

Q. How can I get SUSE repositories from in artifactory?

It is needed to add repositories from SLES ( as a remote repository to artifactory. I guess this would be done via "RPM" remote repository, but after entering the link (including token) there always be a 403. Would suspect that the problem is that the link should be accessed as a yum repo and the metadata should been read first.
How can I get this working?

How to synchronize Local Repo with Github and Remote server after API KEY blocked SMTP server

I have made my private repository public so my SMTP server blocked my account because I had the API KEY inside one of the files (.env - it is a Symfony project).
I followed the steps on git hub Remove sensive data to remove sensitive data up until step 8 included.
All the commands were executed on the cloned repository (I am not even sure if this was correct).
The cloned repo and github repo is clean of sensitive data.
On my remote server (Scaleway) I had deleted a file before doing these steps (mistake).
Remote server :git status gives me this :
On branch master
Your branch and 'origin/master' have diverged,
and have 84 and 84 different commits each, respectively.
(use "git pull" to merge the remote branch into yours)
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add/rm <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
deleted: public/uploads/images/logo_linxea-5f82e58f42913.png
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
If I try on remote server git rebase -- interactive as suggested Here I get the following :
Cannot rebase: You have unstaged changes.
Please commit or stash them.
I am not sure if I have to continue working now on cloned repo (on local), original local repo or Remote repo for the steps 9 and 10.
How to sync the remote repo with github repo, and the local original repo with the github repo without resending all the removed sensitive information.
I need to keep the .env file on the Remote Server so my emails keep working.
Well I tried something seems to work
On Remote Server :
git reset --hard HEAD
git clean -df
git rebase --interactive (where I just exited) Got this message:
Successfully rebased and updated refs/heads/master.
Then recreated .env file on remote server because it was deleted in the process

Local alternate for Git with RStudio?

My colleague & I are starting on a R project, we both would be working simultaneously & interchangeable components of the model we are building. We can not use Git, as we do not want to put our code online, also it is not allowed by the organization. We also do not have a server of our own, what we have is some common shared drive. Is there a way, we can use a tool like Github/SVN completely locally, where both of us can push our code.
There are two options you can manage your R project with git repo.
Option 1: setup remote git repo in the shared directory
You can setup a remote git repo in the shared directory, and then add the remote repo as a remote for your local git repo, then you can push and push from the remote git repo. Detail steps as below:
First, in an empty folder of the shared directory (assume in \\share\path\gitrepo), execute:
git init --bare
Then add the remote repo as a remote for the local repo you are working.
Assume the local git repo (R project) is opened in R Studio, so you can add remote in R Studio terminal window or through git command line:
git remote add origin \\\\share\\path\\gitrepo
The count of slash \ in the remote repo url.
And the pull and push button is still disabled after adding remote repo since the local branch (maste) has not tracked the remote branch (origin/master).
Then you can commit changes and push to remote repo first time by:
git push -u origin master
After that (local master is tracking origin/master), the pull and push button will be enabled after refresh the git tool bar. And can pull/push by clicking the buttons afterwards.
Option 2: host the remote git repo to third-party private repo
If it’s ok for you to hosted your git repo to third-party, and do not let everyone has read permission, then you can create a private git repo in the third-party organization.
For bitbucket, it’s free to create private git repos, so you can host your git repo there.

Artifactory remote repos and Terracota

I want to setup my maven settings.xml file to download all the external dependencies from Artifactory cache instead of download them directly from any of the public repositories like repo1, repo2 or Jboss. I followed the instructions at at but I'm stuck with an error with the terracota library, the error is:
Could not find artifact net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-terracotta:jar:2.5.0 in remote-repos
I tried adding terracota repository at the remote repositories section but this didn't worked either.
Please advice.
I can think of a couple of possibilities:
Your remote-repos cache isn't configured to point to the remote repository that contains the Terracotta files
Your build isn't using the correct organization or module name when resolving the dependency on Terracotta.
Could you add some info to your question detailing where exactly you are seeing the error message, and whether you can browse to ehcache-terracotta version 2.5.0 in Artifactory ?
Please add the terracotta repository to your artifactory
This is the URL=
Don't worry if the test of the repo doesn't work...
The last step is to go to Edit Virtual Repository and add the new terracotta repo to the virtual repository called "Remote Repo".
