UgcPosts -> Posts - linkedin

I've written code which work under unversioned version and it uses ugcPosts api to gets Share/UgcPosts. In response I have thumbnails like below:
UgcPosts -{encoded ugcPostUrn|shareUrn}?viewContext=AUTHOR
"author": "urn:li:person:123ABC",
"contentCertificationRecord": "{\"originCountryCode\":\"us\",\"modifiedAt\":1500590592795,\"spamRestriction\":{\"classifications\":[],\"contentQualityClassifications\":[],\"systemName\":\"MACHINE_SYNC\",\"lowQuality\":false,\"contentClassificationTrackingId\":\"B6A8B437D1D5E59D123455F6DCE5B\",\"contentRelevanceClassifications\":[],\"spam\":false}}",
"created": {
"actor": "urn:li:person:123ABC",
"time": 1500590543962
"firstPublishedAt": 1500590592702,
"id": "urn:li:ugcPost:123456",
"lastModified": {
"actor": "urn:li:person:123ABC",
"time": 1500590592806
"lifecycleState": "PUBLISHED",
"**specificContent**": {
"**com.linkedin.ugc.ShareContent**": {
"**media**": [
"media": "urn:li:digitalmediaAsset:123ABDEFHAG",
"status": "READY",
"**thumbnails**": [/**here i can have some thumbnail **]
"shareCommentary": {
"attributes": [
"length": 35,
"start": 66,
"value": {
"com.linkedin.common.CompanyAttributedEntity": {
"company": "urn:li:organization:12345"
"text": "Testing a UGC Post!"
"shareMediaCategory": "VIDEO"
"versionTag": "2",
"visibility": {
"com.linkedin.ugc.MemberNetworkVisibility": "PUBLIC"
But now after "migration" I dont see any option to get thumbnails for retriving posts ...{encoded ugcPostUrn|shareUrn}
and example of respone:
"lifecycleState": "PUBLISHED",
"lastModifiedAt": 1634790968774,
"visibility": "PUBLIC",
"publishedAt": 1634790968774,
"author": "urn:li:organization:5515715",
"distribution": {
"feedDistribution": "NONE",
"thirdPartyDistributionChannels": []
"content": {
"media": {
"id": "**urn:li:video:C5F10AQGKQg_6y2a4sQ**" - I can see only this, so probably I need to use VideoApi, but if there will be URN:LI:IMAGE ? Then what? How to get thumbnail for URN:LI:Image ?
"lifecycleStateInfo": {
"isEditedByAuthor": false
"isReshareDisabledByAuthor": false,
"createdAt": 1634790968743,
"id": "urn:li:ugcPost:6856810298419044352",
"commentary": "comment on Oct 20",
"adContext": {
"dscStatus": "ACTIVE",
"dscAdType": "VIDEO",
"isDsc": true,
"dscAdAccount": "urn:li:sponsoredAccount:520866471"
TL:DR :)
How to get thumbnail for urn:li:image ? If I get this in response content from posts, how to get this thumbnail for this type of content. For urn:li:video I guess that I can use VideoApi but for Image ?
I was looking for answer in documentation but without success.


Google Chat API: How do I switch between Cards v1 and Cards v2?

According to the docs, Cards v1 is deprecated, and Cards v2 seems to be much more feature-rich.
But when I use the Cards v2 syntax, the API complains about unknown or missing fields. How can I tell the Google servers that I want to use the v2 API? The documentation does not seem to tell anything about that.
All tutorials that I can find seem to use Cards v1 only. I'm mostly following the official tutorial in Python.
I tried to send message with card v2 with this syntax:
"cards_v2": [[{
"card_id": "addContact",
"card": {}
"cards_v2": [{
"card_id": "addContact",
"card": {
"header": {
"title": "Rolodex",
"subtitle": "Manage your contacts!",
"imageUrl": "",
"imageType": "CIRCLE"
"sections": [
"widgets": [
"buttonList": {
"buttons": [
"text": "Add Contact",
"onClick": {
"action": {
"function": "openDialog",
"interaction": "OPEN_DIALOG"
"horizontalAlignment": "CENTER"
"thread": {
"name": "spaces/space_name/threads/thread_name"
Taken from here:
Use the following JSON schema to use v2 cards;
"cardsV2": [
"cardId": "unique-card-id",
"card": {
"header": {
"title": "Sasha",
"subtitle": "Software Engineer",
"imageType": "CIRCLE",
"imageAltText": "Avatar for Sasha",
"sections": [
"header": "Contact Info",
"collapsible": true,
"uncollapsibleWidgetsCount": 1,
"widgets": [
"decoratedText": {
"startIcon": {
"knownIcon": "EMAIL",
"text": "",
"decoratedText": {
"startIcon": {
"knownIcon": "PERSON",
"text": "<font color=\"#80e27e\">Online</font>",
"decoratedText": {
"startIcon": {
"knownIcon": "PHONE",
"text": "+1 (555) 555-1234",
"buttonList": {
"buttons": [
"text": "Share",
"onClick": {
"openLink": {
"url": "",
"text": "Edit",
"onClick": {
"action": {
"function": "goToView",
"parameters": [
"key": "viewType",
"value": "EDIT",
visit Google chat docs for more

Rest request api linkedin

I'm making a request in the api following this documentation and I'm getting the following error
"author": "urn:li:person:123ABC",
"containerEntity": "urn:li:group:123",
"lifecycleState": "PUBLISHED",
"specificContent": {
"com.linkedin.ugc.ShareContent": {
"media": [
"description": {
"attributes": [],
"text": "Check out our awesome group!"
"status": "READY",
"thumbnails": [],
"title": {
"attributes": [],
"text": "Group Post!"
"shareCommentary": {
"attributes": [],
"text": "Some group text"
"visibility": {
"com.linkedin.ugc.MemberNetworkVisibility": "CONTAINER"
Unpermitted fields present in REQUEST_BODY: Data Processing Exception while processing fields [/containerEntity]

UGC Post Image media order not respected

I'm creating an UGC post with mediaCategory IMAGE and multiple images attached uploaded with the recommended Assets Api.
I've noticed that LinkedIn does not respect the original order we are sending through.
Has anyone experienced this as well or has any idea what I'm missing?
"author": "urn:li:organization:5590506",
"lifecycleState": "PUBLISHED",
"specificContent": {
"com.linkedin.ugc.ShareContent": {
"media": [
"media": "urn:li:digitalmediaAsset:ID1",
"status": "READY",
"title": {
"attributes": [],
"text": "Asset 1"
"media": "urn:li:digitalmediaAsset:ID2",
"status": "READY",
"title": {
"attributes": [],
"text": "Asset 2"
"media": "urn:li:digitalmediaAsset:ID3",
"status": "READY",
"title": {
"attributes": [],
"text": "Asset 3"
"media": "urn:li:digitalmediaAsset:ID4",
"status": "READY",
"title": {
"attributes": [],
"text": "Asset 4"
"media": "urn:li:digitalmediaAsset:ID5",
"status": "READY",
"title": {
"attributes": [],
"text": "Asset 5"
"shareCommentary": {
"attributes": [],
"text": "Some share text"
"shareMediaCategory": "IMAGE"
"visibility": {
"com.linkedin.ugc.MemberNetworkVisibility": "PUBLIC"
I think you want to maintain the order of media in single post.
But I see same media ID "media": "urn:li:digitalmediaAsset:C5500AQG7r2u00ByWjw",
5 times. May be it is just a dummy message.
I think you should try get on it
GET{encoded ugcPostUrn|shareUrn}?viewContext=AUTHOR
and you can see media order. I think media order stays same. It is just how LinkedIn is displaying it.
"author": "urn:li:organization:5590506",
"lifecycleState": "PUBLISHED",
"specificContent": {
"com.linkedin.ugc.ShareContent": {
"media": [
"media": "urn:li:digitalmediaAsset:C5500AQG7r2u00ByWjw",
"status": "READY",
"title": {
"attributes": [],
"text": "Sample Video Create"
"shareCommentary": {
"attributes": [],
"text": "Some share text"
"shareMediaCategory": "VIDEO"
"targetAudience": {
"targetedEntities": [
"locations": [
"seniorities": [
"visibility": {
"com.linkedin.ugc.MemberNetworkVisibility": "PUBLIC"

Actions-on-Google can not get UPDATES_USER_ID on Dialogflow SDK

I'm setting up an action which uses push notifications. Yet, on firebase I can't get "UPDATES_USER_ID" of user to save. It returns "undefined".
I followed the guide on this link and here is my code to get UPDATES_USER_ID.
app.intent('Setup', (conv, params) => {
conv.ask(new UpdatePermission({
intent: "notificationResponseIntent"
app.intent("FinishNotificationSetup", (conv, params) => {
if (conv.arguments.get('PERMISSION')) { = conv.arguments.get("UPDATES_USER_ID");
conv.ask("some response....");
And here is my webhook request when FinishNotificationSetup intent is invoked.
"responseId": "2f425fe5-db42-47dc-90a1-c9bc85f725d2",
"queryResult": {
"queryText": "actions_intent_PERMISSION",
"parameters": {},
"allRequiredParamsPresent": true,
"fulfillmentMessages": [
"text": {
"text": [
"outputContexts": [
"name": "projects/projectname/agent/sessions/ABwppHGD33Tyho41g9Mr2vzxePlskNmvOzCTxUiDGzENcl3C7RQs94aOQ8ae_DUlOApR0VBO9DuwAWdWr2frAA/contexts/actions_capability_screen_output"
"name": "projects/projectname-10c22/agent/sessions/ABwppHGD33Tyho41g9Mr2vzxePlskNmvOzCTxUiDGzENcl3C7RQs94aOQ8ae_DUlOApR0VBO9DuwAWdWr2frAA/contexts/actions_intent_permission",
"parameters": {
"text": ""
"name": "projects/projectname-10c22/agent/sessions/ABwppHGD33Tyho41g9Mr2vzxePlskNmvOzCTxUiDGzENcl3C7RQs94aOQ8ae_DUlOApR0VBO9DuwAWdWr2frAA/contexts/_actions_on_google",
"lifespanCount": 98,
"parameters": {
"data": "{\"***":\"***",\"***":\"***"}"
"name": "projects/projectname-10c22/agent/sessions/ABwppHGD33Tyho41g9Mr2vzxePlskNmvOzCTxUiDGzENcl3C7RQs94aOQ8ae_DUlOApR0VBO9DuwAWdWr2frAA/contexts/actions_capability_account_linking"
"name": "projects/projectname-10c22/agent/sessions/ABwppHGD33Tyho41g9Mr2vzxePlskNmvOzCTxUiDGzENcl3C7RQs94aOQ8ae_DUlOApR0VBO9DuwAWdWr2frAA/contexts/actions_capability_audio_output"
"name": "projects/projectname-10c22/agent/sessions/ABwppHGD33Tyho41g9Mr2vzxePlskNmvOzCTxUiDGzENcl3C7RQs94aOQ8ae_DUlOApR0VBO9DuwAWdWr2frAA/contexts/google_assistant_input_type_keyboard"
"name": "projects/projectname-10c22/agent/sessions/ABwppHGD33Tyho41g9Mr2vzxePlskNmvOzCTxUiDGzENcl3C7RQs94aOQ8ae_DUlOApR0VBO9DuwAWdWr2frAA/contexts/actions_capability_web_browser"
"name": "projects/projectname-10c22/agent/sessions/ABwppHGD33Tyho41g9Mr2vzxePlskNmvOzCTxUiDGzENcl3C7RQs94aOQ8ae_DUlOApR0VBO9DuwAWdWr2frAA/contexts/actions_capability_media_response_audio"
"intent": {
"name": "projects/projectname-10c22/agent/intents/a12b6d3f-0f24-45e9-a1b2-5649083831b0",
"displayName": "FinishNotificationSetup"
"intentDetectionConfidence": 1,
"languageCode": "tr"
"originalDetectIntentRequest": {
"source": "google",
"version": "2",
"payload": {
"isInSandbox": true,
"surface": {
"capabilities": [
"name": "actions.capability.SCREEN_OUTPUT"
"name": "actions.capability.WEB_BROWSER"
"name": "actions.capability.ACCOUNT_LINKING"
"name": "actions.capability.MEDIA_RESPONSE_AUDIO"
"name": "actions.capability.AUDIO_OUTPUT"
"requestType": "SIMULATOR",
"inputs": [
"rawInputs": [
"inputType": "KEYBOARD"
"arguments": [
"textValue": "true",
"name": "PERMISSION",
"boolValue": true
"name": "text"
"intent": "actions.intent.PERMISSION"
"user": {
"lastSeen": "2019-04-30T07:23:23Z",
"permissions": [
"locale": "tr-TR",
"userId": "ABwppHHCEdtf23ZaNg0DaCv3fvshSUXUvYGXHe6kR7jbKacwIS6vDBBL7YXbN70jYa8KaXWZqbsyhFFSdsYLiw"
"conversation": {
"conversationId": "ABwppHGD33Tyho41g9Mr2vzxePlskNmvOzCTxUiDGzENcl3C7RQs94aOQ8ae_DUlOApR0VBO9DuwAWdWr2frAA",
"type": "ACTIVE",
"conversationToken": "[\"_actions_on_google\"]"
"availableSurfaces": [
"capabilities": [
"name": "actions.capability.AUDIO_OUTPUT"
"name": "actions.capability.SCREEN_OUTPUT"
"name": "actions.capability.WEB_BROWSER"
"session": "projects/projectname-10c22/agent/sessions/ABwppHGD33Tyho41g9Mr2vzxePlskNmvOzCTxUiDGzENcl3C7RQs94aOQ8ae_DUlOApR0VBO9DuwAWdWr2frAA"
To send notification, I've been using userID instead of UPDATES_USER_ID and it is working. Yet, it will be deprecated soon. So, I need to find a solution to get this ID and couldn't make it working. What do I need to do to get this ID?
I've found solution for this problem. While getting UPDATES_USER_ID conv.arguments.get() only works for first attempt. So, while building your action you must save it. If you didn't store or save, you can reset your profile and try again, you will be able to get.
app.intent("FinishNotificationSetup", (conv, params) => {
if (conv.arguments.get('PERMISSION')) {
{ = conv.arguments.get("UPDATES_USER_ID");
//For best case
//store ID in your db.
conv.ask("some response....");
For best case, try saving this to your database because does not work sometimes.

Using Pact.eachLike() when array contents vary for each item

Hi I have a Consumer test produced using Pact NPM
I use the following code to generate a pact.json:
state: 'test',
uponReceiving: 'a test,
withRequest: {
method: 'GET',
path: '/test'
willRespondWith: {
status: 200,
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }
body: {
"company": like("My big company"),
"factories": eachLike({
"location": like("Sydney"),
"capacity": like(5)
.then(function(){ done(); });
It generates the following testconsumer-testprovider.json file:
"consumer": {
"name": "TestConsumer"
"provider": {
"name": "TestProvider"
"interactions": [
"description": "a request for loans",
"providerState": "broker is logged in, list all loans",
"request": {
"method": "GET",
"path": "/test"
"response": {
"status": 200,
"headers": {
"Content-Type": "application/vnd.hal+json"
"body": {
"company": "My big company",
"factories": [
"location": "Sydney",
"capacity": 5
"matchingRules": {
"$.headers.Content-Type": {
"match": "regex",
"regex": "application\\/.*json.*"
"$": {
"match": "type"
"$.body.factories": {
"min": 1
"$.body.factories[*].*": {
"match": "type"
"$.body.factories[*].location": {
"match": "type"
"$.body.factories[*].capacity": {
"match": "type"
"metadata": {
"pactSpecification": {
"version": "3.0.0"
However when we test against the following provided output we get an error with the geographicCoords because it's an unexpected key/value:
"company": "My Company",
"factories": [
"location": "Sydney",
"capacity": 5
"location": "Sydney",
"geographicCoords": "-0.145,1.4445",
"capacity": 5,
So is there a was to allow unexpected key/values in arrays because we're only test for required key/values and we don't want out pact tests to fail in future when new values are added to our providers.
The scenario you are describing is supported, see for an example.
If you were to remove, say the eligibility object and run the tests everything still works.
If you are still having troubles, please raise a defect on the pact-js repository and we'll get to the bottom of it.
