Map 624 could not be created for player GUID + unable to zone in while an encounter is in progress (Wintergrasp) - azerothcore

In the worldserver.conf I have disabled all Wintergrasp processing with the following option
Wintergrasp.Enable = 2
When I look at the Wintergrasp map no encounter is in progress, the doors to VOA are open but when I try to enter the VOA raid I get teleported back to my hearthstone location and receive the message:
unable to zone in while an encounter is in progress
The worldserver output shows:
Map 624 could not be created for player GUID Full: 0x0000000000000001 Type: Player Low: 1, porting player to homebind
I have tried changing the worldserver config Wintergrasp.Enable from 0 to 1 or 2 and it didn't have any effect on the in-game error unable to zone in while an encounter is in progress or the worldserver output error Map 624 could not be created for player GUID Full: 0x0000000000000001 Type: Player Low: 1, porting player to homebind
I also tried to see if it timed out but after 4 hours of letting the server run, the error remained the same when trying to enter the VOA raid.
Any tips on how to clear/fully disable the Wintergrasp encounter so I can enter VOA without being teleporter back to my hearthstone location when entering the raid?

Fixed this by setting the AzerothCore Wintergrasp enable setting to 0 so the battleground is disabled but processing is enabled and set the timers for the battle duration to 1 and nobattle timer to 90 minutes. This causes it to finish processing and after processing, it opens up for horde/alliance every 80 minutes with a 1-minute battle in between where you can't zone in. There is a check though in the source that whenever the counter is below 10 minutes you will be unable to zone in. So thats why the nobattle timer should be on 90 minute+. Both factions can enter the raid portal for VOA if you have an option to teleport over there for players


WatchOS Background URLSession handle(_:) not called when app is not closed (lowered wrist)

I'm trying to create a Watch-App where I download data (around 30 MB).
Therefore I create a URLSession with a background configuration like so:
let config = URLSessionConfiguration.background(withIdentifier: "<some-id>")
self.session = URLSession(configuration: config, delegate: self, delegateQueue: .main)
and then start the download:
let request = URLRequest(url: "<some-url>", method: .GET)
self.task = session.downloadTask(with: request)
Since the user is not gonna stare at the watch for 5 minutes, I want to notify him with some haptic feedback when the download finished.
Therefore I wanted to use the handle(_:) function of the ExtensionDelegate. According to the documentation, this should be called with a WKURLSessionRefreshBackgroundTask when the download finished:
The system creates a background URLSession task when any of the following events occur:
Authentication is required to complete a background transfer.
All background transfers associated with a session identifier have completed (either successfully or unsuccessfully).
This handle(_:) method is only called if I close my app though (pressing the crown), not when i lower my wrist to lock the screen.
I also noticed, that if I look at the watch again, the callbacks for urlSession(.. didWriteData ..) are not working anymore.
Am I missing something or is this even expected behaviour? I'm testing on a real Apple-Watch Series 4 with WatchOS 5 installed.

Why Google Measurement Protocol is splitting my session before the configured limit?

I'm working on a TV application and I would like to track what people do on it. So I used Google Measurement Protocole to do so. The page and event tracking is working fine because I can see in real time what's is happening on the Analytics 360 website. Everything was ok until I look at the "User explorer" to pick a random user in order to see what he did previously. I found out that he had a lot of sessions in a very short period. So I ran a test for myself yesterday and the result is the same today. I had only 1 session with multiple events for more than an hour and by paying attention to trigger an event before the 30min of inactivity which is configured by default.
Here are examples of data sent :
cid=123456789 (unique id)
ea=click on button
cid=123456789 (unique id)
Here is a screenshot of my session: here
As you can see, there are 7 sessions instead of 1... I don't understand why my session was splitted into 7 parts. I tried to use "sc=start" and "sc=end", the result is the same.
Has anyone ever encountered this problem before?

How can I speedup Firestore (or angularfire) when enablePersistence is active?

I created an example app on stackblitz.
Opening this url in the developer console, you see the following log line:
"Category {{name of category}} took: {{load time is in ms}}"
for each of the 58 categories it will load.
With angularFire.enablePersistence() enabled:
- it takes ca 1 min to load all the categories
if I disable persistence it takes ca 4 seconds to load all the data.
You can try this modifying 1 line in app.module.ts using
Is this difference expected?
Could I improve my data structure somehow to reduce the write time?

ASP.Net page not updating - Literally the same screen from earlier (as if back was selected)

I have an ASP.Net application that accesses user data from a SQL database.
Visual Studio Version 2012
Windows Server 2012 Standard 6.2
Sql Server 2012
Program in Service since 11/2007 (with problem having never happened previously)
First reported by 2 of my customers but I was not experiencing the problem until after a recent MS update.
Unsure of the particulars of those updates or whether it was only a coincident.
Log into application and go around to a few pages, all seems ok, than I select a new Active Company (auto filters list screens by Active Company ID from a session variable, changing active company changes the ID stored in the session variable), everything works fine for a while (1 - 4 mins) switching between screens and even different active companies, than at one point I go to a page that I've been to several times (that worked fine) and it shows everything from the last time I accessed it (literally the identical page from a few mins ago). I change to another page and it appears to be updated, go back to the screen that did not update and it no matter what, will not update again. I query the database and it is indicating the correct active company ID and query the session variable and that too is correct.
** The strange thing is I can wait 4 -5 mins (I just stop doing anything) and than try to access the page again and now it updates.
I have been beating at this now for almost 2 weeks and have not been able to determine to source of the problem.
I literally have tried every settings for session caching I could read up on with no (or minimal) affect.
Since our software utilizes session variables to hold user variables to control their environment (like active company selection), I went to go as far as removing the session variables and making the profile.variables (requiring Sql Session management) with minimal affect).
It seems to work fine for a few minutes (or page accesses) than once it stops updating the page, it will no longer update under any circumstance.
It will occur on pretty much any combination of page changes (after changing the active company, since it will actually change data displayed).
This design has been out in the field for over 8 years now (and is routinely brought up-to-date with the latest compiler updates, .net framework and IronSpeed Designer engine updates. This error has never occurred before now. No update to the development tools took place prior to the appearance of this issue.
I tried various tests.
Test 1:
I added java code to reset each page.
<script type="text/javascript">
function RefreshPage()
Result: No change
Test 2:
I stopped as soon as the page did not refresh and started timing when the page would update (1 -2 mins or going back and forth between the change active company and the reports screen several times)
After 60 - 90 secs, the current page seemed to do an update (the activity icon would appear than go away) so I would than check the page the was not refreshing and it was now correct.
Since I was using the report page for my tests, I would run a report when the screen update failed, to see what active company it thought it was on (since it was also reliant on the session variable, it was bringing up the correct report data, even though the page was not indicating the correct active company. Note: Every one of our screens indicate the current user and active company name at the top, so it is easy to see when it is not updating.
Any direction as to where to look from here would be greatly appreciated, I'm at a lost as to what to check now.
P.S. I installed MS Message Analyzer and had it monitor up to the point where I get a failure. I have never user MS MA before so I don't have much of an idea as to what to look for, other than the operation status was indicating Found (302) for the Get and Post and Ok (200) for the page I received the problem for.
Thanks in advanced!
John R
I propose to check caching options. I mean caching of page, controls, javascript, and browser. As workaround I propose to add some empty paramether to your page, ajax calls. For example instead opening "default.aspx" open "default.aspx?id=someNewGoid". Also consider adding some random paramethers to your ajax calls.
Try following coe for refresh:
<script type="text/javascript">
function S4() {
return (((1+Math.random())*0x10000)|0).toString(16).substring(1);
function guid()
var guid = (S4() + S4() + "-" + S4() + "-4" + S4().substr(0,3) + "-" + S4() + "-" + S4() + S4() + S4()).toLowerCase();
return guid;
function RefreshPage()
var url = window.location;
if (url.indexOf("?")>-1){
url = url.substr(0,url.indexOf("?"));
}//this par will cut of additional paramthers
window.location = url + "?id=" + guid();

Infinite loop calling getSiteRefreshInfo

About 2 weeks ago I wrote a program implementing the Add Site Account flow chart.
I ran it a number of times over a span of several days, and it worked fine each time.
Then I worked on other things, and about a week later tried running the above program again. Now it did not work, but got into a seemingly infinite loop on the call to getSiteRefreshInfo (the loop in the lower left corner of the flow chart.) I tried running this a number of times over the next 3-4 days, and got into a loop each time. It looped for 20-30 minutes before I killed the program. This is exactly the same source code that worked correctly a week earlier, using exactly the same credentials.
Each time "code" was 0, and "siteRefreshStatus" was "LOGIN_SUCCESS", which according to the flowchart meant I should wait 2-4 seconds and then repeat the call:
"siteRefreshStatus": {
"siteRefreshStatusId": 2,
"siteRefreshStatus": "LOGIN_SUCCESS"
"siteRefreshMode": {
"refreshModeId": 2,
"refreshMode": "NORMAL"
"updateInitTime": 1418945894,
"nextUpdate": 1418946794,
"code": 0,
"itemRefreshInfo": [
"memItemId": 10070147,
"itemSuggestedFlow": {
"suggestedFlowId": 2,
"suggestedFlow": "REFRESH"
"errorCode": 405,
"retryCount": 0
"noOfRetry": 0
The account I'm passing to addSiteAccount1 is an American Express credit card account, and this is the only account I've added for this user (in other words, this is the only account that needs to be refreshed). Once while the program was in a loop, I manually logged onto the American Express website using these same credentials, and I could view the account, get the list of recent transactions, etc. I realize that Yodlee probably uses a different interface than the browser does, but this did show me that the Amex website was up and functional.
I tried letting the loop run for more than 30 minutes to see what happened. After an hour and 55 minutes I got this exception:
"errorOccurred": "true",
"exceptionType": "Unknown Exception Occurred",
"referenceCode": "_022c5fa3-3933-4491-b390-1150d8b28ab3",
"detailedMessage": "Technical Difficulty Processing Request"
I tried running the program various times over the next 3-4 days and it got into a loop each time. Then it abruptly started running correctly again, and at the moment is still running correctly. Note that the exact same source code and credentials ran correctly for a while, then got into a loop for 3-4 days, and is now running correctly again.
I have two questions about this:
1) How should I exit from such a loop? The way I interpret the API Flowchart is that I should loop until I get a value for "code" or "siteRefreshStatus" that tells me to exit the loop. I could easily implement my own timer, but I don't know what time value would be appropriate in all cases. Yodlee is in a better position to know if the loop has gone on for too long, so I would expect a return like REFRESH_TIMED_OUT in this case.
2) If we had been running this code in production, we would not have been able to refresh this customer's information for at least 3 days, which for our application would be an extremely long time. Is there anything else we can try in this case?
I think you're suffering from a different issue: your itemRefreshInfo has error code 405, which this page says is: "Update Request Canceled(405):Your account was not updated because you canceled the request."
I believe you're cancelling your request somehow.
