How to provide data to a minion from an orchestration? - salt-stack

I have an orchestration file that calls a series of custom salt-runner modules. One of the modules creates a piece of data that the targeted minion needs.
What's the preferred way of providing this to a minion? I am assuming that I should add this to pillar but do not know how to do this from a salt-module

Orchestration can pass additional pillar data to minions via salt.state:
apply state:
- tgt: my-minion
- highstate: true
- pillar:
foo: {{ bar }}


SaltStack - mine.get is able to grab mine_function data from master, but not in .sls or jinja variable

I hope you can help me with a rather frustrating issue I have been having. I have been trying to remove static config from some config files and move this to Pillar/Mine data using Salt-Stack.
Everything is going well, with the exception of 1 specific task.
This is grabbing data (custom grain) from 3 specific minions to make 3 different variables in an .sls (context) or a jinja file (direct variable) on other minions, but I cannot seem to get it to work.
(My scenario is flexible as I can call this in either a state file or jinja variable in a config file.)
This is on AWS EC2 instances, but can be replicated away from AWS in my lab. The grain I need is: "public_ipv4" and the reason I cannot use the network.util in salt runner is because this is NAT'd and the box doesn't have a 2nd interface with the public IP assigned to it. (This cannot be changed)
Pillar data works and I have a init.sls for the mine function:
- location
- environment
- roles
- srvtype
- instance
- az
- public_ipv4
- fqdn
- ipv4
- ipv6
(Also the custom grain: "public_ipv4" works being called by the minion so I know it is the not the grains themselves being incorrect.)
When targeting via the master using the below it brings back the requested information:
- Correct_local_ip
- ::1
- Correct_ip
It is key to note here that the above comes from:
salt '*globbed_target*' mine.get '*minions-with-data-i-need-glob*' grains.item
This is from the master, but I cannot single out a specific grain by using indexing or any args/kwargs etc.
So I put some syntax into a state file and some jinja templates and I cannot get it to work. Here are a few I have tried so far:
{% set ip1 = salt['mine.get']('*minion-with-data-i-need-glob*', 'grains.item')[7] %}
Above returns nothing.
State file:
- context:
- ip1: {{ salt['mine.get']('*minions-with-data-i-need-glob*', 'grains.item') }}
The above returns a dict error:
Context must be formed as a dict
Running latest salt-minion/master from apt.
Steps I have taken:
Running: salt '*' mine.update after every change and checking with: salt '*' mine.valid after every change and they show.
Any help is appreciated.
This looks like you are running into a classic problem. Not knowing what you are getting as the return value.
first your {# set ip1 = salt['mine.get']('*minion-with-data-i-need-glob*', 'grains.item')[7] #} returns nothing because it is a jinja comment. {% set ip1 = salt['mine.get']('*minion-with-data-i-need-glob*', 'grains.item') %}
the next problem you have is that you are passing a list to context. when it is supposed to take a dict. the error isn't even related to mine.
try this instead
- context:
ip1: {{ salt['mine.get']('*minions-with-data-i-need-glob*', 'grains.item') | json}}
next learn to use slsutil.renderer to look at how things are rendered. such as salt minion slsutil.renderer salt://thing/init.sls default_renderer=jinja

how to trace an existing ansible project

I am not very sure how to trace an existing project written in YAML for networking devices.
I have setup the system correctly and its executing all the tasks perfectly. But I want to check what all data are being assigned.
Is there a way to trace ansible just like python?
Ex: In python, I can use ipdb module or just use print() statement to see all kind of things.
Ansible provides a Playbook Debugger, which can be used to trace execution of tasks.
If you want to debug everything in a play, you can pass debugger: always
- name: some play
hosts: all
debugger: always
tasks: ...
Then you can use c command to continue to the next task, p task_vars to see variables or p result._result to see the result.
Debugger can be used on a task or a role level too like this:
- hosts: all
- role: dj-wasabi.zabbix-agent
debugger: always
It helps to not to pollute your roles with debug tasks, while limiting the scope of debugging.
The other method is to use debug module, which is similar to using print statements in python. You can use in your tasks like this:
# Example that prints the loopback address and gateway for each host
- debug:
msg: System {{ inventory_hostname }} has uuid {{ ansible_product_uuid }}
- debug:
msg: System {{ inventory_hostname }} has gateway {{ ansible_default_ipv4.gateway }}
when: ansible_default_ipv4.gateway is defined
# Example that prints return information from the previous task
- shell: /usr/bin/uptime
register: result
- debug:
var: result
verbosity: 2

Accessing Mine data immediately after install

I am deploying a cluster via SaltStack (on Azure) I've installed the client, which initiates a reactor, runs an orchestration to push a Mine config, do an update, restart salt-minion. (I upgraded that to restarting the box)
After all of that, I can't access the mine data until I restart the minion
- mods: orchestration.startup
- tgt: '*'
- sls:
- orchestration.mine
- tgt: '*'
- reload_modules: True
- tgt: '*'
- tgt: '*'
- highstate: True
{% if salt['grains.get']('MineDeploy') != 'complete' %}
- source: salt:///orchestration/files/globalmine.conf
- value: complete
- require:
- service: rabbit_running
sleep 5 && /sbin/reboot:
{%- endif %}
How can I push a mine update, via a reactor and then get the data shortly afterwards?
I deploy my mine_functions from pillar so that I can update the functions on the fly
then you just have to do salt <target> saltutil.refresh_pillar and salt <target> mine.update to get your mine info on a new host.
mine_function: grains.get
delimiter: '|'
key: ec2|network|interfaces|macs|{{ mac_addr }}|subnet_ipv4_cidr_block
- mine_function: grains.get
- ec2:public_ip
You would then make sure your pillar's top.sls targets the appropriate minions, then do the saltutil.refresh_pillar/mine.update to get your mine functions updated & mines supplied with data. After taking in the above pillar, I now have mine functions called aws_cidr and zk_pub_ips I can pull data from.
One caveat to this method is that mine_interval has to be defined in the minion config, so that parameter wouldn't be doable via pillar. Though if you're ok with the default 60-minute interval, this is a non-issue.

Saltstack apply state on minions through salt reactors and runners

I have multiple salt deployment environments.
I have a requirement in which I raise an event from the minions, the master upon receiving the event, generates few files which I then want to copy to the minions.
How do I do this?
I was trying to get it to work using orchestrate. This is what I have right now:
reactor sls->
- mods: _orch.copy_certs
- saltenv: 'central'
copy_certs sls->
- tgt: 'kubeminion'
- tgt_type: nodegroup
- sls:
- kubemaster.copy_certs
The problem is that I want to happen for all the environments and not just one. How do I do that?
Or is there a way to loop over the environments using jinja in some way.
Also is it possible using anything other than orchestrate.
You don't need to use orchestrate for this, all you need is the salt reactor.
Lets say you fire an event from the minion salt-call event.send tag='event/test' (you can watch the salt event bus using salt-run state.event pretty=True):
event/test {
"_stamp": "2017-05-24T10:36:05.907438",
"cmd": "_minion_event",
"data": {
"__pub_fun": "event.send",
"__pub_jid": "20170524133601757005",
"__pub_pid": 4590,
"__pub_tgt": "salt-call"
"id": "minion_A",
"tag": "event/test"
Now you need to decide what happens when salt receives the event, edit/create /etc/salt/master.d/reactor.conf (remember to restart the salt-master after editing this file):
- event/test: # event tag to match
- /srv/reactor/some_state.sls # sls file to run
- tgt: kubeminion
- tgt_type: nodegroup
- arg:
- kubemaster.copy_certs
- kwarg:
- saltenv: central
This will in turn apply the state kubemaster.copy_certs to all minions in the "kubeminion" nodegroup.
Hope this helps.

Is Jinja in pillars rendered before or after it's sent to the minion?

Suppose I have different credentials in two different environments, but that's the only thing that differs between them, and I don't want to make extra pillar files for a single item.
Suppose I attack the problem like this:
{%- set deployment = grains.get('deployment') %}
{%- load_yaml as credentials %}
prod: prodpassword
test: testpassword
dev: devpassword
{%- endload %}
user: someuser
password: {{ credentials[deployment] }}
...more configuration here...
This works as expected. But can a minion in test theoretically get the password for prod? That depends on whether the dict lookup happens before or after data is sent to the client, I think, which in turn depends on when the jinja is rendered. Does the master render it first and then send the resulting data, or does the minion receive the pillar file as-is, then render it itself?
Pillar data is always rendered on the master, never the minion. The master does have access to the minion's grains, however, which is why your example works.
Given a Pillar SLS file with the following contents:
test: {{ grains['id'] }}
The following pillar data will result:
# salt testminion pillar.item test
Source: I'm a SaltStack core developer.
