How to block access to Web API , except from the ASP.NET Web Application -

I have a website in IIS say
Now i also have a API as virtual application within
I want to restrict all direct access to the API , except from the website.(browsers, postman, fiddler , etc)
Within the API, I tried to detect ip from which the request was made
Although the above may help detecting client ip , it may do little to help in preventing outside website request to the API
How can I accomplish this?
Thanks for any pointers.

Does the web site require logons, and did you implement security? Any web service call (to a static method in a existing aspx page, or even a call to a asmx page? if that page is placed in a folder that has security (in web config, as normally dropped in each folder to secure by security groups (roles)), then those web service calls from the browser simple will not work unless the user is logged into the site correctly.
For any web calls that you don't need or want security, place those aspx/asmx pages in such folders without IIS security applied, and no logon will be required to use such pages.
If you don't' have any security setup? Then it going to be rather hard to suggest you want security for the web site when there is no security setup?
So, even a simple basic FBA (the classic security setup) will thus be handled by IIS, and those web service calls can't occur unless the user is already logged in. So, your free to write and setup ajax calls from the client-side page, and you don't even have to worry about security in that client-side JavaScript code if the site has security setup.
If you don't have any security setup or applied to the site, then it quite much suggests that you don't have many options in the way of security choices.


limit access to webservice to some websites and apps

I have two web-servers. One runs a ASP webservice and the other runs a website, where I use javascript to access the webservice.
My problem is, that I don't want to keep the webservice access open for everyone in the www and limit the access to several applications. It shouldn't be allowed to access the webservice from another website.
There is still the probability to allow the access from other websites or apps, which should be considered here.
Do you have any thoughts for approaches to restrict the access to the webservice?

Using Identity Foundation with a WCF Web Api

I have a bunch of websites that are setup identically to use a WIF identity provider. I've recently moved the business logic out of the web applications and into a Web Api service application. This runs in a different virtual directory to the other sites. The idea being that browser will put the data into the page AJAXy.
The issue I have is with securing the web API. It seems that WIF single sign-on works okay with traditional sites. The user can access one website, get redirected to the identity provider, login and get redirected back to the website they wanted. When they access another site they also get redirected back to the identity provider but needn't log in as a FEDAUTH cookie exists so they automatically get authenticated and redirected to the second site.
This doesn't work for the Web Api scenario because when the browser perhaps makes a GET to it, the Api will return a redirect to the calling javascript when it should be expecting JSON.
Is it even possible to secure Web Api with WIF?
Not sure whether I got you right, but it seems like the main problem is that javascript/ajax does not support http redirects.
A possible solution could be to simulate the redirection with a sequence of seperate calls in ajax:
Check whether you are authenticated on your web api site (by a dummy ajax call).
If this is not the case:
Call your sts over ajax and grab the security token out of the "wresult" form field.
Call the login site on your web api site and pass the security token as "wresult" data.
Dominick Bayer wrote a few blog posts about securing rest services. For further reading have a look at (Especially and
The following presentation from TechDays might also be interesting: (starting at about ~ 30 minutes).

Creating a cookie using

I have a sharepoint webpart where I have links to go to different web sites to which login is required. Therefore, I think i need to log the users on before redirect them into deep pages in that site, therefore I think i need to set up a cookie to that web site when the web part is loaded (by using the user credentials of the user's active directory information).
How can I achieve this requirement with out opening up a new browser window? (Though I have used a client side script, it pops up a new browser window)
Any help is highly appreciable...
If you are referring to "different web sites" as sites having completely different URL's, then it's probably not possible without SSO system.
The reason is that it's impossible to read/write cookies from other domain in web environment, i.e. pre-login the users like you are saying.
If all the sites are inside same domain, like for example, and different sites are in or, then yes, you can set the cookie. See top section here
A simple way to implement SSO is by implementing method described later on in same article.
in the "Requesting Cookie from Another Domain". This is not a very secure method though, but can be done if you restrict it properly to specific slave domains. And obviously all the slave sites have to be modified, as with any SSO implementation.

Restrict access to web site based on Referrer, cookies or something else

We have a scenario whereby we are hosting an ASP.NET MVC web site on behalf of someone else.
The customer in this case wants us to restrict access to the web site, to those users who have logged in to their main portal. They should then only be able to get to our web site via a link from that portal.
At this point I'm not yet sure what technology or authentication mechanism the 3rd party are using but just wanted to clarify what the possible options might be.
If we call our hosted site B, and their portal web site A,as I see it we could:
Check the referrer for all requests to B, unless they've come from A they can't get in
Check for a specific cookie (assuming A uses cookies)
I'm sure there are other options, anyone any ideas?
Check the referrer for all requests to B, unless they've come from A they can't get in
Can be faked, but most normal users won't do it.
Check for a specific cookie (assuming A uses cookies)
Ask them to embed in their portal some code portion from your site. This way visiting their portal will resulting in you setting a cookie for your domain. Then you can easily read it later.
One more thing to mention. If you're talking about public sites, then it will suffice for a search engine to somehow discover these hidden urls once, after which the game is over. It will index the pages and keep a cache of it. You may want to consider including some noindex/nocache meta tags in these pages.
But seriously, if you wish to have it done properly and secure, you're going to need some form of shared user authentication that that portal and your site both support.
The solutions you have posted are not secure.
In case this is an enterprise application with real requirements for security, you may want to look at some single sign-on solutions.
List of single sign-on implementations

Block cross domain calls to .asmx web service

I've built an application that uses jQuery and JSON to consume an ASP.NET .asmx web service to perform crud operations. The application and .asmx are on the same domain. I dont mind people consuming the read operations of the .asmx remotely but dont want people randomly deleting stuff!!!
I can split the methods i'd like to be publicly accessible and the 'hidden' ones into 2 web services. How can I lock calls to the 'hidden'.asmx web service to the same domain that its hosted in?
Thanks in advance.
Can someone comment on this, seems plausible ( source: ):
Ajax can set Http headers, normal forms cant.
Ajax requests must be from the same domain.
So "x-requested-with" "XMLHttpRequest" requests must be from the same domain.
There are two scenarios you need to secure with web services:
Is the user authenticated?
Is the action coming from my page?
The authentication piece is already taken care of if you're using Forms Authentication. If your web service sits in a Forms Authentication-protected area of the site, nobody will be able to access your web services unless they're logged in.
The second scenario is a slightly trickier story. The attack is known as CSRF or XSRF (Cross Site Request Forgery). This means that a malicious website performs actions on behalf of your user while they're still logged in to your site. Here's a great writeup on XSRF.
Jeff Atwood sort of sums it all up in the link above, but here is XSRF protection in four steps:
Write a GUID to your user's cookie.
Before your AJAX call, read this value out of the cookie and add it
to the web service POST.
On the server side, compare the FORM value with the cookie value.
Because sites cannot read cookies from another domain, you're safe.
In AJAX the browser makes the calls, so even if you were to check that the domain is the same it wouldnt be secure enough because it can easily be faked.
You need to use some sort of authetication/autharization tokens (preferably with a time out) to keep things safe.
Quick and dirty solution would be to use IP address restrictions to allow only your domain's IP address access via IIS.
Probably better would be using HTTP authentication. There are many ways to do this, I found Authentication in ASP.NET Web Services a helpful overview.
