Wysiwyg image is showing up in media/wysiwy not inside pub/media/wysiwyg. How do I fix this? - nginx

Okay so I have a Magento 2.4.5 project where I am facing some issues like images not loading up because they are being looked up inside pub/media/wysiwyg instead of media/wysiwyg. I have some wysiwyg images inside pub/media/wysiwyg/<some_image_directory>, however on the live site the directories and files are showing up as media/wysiwyg. How can I make sure that a separate pub/media/wysiwyg directory is created in the live site apart from the media directory that is already there such that the image loads up properly? We are using nginx which is opening up at 'pub' directory as the root where the media directory resides. Any help is appreciated.
I tried checking for the piece of code where the image is coming from in an attempt to see if the path can be changed programmatically by removing the 'pub/' part from the pub/media/wysiwyg/ for the live site. However, that is not something that can be done as that will change things project-wide, which might break other things. Hence that is not being done.

First, you need to make sure that you are running the site from the root folder i.e. public_html on the server.
Steps to reproduce:
1: Run the command to load content:
bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f
2: Next command: chmod -R 777 pub/*
3: Set the secure base media URL and unsecure media URL from Magento database which you recently created and find the table core_config_data and change the path value as:
web/secure/base_media_url => https://example.com/pub/media/
web/unsecure/base_media_url => https://example.com/pub/media/
Or from Magento Admin
Stores -> Settings: Configuration -> General -> Base Url's -> Base URL for User Media Files
and to
Stores -> Settings: Configuration -> General -> Base Url's (Secure) -> Base URL for User Media Files
Flush Cache
4: Might be missing .htaccess in your /pub/media/ folder.
5: Check your .htaccess file, if there's bad code.

Okay so I figured out the issue.
I was running the website from the pub directory as I should however there was a third party plugin which had some hard-coded src set by the owner for images set as /pub/media/wysiwyg in the adminHtml since they were using an older version of Magento which used to place images inside /pub/media/wysiwyg instead.
So I just changed it to /media/wysiwyg over there and everything works as expected.
Tbh the whole issue was quite hacky as the owner seems to have put a script inside the third party module's description section in the adminHtml and is using hard-coded links such as this.
Thank you all for the comments. :)


Images styles are not created in drupal 7

I have a website in drupal 7.53. When I try to upload an image in my article, it shows the image as a cross (image not found). For testing pruposes, I've set my folders to 777:
But no luck.
I've changed the "clean url" option to no clean urls and now it starts working. So I've replaces the .htaccess file to the default drupal file, but still no luck when I turn on "clean url".
From my experience most common reasons that can cause image style image creation failure are:
GD library not installed or not working properly
Wrong file permissions (php can't upload/write file)
Domain access module (it's "Locale" sub-moduel) - there's a bug in that module which messes up the image paths.
.htaccess file (some wrong options)
What I would do is try the fresh installation on same environment and if it's working well there or not and then I would switch off temporary module by module to see what is causing this issue. Also try switching to default Drupal's theme to see will it happen with it too.

Drupal Commerce Kickstart - Making Test site of Live site

I want to do developments on my client's website but by making a clone of it. So, main website url is: http://website.com and the clone i am trying to create is: http://test.website.com.
So far i've done the following:
copied entire root directory into public_html/test dir (with folders config,field,FirePHPCore,fontyourface,includes,js,misc,modules,scripts,sites,styles and themes)
created a subdomain in cPanel for test.website.com
checked the file settings.php (inside sites/default folder) for $base_url but found it commented, so left it as it is unchanged.
copied db via phpMyAdmin and updated the new db details in settings.php (inside sites/default folder).
inside the table variable, two rows with the name securepages_basepath and securepages_basepath_ssl. Changed their values from http://website.com to http://test.website.com (using the variable_get and variable_set functions).
Now i can access http://test.website.com but when i click on login (from header) it takes me to http://website.com/user and if manually type http://test.website.com/user and login then it takes me to http://website.com/users/admin then i have to manually type in correct address http://test.website.com/users/admin.
And when i logout, it again takes me back to http://website.com.
So i want to know how can i completely make it to work on http://test.website.com?
Are there more variables to change?
And how i can make 100% sure that the test site is only using test and not the live site. I am afraid of messing up live website.
Please advice, thanks!
I fixed it by disabling the secure pages from inside the mysql database. It was inside variable table and securepages_enable field. It was in blob so i had to download the blob first and opened it in notepad and changed the value inside it from 1 to 0 and then uploaded it back by updating the securepages_enable field.
I had to do this because after logging in from my test url, the urls were redirecting back to the live website, so whatever change i was making, it was all affecting the live site.
Hope this helps to someone with similar case. Thanks!

Does WordPress do something that overrides .htaccess?

I'm working locally on a WordPress site for a client. The client keeps their install of wordpress in the server root, but because I have more than one client, I like to install everything in a client folder, like localhost/client. Normally it's a simple matter to add a rewrite rule to .htaccess, setting the rewrite base to be /client/. But today it's not working at all. Even if I put nonsense in the rewrite rule, the site works (which it should not, if the rewrite rules are in effect). The images references are still looking for root at localhost/, instead of localhost/client/, which means they are broken.
I looked into WordPress's documentation and found it has something called WP_rewrite, and there is a place to set parameters for it in wp-includes/rewrite.php). I set the root parameter to client/ but that doesn't seem to have any effect either.
One last thing: there is an .htaccess file in localhost/client/, and another one in localhost/client/wp/. I have them both set to RewriteBase = /client/, but I've tried just about every other sensible combination--no change.
So my question is: does WordPress do something else that would make the rewrite rules I set in .htaccess not work?
I'd recommend a small change to your local environment for a more flexible solution. Use virtual hosts. If you're running WAMP/MAMP, this tool is readily available to you. It allows you run a directory within your localhost as its own site, which you can access using a local-only URL of your choosing. I have my sites set up as sitename.local, for instance, so they all live in their own happy little ecosystem. Highly recommended.
Yes it does, you have to make some steps that will change entries in db before you move it to subfolder.
Here are detailed info:
What you need to do:
copy everything as it is setup on your clients server i.e. in root folder
do the steps in above url, important are 4. & 5.; step 10. actually just go to permalink settings and click on "Save" button (or "Update" I do not remember how it says)
Now you can work :)
Are you modifying only theme or what?

where does drupal save images when you use cck and imagecache?

I am thinking in moving all JS and images from webserver to another server to mitigate the load on my webserver. then i will use parallel module to get this stuff from the other server.
now, currently i am using cck and imagecache modules. and i dont know where does drupal save the images.
i checked mysql (files table) and found something like this
Mysql>select filepath from files limit 2;
i checked for such files but i didnt find anything like this in this directory!!
i inspected one of the images in one of my articles and found that this image is in one of the cache folders that have been generated automatically by imagecache module. i tried to delete this image from server and refreshed my page, imagecache recreated it.
now where did imagecach get this image from? where does drupal save my images??
Thanks for your help
Imagecache takes source images from whatever path is set in the files table, which is generally sites/default/files, the directory you listed. Your imagecache directory was within that directory, right? I think your files are probably in that directory and you just missed them for some reason. Directory listing cached in your FTP client, maybe?
For myself, it stores everything in the sites/default/files folder.
But, some settings to look at...
The File system path setting, located at ?q=admin/settings/file-system
The path settings for the particular field. Open the settings for the particular field, and look in the File path setting in the Path Settings fieldset.
If those settings are different, your file may be somewhere else. Otherwise, it's going to be in your sites/default/files folder.
Check the following locations
where [...] is the location of the htdocs folder inside your webserver container.
If you are using xampp then it could be C:\xampp183\htdocs............
Hope this helps !
In the drupal database, check the table "file_managed" and the column "uri" (which gives the uri to access the file either local or remote).
You might find a value like below .. (ignore the jpg name , that is only for my setup)
This shows the location of the image.

What should I check for when I cannot upload files into filefield CCK fields?

I have recently moved a drupal site. (both servers run on a debian based LAMP stack) Everything works great here, including the uploading of images via a CCK filefield. Original url:
Deploying it to a test folder on the production server to a test folder for an environmental shakedown cruise lead it here:
Everything works here too, including image uploads. After adjusting sites/default/settings.php, then making it readonly again, I renamed the folder to its production name:
Everything works fine here except for image uploading. I've adjusted the webroot variable within settings.php .
Things I have tried so far:
Gave php system user write permissions to sites/default/files (images are set to go in sites/default/files/images but imagecache just puts them in sites/default/files)
Enabled file php file uploading for www.example.com/bar/sites/default/files
Are there any other configuration settings I should be looking out for here? I'm running low on relevant solutions.
Edit: I had quite the typo there, I adjusted sites/default/settings.php, not sites/default.settings.php .
Your question is slightly confusingly framed. default.settings.php has no impact on Drupal -- its merely a template. The file that contains the actual database connection information and other configuration is settings.php.
You may also want to look at your .htaccess file in your root Drupal folder and try changing the RewriteBase directive to the folder you are accessing your site on. Usually you should not have to change the $base_url directive in the settings.php file that you may/may not have done. Reverse that change for now if you have (you may need to play around with that later though).
imagecache will always upload the image derivatives in sites/default/files but imagefield will upload the original image in the folder you specify (within sites/default/files). You will get a setting for the imagefield under Manage Fields->[Name of Image field]->Configure under Path Settings.
Please google to understand the difference between imagecache and imagefield. Make sure your sites/default/files (and subfolders) are writable by the apache user (usually www-data).
In such situations, its usually a good idea to pick up a book on apache (if you haven't already) and try to understand how it works. It will be time consuming but will help you out in the future when you encounter configuration issues like this.
This worked for me. When having issues uploading images to a cck field, I gave write permissions to directory:
