Is it possible to create Xamarin Forms App(Android and iOS) using Bluetooth GATT/GAP in BLE v5.0? - xamarin.forms

GATT/GAP can work in iOS using Xamarin Forms?
or we need MFi chip for that ?
Anyone can please help on this.

There is a Core Bluetooth framework in iOS, Core Bluetooth framework provides the classes needed for your apps to communicate with BLE wireless technology. Note that to access Core Bluetooth APIs on apps linked on or after iOS 13, include the NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription key. In iOS 12 and earlier, include NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription to access Bluetooth peripheral data. For writing to GATT server, you can refer to this thread.


Is there a service converting web application into native iOs+Android apps AND supporting

There is a mess of services converting your existing web application into a native iOS and/or Android app.
For push notifications they all support OneSignal.
But I couldn't find any supporting
Did anybody know a service like GoNative which support Pusher?
While I am not familiar with app conversion tools you mentioned, you should be able to use Pusher Beams SDKs for Android and iOS directly.
You can find the SDKs here:
And there are several tutorials published on Pusher Tutorials site, just search for the Beams tag:

How can i read messages from IoT devices in ASP.NET Core

Package WindowsAzure.ServiceBus 4.1.2 is not compatible with netcoreapp1.1
How can I connect my IoT Hub to my Web Application?
Or maybe there is the better way to collect data from devices and send commands to them not by using asp net core application.

Instant messaging system in Web App and Mobile Native App

I am searching for some messaging systems or frameworks which are readily to be integrated into .NET web application, which is similar to that found in Facebook and Google, but without voice and video call. Also it can support Mobile Native App. Are there any options for this system?
Any answer would be highly appreciated.

When using Phonegap, can we deploy our sqlite db with the application and access it from within the application?

I am building out an app that will be used primarily by BB OS5. I am considering Phonegap, and I wanted to find out if we can deploy our sqlite db with the application and access it from within the application?
If so, is there a size limit on the database? and how is the performance?
#Ray Vahey, phonegap support OS 5.0+ not complete but in part...
You can use Phonegap + gears in your app in order to use storage on OS 5, for OS 6+ you can use the Phonegap API:
PhoneGap Database API requires BlackBerry WebWorks (OS 6.0 and higher)
But I would also like to point you to a toolkit that you may find useful in building a database backed webapp.
Supporting Gears using HTML5 in BlackBerry WebWorks applications
The JavaScript® toolkit provides the following HTML5 interfaces as a simple layer on top of the Gears API’s currently available in BlackBerry Device Software 5.0:

adobe AIR app and bluetooth

I want to build a adobe Air application that sends an image to a mobile phone via bluetooth.
Do you know of a framework or library to do that directly or indirectly? I mean using only flex or do I have to use another language also, such as java?
any hints are welcome
thanks in advance
Hey Thodoris. You'll probably have to use merapi + a bluetooth api built on java.
I'm not sure if it is part of the community, but I heard recently that the framework has been ported to c#.
There are certainly other options as well. For example, there is a way to deploy weborb with your AIR install. Then, with the instance of a java or iis 'server' running client-side, you can invoke java or .net methods through a localhost "amfEndpoint".
I hope those couple of options help. Best of luck. --jeremy
