Snakemake wildcards: Using wildcarded files from directory output - wildcard

I'm new to Snakemake and try to use specific files in a rule, from the directory() output of another rule that clones a git repo.
Currently, this gives me an error Wildcards in input files cannot be determined from output files: 'json_file', and I don't understand why. I have previously worked through the tutorial at
The difference between my workflow and the tutorial workflow is that I want to create the data I use later in the first step, whereas in the tutorial, the data was already there.
Workflow description in plain text:
Clone a git repository to path {path}
Run a script {script} on every single JSON files in the directory {path}/parsed/ in parallel to produce the aggregate result {result}
GIT_PATH = config['git_local_path'] # git/
GIT_URL = config['git_url']
# A single parsed JSON file
PARSED_JSON_FILE = f'{PARSED_JSON_PATH}{{json_file}}.json'
# Build a list of parsed JSON file names
PARSED_JSON_FILE_NAMES = glob_wildcards(PARSED_JSON_FILE).json_file
# All parsed JSON files
rule all:
input: 'result.json'
rule clone_git:
output: directory(GIT_PATH)
threads: 1
conda: f'{ENVS_DIR}git.yml'
shell: f'git clone --depth 1 {GIT_URL} {{output}}'
rule extract_json:
output: 'result.json'
threads: 50
shell: 'python {input.cmd} {input.json_file} {output}'
Running only clone_git works fine (if I set an all input of GIT_PATH).
Why do I get the error message? Is this because the JSON files don't exist when the workflow is started?
Also - I don't know if this matters - this is a subworkflow used with module.

What you need seems to be a checkpoint rule which is first executed and only then snakemake determines which .json files are present and runs your extract/aggregate functions. Here's an example adapted:
I'm struggling to fully understand the file and folder structure you get after cloning your git repo. So I have fallen back to the best practices by Snakemake of using resources for downloaded and results for created files.
You'll need to re-adjust those paths to match your case again:
GIT_PATH = config["git_local_path"] # git/
GIT_URL = config["git_url"]
checkpoint clone_git:
threads: 1
f"git clone --depth 1 {GIT_URL} {{output.git}}"
rule extract_json:
"python {input.cmd} {input.json_file} {output}"
def get_all_json_file_names(wildcards):
git_dir = checkpoints.clone_git.get(**wildcards).output["git"]
file_names = glob_wildcards(
return expand(
# Rule has checkpoint dependency: Only after the checkpoint is executed
# the rule is executed which then evaluates the function to determine all
# json files downloaded from the git repo
rule aggregate:
default_target: True
# TODO: Action which combines all JSON files
edit: Moved the expand(...) from rule aggregate into get_all_json_file_names.


Use wildcard to capture different datasets in Snakemake

I would like to use wildcards in Snakemake in a very simple way to start a script for two datasets. Unfortunately, I cannot find the proper way of doing it.
My data folder contains three files: gene_list.txt, expression_JGI.txt, expression_UBC.txt.
Here is what my snakefile looks like:
rule extract:
"bash scripts/ {input.genes} {input.expression} {output}"
When I use snakemake -c1 extract I get the following error message:
Building DAG of jobs...
Target rules may not contain wildcards. Please specify concrete files or a rule without wildcards at the command line, or have a rule without wildcards at the very top of your workflow (e.g. the typical "rule all" which just collects all results you want to generate in the end).
I tried adding a rule all at the beginning of the snakefile with the desired result files as input without success:
rule all:
I also tried with expand:
rule all:
expand("data/expression_{dataset}_subset.txt", dataset=DATASETS)
But I get the same error message.
The script works fine when I use it outside Snakemake.
How can I achieve what I want?
When you do snakemake -c1 extract you ask snakemake to execute only rule extract and its dependencies, if any. However, because extract contains wildcards snakemake doesn't know what to replace them with. (Note that rule all is not a dependency of extract).
So either execute snakemake -c1 to run the whole pipeline or specify the concrete files you want to generate, e.g.:
snakemake -c1 -- data/expression_JGI_subset.txt data/expression_UBC_subset.txt

define SAMPLE for different dir name and sample name in snakemake code

I have written a snakemake code to run bwa_map. Fastq files are with different folder name and different sample name (paired end). It shows error as 'SAMPLES' is not defined. Please help.
$snakemake --snakefile rnaseq.smk mapped_reads/EZ-123-B_IGO_08138_J_2_S101_R2_001.bam -np
*NameError in line 2 of /Users/singhh5/Desktop/tutorial/rnaseq.smk:
name 'SAMPLES' is not defined
File "/Users/singhh5/Desktop/tutorial/rnaseq.smk", line 2, in *
#My Code
expand("~/Desktop/{sample}/{rep}.fastq.gz", sample=SAMPLES)
rule bwa_map:
threads: 8
"bwa mem {input} | samtools view -Sb -> {output}"
The specific error you are seeing is because the variable SAMPLES isn't set to anything before you use it in expand.
Some other issues you may run into:
Output file is missing the {sample} wildcard.
The value of threads isn't passed into bwa or samtools
You should place your expand into the input directive of the first rule in your snakefile, typically called all to properly request the files from bwa_map.
You aren't pairing your reads (R1 and R2) in bwa.
You should look around stackoverflow or some github projects for similar rules to give you inspiration on how to do this mapping.

Snakemake specify a new wildcard in a new rule

I have input files:
I am running demultiplexing and trimming steps in one snakefile, like this:
workdir: "/path/to/dir/"
(SAMPLES,) =glob_wildcards('/path/to/dir/raw/{sample}.fastq.gz')
rule all:
expand("demulptiplex/{sample}.fastq.gz", sample=SAMPLES),
expand("trimmed/{sample}.trimmed.fastq.gz", sample=SAMPLES)
rule sabre:
barcodefile= "files/{sample}.txt"
/Tools/sabre-master2/sabre se -f {input.infile} -b {input.barcodefile} -u {output.unknownfile}
rule trimmomatic_se:
threads: 10
"""java -jar /Tools/Trimmomatic-0.36/trimmomatic-0.36.jar SE -threads {threads} {input.r} {output.r} ILLUMINACLIP:/Tools/Trimmomatic-0.36/adapters/TruSeq3-SE.fa:2:30:10 LEADING:3 TRAILING:3 SLIDINGWINDOW:4:15 MINLEN:36"""
The demultiplex output files are like this:
Bob_1_CL1.fastq.gz.... Bob_1_CL345.fastq.gz
Bob_2_CL1.fastq.gz.... Bob_1_CL248.fastq.gz
Ron_1_dad1.fastq.gz... Ron_1_dad67.fastq.gz
and so on
So,if I do not specify the demultiplex output file the program would create it by itself. My problem is how to specify/introduce a new wildcard from the output of the previous rule in the next trimming step, as the wildcards are different from initial sample now.
Wildcards just need to be consistent in a rule, not across the workflow. The issue here is that you have a rule generating 'unknown' outputs that you need to process further. For that you need to use checkpoints.
Read through the second block of code about aggregating. Your checkpoint will be demultiplexing and if you don't have any other steps, all will be your aggregate step that calls checkpoints.demultiplex.get. If you search for checkpoint on stackoverflow you will find lots of examples; it's a hard feature to use at first!

Pig output of Multistorage to be appended when I run it everyday

I have a set of data on which I ran the multistorage command on column 'type' and now I have these paths in hdfs: "/output/type1/", "/output/type2/", "/output/type3/" etc.
Everyday i run a script with multistorage command on column 'type' to produce "/tmp/type1/", "/tmp/type2/", "/tmp/type3/" etc
(Types here could be either < or = the types in master output that is already present).
Since Pig doesn't allow me to provide the output path of an already existing directory, my script that runs everyday is /tmp/.
Is there a way to combine /tmp/ with /output/, under the right 'type' subdirectories?
Expected to have /tmp/type1/file under /output/type1/ as /output/type1/file
and so on.This way i can delete the /tmp and run the script again.
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Pig cannot handle directories but invoking fs commands. Mapping temporary directories to the final directories requires more than what can Pig do. You can use the FileSystem Api in a tiny java program and run it separatly or in Oozie workflow.
In addition to that you need to ensure that appended files have different filenames than the existant ones, this is not the default behaviour and you can achieve it by this command:
%declare timestamp `date +"%s"`
SET mapreduce.output.basename '$timestamp'
/* here we used the timestamp to get unicity*/

how to specify wildcards in a filename for amazon EMR job

If I run a EMR job and specify wildcards in the directory path it all works fine
e.g: s3n://mybucket///*/fileName.gz --- picks all files with name fileName.gz under subdirectories of mybucket
However when I specify wildcards in the fileName then emr logs show an error that no match found. It seems to treat the '' character as a literal character part of fileName instead as a wildcard
e.g: s3n//mybucket/Dir1/fileName..gz
gives an error back that no matches were found for fielName.*.gz in that directory
How do we specify wildcards in filename for an amazon emr job
Just went through this myself. It is very useful to pass NON-globbed wildcard expressions from the start script to spark/pyspark because the distribution mechanism inside the spark program can be efficient when presented when something like this; note globbing at both directory level and filename level:
df ='s3://my-bucket/archive/*/2014/7/G.*.json.bz2')
Not to mention of course that almost all the time you want globbing to occur on the remote resource, not your local launch environment.
The trick is to ensure that the initial shell variable does not get globbed when created and also protected when presented to aws emr add-steps. Here is a simple launch script that assumes a cluster has been created. To
show it can be done, we also escape newlines to make it easier to see the args. Be careful, however, NOT to re-introduce extra whitespace when doing this!
# Use single quotes to stop globbing at the var level:
# DO NOT add trailing slash to the output_uri. S3 will
# automatically create subdirs under that. e.g.
# --output_uri s3://$SRC_BUCKET/V4_t
# will be created and populated with many part-0000-... files.
# If you are not renaming or deleting the output_uri for each run,
# make sure your spark program uses overwrite mode for dataframe output e.g.
# dfx.write.mode("overwrite").json(output_uri)
# Careful to protect the DATA_URI arg by wrapping it single quotes:
aws emr add-steps \
--cluster-id j-3CDMYEF3NJGHR \
--steps Type=Spark,\
