Is it possible to prevent new paragraph node with enter in editor? - lexical

I´m trying to create a "one line" message component based on Lexical, but i´m unable to prevent the enter key to create a new paragraph.
Any ideas how to accomplish this?
I´ve added styling with
white-space: nowrap!important;
resize: none;
and i´ve tried to MaxLengthPlugin ( which works but if enter in there it creates two lines)
also tried to add
<EditorWrapper ref={onRef} data-testid="editor"
onKeyDown={event => {
if (event.key === 'Enter') {
I was expecting this to prevent the new paragraph with enter, but still adds a new paragraph in the editor.

I was able to create a single line editor by using registerNodeTransform to remove the LineBreakNode as soon as it's created. It doesn't feel like the best solution, but it works.
editor.registerNodeTransform(LineBreakNode, (node) => {
I also explored listening to the KEY_ENTER_COMMAND command, but that didn't prevent newlines from being pasted into the editor.

You can register the command INSERT_PARAGRAPH_COMMAND and then return true. By returning true you tell lexical that you have handled the paragraph insert and the default lexical code will not execute.
useEffect(() => {
return editor.registerCommand(
() => {
return true;
);}, [editor]);


Can not click on the PayPal button inside the iframe - Cypress

I am writing e2e Testcases on Cypress for webshop, we have integrated PayPal and I am unable to click on the PayPal button with in the iframe.
I always get an error in finding the element in iframe.
someone have an idea how can I do that?
Cypress.Commands.add('getframe3D', { prevSubject: 'element' }, $iframe => {
return new Cypress.Promise(resolve => {
$iframe.ready(function() {
Interacting with iframe is quite tricky in Cypress however it's possible. Your custom command looks correct and it worked for me as well. However, you can also try below way and check if it is working for you.
Here provide CSS selector for the iframe as an argument getIframeBody() function.
Custom Commands
Cypress.Commands.add('getIframeBody', (iframe) => {
return cy.get(iframe).then($iframe => {
const $body = $iframe.contents().find('body')
For more info you can follow the cypress blog to interact with iFrame
Your custom command to get the iframe body is fine, you just have the wrong selector for the button.
Since it's a class, you need a . prefix

How to get HTML of each paragraph of a Word document with Office JS

I have MS Word documents where the table of contents, built using title 1 to title 4, is a hierarchy of more than 100 items.
I want to use Office JS to develop an add-in to import these documents in WordPress as a set of Pages with the same hierarchy as one of the tables of contents.
Each WP page would contain the HTML of all the paragraphs contained under each title level.
Looking at the Office JS samples, I have been able to log to the console the outline levels of all paragraphs in the document, but I am stuck with getting the HTML.
I think this is probably because I misunderstand context.sync().
Here is my code:
$("#exportToCMS").click(() => tryCatch(exportToCMS));
function exportToCMS() {
return (context) {
// Create a proxy object for the paragraphs collection
var paragraphs = context.document.body.paragraphs;
// Queue a command to load the outline level property for all of the paragraphs
return context.sync().then(function () {
// Queue a a set of commands to get the HTML of each paragraph.
paragraphs.items.forEach((paragraph) => {
// Queue a command to get the HTML of the paragraph.
var ooxml = paragraph.getOoxml();
return context.sync().then(function () {
/** Default helper for invoking an action and handling errors. */
function tryCatch(callback) {
.catch(function (error) {
If I comment out the line which logs ooxml.value, the script runs fine.
When uncommented, I get an error "Unhandled promise rejection".
Broken promise chains are common when you have a context.sync inside a loop. This is also bad from a performance standpoint. Your first step to fixing your code is to get the context.sync out of the forEach loop by following the guidance in this article: Avoid using the context.sync method in loops.

CodeMirror - AutoComplete "options" not setting right

I am using CodeMirror and attempting to do some CSS styling to the autocomplete pop up. This is a bit difficult, because I need it to not go away when I go to inspect styles and stuff.
So I hunted for a way to do this. I found this code in show-hint.js
if (options.closeOnUnfocus !== false) {
var closingOnBlur;
cm.on("blur", this.onBlur = function () { closingOnBlur = setTimeout(function () { completion.close(); }, 100); });
cm.on("focus", this.onFocus = function () { clearTimeout(closingOnBlur); });
If I comment this out, then the autocomplete pop up does not go away when I click on other things; That's what I wanted. But I thought I would explore this more and try to determine what to do to toggle this on and off at will.
So I wanted to be able to set this closeOnUnfocus option on my own. That seemed simple enough.
I cannot find a way to do this, though. Exploring further I found an example on code mirror's website that demonstrates a way to setup the autocomplete system using the following code;
CodeMirror.commands.autocomplete = function(cm) {
CodeMirror.showHint(cm, CodeMirror.hint.anyword);
Exploring further, show-hint.js starts out with a function called showHint that has this signature;
CodeMirror.showHint = function (cm, getHints, options) {
// We want a single cursor position.
if (cm.somethingSelected()) return;
if (getHints == null) {
if (options && options.async) return;
else getHints =;
if (cm.state.completionActive) cm.state.completionActive.close();
var completion = cm.state.completionActive = new Completion(cm, getHints, options || {});
CodeMirror.signal(cm, "startCompletion", cm);
if (completion.options.async)
getHints(cm, function (hints) { completion.showHints(hints); }, completion.options);
return completion.showHints(getHints(cm, completion.options));
Okay, so it stands to reason that I could accomplish what I want by passing my option through here; like this...
CodeMirror.commands.autocomplete = function (cm) {
CodeMirror.showHint(cm, CodeMirror.hint.anyword, {
closeOnUnfocus: false
But this doesn't work - in fact, it seems that the options just don't get passed at all. If I do a console.log in the show-hint.js, the options are outright ignored. They never get through.
So how can I pass options through? I am very confused.
If you want to change the styles of of the hint menu, just use the provided CSS hooks. There is no need to mess around with the autocomplete handlers. e.g.:
.CodeMirror-hints {
background-color: red;
.CodeMirror-hint {
background-color: green;
.CodeMirror-hint-active {
background-color: blue;
color: yellow;
And here's a live Demo.
I've just started to use Codemirror (v4.1) and I've found the same problem. After checking show-hint.js contents it seems that documentation is not updated.
Try to write this when you want to get the suggestions:
CodeMirror.showHint({hint: CodeMirror.hint.deluge, completeSingle: false, closeOnUnfocus: true});
If you need to use the async mode of getting suggestions (it was my case), now you have to do this before previous snippet:
CodeMirror.hint.deluge.async = true;
Hope this helps!
You can pass the options like this :
CodeMirror.showHint(cm,CodeMirror.hint.anyword,{completeSingle: false,closeOnUnfocus:false});
You can write the code as follows:
CodeMirror.showHint(cm,CodeMirror.hint.deluge,{completeSingle: false});
It's working for me.

Bootboxjs: how to render a Meteor template as dialog body

I have the following template:
<template name="modalTest">
{{session "modalTestNumber"}} <button id="modalTestIncrement">Increment</button>
That session helper simply is a go-between with the Session object. I have that modalTestNumber initialized to 0.
I want this template to be rendered, with all of it's reactivity, into a bootbox modal dialog. I have the following event handler declared for this template:{
'click #modalTestIncrement': function(e, t) {
Session.set('modalTestNumber', Session.get('modalTestNumber') + 1);
Here are all of the things I have tried, and what they result in:
message: Template.modalTest()
This renders the template, which appears more or less like 0 Increment (in a button). However, when I change the Session variable from the console, it doesn't change, and the event handler isn't called when I click the button (the console.log doesn't even happen).
message: Meteor.render(Template.modalTest())
message: Meteor.render(function() { return Template.modalTest(); })
These both do exactly the same thing as the Template call by itself.
message: new Handlebars.SafeString(Template.modalTest())
This just renders the modal body as empty. The modal still pops up though.
message: Meteor.render(new Handlebars.SafeString(Template.modalTest()))
Exactly the same as the Template and pure Meteor.render calls; the template is there, but it has no reactivity or event response.
Is it maybe that I'm using this less packaging of bootstrap rather than a standard package?
How can I get this to render in appropriately reactive Meteor style?
Hacking into Bootbox?
I just tried hacked into the bootbox.js file itself to see if I could take over. I changed things so that at the bootbox.dialog({}) layer I would simply pass the name of the Template I wanted rendered:
// in bootbox.js::exports.dialog
console.log(options.message); // I'm passing the template name now, so this yields 'modalTest'
body.find(".bootbox-body").html(Meteor.render(function() { return Template[options.message](); }));
These two different versions (don't worry they're two different attempts, not at the same time) these both render the template non-reactively, just like they did before.
Will hacking into bootbox make any difference?
Thanks in advance!
I am giving an answer working with the current version of Meteor.
If you want to render a template and keep reactivity, you have to :
Render template in a parent node
Have the parent already in the DOM
So this very short function is the answer to do that :
renderTmp = function (template, data) {
var node = document.createElement("div");
UI.renderWithData(template, data, node);
return node;
In your case, you would do :
message: renderTmp(Template.modalTest)
Answer for Meteor 1.0+:
Use Blaze.render or Blaze.renderWithData to render the template into the bootbox dialog after the bootbox dialog has been created.
function openMyDialog(fs){ // this can be tied to an event handler in another template
<! do some stuff here, like setting the data context !>
title: 'This will populate with content from the "myDialog" template',
message: "<div id='dialogNode'></div>",
buttons: {
do: {
label: "ok",
className: "btn btn-primary",
callback: function() {
<! take some actions !>
This assumes you have a template defined:
<template name="myDialog">
Content for my dialog box
Template.myDialog is created for every template you're using.
$("#dialogNode")[0] selects the DOM node you setup in
message: "<div id='dialogNode'></div>"
Alternatively you can leave message blank and use $(".bootbox-body") to select the parent node.
As you can imagine, this also allows you to change the message section of a bootbox dialog dynamically.
Using the latest version of Meteor, here is a simple way to render a doc into a bootbox
let box = bootbox.dialog({title:'',message:''});
If you want the dialog to be reactive use
let box = bootbox.dialog({title:'',message:''});
Blaze.renderWithData(template,function() {return MyCollection.findOne({_id})},box.find(".modal-body")[0]);
In order to render Meteor templates programmatically while retaining their reactivity you'll want to use Meteor.render(). They address this issue in their docs under templates.
So for your handlers, etc. to work you'd use:
message: Meteor.render(function() { return Template.modalTest(); })
This was a major gotcha for me too!
I see that you were really close with the Meteor.render()'s. Let me know if it still doesn't work.
This works for Meteor
Assuming we have a template called changePassword that has two fields named oldPassword and newPassword, here's some code to pop up a dialog box using the template and then get the results.
title: 'Change Password',
message: '<span/>', // Message can't be empty, but we're going to replace the contents
buttons: {
success: {
label: 'Change',
className: 'btn-primary',
callback: function(event) {
var oldPassword = this.find('input[name=oldPassword]').val();
var newPassword = this.find('input[name=newPassword]').val();
console.log("Change password from " + oldPassword + " to " + newPassword);
return false; // Close the dialog
'Cancel': {
className: 'btn-default'
// .bootbox-body is the parent of the span, so we can replace the contents
// with our template
// Using UI.renderWithData means we can pass data in to the template too.
UI.insert(UI.renderWithData(Template.changePassword, {
name: "Harry"
}), $('.bootbox-body')[0]);

How do I create a paragraph break in Google Form help text?

I've looked on Google's product forums, and I can't find anything. The help text field is designed for brief text, but I want to insert a mulit-paragraph article. Without paragraph breaks, I wind up with a bunch of text that's difficult to read.
This has been bugging me for a long time and I've came up with a not so elegant but efficient solution based on Apps Script. Pavel Agarkov had the same idea! My version also works with multiple occurences and can be re-run if Google Forms removes the line breaks when you edit the text.
When editing a form, open the Script Editor from the main menu.
Create a new script, replace the content with the code below. Save it and return to your form.
Reload the page. You will notice a new option in the main menu, looking like this
That "Scripts" menu was added by our script. Don't use it for now, it won't do much.
When editing content, use fours spaces as a placeholder for line breaks.
Run the script from the Scripts menu. Now celebrate 👯‍♀️
Some things worth noting:
You will get a permission request the first time you run the script. It's ok, read the message and do what you have to do.
Once the line breaks are there, Google Forms, god bless its heart, will remove them every time you edit the field. Mildly infuriating. Just run the script again.
The script you need to use is:
// From
function onOpen() {
var ui = FormApp.getUi();
.addItem('Replace 4+ spaces with line breaks in Title and Description', 'addLineBreaks')
function addLineBreaks() {
var theForm = FormApp.getActiveForm();
var theQuestions = theForm.getItems();
var thePlaceholder = new RegExp(/\s{4,99}|\n/, 'gi');
for (i = 0; i < theQuestions.length; i++) {
var theText = theQuestions[i].getHelpText();
if ( > 0 ) {
theQuestions[i].setHelpText(theText.replace(thePlaceholder,' \n'));
theText = theQuestions[i].getTitle();
if ( > 0 ) {
theQuestions[i].setTitle(theText.replace(thePlaceholder,' \n'));
I found that you can't do it through the editor but it is possible via the script.
Go to main menu -> script editor;
past the following code to the editor;
function addLineBreaks()
var form = FormApp.getActiveForm();
// find form items you need
var questions = form.getItems(FormApp.ItemType.MULTIPLE_CHOICE);
for(i = 0; i < questions.length; i++)
var title = questions[i].getTitle();
// if no replacement has been done yet
if(title.indexOf("\n") < 0)
// this will add line break after <double space> like in markdown
questions[i].setTitle(title.replace(" ", " \n"));
then set up trigger to start this method on form open.
I struggled with this question myself for too long!
However, when you know how its simple:
Go to "Add Item"
Choose "Section Header"
This option allows you to put paragraphed text into your Form.
As of June, 2018, the following work (but only the second option is documented):
Just put new lines in the description and it will be shown in the form - try using two for a paragraph.
If you want a bit more style - add a 'Title and Description' - see the second option in the tool bar showing 'Tᴛ'. The Title will always add extra space (even if it's empty) and will show any title as inverted, larger, text. You can disable the description if you just want a 'heading' followed by questions.
None of the above solutions worked for me, SO I added a unicode character pasted 4 to 5 times and this is how it looks
Sorry for the bad news, but this seems impossible to me.
I found the answer! While in the box into which you are entering text, go to Properties in the Developer tab. You will get a drop-down menu. At the bottom of the menu is "Plain Test Properties" with a check box for "Allow carriage returns (multiple paragraphs).
This is a better solution but based on the above. It allows you to edit the form which amazingly the above solutions don't:
// Version 2020-10-07a: by Dennis Bareis
// Handles "{nl}" in form & question descriptions
// Forms API:
// Based on
// This code #:
// [0] ... -> Script Editor -> Create New Script
// [1] Paste into script editor
// [2] Run onOpen()
// [3] On first run authorise script
// [4] This adds 2 scripts under a new button in the edit form UI
// (to the left of the "Send" button)
// [5] Use "START" before re-editing form
// [6] Use "END" to publish the changes
// 5&6 required as otherwise you end up with "line1Line2Line3" etc
String.prototype.replaceAll = function(search, replacement)
var target = this;
return target.replace(new RegExp(search, 'g'), replacement);
//This doesn't perform the function on open, just adds it to the UI, you run when finished.
function onOpen()
var ui = FormApp.getUi();
.addItem('[1] Prepare for RE-EDITING this form (restore {nl})', 'editFormStart')
.addItem('[2] Publish the form (finished editing, remove {nl})', 'editFormEnd')
function editFormStart()
swapLineBreaks("\n", "{nl}")
function editFormEnd()
swapLineBreaks("{nl}", "\n")
function swapLineBreaks(FromText, ToText)
var form = FormApp.getActiveForm();
// find form items you need
var oForm = FormApp.getActiveForm();
var questions = oForm.getItems();
// Fix the form's description
var formDesc = oForm.getDescription()
oForm.setDescription(formDesc.replaceAll(FromText, ToText))
// Work through each question
for(i = 0; i < questions.length; i++)
//var QTitle = questions[i].getTitle();
//questions[i].setTitle( QTitle.replaceAll(FromText, ToText));
var QText = questions[i].getHelpText();
questions[i].setHelpText(QText.replaceAll(FromText, ToText));
