Is there a way to include an autocorrelation structure in the gam function of mgcv? - r

I am building a model using the mgcv package in r. The data has serial measures (data collected during scans 15 minutes apart in time, but discontinuously, e.g. there might be 5 consecutive scans on one day, and then none until the next day, etc.). The model has a binomial response, a random effect of day, a fixed effect, and three smooth effects. My understanding is that REML is the best fitting method for binomial models, but that this method cannot be specified using the gamm function for a binomial model. Thus, I am using the gam function, to allow for the use of REML fitting. When I fit the model, I am left with residual autocorrelation at a lag of 2 (i.e. at 30 minutes), assessed using ACF and PACF plots.
So, we wanted to include an autocorrelation structure in the model, but my understanding is that only the gamm function and not the gam function allows for the inclusion of such structures. I am wondering if there is anything I am missing and/or if there is a way to deal with autocorrelation with a binomial response variable in a GAMM built in mgcv.
My current model structure looks like:
gam(Response ~
s(Day, bs = "re") +
s(SmoothVar1, bs = "cs") +
s(SmoothVar2, bs = "cs") +
s(SmoothVar3, bs = "cs") +
family=binomial(link="logit"), method = "REML",
data = dat)
I tried thinning my data (using only every 3rd data point from consecutive scans), but found this overly restrictive to allow effects to be detected due to my relatively small sample size (only 42 data points left after thinning).
I also tried using the prior value of the binomial response variable as a factor in the model to account for the autocorrelation. This did appear to resolve the residual autocorrelation (based on the updated ACF/PACF plots), but it doesn't feel like the most elegant way to do so and I worry this added variable might be adjusting for more than just the autocorrelation (though it was not collinear with the other explanatory variables; VIF < 2).

I would use bam() for this. You don't need to have big data to fit a with bam(), you just loose some of the guarantees about convergence that you get with gam(). bam() will fit a GEE-like model with an AR(1) working correlation matrix, but you need to specify the AR parameter via rho. This only works for non-Gaussian families if you also set discrete = TRUE when fitting the model.
You could use gamm() with family = binomial() but this uses PQL to estimate the GLMM version of the GAMM and if your binomial counts are low this method isn't very good.


Optimizing a GAM for Smoothness

I am currently trying to generate a general additive model in R using a response variable and three predictor variables. One of the predictors is linear, and the dataset consists of 298 observations.
I have run the following code to generate a basic GAM:
GAM <- gam(response~ linearpredictor+ s(predictor2) + s(predictor3), data = data[2:5])
This produces a model with 18 degrees of freedom and seems to substantially overfit the data. I'm wondering how I might generate a GAM that maximizes smoothness and predictive error. I realize that each of these features is going to come at the expense of the other, but is there good a way to find the optimal model that doesn't overfit?
Additionally, I need to perform leave one out cross validation (LOOCV), and I am not sure how to make sure that gam() does this in the MGCV package. Any help on either of these problems uld be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
I've run this to generate a GAM, but it overfits the data.
GAM <- gam(response~ linearpredictor+ s(predictor2) + s(predictor3), data = data[2:5])
I have also generated 1,000,000 GAMs with varying combinations of smoothing parameters and ranged the maximum degrees of freedom allowed from 10 (as shown in the code below) to 19. The variable "combinations2" is a list of all 1,000,000 combinations of smoothers I selected. This code is designed to try and balance degrees of freedom and AIC score. It does function, but I'm not sure that I'm actually going to be able to find the optimal model from this. I also cannot tell how to make sure that it uses LOOCV.
BestGAM <- gam(response~ linearpredictor+ predictor2+ predictor3, data = data[2:5])
for(i in 1:100000){
PotentialGAM <- gam(response~ linearpredictor+ s(predictor2) + s(predictor3), data = data[2:5], sp=c(combinations2[i,]$Var1,combinations2[i,]$Var2))
if (AIC(PotentialGAM,BestGAM)$df[1] <= 10 & AIC(PotentialGAM,BestGAM)$AIC[1] < AIC(PotentialGAM,BestGAM)$AIC[2]){
BestGAM <<- PotentialGAM
listNumber <- i
You are fitting your GAM using generalised cross validation (GCV) smoothness selection. GCV is a way to get around the invariance problem of ordinary cross validation (OCV; what you also call LOOCV) when estimating GAMs. Note that GCV is the same as OCV on a rotated version of the fitting problem (rotating y - Xβ by Q, any orthogonal matrix), and while when fitting with GCV {mgcv} doesn't actually need to do the rotation and the expected GCV score isn't affected by the rotation, GCV is just OCV (wood 2017, p. 260)
It has been shown that GCV can undersmooth (resulting in more wiggly models) as the objective function (GCV profile) can become flat around the optimum. Instead it is preferred to estimate GAMs (with penalized smooths) using REML or ML smoothness selection; add method = "REML" (or "ML") to your gam() call.
If the REML or ML fit is as wiggly as the GCV one with your data, then I'd be likely to presume gam() is not overfitting, but that there is something about your response data that hasn't been explained here (are the data ordered in time, for example?)
As to your question
how I might generate a GAM that maximizes smoothness and [minimize?] predictive error,
you are already doing that using GCV smoothness selection and for a particular definition of "smoothness" (in this case it is squared second derivatives of the estimated smooths, integrated over the range of the covariates, and summed over smooths).
If you want GCV but smoother models, you can increase the gamma argument above 1; gamma 1.4 is often used for example, which means that each EDF costs 40% more in the GCV criterion.
FWIW, you can get the LOOCV (OCV) score for your model without actually fitting 288 GAMs through the use of the influence matrix A. Here's a reproducible example using my {gratia} package:
df <- data_sim("eg1", seed = 1)
m <- gam(y ~ s(x0) + s(x1) + s(x2) + s(x3), data = df, method = "REML")
A <- influence(m)
r <- residuals(m, type = "response")
ocv_score <- mean(r^2 / (1 - A))

Longitudinal analysis using sampling weigths in R

I have longitudinal data from two surveys and I want to do a pre-post analysis. Normally, I would use survey::svyglm() or svyVGAM::svy_vglm (for multinomial family) to include sampling weights, but these functions don't account for the random effects. On the other hand, lme4::lmer accounts for the repeated measures, but not the sampling weights.
For continuous outcomes, I understand that I can do
w_data_wide <- svydesign(ids = ~1, data = data_wide, weights = data_wide$weight)
svyglm((post-pre) ~ group, w_data_wide)
and get the same estimates that I would get if I could use lmer(outcome ~ group*time + (1|id), data_long) with weights [please correct me if I'm wrong].
However, for categorical variables, I don't know how to do the analyses. WeMix::mix() has a parameter weights, but I'm not sure if it treats them as sampling weights. Still, this function can't support multinomial family.
So, to resume: can you enlighten me on how to do a pre-post test analysis of categorical outcomes with 2 or more levels? Any tips about packages/functions in R and how to use/write them would be appreciated.
I give below some data sets with binomial and multinomial outcomes:
data_long <- data.table(
data_wide <- dcast(data_long, id~time, value.var = c('outcome1','outcome2','outcome3','group','weight'))[, `:=` (weight_Post = NULL, group_Post = NULL)]
As I said below in the comments, I've been using lmer and glmer with variables used to calculate the weights as predictors. It happens that glmer returns a lot of problems (convergence, high eigenvalues...), so I give another look at #ThomasLumley answer in this post and others ( |
So, my question is now if a can use participants id as clusters in svydesign
w_data_long_cluster <- svydesign(ids = ~id, data = data_long, weights = data_long$weight)
summary(svyglm(factor(outcome1) ~ group*time, w_data_long_cluster, family="quasibinomial"))
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 1.875e+01 1.000e+00 18.746 0.0339 *
groupWoman -1.903e+01 1.536e+00 -12.394 0.0513 .
timePre 5.443e-09 5.443e-09 1.000 0.5000
groupWoman:timePre 2.877e-01 1.143e+00 0.252 0.8431
and still interpret groupWoman:timePre as differences in the average rate of change/improvement in the outcome over time between sex groups, as if I was using mixed models with participants as random effects.
Thank you once again!
A linear model with svyglm does not give the same parameter estimates as lme4::lmer. It does estimate the same parameters as lme4::lmer if the model is correctly specified, though.
Generalised linear models with svyglm or svy_vglm don't estimate the same parameters as lme4::glmer, as you note. However, they do estimate perfectly good regression parameters and if you aren't specifically interested in the variance components or in estimating the realised random effects (BLUPs) I would recommend just using svy_glm.
Another option if you have non-survey software for random effects versions of the models is to use that. If you scale the weights to sum to the sample size and if all the clustering in the design is modelled by random effects in the model, you will get at least a reasonable approximation to valid inference. That's what I've seen recommended for Bayesian survey modelling, for example.

GAM with only Categorical/Logical

I'm currently trying to use a GAM to calculate a rough estimation of expected goals model based purely on the commentary data from ESPN. However, all the data is either a categorical variable or a logical vector, so I'm not sure if there's a way to smooth, or if I should just use the factor names.
Here are my variables:
shot_where (factor): shot location (e.g. right side of the box)
assist_class (factor): type of assist (cross, through ball, pass)
follow_corner (logical): whether the shot follows a corner
shot_with (factor): right foot, left food, header
follow_set_piece (logical): whether the shot follows a set piece
I think I should just use the formula as just the variable names.
model <- bam(is_goal ~ shot_where + assist_class + follow_set_piece + shot_where + follow_corner + shot_where:shot_with, family = "binomial", method = "REML")
The shot_where and shot_with would incorporate any interactions between these two varaibles.
However, I was told I could smooth factor variables as well using the below structure.
model <- bam(is_goal ~ s(shot_where, bs = 'fs') + s(assist_class, bs = 'fs') + as.logical(follow_set_piece) +
as.logical(follow_corner) + s(shot_with, bs = 'fs'), data = model_data, family = "binomial", method = "REML")
This worked for creating a model, but I want to make sure this is a correct method of building the model. I've yet to see any information on using only factor/logical variables in a GAM model, so I thought it was worth asking.
If you only have categorical covariates then you aren't fitting a GAM, whether you fit the model with gam(), bam(), or something else.
What you are doing when you pass factor variables to s() using the fs basis like this
s(f, bs = 'fs')`
is creating a random intercept for each level of the factor f.
There's no smoothing going on here at all; the model is simply exploiting the equivalence of the Bayesian view of smoothing with random effects.
Given that none of your covariates could reasonably be considered random in the sense of a mixed effects model then the only justification for doing what you're doing might be as a computational trick.
Your first model is just a simple GLM (note the typo in the formula as shot_where is repeated twice in the formula.)
It's not clear to me why you are using bam() to fit this model; you're loosing computational efficiency that bam() provides by using method = 'REML'; it should be 'fREML' for bam() models. But as there is no smoothness selection going on in the first model you'd likely be better off using glm() to fit that model. If the issue is large sample sizes, there are several packages that can fit GLMs to large data, for example biglm and it's bigglm() function.
In the second model there is no smoothing going on but there is penalisation which is shrinking the estimates for the random intercepts toward zero. You're likely to get better performance on big data using the lme4 package or TMB and the glmmTMB package to fit what is a GLMM.
This is more of a theoretical question than about R, but let me provide a brief answer. Essentially, the most flexible model you could estimate would be one where you used the variables as factors. It also produces a model that is reasonably easily interpreted - where each coefficient gives you the expected difference in y between the reference level and the level represented by the dummy regressor.
Smoothing splines try to strike the appropriate bias-variance tradeoff. If you've got lots of data and relatively few categories in the categorical variables, there will be no real loss in efficiency for including all of the dummy regressors representing the categories and the bias will also be as small as possible. To the extent that the smoothing spline model is different from the one treating everything as factors, it is likely inducing bias without a corresponding increase in efficiency. If it were me, I would stick with a model that treats all of the categorical variables as factors.

How to deal with spatially autocorrelated residuals in GLMM

I am conducting an analysis of where on the landscape a predator encounters potential prey. My response data is binary with an Encounter location = 1 and a Random location = 0 and my independent variables are continuous but have been rescaled.
I originally used a GLM structure
glm_global <- glm(Encounter ~ Dist_water_cs+coverMN_cs+I(coverMN_cs^2)+
data=Data_scaled, family=binomial)
but realized that this failed to account for potential spatial-autocorrelation in the data (a spline correlogram showed high residual correlation up to ~1000m).
Correlog_glm_global <- spline.correlog (x = Data_scaled[, "Y"],
y = Data_scaled[, "X"],
z = residuals(glm_global,
type = "pearson"), xmax = 1000)
I attempted to account for this by implementing a GLMM (in lme4) with the predator group as the random effect.
glmm_global <- glmer(Encounter ~ Dist_water_cs+coverMN_cs+I(coverMN_cs^2)+
data=Data_scaled, family=binomial)
When comparing AIC of the global GLMM (1144.7) to the global GLM (1149.2) I get a Delta AIC value >2 which suggests that the GLMM fits the data better. However I am still getting essentially the same correlation in the residuals, as shown on the spline correlogram for the GLMM model).
Correlog_glmm_global <- spline.correlog (x = Data_scaled[, "Y"],
y = Data_scaled[, "X"],
z = residuals(glmm_global,
type = "pearson"), xmax = 10000)
I also tried explicitly including the Lat*Long of all the locations as an independent variable but results are the same.
After reading up on options, I tried running Generalized Estimating Equations (GEEs) in “geepack” thinking this would allow me more flexibility with regards to explicitly defining the correlation structure (as in GLS models for normally distributed response data) instead of being limited to compound symmetry (which is what we get with GLMM). However I realized that my data still demanded the use of compound symmetry (or “exchangeable” in geepack) since I didn’t have temporal sequence in the data. When I ran the global model
gee_global <- geeglm(Encounter ~ Dist_water_cs+coverMN_cs+I(coverMN_cs^2)+
id=Pride, corstr="exchangeable", data=Data_scaled, family=binomial)
(using scaled or unscaled data made no difference so this is with scaled data for consistency)
suddenly none of my covariates were significant. However, being a novice with GEE modelling I don’t know a) if this is a valid approach for this data or b) whether this has even accounted for the residual autocorrelation that has been evident throughout.
I would be most appreciative for some constructive feedback as to 1) which direction to go once I realized that the GLMM model (with predator group as a random effect) still showed spatially autocorrelated Pearson residuals (up to ~1000m), 2) if indeed GEE models make sense at this point and 3) if I have missed something in my GEE modelling. Many thanks.
Taking the spatial autocorrelation into account in your model can be done is many ways. I will restrain my response to R main packages that deal with random effects.
First, you could go with the package nlme, and specify a correlation structure in your residuals (many are available : corGaus, corLin, CorSpher ...). You should try many of them and keep the best model. In this case the spatial autocorrelation in considered as continous and could be approximated by a global function.
Second, you could go with the package mgcv, and add a bivariate spline (spatial coordinates) to your model. This way, you could capture a spatial pattern and even map it. In a strict sens, this method doesn't take into account the spatial autocorrelation, but it may solve the problem. If the space is discret in your case, you could go with a random markov field smooth. This website is very helpfull to find some examples :
Third, you could go with the package brms. This allows you to specify very complex models with other correlation structure in your residuals (CAR and SAR). The package use a bayesian approach.
I hope this help. Good luck

R vs. SPSS mixed model repeated measures code [from Cross Validated]

NOTE: This question was originally posted on Cross Validated, where it was suggested that it should be asked in StackOverflow instead.
I am trying to model a 3-way repeated measures experiment, FixedFactorA * FixedFactorB * Time[days]. There are no missing observations, but my groups (FactorA * FactorB) are unequal (close, but not completely balanced). From reading online, the best way to model a repeated measures experiment in which observation order matters (due to the response mean and variance changing in a time-dependent way) and for unequal groups is to use a mixed model and specify an appropriate covariance structure. However, I am new to the idea of mixed models and I am confused as to whether I am using the correct syntax to model what I am trying to model.
I would like to do a full factorial analysis, such that I could detect significant time * factor interactions. For example, for subjects with FactorA = 1, their responses over time might have a different slope and/or intercept than subjects with FactorA =2. I also want to be able to check whether certain combinations of FactorA and FactorB have significantly different responses over time (hence the full three-way interaction term).
From reading online, it seems like AR1 is a reasonable covariance structure for longitudinal-like data, so I decided to try that. Also, I saw that one is supposed to use ML if one plans to compare two different models, so I chose that approach in anticipation of needing to fine-tune the model. It is also my understanding that the goal is to minimize the AIC during model selection.
This is the code in the log for what I tried in SPSS (for long-form data), which yielded an AIC of 2471:
/FIXED=FactorA FactorB Day FactorA*FactorB FactorA*Day FactorB*Day FactorA*FactorB*Day | SSTYPE(3)
This is what I tried in R, which yielded an AIC of 2156:
#output error fix:
ctrl <- lmeControl(opt='optim') #I used this b/c otherwise I get the iteration limit reached error
fit1 <- lme(RESPONSE ~ Day*FactorA*FactorB, random = ~ Day|Subject_ID, control=ctrl,
correlation=corAR1(form=~Day), data, method="ML")
These are my questions:
The SPSS code above yielded a model with AIC = 2471, while the R code yielded a model with AIC = 2156. What is it about the codes that makes the models different?
From what I described above, are either of these models appropriate for what I am trying to test? If not, what would be a better way, and how would I do it in both programs to get the same results?
Another thing to note is that I didn't dummy-code my factors. I don't know if this is a problem for either software, or if the built-in coding is different in SPSS vs R. I also don't know if this will be a problem for my three-way interaction term.
Also, when I say "factor", I mean an unchanging group or characteristic (like "sex").
Start with an unconditional model, one with an identity variance-covariance structure at level-1 and one with an AR(1) var-covar structure at level 1:
unconditional.identity<-lme(RESPONSE~Day, random=~Day|Subject_ID, data=data, method='ML')
unconditional.ar1<-lme(RESPONSE~Day, random=~Day|Subject_ID, correlation=corAR1(form=~Day), data=data, method='ML')
Find the intra-class correlation coefficient of this unconditional model, which is the level-2 error divided by the sum of level-1 and level-2 errors. This is probably easier in a spreadsheet program, but in R:
It depends on your field, but in educational research, an ICC below 0.2, definitely below 0.1, is considered not ready for hierarchical linear models. That is to say, multiple regression would be better because the assumption of independence is confirmed. If your ICC is below a cutoff for your field, then do not use a hierarchical longitudinal model.
If your ICC is acceptable for hierarchical linear models, then add in your control grouping variable with identity and AR(1) var-covar matrix:
conditional1.identity<-lme(RESPONSE~Day+Group, random=~Day+Group|Subject_ID, data=data, method='ML')
conditional1.ar1<-lme(RESPONSE~Day+Group, random=~Day+Group|Subject_ID, correlation=corAR1(form=~Day), data=data, method='ML')
If your factors are time-invariant (which you said on Cross Validated), then your model gets bigger because time and group are nested in these fixed effects:
conditional2.identity<-lme(RESPONSE~Day+Group+FactorA+FactorB+FactorA*Day+FactorB*Day+FactorA*Group+FactorB*Group+FactorB, random=~Day+Group|Subject_ID, data=data, method='ML')
conditional2.ar1<-lme(Day+Group+FactorA+FactorB+FactorA*Day+FactorB*Day+FactorA*Group+FactorB*Group+FactorB, random=~Day+Group|Subject_ID, correlation=corAR1(form=~Day), data=data, method='ML')
You can get confidence intervals on the coefficients with intervals() or p-values with summary(). Remember, lme reports error terms in standard deviation format.
I do not know your area of study, so I can't say if your three-way interaction effect makes theoretical sense. But your model is getting quite dense at this point. The more parameters you estimate, the more degrees of freedom the model has when you compare them, so the statistical significance will be biased. If you are really interested in a three-way interaction effect, I suggest you consider the theoretical meaning of such an interaction and what it would mean if such an interaction did occur. Nonetheless, you can estimate it by adding it to the code above:
conditional3.identity<-lme(RESPONSE~Day+Group+FactorA+FactorB+FactorA*Day+FactorB*Day+FactorA*Group+FactorB*Group+FactorB+Day*FactorA*FactorB, random=~Day+Group|Subject_ID, data=data, method='ML')
conditional3.ar1<-lme(Day+Group+FactorA+FactorB+FactorA*Day+FactorB*Day+FactorA*Group+FactorB*Group+FactorB+Day*FactorA*FactorB, random=~Day+Group|Subject_ID, correlation=corAR1(form=~Day), data=data, method='ML')
Finally, compare the nested models:
Like I said, the more parameters you estimate, the more biased your statistical significance will be: i.e., more parameters = more degrees of freedom = less chance of a statistically significant model.
HOWEVER, the best part about multi-level models is comparing effect sizes, so then you don't have to worry about p-values at all. Effect sizes are in the form of a "proportional reduction in variance explained."
This is comparing models. For example, to comapre the proportional reduction in variance explained in level 1 from the unconditional model to the conditional1 model:
(intervals(unconditional.identity)$sigma[2]^2 - intervals(conditional1.identity)$sigma[2]^2) / intervals(unconditional.identity)$sigma[2]^2
Hopefully you can "plug and play" the same code for the number of level-2 error terms you have (which is more than one in some of your cases). Make sure to compare only nested models in this way.
