Recompile aspnetcore from official sources - .net-core

I want to recompile aspnetcore from official sources.
Here is what I've done:
$ git clone
$ cd aspnetcore
$ ./
$ cd eng
$ ./
I have a lot of dll's in artifacts subdirectory.
Now, what am I supposed to do with this dlls ?
I have create before a blazer server project, in an empty directory with this command:
$ dotnet new blazorserver
I have try to add a reference to some dlls in previous artifcats subfolder; but the project does not work with my custom compiled version of aspnetcore.
I can see an existing dependency: Microsoft.AspnetCore.App. But I can't remove it.
My question is: how can I create a blazorserver project which work with a custom compiled version of aspnetcore ?


Dotnet core issue

I have faced with a problem in my dotnet api project .
I have project.csproj file but still this error while dotnet run command.
Couldn't find a project to run. Ensure the project exists in path.
I build the project via (dotne new project -o Myproject -n Myproject )
Command I don't know what is wrong please help me out of the problem.
you need to add Template and lang
(Template options)
check this here!

How to fix the error: No executable found matching command "dotnet-install"

I installed the dotnetcore 2.1.0-preview1-final and running the following command to install the certs.
dotnet install tool dotnet-dev-certs -g --version 2.1.0-preview1-final
But I get the error:
No executable found matching command "dotnet-install"
What should I do to fix this?
Before the release of 2.1.0 SDK - the one that introduce the tool feature - the dotnet install tool command was changed to dotnet tool install.
In fact, the current guideline is that all commands should be of the form:
$ dotnet [context] [action]
So, for example:
$ dotnet tool install
$ dotnet new console
$ dotnet sln add ...
$ dotnet sln remove ...
The only context that is implicit is "project", because of historical reasons. In the future, the following might work:
$ dotnet project restore
$ dotnet project build
See the official guidelines for more information on the current designs of commands.

runtime folder with dotnet core application

If I create a net core 2 console app and get it to reference another project e.g. MyLibrary.csproj
This (MyLibrary.csproj) is a net core class library
If I run dotnet publish -c release --output test1
then in the output folder their is a runtime folder present
I have not found anywhere that describes this folders purpose.
Any one have a link?
Also do I need to copy this as part of my deployment?
The example I have has a reference to System.Data.SqlClient.dll which is present in the root publish folder(test1) so why does it need to get it from the runtime folder when I try to run via dotnet my.dll?
From the docs (
dotnet publish - Packs the application and its dependencies into a folder for deployment to a hosting system.

Creating a class library in visual studio code

It might be a silly question, Let's say I don't have a Windows OS, have a Linux. I have created a .Net core console app, also want to create a class library and reference it in console app. I can't find if i am able to do it also couldn't find a sample on Microsoft .Net core page.
Is there an extension in vs code? Or isn't it possible with it?
If i am mistaken could you please guide me?
The best way to do it is from the console, since you are using the latest supported templates this way. VSCode also has an integrated terminal you can use for this.
$ dotnet new lib -o MyLib
$ dotnet new sln #assuming there is no .sln file yet. if there is, skip this
$ dotnet sln add MyLib/MyLib.csproj
$ cd MyConsoleApp
$ dotnet add reference ../MyLib/MyLib.csproj
If you need different frameworks, you can use the -f argument:
$ dotnet new lib -o MyLib -f netcoreapp2.0
or manually change the <TargetFramework> element inside the generated .csproj file.

Symfony framework on Cloud9

Is there a way to setup a Symfony project on Cloud9?
I found some articles on creating Yii projects this way, but nothing on Symfony.
Here you have the answer.
I already create one.
Note : I assume you are currently on an empty project/repository.
Run the following commands :
Download the composer.phar executable : $ curl -sS | php
Create the project on the current folder : $ php composer.phar create-project symfony/framework-standard-edition projectName/
External links :
The Symfony Book
Composer project on github
