Empirical Cumulative Density Function - R software - r

I have a problem with plotting ECDF. I try to reverse the x axis value like 1-(the function).
Because I wanna have smaller in the beginning of the graph and decreasing like in my reference graph.
ts <- data.frame(dat91,dat92,dat93,dat94,dat95,dat96,dat97,
tsclean <- na.omit(ts)
ggplot(tsclean, aes(tsclean$dat91)) +
stat_ecdf(geom = "step")
This graph what i have, but i wanna duplicate like the reference
ts <- data.frame(dat91,dat92,dat93,dat94,dat95,dat96,dat97,
tsclean <- na.omit(ts)

I think the graph you're looking for is called an "exceedance" graph. A web search finds some resources; try a web search for "R exceedance graph".
EDIT: This is more suitable as a comment than an answer, but my web browser is being unhelpful at the moment; sorry for the distraction.


Is there a way to add species to an ISOMAP plot in R?

I am using the isomap-function from vegan package in R to analyse community data of epiphytic mosses and lichens. I started analysing the data using NMDS but due to the structure of the data ran into problems which is why I switched to ISOMAP which works perfectly well and returns very nice results. So far so good... However, the output of the function does not support plotting of species within the ISOMAP plot as species scores are not available. Anyway, I would really like to add species information to enhance the interpretability of the output.
Does anyone of you has a solution or hint to this problem? Is there a way to add species kind of post hoc to the plot as it can be done with environmental data?
I would greatly appreciate any help on this topic!
Thank you and best regards,
No, there is no function to add species scores to isomap. It would look like this:
`sppscores<-.isomap` <-
function(object, value)
value <- scale(value, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
v <- crossprod(value, object$points)
attr(v, "data") <- deparse(substitute(value))
object$species <- v
Or alternatively:
`sppscores<-.isomap` <-
function(object, value)
wa <- vegan::wascores(object$points, value, expand = TRUE)
attr(wa, "data") <- deparse(substitute(value))
object$species <- wa
If ord is your isomap result and comm are your community data, you can use these as:
sppscores(ord) <- comm # either alternative
I have no idea (yet) which of these alternatives is more correct. The first adds species scores as vectors of their linear increase, the second as their weighted averages in ordination space, but expanded so that we allow some species be more extreme than the site units where they occur.
These will add new element species to the result object ord. However, using these in vegan would need more coding, but you can extract the species scores with vegan::scores, but their scaling is based on the original scale of community data, and may be badly scaled with respect to points of site units, and working on this would require more work. However, you can plot them separately, or then multiply with a constant giving similar scaling as site unit scores.
sp <- scores(ord, display="species", choices=1:2)
plot(sp, type = "n", asp = 1) # does not allow plotting text
text(sp, labels = rownames(sp)) # so we must add text

R - plotting points on the same plot in for loop

lambda <- runif(10,min=0,max=3)
for (i in 1:10){
N <- rpois(i,mean(lambda))
Hi all, this is a really simple R code block I have here. I am basically trying to create a plot where I can see how the mean of the poisson distribution is changing as I increase its iteration using the rpois function. I would like to post these values (mean(N)) all on the same graph so I can see the change but I am not quite sure how to do that.
I have been googling a lot and I came across qqplot or so but I just started using R few days ago and I have having a lot of trouble.
Any insights would be helpful
You can use the points function once a plot has been called:
lambda <- runif(10,min=0,max=3)
## First plot
N <- rpois(1,mean(lambda))
plot(1,mean(N), xlim = c(1,10))
## Subsequent points
for (i in 2:10){
N <- rpois(i,mean(lambda))

Plotting Timeseries Julia

I have a problem working with plotting time series in Julia.
I am currently using v. 0.6 and the following minimal example
using TimeSeries
using MarketData
results in the errormessage:
ArgumentError: Millisecond: 63082540800000 out of range (0:999)
Please help
Thanks a lot!
Seems like a bug.
For now, you can get a decent plot by converting to Float and treating the Dates as labels though:
using TimeSeries, MarketData, PyPlot
O = ohlcv["Open"];
Timestamps = [Float64(t) for t in O.timestamp];
Timestamplabels = [string(t) for t in O.timestamp];
plot(Timestamps, O.values);
xticks(Timestamps[1:div(end,4):end], Timestamplabels[1:div(end,4):end]);
PS. You didn't specify what plot backend you're using, so I assumed PyPlot for this example. Your xtick method may vary for other backends (e.g. xticks! for Plots.jl)
This was a 0.6-related bug in Plots - it is fixed now, and the code in the original question works again.
Temporal is another time series package that has plotting functionality. (It integrates with the Plots package using RecipesBase). Some example usage below:
using Temporal
X = quandl("CHRIS/CME_CL1") # get historical crude oil prices
x = X["2015/", :Settle] # get the settle prices from 2015 onward
using Plots
using Indicators
m = mama(x) # mesa adaptive moving average

Stacked bar in R

I have a table exported in csv from PostgreSQL and I'd like to create a stacked bar graph in R. It's my first project in R.
Here's my data and what I want to do:
It the quality of the feeder bus service for a certain provider in the area. For each user of the train, we assign a service quality based of synchronization between the bus and the train at the train stations and calculate the percentage of user that have a ideal or very good service, a correct service, a deficient service or no service at all (linked to that question in gis.stackexchange)
So, It's like to use my first column as my x-axis labels and my headers as my categories. The data is already normalized to 100% for each row.
In Excel, it's a couple of clicks and I wouldn't mind typing a couple of line of codes since it's the final result of an already quite long plpgsql script... I'd prefer to continue to code instead of moving to Excel (I also have dozens of those to do).
So, I tried to create a stacked bar using the examples in Nathan Yau's "Visualize This" and the book "R in Action" and wasn't quite successful. Normally, their examples use data that they aggregate with R and use that. Mine is already aggregated.
So, I've finally come up with something that works in R:
but I had to transform my data quite a bit:
I had to transpose my table and remove my now-row (ex-column) identifier.
Here's my code:
# load libraries
# load data
stl <- read.csv("D:/TEMP/rabat/_stl_rabattement_stats_mtl.csv", sep=";", header=TRUE)
# reshape for plotting
stl_matrix <- as.matrix(stl)
# make a quick plot
barplot(stl_matrix, border=NA, space=0.1, ylim=c(0, 100), xlab="Trains", ylab="%",
main="Qualité du rabattement, STL", las = 3)
Is there any way that I could use my original csv and have the same result?
I'm a little lost here...
Try the ggplot2 and reshape library. You should be able to get the chart you want with
stl$train_order <- as.numeric(rownames(stl))
stl.r <- melt(stl, id.vars = c("train_no", "train_order"))
stl.r$train_no <- factor(
levels = stl$train_no[order(stl$train_order)])
ggplot(stl.r, aes(x = factor(train_no), y = value, fill = variable)) + geom_bar(stat = 'identity')
It appears that you transposed the matrix manually. This can be done in R with the t() function.
Add the following line after the as.matrix(stl) line:
stl_matrix <- t(stl_matrix)

R, graph of binomial distribution

I have to write own function to draw the density function of binomial distribution and hence draw
appropriate graph when n = 20 and p = 0.1,0.2,...,0.9. Also i need to comments on the graphs.
I tried this ;
graph <- function(n,p){
x <- dbinom(0:n,size=n,prob=p)
My first question : is there any way so that i don't need to write down the line graph(20,p) several times except using scan()?
My second question :
I want to see the graph in one device or want to hit ENTER to see the next graph. I wrote
but the graph is too tiny. How can i present the graphs nicely with giving head line n=20 and p=the value which i used to draw the graph?[though it can be done by writing mtext() after calling the function graphbut doing so i have to write a similar line few times. So i want to do this including in function graph. ]
My last question :
About comment. The graphs are showing that as the probability of success ,p is increasing the graph is tending to right, that is , the graph is right skewed.
Is there any way to comment on the graph using program?
Here a job of mapply since you loop over 2 variables.
graph <- function(n,p){
x <- dbinom(0:n,size=n,prob=p)
main=sprintf(paste('bin. dist. ',n,p,sep=':')))
Plotting base graphics is one of the times you often want to use a for loop. The reason is because most of the plotting functions return an object invisibly, but you're not interested in these; all you want is the side-effect of plotting. A loop ignores the returned obects, whereas the *apply family will waste effort collecting and returning them.
par(mfrow=c(2, 5))
for(p in seq(0.1, 1, len=10))
x <- dbinom(0:20, size=20, p=p)
barplot(x, names.arg=0:20, space=0)
