I received the task to make some kind of redirection or forwarding to an url containing a form.
The thing is:
The form will be autofilled with the info that i send to it in the request body as a json object.
I'm not supossed to call post with a form formatted body because the form has more inputs that will be requested during the visit to that form.
When I test that url through an api client (for convenience on testing the endpoint) the webpage text is correctly downloaded although I must do this through a proper browser.
The techs through I must work this are the tagged ones (spring,jsp or thymeleaf) but I would appreciate generic advice.
I've been reading about general GET and POST redirects.
Spring, redirect to external url using POST
RequestDispatcher.forward() vs HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect()
In one of my application, I need to send the HTML (generated by user by using rich-text editor) to the server. This HTML needs to go along with an attachment. So, I am sending the HTML string along with a attachment in the form data of a multipart request.
This works fine technically. However, when I shipped the code to production, the REST API started throwing 403. Further analysis revealed that the REST call was blocked by the AWS WAF policies applied on the Production's API gateway. The WAF cited the following rule to block the request.
My question is, Is there a secured way of sending the HTML content in the POST body that will avoid violating this error.
I tried searching for this but could not find any reliable content. Any suggestions/documentation would really help me here.
I have a Node server that serves a HTML form. The HTML file submits a HTTP post request to the server, before the server extracts the information. Currently, the server assumes the post request comes from the form. If I was to make a request from Postman, with a different body, the server runs into issues as particular fields are not present.
I was about to add a server function that first parses the request's body, to make sure all fields exist before anything is done. This seems like a good idea to do anyway, but I was wondering if any other steps can be done first to validate the request, before the server parses the body as a secondary check.
My ideas: Have the HTML file add a particular header to the request, which is checked by the server. I know that someone could easily copy this, but I believe this would easily deal with bots making random requests. Any other ideas?
I am developing a web scraper and I need to download a .pdf file from a page. I can get the file name from the html tag, but can't find the complete url (or request body) that downloads the file.
I have tried to sniff the traffic with the chrome and firefox network traffic tool and with wireshark, with no success. I can see it make a post request to the exact same url as the page itself, and so I can't understand why this happens. My guess is that the filename is being sent inside the POST request body, but I also can't find that information in those tools. If I could see the variable name in the body, I could create a copy of the request and then get the file.
How can I get that information?
Here is the website I am talking about: http://www2.trt8.jus.br/consultaprocesso/formulario/ProcessoConjulgado.aspx?sDsTelaOrigem=ListarProcessos.aspx&iNrInstancia=1&sFlTipo=T&iNrProcessoVaraUnica=126&iNrProcessoUnica=1267&iNrProcessoAnoUnica=2010&iNrRegiaoUnica=8&iNrJusticaUnica=5&iNrDigitoUnica=24&iNrProcesso=1267&iNrProcessoAno=2010&iNrProcesso2a=0&iNrProcessoAno2a=0
EDIT: for those seeking to do something similar, take a look at this website: http://curl.trillworks.com/
It converts a cURL to a python requests code. Very useful
The POST data used for the request is encoded content generated by ASP.NET. It contains various state/session information of the page that the link is on. This makes it difficult to directly scrape for the URL.
You can examine the HAR by exporting it from the Network tab in Chrome DevTools:
The __EVENTVALIDATION data is used to ensure events raised on the client originate from the controls rendered on the page from the server.
You might be able to achieve what you want by requesting the page the link is on first, then extract the required POST data from the response (containing the page state and embedded request for file), and then make a new request with this information. This assumes the server doesn't expire any sessions in the meantime.
I'm trying to manipulate a .net ASP form on a site that's using AJAX Control Toolkit. The site is only accessible to valid logins, and I do have a valid account. It consists of a search page with a form. Each time a submit button is clicked on the form, the server is updated using the values of some text fields on the form, and then the VIEWSTATE and EVENTVALIDATION tokens will be updated based on the response from the server, ready for the next request.
I'm using HttpClient in Java to do this. I suspect there's something I'm not doing correctly with regard to interacting with ASPX forms in general.
When I hit the main search page for the first time (cookies are validating my login with the server), I get the HTML for the search page back. I extract the VIEWSTATE and EVENTVALIDATION tokens for the next request. I've examined the exact form fields and their values that need to be sent to the server in a POST by looking at the Chrome debugger utility after making a request on the site manually. I've replicated them exactly as they should be, inserting the VIEWSTATE and EVENTVALIDATION appropriately.
But the response I get back from the server is not what it should be. What I get back is just the same HTML for the main search page that I get the first time I hit the webpage. The form data I'm using looks like this:
__VIEWSTATE:<token extracted from first page hit>
__EVENTVALIDATION:<token extracted from first page hit>
I've also tried replicating the headers that the Chrome debugger shows, so my request is including the same Content-Type, Host, Origin, Referer, User-Agent (for my browser) and every other header, including this header X-MicrosoftAjax: Delta=true.
I know there's a lot of moving parts here, but I intentionally haven't mentioned how I'm actually making the POST request with the HttpClient lib because I'd don't want to complicate the question anymore or alienate anyone who doesn't know Java but knows ASP. I'd like to know if there's an ASP issue I'm not addressing, but I can post the Java code is necessary.
I've checked the debugging info that HttpClient is outputting just before sending the request, and the form data is being added properly as multi-part form data. The headers are all there too.
This answer is a long shot, but I've seen weirder things.
You mention this header:
X-MicrosoftAjax: Delta=true
I did some deep googling and found that this is often shown as all lower case in dumps of Ajax and UpdatePanel POST requests:
x-microsoftajax: Delta=true
See here and here.
Could it be as simple as not casing the header correctly?
I eventually got this working. The problem was not specific to ASP in general, it was actually a problem with how Java (specifically HttpClient) was sending the request. I was using HttpClient to compile the request using multi-part form, but after using Fiddler to analyse and compare the requests (see the edited part of this question for more details on that) sent from both my application and the actual webpage, my app request was structured very differently.
The real website request had the form options embedded in the request body in what looked like a URL encoded query string. My request was a series of entries in the request body where each option was wrapped in the Content-Type and Content-Disposition headers. The requests succeeded after changing the POST to add the parameters like:
request.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(paramList));
I searched google for a good number of hours. Maybe I searched for the wrong keywords.
Here is what I want to do.
I'm posting data to a website which then makes a HTTP POST request and returns a .CGI webpage. I want to know the parameters the web page uses to send that HTTP POST request so that I can directly link a page from my Webpage to the final .CGI webpage by making the user enter the data on my own webpage.
How do I achieve it?
Usually the POST body is piped into STDIN, just read it as a normal file