With Strapi 4 how can I get each users music events - next.js

I'm using strapi 4 with nextjs.
In the app strapi holds music events for each user and each user should be able add and retrieve there own music events.
I am having trouble retrieving
each users music events from strapi 4
I have a custom route and custom controller
The custom route is in a file called custom-event.js and works ok it is as follows:
module.exports = {
routes: [
method: 'GET',
path: '/events/me',
handler: 'custom-controller.me',
config: {
me: {
auth: true,
policies: [],
middlewares: [],
The controller id a file called custom-controller.js and is as follows:
module.exports = createCoreController(modelUid, ({strapi }) => ({
async me(ctx) {
try {
const user = ctx.state.user;
if (!user) {
return ctx.badRequest(null, [
{messages: [{ id: 'No authorization header was found'}]}
// The line below works ok
console.log('user', user);
// The problem seems to be the line below
const data = await strapi.services.events.find({ user: user.id})
// This line does not show at all
console.log('data', data);
if (!data) {
return ctx.notFound()
return sanitizeEntity(data, { model: strapi.models.events })
} catch(err) {
ctx.body = err
Note there are two console.logs the first console.log works it outputs the user info
The second console.log outputs the data it does not show at all. The result I get back
using insomnia is a 200 status and an empty object {}
The following line in the custom-controller.js seems to be where the problem lies it works for strapi 3 but does not seem to work for strapi 4
const data = await strapi.services.events.find({ user: user.id})

After struggling for long time, days infact, I eventually got it working. Below is the code I came up with. I found I needed two queries to the database, because I could not get the events to populate the images with one query. So I got the event ids and then used the event ids in a events query to get the events and images.
Heres the code below:
const utils = require('#strapi/utils')
const { sanitize } = utils
const { createCoreController } = require("#strapi/strapi").factories;
const modelUid = "api::event.event"
module.exports = createCoreController(modelUid, ({strapi }) => ({
async me(ctx) {
try {
const user = ctx.state.user;
if (!user) {
return ctx.badRequest(null, [
{messages: [{ id: 'No authorization header was found'}]}
// Get event ids
const events = await strapi
where: {
id: user.id
populate: {
events: { select: 'id'}
if (!events) {
return ctx.notFound()
// Get the events into a format for the query
const newEvents = events[0].events.map(evt => ({ id: { $eq: evt.id}}))
// use the newly formatted newEvents in a query to get the users
// events and images
const eventsAndMedia = await strapi.db.query(modelUid).findMany({
where: {
$or: newEvents
populate: {image: true}
return sanitize.contentAPI.output(eventsAndMedia,
} catch(err) {
return ctx.internalServerError(err.message)


Generate paginated URLs like ?page=2, ?page=3 etc. in NextJS getStaticPaths and access the query params in getStaticProps

I am building a NextJS based site with multiple locales (different domains) where the data comes from storyblok CMS (folder level translation).
I am trying to figure out the best approach to statically generate the paginated URLs for the blog and since the data is known at build time, I figured the best approach would be to generate all URLs in getStaticPaths and then fetch the data for each Page in getStaticProps. This works fine for routes without parameters but when returning a page parameter along with the slug parameter in getStaticPaths, I cannot access it in getStaticProps.
I know that query params cannot be accessed in getStaticPaths because we cannot know the custom querys at buildtime, but in this specific case, we actually can since these paths are generated in getStaticProps.
import {
} from "#storyblok/react";
export default function Page({
}) {
story = useStoryblokState(story, {
// language: locale,
return (
export async function getStaticProps({
}) {
console.log(params.slug); // This logs the slug
console.log(params.page); // This logs undefined
console.log(params.query.page); // This logs undefined
// Empty slug on front page
// Make sure root element page pr folder are selected in storyblok
let slug = params.slug ? params.slug.join("/") : "";
let sbParams = {
version: "draft",
resolve_relations: relationsResolvers,
language: locale,
let { data } = await getStoryblokApi().get(
let sbIndexParams = {
version: "draft",
resolve_relations: relationsResolvers,
per_page: 10,
page: params.page || 1,
starts_with: `${locale}/${slug}`,
sort_by: "first_published_at:desc",
language: locale,
filter_query: {
component: {
in: "page,post,case,template",
/* fetch an array of stories if page is startpage */
let storiesData = null;
if (data.story.is_startpage) {
storiesData = await getStoryblokApi().get(`cdn/stories`, sbIndexParams);
return {
props: {
story: data ? data.story : false,
key: data ? data.story.id : false,
data.story.is_startpage && storiesData
? storiesData.data.stories
.filter((story) => story.is_startpage == false)
.map((story) => {
return {
name: story.name,
created_at: story.created_at,
published_at: story.published_at,
id: story.id,
uuid: story.uuid,
slug: story.slug,
full_slug: story.full_slug,
is_startpage: story.is_startpage,
content: {
cover: story.content.cover ?? null,
cover_image: story.content.cover_image ?? null,
author: story.content.author ?? null,
category: story.content.category ?? null,
: false,
revalidate: 3600,
export async function getStaticPaths({ locales }) {
let { data } = await getStoryblokApi().get("cdn/links/", {
is_folder: false,
filter_query: {
component: {
in: "page,post,case,template",
let paths = [];
Object.keys(data.links).forEach((linkKey) => {
if (data.links[linkKey].is_folder) {
// get array for slug because of catch all
const slug = data.links[linkKey].slug;
let splittedSlug = slug.split("/");
const linkLocale = splittedSlug[0];
if (splittedSlug == "") splittedSlug = false;
// create additional languages
for (const locale of locales) {
if (linkLocale === locale) {
paths.push({ params: { slug: splittedSlug }, locale });
// pagination route generation on custom post types like posts and cases
const per_page = 10;
const startPagesArr = Object.values(data.links)
.map((obj) => obj)
.filter((obj) => obj.is_startpage == true)
.filter((obj) => obj.slug.split("/").length > 2);
// make a loop that loops through all startpages and fetches all stories that are children of that startpage
for (const startPage of startPagesArr) {
let res = await getStoryblokApi().get("cdn/links/", {
is_folder: false,
starts_with: startPage.slug,
paginated: 1,
page: 1,
per_page: per_page,
sort_by: "first_published_at:desc",
filter_query: {
component: {
in: "post,case,template",
let totalPages = Math.ceil(res.total / per_page);
let splittedSlug = startPage.slug.split("/");
const linkLocale = splittedSlug[0];
if (splittedSlug == "") splittedSlug = false;
// ... Loop through locales and push the paginated pages to the paths Array
for (const locale of locales) {
if (linkLocale === locale) {
for (let i = 2; i <= totalPages; i++) {
params: {
slug: splittedSlug, // this is passed to the getStaticProps function
page: i, //this is not passed to the getStaticProps function
return {
paths: paths,
fallback: false,
Accessing the page query param in getStaticProps would solve the problem since I can pass that value to the API request and get the right blogposts to display on the right paginated pages.
Fetching data directly in the component is not preferable for SEO reasons since it will be client-side JS.
All the logic is for the whole site is in the pages/[[...slug.jsx]] file since there are multiple locales, but would it make sense to split it up so I have a dynamic file for the blog itself (across locales)?
I have tried returning the page query param in several different ways, but getStaticProps will only see the param that matches the filename (ex. params.slug will be accessible because the file is called [[...slug]].jsx].

How do I access data in GraphQL if not by the id?

I'm using GraphQL with Meteor and Pup v2, and I have a problem accessing the users data via a special ID provided to every user on signup, this ID will be used in a link (mysite.com/user/specialId) so other users can view the searched users account. Problem is, I can't get the data with the special ID, I can't get any data back if I don't pass in the users _id provided by MongoDB. Below I have a bunch of the code used:
Attempt 1
I tried to use a custom on-the-go way just to be able to at least access the data to see if it works (and then implement it correctly later)
const GET_USER_DETAILS = gql`
query user($userId: String) {
user(userId: $userId) {
Here I export so I can get the data:
export default compose(
options: ({ match }) => ({
fetchPolicy: 'no-cache',
variables: {
// existing specialId for testing purposes, to be replaced with match.params.userId
userId: "J4xZzvvhBDSEufnBn",
This returns a 400 error Network error: Response not successful: Received status code 400 error and after multiple attempts, I could not fix it, so I tried a different approach...
Attempt 2
I tried to go deep into the files and change the GraphQL. Created a new query:
query userById($userId: String) {
userById(userId: $userId) {
(Mentioned fragment)
fragment UserAttributes on User {
name {
roles {
settings {
Tried to add new item in API:
type Query {
userById(userId: String): User
resolvers: {
Query: {
userById: (parent, args) => {
// Assuming args equals an object like { _id: '123' };
return UserQueries.userById(args);
query.js, attempt 1:
userById: (parent) => queryUsers.find({ userId: parent.userId }, { sort: { createdAt: 1 } }).fetch()
Attempt 2:
userById: (parent, args, context) => {
return queryUsers({
userId: parent.userId,
And finally
Attempt 3
I tried to modify the get query
const getQueryModified = (options) => {
// console.log(options.userId)
try {
return options.userId
? { 'userId': options.userId }
: { userId: options.userId };
} catch (exception) {
throw new Error(`[queryUsers.getQuery] ${exception.message}`);
Here is the original query I tried to modify:
const getQuery = (options) => {
try {
return options.search
? {
_id: { $ne: options.currentUser._id },
$or: [
{ 'profile.name.first': options.search },
{ 'profile.name.last': options.search },
{ 'emails.address': options.search },
// { 'userId': options.search },
{ 'services.facebook.first_name': options.search },
{ 'services.facebook.last_name': options.search },
{ 'services.facebook.email': options.search },
: { _id: options.currentUser._id };
} catch (exception) {
throw new Error(`[queryUsers.getQuery] ${exception.message}`);
Unfortunately this was also unsuccessful, the best I get from these when executing the below query is null...
userById(userId: "J4xZzvvhBDSEufnBn"){
All I want is to get the user data from their userId and not their _id, but I can't seem to figure out how to do it

How to do pagination based on the document position within a collection? (offset pagination)

I'm trying to do a pagination where the user can see each button's page number in the UI. I'm using Firestore and Buefy for this project.
My problem is that Firestore is returning wrong queries for this case. Sometimes (depending the page that the users clicks on) It works but sometimes don't (It returns the same data of the before page button).
It's really messy I don't understand what's going on. I'll show you the code:
Vue component: (pay attention on the onPageChange method)
import { fetchBarriosWithLimit, getTotalDocumentBarrios, nextBarrios } from '../../../../firebase/firestore/Barrios/index.js'
import moment from 'moment'
export default {
data() {
return {
table: {
data: [],
columns: [
field: 'name',
label: 'Nombre'
field: 'dateAddedFormatted',
label: 'Fecha aƱadido'
field: 'totalStreets',
label: 'Total de calles'
total: 0
isLoading: false,
lastPageChange: 1
methods: {
onPageChange(pageNumber) {
// This is important. this method gets fired each time a user clicks a new page. I page number that the user clicks.
this.isLoading = true
if(pageNumber === 1) {
console.log('show first 5...')
const totalPages = Math.ceil(this.table.total / this.table.perPage)
if(pageNumber === totalPages) {
console.log('show last 5...')
/* Here a calculate the next starting point */
const startAfter = (pageNumber - 1) * this.table.perPage
nextBarrios(this.table.perPage, startAfter)
.then((querySnap) => {
this.table.data = []
console.log('Start after: ', startAfter)
.catch((err) => {
.finally(() => {
this.isLoading = false
buildBarrios(querySnap) {
querySnap.docs.forEach((docSnap) => {
id: docSnap.id,
docSnapshot: docSnap
computed: {
displayData() {
let data = []
this.table.data.map((barrioBuieldedObj) => {
barrioBuieldedObj.dateAddedFormatted = moment(Number(barrioBuieldedObj.dateAdded)).format("DD/MM/YYYY")
barrioBuieldedObj.totalStreets ? true : barrioBuieldedObj.totalStreets = 0;
return data;
mounted() {
// obtener primer paginacion y total de documentos.
this.isLoading = true
.then((docSnap) => {
if(!docSnap.exists || !docSnap.data().totalBarrios) {
// mostrar mensaje que no hay barrios...
console.log('No hay barrios agregados...')
this.table.total = 0
const totalBarrios = docSnap.data().totalBarrios
this.table.total = totalBarrios
if(totalBarrios <= BARRIOS_PER_PAGE) {
return fetchBarriosWithLimit(totalBarrios)
} else {
return fetchBarriosWithLimit(BARRIOS_PER_PAGE)
.then((querySnap) => {
if(querySnap.empty) {
// ningun doc. mostrar mensaje q no hay barrios agregados...
.catch((err) => {
.finally(() => {
this.isLoading = false
<style lang="scss" scoped>
The nextBarrios function:
function nextBarrios(limitNum, startAtNum) {
const query = db.collection('Barrios')
return query.get()
db is the result object of calling firebase.firestore(). Can I tell a query to start at a certain number where number is the index position of the document within a collection? If not, How could I approach this problem?
Thank you!
Firestore doesn't support offset or index based pagination. It's also not possible to tell how many documents the entire query would return without actually reading them all. So, unfortunately, what you're trying to do isn't possible with Firestore.
It seems also that you're misunderstanding how the pagination APIs actually work. startAfter doesn't take an index - it takes either a DocumentSnapshot of the last document in the prior page, or a value of the ordered field that you used to sort the query, again, the last value you saw in the prior page. You are basically going to use the API to tell it where to start in the next page of results based on what you found in the last page. That's what the documentation means when it says you are working with a "query cursor".

Meteor live update doesn't work as expected

When I make changes to the database that affect UserProfiles, the client side is updated. For instance, if I change a weekday from true to false the UserProfile will appear or disappear on my computer screen. However, when I make a change to Attendances, for instance, create a new attendance record which should make a UserProfile appear nothing happens unless I reload the page. I assume it's to do with studnentUserIds not being rerun.
How do I make Meteor notice these changes?
This is being built using Meteor, React and mongoDB.
Meteor.publish('teacher.AdminDashboardContainer.userProfiles', function getStudentUserProfiles(rollCallDate) {
if (this.userId) {
const start = new Date(moment(rollCallDate).startOf('day').toISOString());
const end = new Date(moment(rollCallDate).endOf('day').toISOString());
const weekday = `student.days.${moment(rollCallDate).format('dddd').toLowerCase()}`;
const studentUserIds = Attendances.find({
$and: [
{ createdAt: { $gte: start, $lt: end } },
}).map(attendance => attendance.studentUserProfileId);
return UserProfiles.find({
$or: [
{ _id: { $in: studentUserIds } },
$and: [
{ [weekday]: true },
// user not authorized. do not publish secrets
return false;
How about using publish-composite? It handles the "reactivity" part on its own.

How do i convert a single json record retrieved from firebase into an array

I am trying to take a single record from firebase to use in vuejs but I cant find out how to convert it to an array, if thats even what i should be doing.
my mutation
GET_CASE(state, caseId) {
state.caseId = caseId;
My action
getCase ({ commit, context }, data) {
return axios.get('http' + data + '.json')
.then(res => {
const convertcase = []
convertcase.push({ data: res.data })
//result below of what is returned from the res.data
// commit('GET_CASE', convertcase)
.catch(e => context.error(e));
I now get the following returned to {{ myCase }}
[ { "data": { case_name: "Broken laptop", case_status: "live", case_summary: "This is some summary content", contact: "", createdBy: "Paul", createdDate: "2018-06-21T15:20:22.932Z", assessor: "Gould", updates: "" } } ]
when all i want to display is Broken Laptop
Example let obj = {a: 1, b: 'a'); let arr = Object.values(obj) // arr = [1, 'a']
async getCase ({ commit, context }, url) {
try {
let { data } = await axios.get(`http${url}.json`)
commit('myMutation', Object.values(data))
} catch (error) {
But as I'm reading your post again, I think you don't want array from object. You want array with one object. So, maybe this is what you want:
async getCase ({ commit, context }, url) {
try {
let { data } = await axios.get(`http${url}.json`)
commit('myMutation', [data])
} catch (error) {
Put this inside / after your .then
Object.keys(data).forEach(function(k, i) {
console.log(k, i);
With a response from Axios, you can get your data as:
Just build JavaScript object holding these properties and pass this object to your mutation. I think it is better than using an array.
const obj = {};
Object.assign(obj, res.data);
commit('GET_CASE', obj)
And in your mutation you do as follows:
mutations: {
GET_CASE (state, payload) {
for (var k in payload) {
if (payload.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
state[k] = payload[k]
Alternatively you can code your store as follows:
state: {
case: {},
getters: {
getCase: state => {
return state.case
mutations: {
GET_CASE (state, payload) {
state.case = payload
and you call the value of a case field form a component as follows:
const case = this.$store.getters.getCase
..... = case.case_name
